SAMPLE: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS BOND COUNSEL [Kitchen Sink Template] Robert R. Hoon University of North Carolina Wilmington 2007 _____________________ University Housing Corporation Request for Proposals for Bond Counsel The _____ Corporation, located in _________, ___________, is seeking bond counsel to provide legal services and opinions associated with debt issuance and debt management associated with the development of additional student housing on the University of _____________________ Wilmington campus. I. Background THE UNIVERSITY OF ______________________ By act of the State Legislature, the University became a . . . As a State-owned institution, the University is subject to and regulated by the various agencies of the Department of Administration of the State. All external audits are performed by the state Auditors. OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS As of January 1, 200_, the University had outstanding indebtedness in the principal amount of $______________. The following table describes this indebtedness by amount issued, amount retired, amount outstanding and final maturity: ISSUE DORM & DINING HALL Series _ Series _ Total System Bonds PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNION SYSTEM RECREATION SYSTEM GENERAL REVENUE 2002A 2002B 2003A 2003B Total General Revenue Total Bonds PARKING LOT NOTE ATHLETIC FIELD LEASE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS AMOUNT ISSUED $_________ Robert R. Hoon, Assoc Gen Counsel, UNCW 2007 AMOUNT RETIRED $__________ AMOUNT OUTSTANDING FINAL MATURITY $___________ 1 The Dormitory and Dining Hall System bonds are secured by a pledge of the net revenues from the existing University Dormitory and Dining Hall System. The Physical Education, Union and Recreation bonds are secured by a pledge of the student fees collected in those areas. II. Scope of Work Bond counsel services include customary support for the issuance of revenue bonds for Phase II development of housing on the campus. The finance structure will involve the use of a special or single purpose entity established for the support and benefit of the University on housing or other specified projects. The University desires the development of another student housing project through the use of a special purpose entity (Housing Phase II, currently estimated at $__ million). Other possible projects and periodic advice are included in bond counsel scope of services as identified and requested by the institution. A. Bond Counsel Services In cooperation with other members of the finance team, bond counsel shall provide, among others, the following services: (i) Milestone schedules, substantive coordination, and execution of all tasks required for the necessary document reviews and approvals of pertinent state boards, agencies, and/or entities; written and oral advice to the University covering the procedural and legal requirements for each financing (including, as appropriate, prior parity covenants), consulting with appropriate University departments associated with each debt issue to ensure that all legal matters associated with the issue are understood and provided for, with particular attention during the debt planning phase to ascertain and explain the legal requisites for the issuance of tax-exempt debt for the subject issuance; (ii) Familiarity with and preparation of, or assisting other finance team members as necessary in preparation and negotiation of all resolutions, transactional documents, and any other documentation necessary for and to comply with procedural and temporal requirements, including specifically timely reviews and approvals of all transaction documents from the following entities: Board of Regents/Trustees, Board of Governors, etc; (iii) Preparing draft and final authorizing documents, arbitrage certificates, and all other closing documents, reviewing bond purchase contracts, and presiding over closings for bonds and other evidences of indebtedness; (iv) Attending personally or by conference call University related meetings, as necessary, at which debt issues are considered and, as requested, attending bid openings and other meetings with University officials and staff; (v) Assisting the University as requested in presenting legal information relating to the authorization and issuance of the University’s debt to bond rating organizations and credit enhancement providers; (vi) Printing and delivering the debt instruments, including reviewing and approving bond and note proofs to ensure that the obligations are perfectly accurate in every detail, or assisting the University in the issuance and delivery of book-entry obligations; (vii) (a) Reviewing any preliminary and final official statements to ensure that the documents are complete and accurate concerning procedural and legal matters; and (b) drafting sections of the official statements: (1) describing the bonds, any related financing documents, the purposes of the bonds, sources of repayment and security for the bonds, and application of bond proceeds; (2) summarizing the authority for bond issuance(s); (3) describing tax exemption and other federal tax consequences of ownership of the bonds; and (4) describing continuing disclosure obligations of the University; (viii) Providing written opinions to the University and others at the University’s request as to the authorization and validity of debt instruments and underlying documents, on the application of debt limits, and on the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of the interest on the debt instruments; (ix) Providing an opinion to the University and others at the University’s request that the sections of the official statement specifically identified in paragraph (vi) above are true and correct, and Robert R. Hoon, Assoc Gen Counsel, UNCW 2007 2 accurately summarize the documents they purport to summarize; providing a 10b-5 opinion expressing that no facts have come to bond counsel’s attention that would cause bond counsel to believe that the official statement is materially false or misleading or that material information was omitted; and providing other customary supplemental opinions; (x) Establishing necessary special purpose entities for specified debt and finance structures and preparing and filing completed Internal Revenue Service forms on behalf of the University and/or these entities; (xi) Advising the University both during and between financings on related legal matters including: (a) the effect of potential, introduced and enacted legislation that might impact outstanding and future University financings; (b) compliance with provisions of all applicable tax laws; (c) detailed instructions for complying with arbitrage rebate reporting requirements, including assisting the University in preparing any information required by the Internal Revenue Service relating to arbitrage reporting; and (d) assisting the University in meeting its obligations for continuing disclosure under applicable SEC Rules; (xii) Answering legal questions arising from post-issuance matters, including performing such legal work as is necessary to resolve such issues; (xiii) Providing general legal advice to the University or pertinent special purpose entity which is related to, but not yet part of, a potential new debt issue; and (xiv) Providing other services customarily performed by bond counsel. Each opinion provided by bond counsel must be authored and signed manually in the individual name of a partner or principal of bond counsel whose practice is primarily concerned with municipal finance. All draft documents prepared by bond counsel shall, unless otherwise directed, be provided to the University in Microsoft Word format showing all revisions black-lined against earlier versions. B. Additional Services upon Request The University may from time to time request in writing, through its Vice Chancellor/President for Business Affairs, that lawyers in the bond counsel firm provide services outside the scope of work identified in Section II-A but which constitute finance-related work. That work will be compensated at the hourly rates that become part of the fee arrangement described in Section IV-C-v and to be set forth in the contract for bond counsel services, unless another arrangement is made. The University or special purpose entity will be obligated to compensate bond counsel for such work at hourly rates only if it has made a written request for that work before it is commenced. C. Term The University’s retention of a selected firm will be an at-will relationship. III. Minimum Qualifications; Staffing; Indemnification; Insurance A. Law Firm Qualifications Responding law firms must (a) be listed as bond counsel in The Bond Buyer’s Municipal Marketplace (the “Red Book”), (b) have a significant presence or nexus of contacts in the State of North Carolina, (c) be familiar with North Carolina law and federal tax and securities laws, and (d) have extensive experience and capacity for providing public finance legal services to local governments and/or universities in the State of North Carolina. B. Professionals within the Law Firm For purposes of availability, at least two (2) named firm attorneys shall be assigned to the University’s account. Each such attorney shall be a member in good standing of the [applicable] State Bar Association and shall have no disciplinary proceedings pending against him or her. Work on the University’s account shall be performed only by the individuals identified in bond counsel’s statement of qualifications unless bond counsel obtains, for each additional person, the prior written approval of the University. All work under the contract to be executed with the selected bond counsel firm shall be performed by or under the direct supervision and control of a municipal finance partner or principal of the law firm. Robert R. Hoon, Assoc Gen Counsel, UNCW 2007 3 C. Indemnification {optional clause – can void E&O coverage depending upon policy and insurer} The law firm selected as bond counsel to the University shall indemnify and hold the University harmless from any and all losses, claims, actions, damages and expenses arising out of or resulting from bond counsel’s performance or lack of performance under its contract. The contract shall provide for bond counsel’s obligation, at its sole cost and expense, to defend against any suit based upon such losses, claims, actions, damages or expenses brought against the University and, if final judgment be adverse to the University, to satisfy the same. To the extent this clause or requirement obviates, voids, or is in contravention of any proposer’s errors & omissions or professional liability coverage, it shall be stricken and omitted from the agreement for services between the prevailing firm and the non-profit Corporation and/or Housing LLC. D. Insurance The law firm selected as bond counsel must provide the University with satisfactory evidence of professional liability insurance (“errors and omissions”). All deductibles shall be the responsibility of bond counsel. IV. Statement of Qualifications A. Length Statements of Qualifications shall be limited to ten (10) typed pages, exclusive of two-page résumés. B. Experience and Qualifications (i) Please limit to no more than one page, why the University should select your firm as its bond counsel. (ii) Provide a listing of all counties, cities, governmental units, and universities in the State of ___________ for which the firm is currently under contract as bond counsel. (iii) List the firm’s experience as lead bond counsel on state issues since January 1, 2001 (iv) Please provide the following: a). Identify the lead partner or principal and all other specific individuals who will be assigned to the contract. b). Describe the anticipated division of duties among partners, associates and paralegals. c). Provide qualifications and experience for each. d). If any additional firm lawyers may be available for consultation, even though they are not assigned to work with the University, identify them and their specialized expertise. e). A two-page résumé or curriculum vita for each attorney may be attached to (and will not be considered to fall within the page limit for) the statement of qualifications. f). If the firm intends to assign different lead partners or principals for different types of bond issues, please explain and designate. (v) Identify the partner or principal whose name and individual manual signature will appear along with the firm name on legal opinions. C. Fees Robert R. Hoon, Assoc Gen Counsel, UNCW 2007 4 Please provide a proposal for calculating all fees, expenses, and costs associated with your services and the method of reimbursing out-of-pocket expenses and other costs. The fee proposal should include the manner in which your work will be documented. A specific fee per transaction need not be identified; the institution intends to negotiate a fee with the firm prior to each issuance. D. References Please provide at least two references each for: (a) General obligation bond issues; and (b) Revenue bond issues for which the firm has acted as lead bond counsel. Please list any special projects and reference contacts for which the firm has provided specialized financerelated legal services. Please ensure an individual, organization, address, telephone number and email is included for each reference listed above. E. Conflicts of Interest Disclose any existing or potential conflict of interest arising from the law firm’s relationships with or representation of other parties that should be considered as a factor in determining your objectivity in representing the University as bond counsel. Provide sufficient facts, legal implications and possible effects in order for the University to appreciate the significance of each potential conflict and grant an appropriate waiver, if necessary. The contract between the successful respondent and the University will contain provisions, among others, (i) acknowledging that bond counsel is considered to be attorneys for the entire University and all of its colleges, departments, units, boards, systems, and officers; (ii) requiring written notice to the University as soon as bond counsel becomes aware that there may arise, there is or there may be an actual or potential conflict of interest; (iii) requiring written waivers from the University of actual or potential conflicts of interest; and (iv) acknowledging the University’s right to decline to waive any actual or potential conflict of interest. Selected bond counsel shall also comply in all respects with Board of Governors policy on potential conflicts of interest: [State specific] [600.1.2 Adopted 06/14/96 Amended 05/11/01 As a prerequisite to designation as bond counsel, a law firm must either (a) certify that it is not now engaged in the representation of any party who is, or who has given notice of its intention to become, a party to any lawsuit in which the University, or a constituent institution of the University, or an officer of the University named in his or her official capacity is a party defendant or (b) provide a list of instances in which the law firm does represent a party with an adverse interest to the University as described in (a) above. If a law firm does represent a party with an adverse interest, then the President will decide on a case by case basis whether or not to waive the conflict. For the duration of its service as bond counsel to the University, the law firm must agree that it will not represent a party with an adverse interest to the University as described above unless the University, through the President, agrees in writing to waive the conflict.] V. Submission of Statements of Qualifications Five (5) paper copies of each statement of qualifications should be received by _____ no later than 4:00 p.m., local time, on August 26, 2005. No electronic or facsimile copies will be accepted. Statements should be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked “Statement of Qualifications as Bond Counsel” and shall be addressed or delivered as follows: _____ Corporation Attn: 601 University Drive Admin Bldg City, State zip Robert R. Hoon, Assoc Gen Counsel, UNCW 2007 5 In addition, one (1) electronic copy of the statement of qualifications (in Microsoft Word) should be emailed to administrative assistant ________________. VI. Selection The University will evaluate all statements of qualifications which are timely submitted. The University reserves the right to reject any or all statements in whole or in part. The University may request additional information from any respondent during the evaluation of qualifications. Evaluation Panel; Interviews: An evaluation panel comprised of representatives of the University will conduct interviews of selected respondents considered to be final candidates. Those interviews will be scheduled with finalists on _____________, 200_. The counsels identified in section III.B are expected to attend the interviews. Selection: Approval by the Vice Chancellor/President for Business Affairs is required before final selection is communicated. Approval by the University President may be required before final selection can be communicated. VII. Miscellaneous Nothing contained herein shall be construed as an offer for services; this RFP constitutes a solicitation of offers to qualified firms to serve as bond counsel. This request for qualifications does not obligate the University to contract for any services. No Reimbursement for Costs of Submissions or Interviews: Respondents shall not be reimbursed for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of statements, or preparation for and attendance at any oral interviews or presentations. Reservation of Rights: The University reserves the right (a) to request clarification of any submission, (b) to modify or alter any of the requirements herein, (c) to reject any or all statements of qualifications, (d) to waive all irregularities and informalities in the statements submitted, (e) to re-solicit for statements of qualifications if desired, and (f) to accept the statement that is in its judgment most advantageous to the public and the University. Contract for Bond Counsel Services: It is expected that prospective bond counsel’s proposal and any additional material related to the scope of services shall be incorporated and referenced in a confirming letter of appointment as _____ bond counsel. Inability to Reach Final Agreement: If unable to reach final agreement with the firm initially chosen, the University reserves the right to negotiate with the firm with the next most favorable submission until an agreement is reached or the University abandons the solicitation. Questions regarding this request for proposals should be directed via email to ____________, [title]. On behalf of the _________Corporation Housing LLC, we thank you for your firm’s interest. Robert R. Hoon, Assoc Gen Counsel, UNCW 2007 6