1 Sub: Research & Employment Sponsored Ship For Project Research on Socio Economic Information Technologies based on Multi Commodities Derivatives Exchange Trade & Service with Marketing of Art culture and Tradition of Various Culture throughout the world. Respected Sir/ Respected Madam, I am glad to submit the detailed project concept profile for the development of the nation’s economy process through management and distribution of commodities market setup in various manners through the process of economy and tradition of the nations, which is applied for any part of the world. Which will call vasudev kutumakam the globalizations of the universe in to one family by the Social welfare, commodities distribution and service enterprises network via three major project concepts as follows? Setup of Commodities distribution network Setup service enterprises through commodities database Scope of intelligent Trade and services. Presentation of Art Culture and Tradition value in unique forms & marketing through Prayer Zone. This Project is highly appreciated by the Professor Moonis Ali, General Chair of the IEA/AIE2004. With Best Regards, DHANESHVER BABU MY PASPORT NO IS A06803230 (INDIA) ISSUED AHMEDABAD (GUJARAT –INDIA) SOURCE - SOCIO ECONOMIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PROSPEREOUS BUSINESS ECONOMY IS NOTHING BUT EQUIVALENT TO ATTITUDE+COMMUNICATION +DISTRIBUTION +DOCUMENTATION+ HARD WORK +INVESTMENT+MANAGEMENT+OPERATIONS+PRODUCT+ PRESENTATION+PATIENCE+QUALITY+ TECHNOLOGY+TIMWORK+SYSTEM + SECURITY +SERVICE = GOODWILL * MONEY*MARKET* PROSPERITY *RELATION 2 IDEA: I Project: - I Sub: Solution of Economic Crisis: I dreams for nation that a nations would integrate through society and society introduced by culture and culture will establishment by social integration by this way a various directory section would be published for various society for their familiars and social integration. And also help to promote social banking system. GRAIN AGRO SEEDS FERTILIZERS GROSSERY DRY PESTISIDES FRUITS PROVISONS DETERGENT BATH HERBAL COSMETICS INDIAN SPICES PRAYER ITEMS KATHOL AYURVEDIC MEDICINE TOILETRIES PAPAD GANDHI ITEMS STATIONERY WASHING NUTRIENTS MOUTH FRESH NERES HERBAL SMOKING ANIMAL FEED PHARMACEUTICALS SOCIO ECONOMIC CONCEPT WHERE THERE IS SOCIETY THERE IS SCOPE TOBE AN INTELLEGENT TRADE INTREPRETOR FOR DEFININIG SELF AS A BUSINESS MEN (SAMVED+ATHARVED) PROSPEREOUS BUSINESS ECONOMY IS NOTHING BUT EQUIVALENT TO ATTITUDE+COMMUNICATION +DISTRIBUTION +DOCUMENTATION+ HARD WORK +INVESTMENT+MANAGEMENT+OPERATIONS+PRODUCT+ PRESENTATION+PATIENCE+QUALITY+ TECHNOLOGY+TIMWORK+SYSTEM + SECURITY +SERVICE = GOODWILL * MONEY*MARKET* PROSPERITY *RELATION Continued.. (YAJURVED) 3 THE DEFINATION OF GOD IS E=MC2 (ATOM OF UNIVERSE ==ENERGY ==(LIGHTS+DARK) ==SOUNDS==WAVES==ATOMIC BIOCHEMESTRY STRUCTURE COMPOUNDS==PLANETS==BIOPHYSICS==GALAXY SHRISHTI (PRAKRUTI+PURUSH) ==SHIV+SHAKTI==ENVIOURMENT AND MANY MORE MASIC (MAYA) ==REVERSE AND FORWARD CYCLE CONTINUED EXISTING PROCESS AND THEIR DISADVANTAGE: In Existing Process of Agro Product from the Agriculturist to Consumer via Complicated network through Brokers and Traders and Black marketers will effect to increase in trouble of government revenue and also market product qualities. Preliminary objective of this project: 1. REMOVE BLACK MARKETORS OF TRADE INTREPRETORS AND PROVIDING SMOOTH AND DIRECT TRADE SERVICE FOR THE CONSUMER AND HON’BLE CITIZEN OF INDIA FROM MANUFACTURE TO DIRECT CONSUMER VIA RETAIL TRADE DISTRIBUTION SOURCES. 2. GOVERNMENT WILL GET DIRECT TAXES INCOME FROM THE MANUFACTURE’S TO CONSUMERS BY CORPORATE MANAGEMENT PROJECT. 3. THE SERVICE INDUSTRIES WILL PROVIDE MORE EFFECTIVE IN THIS CHANNEL PROJECT. 4. CORPORATE MANAGEMENT WILL MONITOR EACH AND EVERY INTELLIGENT TRADE AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK OPERATION SERVICE. 5. RETAILED ASSOCIATES MEMBER WILL PROVIDE A EDUCATED EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY IN YOUNG GENREATIONS. ADVANTAGE OF THIS PROJECT: To Promote Small Scale Industries through developing Marketing points from Manufacture to consumer related to product wise especially product related choice. Develop the social relation through operating this retailed trade home service enterprises Inspired the small saving through retailed trade operation get the relation with every stage of society to integrate the relation and also promote their social culture and system. First time this is open for owned words it means that this is completely made for socioeconomic development from the trade profit margin it will reinvestment for the society development and other welfare like educational institute, promote scholarships of certain intellectual student whose came from poor financial background, provide social security via insurance cover of family member according to purchasing value and trade profit calculation. Continued.. Society development by database like educated professionals update for bright carriers, marriages link with specified cast by database link from one city to another city 4 highlights intellectual personality of the specialized skills for promoting the cultural economical process through out the world. Project monitoring system: - I prefer that it should be monitor by the board of NABARD management committee & S.I.D.BI. Why this project is different than other retailed trade service network project: In India variety of society leaving together and by their costume and leaving standard and status are directly or indirectly affects the economy process of the India. If certain system establish like communication interpreter for one society to another society like rearrangement of the social culture via management education it will help for the balancing the economy process prevent black marketing of necessity things. In our society general opinion of the every retailed trade to earn for him and his family that’s why they adopt poor quality standards, loose packaging standards, double triple and fourth time high value pay and getting poor quality. Action Process of This Project Plan: This project divides in major six parts action plan for operations. Communication Interpreters System Retailed Banking Consumer Home Products and Service Network Data base center [THE FOUNDATION SOURCE OF EVERY SERVICE DESTINATION BUSINESS NETWORK] Small Scale home Products Manufactures Association Distribution Operational System Applied in Metro Cities All Over India By Promoting Through Corporate level adventure Primary Data base source for direct consumer network will avail through telephone directory and Municipals Management system for various area and ward no Survey Data like wise: City Contact Residence Phone Municipals Area No Circle No Ward No House No Cont.. Name of the Representative /Guardians of the family 5 No of family members Sources of Earning / By Profession /JOB/ Their primary health database Their Social Data base Then Requirements of Foods and other items by choice /by quality /by brand etc analysis Offering the retiled banking registration account opening system after verify the necessity things Calculate Purchase value % by product category wise and according daily monthly average consumption of the Product establish the nearest trade home service depot for servicing better to human beings. Decrease in the product cost via direct material distribution channel from manufacture to direct consumer via interpreters. Reduce the Material cost and effects improve the quality Provide recycle of the energy like packing materials Develop E.T. H.D. NETWORK MANAGMENET SYSTEM [EMERGENCY TELE HELP DESK SERVICE ENTERPRISES] DROP BOX SERVICE CENTRE Provide advantage of service network related tourism association with hotel and lodging and other service facility. What are differences between general retailed trade merchant and this project retailed trade network enterprises. As General Retailed Merchant Sold products via long network manufactures distributors dealers and many more interpreters for increasing the cost of materials with many time transport expenses. General retailed merchant can’t obey the rules and regulations of consumer protection mainly they sold in loose packing Direct retailed trade happens via only single interpreters reduce the product cost and investment in their benefits Trade profit block by the product trade interpreters the nation economy flow are blocked by the people scope of increasing black marketing, disturb in distribution operation system increase of corruption. The M.R.P. PRINTED ON PACK is highly double or triple than the real product cost having poor quality. Consumer pay high and received less through this system. This project related having vide network of product manufacture’s association assures consumer to give consumer choice product according to the best of suit price level with all rule and regulation system for consumer safety and security with the product purchase. Cont.. SOCIOLOGY RELATES WITH VARIOUS ECONOMY SOURCE 6 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS RELATES WITH SCOPE OF STATIONERY /UNIFORM /AND MANY MORE TP REINVESTMENT IN STUDENST WELFARE LIKE SCHOLOR SHIP /HIGHER EDUCATION / EDUCATION STANDARDS UPDATE. TEMPLE /MAJSID/PRAYERS PLACE RELATED WITH SCOPE OF PRAYERS PRASAD /DHOOP /DHIP /AGARBATTI AND MANY MORE PRAYERS ITEM RELATED TO VARIOUS SOCIETY AND THEIR RELIGION COSTUME.T.P REINVESTMENT IN UPDATE OF OUR MYTHOLOGICAL CULTURAL ACTIVITY. AND FINALY A FAMILY NEEDS REGULARY THINGS RELATED TO HOUSE HOLD T.P REINVESTMENT IN THE PROMOTION OF SOCIAL CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT/ENVIOURMENTAL AND SOCIAL RELATION DEVELOPMENT. A normal business entrepreneur earns for seek own profits and that’s why money management system would be turns in to increase in corruption, black marketing by storage of material / and many more puissance in our social system. An intelligent retailed trade tries to develop establish the social organization of various family development. SCOPE OF INTELLIGENT TRADE AND SERVICE IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONSUMER PRODUCT MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS AGRICULTURISTPROCESSORS=MANUFACTURERBROKERS DISTRIBUTOR DEALERAGENCY & TRADING STOKISTWHOLESELLER SEMI WHOLESELLERRETAILERCONSUMERRECYCLE WASTAGE DISADVANTAGES OF SYSTEM VARIOUS STAGE OF PRODUCT MOVEMENT EFFECT INCREASING TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS CHARGES.WILL INCREASE IN PRODUCT COST. THE STOKIST/TRADERS WOULD TAKE THE ADVANTAGE OF BLACK MARKETING WIL BE DISTURB THE PRICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT THE AMOUNT OF EQUILIZED COMMISSION ON PRODUCT WEIGHTAGE WILL INCREASING PRODUCT COST AS WELL AS DECREASING QUALITY. TAKING ADVANTAGE OR MISCHIEF BY ANY INTREPRETOR WILL TAKE HIGH VALUE OF INCREASING IN PRODUCT COST. THE TAXATION SLAB VARY EACH AND EVERY STAGE WILL INCREASING THE VALUE OF PRODUCT COMPARING IMPORTED PRODUCT COST FROM AVAILABLE THROUGH DIRECT CHAIN WILL EASIER AVAILABLE AND AFFORDABLE TO CONSUMER POCKET. THE MANAGEMENT OF SUCH A LARGE CHAIN WOULD INCREASING MANAGEMENT COST ON SETUP MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK MANAGEMNT FOR DEMAND AND SUPPLY OPERATION MONITORING SYSTEMS BRIEF AND CORRUPTION ARE BECOME THE COMMON PROCEDURE OF SUCH SYSTEM CYCLE AND IT EFFECT THE WHOLE MARKET REPUTATION AND CREDIT FOR SETTING BRAND NAME IN PRODUCT IN MARKET. THE GROWTH OF ECONOMY PROCESS GRAPH DOWN. Cont.. MONEY MARET WILL BE IMBALANCED. 7 CONSUMER PAY @RS 100/- WHEN PRODUCT COST INCLUDED ALL TAX ON THE STAGE OF MANUFACTURE @RS 25/ WILL DISTURBING PROCESS OF ECONOMY BALANCES I.E. SOME OF THE BIGEST INTREPRETOR WOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AGRO INTREPRETOR BLACK MARKET IN CONCERN PRODUCT. SUGGESTED SOLUTION ESTABLISHING DIRECT MARKET RETAIL SHOP OR SERVICE CENTRE FOR THE CONCERN PRODUCT GROUP DISTRIBUTION OF MARGIN % WILL REDUCED AND AUTOMATICALY M.R.P OF PRODUCT WILL REDUCED. SMALL RETAIL PRODUCT SERVICE CENTRE WOULD ENCOURAGE EMPLOYMENT PROCESS FOR NEW COMMER AND AVOID BLACK MARKETING AND STORAGE CORUPTION ULTIMATELY REASON TO GET GOOD PRODUCT WITH AFFORDABLE PRICE LEVEL. THE INVENTORY COST OF THE MANUFACTURE WILL REDUCED WILL REASON TO ATTENTION ON INCREASING PRODUCT QUALITY AND BRAND VALUE. THE ADVERTISEMENT IN MEDIA WILL BE HIGHER COST TO REACH THE CONSUMER AND THIS WAY THIS WILL AUTOMATICALY SETUP BY MARKET ASSOCIATES RETAILORS IN VARIOUS AREAS WILL PROMOTE THE INDUSTRY MANUFACTURERS. MARKET ASSOCIATES RETAILORS CAN SURVEY THE REQUIRMENT OF THIS PRODUCT AND ACCORDING TO HIS AREA HE CAN DEVELOP CREATIVITY OF REQUIRMENT IN THIS PRODUCT WHICH IS LIKE BY CONSUMER THE SUPPY PROCESS WILL SETUP BY THE STATE WISE REGION WISE DISTRICT WISE TALUKA WISE AREA WISE WARD WISE WILL AUTOMATICALY UPDATE VARIOUS DATABASE OF VALUABLE CUSTOMERS WHICH WILL UPDATE CUSTOMER CHOICE. SETUP FIX MARGIN LEVEL AND ALONG WITH PRINTED ON THE MAIN PACKING PRODUCTION COST WILL EFFECT 8 Idea: II (Through Database of Various The Service Industries Generated) Project: II Application of Service based industries in various forms The Aim of project To establish the digital infrastructure Socio-economic service based enterprises network having the aims of digital education/digital management/digital advertising and on line digital education for farmers in field of agriculture and socio economic information technologies to survey the international talent people in field of information technologies and centralized the based of economy with agriculture on information technologies. Awaiting yours positive and prompt reply soon, I remain. Thanks & Regards Where you are in worry Think The Complete International Worldwide solution of Socio Economic Infrastructure Network Interpreter Operating Management System for Digital Solutions on Education, Employment, Agriculture, Entertainment, Business & Consultancy IPICTS SYSTEM A Project on Network Revolution Development of International/National level network interpreter operating management system by using various sources and multiple links in various field of service enterprises through using proper applications of net communications packages /hardware /software and proper data bank related to concern project profile and prepare vide level of net link communications infrastructure by various sources of economy applications like e-EDUCATION, e-EMPLOYMENT, e-BUSINESS, e-EDIA ENTERTAINMENT eAGRICULTURE, & e-SERVICES and through this develop vide level of self employed franchise net link communication center in various activities as listed below through franchise network operation by survey and analysis related to requirement the sources and uses of particular field and appoint particular center of operation like ipics India network operation is called Socio -Economic Information Technologies. PROJECT NAME- IPICTS A PROJECT CONCEPT BY DHANESHVER BABU ON SOCIO ECONOMIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PROSPEREOUS BUSINESS ECONOMY IS NOTHING BUT EQUIVALENT TO ATTITUDE+COMMUNICATION +DOCUMENTATION+ HARD WORK +INVESTMENT+MANAGEMENT+PRODUCT+ PRESENTATION+PATIENCE+QUALITY+ TECHNOLOGY+TIMWORK+SYSTEM + SECURITY +SERVICE = GOODWILL * MONEY*MARKET* PROSPERITY *RELATION YOUR COMPLETE SOLUTION THROUGH NET INFORMATICS COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY [NICT] SOCIO-ECONOMIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PROJECT Scope of Operation: [A] :- Education: - Today we see that there are still corruption’s via Donations and other activities are applicable in education system the Socio-Economic Information Technologies via net communications in field of education would help to appoint various international level of University in various country like United states of America/United Kingdom /and many more education standard come and establish dynamic communication center through IPICTS India limited that’s why not only student but each and every people from bottom to top level would take advantage of such system and through that multiple commercial qualification and Universities establish their communication center name as IPICTS and that’s why the revolution would definitely come in education system and the ratio of corruption’s decrease. And that’s why various opportunity of employment would be generated. Cont. 9 [B] Employment: - IPICTS channel of operation provide multiple vide range of opportunity in various field of talent on International Level and through net communication IPICTS Employment Board link with Business people and give proper reference of quality of various talent personalities and also recommended various government/non government bodies to give right opportunity to such high class talented personalities to prove their talent so Employment Management system would be improve and also net communication infrastructure of IPICTS would be centralized world wide. [C] Business: - As today we see the net industries bring the revolution in Business management IPICTS would vide level of various group/item wise rate and quality data bank by appointing IPICTS business communication CENTRE THATS why and infrastructure develop net distribution point, so excess rate through developing vide circle of Business development would be decreased and also monitories the certain standard quality grade to product and people to serve better and also industrialist would be free from Indirect Marketing approach and also same things applicable to Industrial Material Purchase and that’s why Industrialist would get vide range of net communication Vendors/Buyers that’s why high-level expenses on Purchase /Marketing Staff would be decreased. [D] MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT & SCOPE OF DIGITAL ADVERTISING: This would be another revolutionary approach of IPICTS India Limited in field of satellite revolution and bring the way of digital advertising and IPICTS Tim would survey and do analytical job by appointing various franchise network sponsored by various industrialist in various product like consumer product analysis and many more and also develop network journalism to talk with people and communicate with government to represent their problems. [E] AGRICULTURE: In this case net Interpreter operating management system would act as dynamic role for developing the vide net work and analysis for development in Gram PUNCHAYAT Through net Communication / Developing Dairy network / Inviting latest Technologies world wide to bring such revolution to solve Major case related to water purification/ food standard & many more. The Dynamic Operation of Socio -Economic Information Technology is On Main Concept of Projects: SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT COMPUTER TRAINING INSTITUTE NETWORK HEALTH CARE & COMMUNICATIONS] TELE WORKING DOT-COMS NETWORK BUSINESS REGISTRATION INSURANCE MULTI MEDIA MEDIA -ENTERTAINMENT KIDS NET EDUCATION CENTRE NETWORK RETAILING BUSINESS [THROUGH NET WORK REGISTRATION NET WORK ORIENTED BANK SERVICE CENTRE FOR PUBLICITY THE BANK PACKAGE. REMOTE MAINTANCE AND SUPPORT MEDICAL TRANSPICTION & INSURANCE CLAIMS NET WORK CALL & COMMUNICATION CENTRE DATA BASE SERVICES CONTENT DEVELOPMENT NETWORK TELECOMMUNCIATION NET WORK JURNALISIM NET WORK AGRICULTURE TRAINING NET WORK GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATION NET WORK AGRICULTURE AND AGRI BUSINESS CENTRE. MANUFACTURING &NET COMMUNICATION CENTRE COURIER SERVICES NETWORK ORIENTED RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION THROUGH NET INDUSTRIES Through Project Main Concept 10 And This Vide Net Project Offer Vide Range of Franchise Opportunities and Employment Opportunities in Information Technology Project Concept to Various Field of Talented People Consist of Many Professional Project Network like. Education Center Business Communication Center Management & System Consultancy Marketing Carrier Counselors Complete Solution of Computer Hardware Product Consultancy. Agriculture training guidelines Documents & Communication Center Complete Solution of Computer financial Consultancy. Education abroad Consultants Internet Share Market e-Share market and Portfolio Analysis 11 INTER NATIONAL SOCIO ECONOMIC POWERFUL OPERATING SYSTEM. SATELITE NETWORK PLAN WITH Highlights Points of This Project Network (1) How to create India’s independent level on agriculture aspects based on economical status with following points. (2) What is meaning of centralizations in agricultural science. (3) What effects of economy agricultural science and how to improve financial level of India through agriculture. (4) What are main effects of this project plan? (5) How it is beneficial in general life. (6) How export level of India would inspired through this project plan. (7) How small scale industries like dairy business, fast-food, and education programmed would inspired through this project. Consolidating all main high lights, I am success to find economical solutions through this way. To prepare international socio-economic satellite media network in agricultural science with source providing like science and technologies and electronics communication media ,cooperative society media and education media to solve poor economical problems of India and other poor countries. The manufacturing and service net work will link with one business (Socio Economic Information Technologies) INDIAN SATELITE ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK INDIAN EDUCATIONAL NETWORK INDIAN CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY (RURAL) NETWORK INDIAN FINANCIAL SERVICES NETWORK INDIAN AGRO PRODUCTS NETWORK INDIAN STEEL BUSINESS NETWORK INDIAN COAL BUSINESS NETWORK INDIAN MINERALS AND METALS BUSINESS NETWORK INDIAN PETROLIUM NETWORK INDIAN PHRARMECEUTICALS , CHEMICAL AND FERTILIZERS NETWORK INDIAN TRANSPORT NETWORK INDIAN TEXTILE BUSINESS NETWORK INDIAN MEDIUM ENGINEERING NETWORK INDIAN TRADING AND MARKETING NETWORK INDIAN TRANSPORT SERVICE NETWORK INDIAN CONSTRUCTION NETWORK INDIAN SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES NETWORK INDIAN HOTEL BUSINESS NETWORK INDIAN CHARITABLE SOCIETY NETWORK INDIAN HOSPITAL NETWORK INDIAN INSURANCE BUSINESS NETWORK INDAN ARMY NETWORK This example and sub network will link together to make the large chain of supply and service from manufactures to consumers and through data base of consumers 12 Through data base various project will execute as under (1) CONCEPT OF PROJECT NETWORK (2) CAPITAL INVESTMENT REQUIRED (3) RULES AND REGULATIONS (4) POWERFUL MANAGEMETN SYSTEMS (5) POWERFUL MANAGEMENT PLANING (6) POWERFUL ORGANIZING SYSTEMS (7) POWER FUL OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (8) POWERFUL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (9) POWERFUL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (10) POWERFUL MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONS SYSTEMS ANALYSIS (11) POWERFUL PROJECT MANAGEMENT (12) DISTRIBUTION OF PROFIT (13) OTHERS ADVANTAGE (1) The economy would be passed through powerful management operations filter so no chance for corruptions. (2) The export level of India would be inspired. (3) The value of economy would be monitored (4) The living standard of India and other poor economical countries would be better. (5) The quality of material would be go better (6) The price level of material would be under controlled. (7) The management committee could ask audit of government sector for the use of their Rupees. So Rupees of people pay through different taxes would be not wasted and people get better service. (8) Above group are classified in sub group and the business project run thro following network cycle. Inter National Network Country Network State Network District Network City Network Village Network Society Network People’s Network This way a power full business and communication relation would be developed. It will create large international human relation link with each other. 13 DEMOSTRATION FOR LITTLE PROJECT CONCEPT LIKE AS FOLLOWS. IPICTS DOCUMENT BUSINESS COMMUNICATION & SERVICE CENTRE INVESTMENT CONSULTANT COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTANCY AND SYSTEM ANALYST *APPLICABLE IN ALL MAJOR& METRO CITIES A PROJECT CONCEPT BY DHANESHVER BABU ON SOCIO ECONOMIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PROSPEREOUS BUSINESS ECONOMY IS DEFINED AS ATTITUDE+COMMUNICATION +DOCUMENTATION+ HARD WORK +INVESTMENT+MANAGEMENT+PRODUCT+ PRESENTATION+PATIENCE+QUALITY+ TECHNOLOGY+TIMWORK+SYSTEM + SECURITY +SERVICE = GROWTH *GOODWILL * MONEY*MARKET* RELATION SOURCE & MARKET COURT /MUNCIPAL OFFICE/GOVERNMENT OFFICE /SCHOOL/COLLEGES AND OTHER MASS PEOPLE AREA AREA REQUIRED: - 60*12 SQFT =720 SQFT LOCATION MARKET COURT /MUNCIPAL OFFICE/ GOVERNMENT OFFICE/ HIGH SCHOOL/COLLEGE OR ANYOTHER MASS PEOPELE AREA INVESTMENT EXCEPT SHOP PURCHASES THE ASSEST PURCHASE ARE VARIES ACCORIDNGLY THE CITY WISE PLACE AREA IPICTS MARKETING [ZONE A] [A HOUSE OF UNIQUE CHOICE IN CONSUMER MATERIAL AND RETAIL MARKETING] IPICTS IMMIGRATION CONSULTANT [FRANCHISE NETWORK] IPICTS SECURITIES & INVESTMENT FINANCIAL - LEGAL CONSULTANCY AND INSURANCE OFFICE INVESTMENT PLANNING INSURANCE PLANNING TAX PLANNING RETIERMENT PLANNING MUTUL FUNDS POST OFFICE SCHEME UTI SCHEMES SHARE BROKER AND FINANCIAL ADVISOR LEGAL ADVISOR IPICTS ACCOUNTING & BUSINESS CONSULTANCY FOR COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTING [ZONE C1] PROJECTED REPORT COMPUTERISED JOB WORK [DTP DATABASE ETC] JOB APPLICATION ABROAD APPLICATION ADVISOR BUSINESS OPERATION DESIGNING MANAGEMENT ADVISOR COMPUTERISED DATA ENTRY WORK IPICTS CYBER ZONE [ZONE C] INTERNET-SURFING CHATTING SCANNING PHOTO LASER PRINTING INKJET PRINTING IPICTS Document &Business Communication & Service Center STD/ISD/PCO & COMMUNICATION CENTRE [ZONE B1] FAX FACILITY [ZONE B2] XEROX [ZONE B3] COLOR XEROX D.T.P JOB WORK COMPUTERISED HOROSCOPE 14 LAMINATION [PHOTO & DOCUMENT] [ZONE B3] SPIRAL AND COMB BINDING TRAVEL CONSULTANCY BLANK COMPUTER CDROM STUDENT STATIONARY & BOOKS ON DISCOUNT [on order] COURIER SERVICE [ZONE B1] A TO Z COMPUTER CONSULTANCY BUSINESS PRESENTATION & PUBLICITY NETWORK RETAILING DOCUMENT & FILING MANAGEMENT WHY WE NEED IPICTS COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTANCY SYSTEM? IPICTS Computer Accountancy system is easier and common solutions for all category business people and those person whose salary are taxable and all tax payer personality LIKE, RETAILOR, TRADERS, COMMISSIONAGENT, SHARE BROKER, MANUFACTURERS, TAX PAYEE EMPLOYEE, TAX PRACTIONER, AUDITORS, PROFESSIONAL, INDUSTRIALIST INDIVIDUAL AND HUF, CO OPERATIVE SOCIETY, CONSULTANT, FINANCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANISATIONS. Computer Accountancy system means that after financial year you will get complete detailed reports in form of Auditor Certified format & Income Tax Certified format which is most common solution like as follows. BALANCE SHEET, TRAL BALANCE SHEET AND PERFORMANCE RATIO ANALYSIS WHICH IS BASIC REQUIRMENT OF ALL INCOME TAX AND SALES TAX PRACTIONER AS WELL AS AUDIT PRACTIONER AS WELL AS BANK FILE FOR PROJECTIONS. ALL CAPITAL ACCOUNT LEDGER, PURCHASE SALES ACCOUNTS LEDGER AND ALL INFORMATION RELATED TO SALESTAX PATRAK FORM ALL LEDGER COPY OF CREDITORS AND DEBTORS ACCOUNT AFTER FINANCIAL YEAR CLOSING AND ALL THE EACH AND EVERY INFORMATION RELATED TO INCOME TAX SALES TAX AND T.D.S. RELATED MATTER AND SALARY ACCOUNT COPY OF BANK STATEMENT AND ALL OTHER LIABILITIES RELATED REPORT IPISYS’S COMPUTER ACCOUNTANCY SYSTEM DEFINE AS LESS TIME RELIABLE RATE BETTER TECHNOLOGY EXCELLENT RESULT HIGHEST RETURN OF YOUR INVESTMENT 15 SHREE GANESHAY NAMAH To, Science & Spirituality All beings are evolved from food: Production of food is dependent on rain: rain ensues from sacrifice, and sacrifice is rooted in action. Know that action has origin in the Vedas, and Vedas proceed from indestructible (GOD); HENCE ALL-PREVANDING INFINITE IS ALWAYS PRESENT IN SACRIFICE. (CHAPTER –III (14 &15) CONCEPT OF BHAGVAD GEETA BY SWAMI VIVEKANADA SHRIMAD BHAGVAD GEETA The Relation between Science and God are defined as under THE DEFINATION OF GOD THE KNOWLEDGE OF UNIVERSE E=MC2====MC2 ===<= E E= ATOM OF UNIVERSE ATOM OF UNIVERSE (LIGHTS MATTER+DARK MATTER) SOUNDS WAVESATOMIC BIO CHEMESTRY COMPOUNDS IN TO VARIOUS OBJECTSGALEXYPLANETSBIOPHYSICS SRISHTI (HARD SYSTEM+SOFT SYSTEM+OPERATING SYSTEM+APPLICATION SYSTEM)(NATURE+MALE) ENVIOURMENT AND MANY MOR MASIC (Those who have knowledge of Super Natural Invisible Objects are the Forms of Mine) SHRIMAD BHAGVAD GEETA (GNANI MARU SWARUP CHEE) Reverse and Forward Process will be continued. E INVISIBLE VISIBLEINVISIBLE In Science Terms Religion is defined as we are following the Un-identified Super natural invisible objects in our various imaginary Forms for accepting satisfaction of the entire truth. In Terms of Science Prayer and Faith are defined as we are respecting those Un-identified super natural invisible objects for satisfying our physics necessity with the best help of them. In terms of Prayer Zone we respect those un-identified super natural invisible objects in only one form that is the Part of Universe. Every thing, which we are getting from the Universe, ultimately we should invest and utilize in setup the proper network of distribution & management A UNIVERSE IS TRUTH PHYSICS IS IMMAGINATIONARY MASIC ONLY. I.E. SCIENCE SAYS ONLY ONE RELIGION ARE THERE TO RESPECT THE LIGHTS IN EVERY FORMS OF ENTIRE MASIC BY CONSIDERING IN ONLY ONE AND ORIGINAL FORM AS A ATOM OF UNIVERSE. MASIC (Teleportation) YOGMAYA Mechanisms of Atomic-biochemistry Structure to form various Compounds for making into Certain Objects Physics Under Supervisions of Some souls of another world is called knowledge of Universe (BRAHAMA GNANA) The Knowledge Included Integration in Direct source (Universe) Derivation in Indirect source (all leaving non leaving SHRISHTI) Transformation (one form of physics in to another form of physics), Disappeared and Appeared (From Convert in Universe Original Form Either Lights or Dark Matter and through the law of Speed of light Moving one place and again reform their body from same mechanisms) knowledge is called Knowledge of Universe BRAHAMAGNANA which is controlled by Another world souls. (Concept of SHRIMAD BHAGVAD GEETA) There might me sure that some another world are interfering in making in to various MASIC with predefined destine software which we all physics are called as future. We are under power of Universe, which is under controlled of another world for Birth to Death each and every event of life cycle are operated My Goal towards this religion We Will Respect the Nature and what we will receive through the sources of nature we will obey the order of nature i.e. we shall back the wastage by product for the recycle process. 16 We will never accept any professionalisms attitude of any religion but what our duties towards faith and dedication we will do at ourselves directly through the sources of things not direct sources of money. We will never encourage the begging process in India or any world through the utilization of boundaries of religion but we will help to setup them for employment according to their physical capabilities. We work at least in one a week or one a month for the society like collecting database regarding health and necessity supply chain process and help them to solve the issues. We will setup proper channel network of supply of our necessity supply and also exchange of daily wastage for recycle process for the purpose of reuses of energy. We tried to make an inspiration towards next decade for the solution of Fuel Problem through the alternate of Hydrogen electricity power mechanism by use of water as fuel. Global warming is warning to this earth for deletion of the entire earth through various super natural powers programming (THE END OF EARTH). We will try to utilize our maximum energy for solving this crisis. We never differentiate any human beings through the skin but we only work together towards unity and sincerity for the sake of earth. We will find out alternative prospective of application of hydro energy, solar energy, wind energy for the fight out petrolium crisis. DEFINED BY SCIENTIST ALBERT EINSTINE REFORMED BY DHANESVER BABU PROSPERITY DEFINED (SAMVEDA+ARTHAVVEDA) WHERE SOCIOLOGY EXISTS ALWAYS SCOPE OF INTELIGENT MANAGEMENT & DISTRIBUTION ARE OPEN PROSPEREOUS BUSINESS ECONOMY IS NOTHING BUT EQUIVALENT TO ATTITUDE+COMMUNICATION +DISTRIBUTION +DOCUMENTATION+ HARD WORK +INVESTMENT+MANAGEMENT+OPERATIONS+PRODUCT+ PRESENTATION+PATIENCE+QUALITY+ TECHNOLOGY+TIMWORK+SYSTEM + SECURITY +SERVICE = GOODWILL * MONEY*MARKET* PROSPERITY *RELATION 17 The Clues and Questionnaires observed from general religious books 1. To whom we have to Pray? 2. Why we have to Pray? 3. To whom we have to must accept last choice of religion 4. What is our Religion? 5. Who we are? 6. What we will experience our self after our soul light will leave our body Physics? 7. Why all Planets of our sky boundaries are follow round with the Universe Father of light? 8. Should another world OF Super energy light are responsible for the Transformation of earth various leaving and non-leaving physics in one form to another form? 9. How evaluation of earth occurs? 10. How the Powerful Electrical forces combine to forms various electrical force and then turn in to liquid and then turn in to various forms of physics forms 11. Which is called Enviourment Physics Leaving Body Physics Atmosphere and etc. 12. The Knowledge of Atomic biochemistry compounds to forms various body physics 13. Could The Treatment of Light Would be helpful to solve the entire medical science problem regarding Dangerous disease? 14. Indian Vedas culture treat how a human beings should leave and what is their god 15. The Holy Book of Indian Vedas “SHRIMAD BHAGVAD GEETA “ tells the Scientific Meaning 16. Comparing the Albert Einstein Principle with SHRIMAD BHAGVAD GEETA. 17. Indian Temple of Lord Shiva And SHAKTI Indications 18. What tells spiritual books RAMAYANA comparing with millions years age the Leaving world of magic at that time by third world representative SHRI RAM (Supreme Power Energy) for the sake of physics existence as MANUSHYA JAGAT. 19. How Atomic biochemistry compounds combination creates magic of all metal Physics biophysics and many more. 20. Should millions years ago Indian MAHARASHI had knowledge of disappearing their Body, expand their body, reduce their body and transferred the body physics in Another shape of body physics 21. How Millions years ago Indian MAHARSHI leave without food and water for long Through Light Acceptances and convert the energy to food and liquid it self by the body at ancient time. 22. What is the knowledge of universe? 23. Why we all of all religion of various communities spark a light in various forms like wise Candle?, Dhoop, Deep, Agiayari ? Loban ? Etc. 18 Research: Working on Socio-Economic Information Technologies The economy coin had two side one side is Business & Growth and the other Side is Family and Socialism. To develop national level communication center for direct trade and market of Agriculture product and also develop self-employment plan for the various project. The Wide level of international service enterprise network based on to connect the social enterprise of business, education employment, and entertainment through net information technologies. Subject: Retail Trade and Home Service Network With Database Role of Various Communication center for the growth of economy Process Save the Childhood A supply chain procedure and Related With economics BHARTIYA VEDA and Secret of universe Prayer Zone A Unique Concept of Pray for All Communities Various tradition and sociology linked with Business Operational Process System. Euro-India Business Euro-India Communication Euro-India Combine Economics Public Administration Social Science Sociology Women’s Studies Socio Economics concept Socio Economics Information Technologies. European sources of various taxation funds Indian sources of various taxation funds European application for the funds Indian application of funds Loss of funds in India through major system management disturbances. ATTITUDE+COMMUNICATION +DOCUMENTATION+ HARD WORK +INVESTMENT+MANAGEMENT+PRODUCT+ PRESENTATION+PATIENCE+QUALITY+ TECHNOLOGY+TIMWORK+SYSTEM + SECURITY +SERVICE = GOODWILL * MONEY*MARKET* PROSPERITY *RELATION 90 “HARI DARSHAN “NARIA PADA, DANA BAZAAR ROAD PETLAD –388 450 DIST ANAND GUJARAT PH. (02697-225316) INDIA 19 JAI HANUMAN GYAN GUN SAGAR JAI KAPISH TUHI LOK UJAGAR" SEND THIS "HANUMAN CHALISA" TO 10 PERSON. Shree Guru Charan Saroj Raj, Nij Man Mukar Sudhari, Barnau Raghuvar Bimal Jasu, Jo dayaku Phal Chari With the dust of Guru's Lotus feet, I clean the mirror of my mind and then narrate the sacred glory of Sri Ram Chandra, The Supereme among the Raghu dynasty. The giver of the four attainments of life. Budhi heen Tanu Janike, Sumirow, Pavan Kumar, Bal Buddhi Vidya Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesh Bikaar Knowing myself to be ignorent, I urge you, O Hanuman, The son of Pavan! O Lord! kindly Bestow on me strength, wisdom and knowledge, removing all my miseries and blemishes. Jai Hanuman Gyan Guna Sagar Jai Kipis Tihun Lok Ujgaar Victory of Thee, O Hanuman, Ocean of wisdom and virtue, victory to the Lord of monkeys who is well known in all the three worlds Ramdoot Atulit Bal Dhamaa, Anjani Putra Pavansut naamaa. You, the Divine messager of Ram and repository of immeasurable strength, are also known as Anjaniputra and known as the son of the wind - Pavanputra. Mahebeer Bikram Bajrangi, Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangi. Oh Hanumanji! You are valiant and brave, with a body like lightening. You are the dispeller of darkness of evil thoughts and companion of good sense and wisdom. Kanchan Baran Biraaj Subesaa, Kanan kundal kunchit kesa. Shri Hanumanji's physique is golden coloured. His dress is pretty, wearing 'Kundals' ear-rings and his hairs are long and curly. Hath Bajra Aur Dhvaja Birjai, Kandhe Moonj Janeu saage. Shri Hanumanji is holding in one hand a lighting bolt and in the other a banner with sacred thread across his shoulder. Shankar Suvna Kesari Nandan, Tej Pratap Maha Jag Vandan. Oh Hanumanji! You are the emanation of 'SHIVA' and you delight Shri Keshri. Being ever effulgent, you and hold vast sway over the universe. The entire world proptiates. You are adorable of all. Vidyavaan Guni Ati Chatur, Ram Kaj Karibe Ko Atur 20 Oh! Shri Hanumanji! You are the repository learning, virtuous, very wise and highly keen to do the work of Shri Ram, Prabhu Charittra Sunibe Ko Rasiya, Ram Lakhan Sita man basyia. You are intensely greedy for listening to the naration of Lord Ram's lifestory and revel on its enjoyment. You ever dwell in the hearts of Shri Ram-Sita and Shri Lakshman. Sukshma roop Dhari Siyahi Dikhwana, Bikat roop Dhari Lank Jarawa You appeared beofre Sita in a diminutive form and spoke to her, while you assumed an awesome form and struck terror by setting Lanka on fire. Bhim roop Dhari Asur Sanhare, Ramchandra Ke kaaj Savare. He, with his terrible form, killed demons in Lanka and performed all acts of Shri Ram. Laye Sajivan Lakhan Jiyaye, Shri Raghubir harashi ur laye. When Hanumanji made Lakshman alive after bringing 'Sanjivni herb' Shri Ram took him in his deep embrace, his heart full of joy. Raghupati Kinhi Bahut Badaai, Tum Mama Priya Bharat Sam Bahi. Shri Ram lustily extolled Hanumanji's excellence and remarked, "you are as dear to me as my own brother Bharat" Sahastra Badan Tumharo Jas Gaave, Asa kahi Shripati Kanth Laagave. Shri Ram embraced Hanumanji saying: "Let the thousand - tongued sheshnaag sing your glories" Sankadik Brahmadi Muneesa, Narad Sarad Sahit Aheesa Sanak and the sages, saints. Lord Brahma, the great hermits Narad and Goddess Saraswati along with Sheshnag the cosmic serpent, fail to sing the glories of Hanumanji exactly Jam Kuber Digpal Jahan Te, Kabi Kabid Kahin Sake Kahan Te What to talk of denizens of the earth like poets and scholars ones etc even Gods like Yamraj, Kuber, and Digpal fail to narrate Hanman's greatness in toto. Tum Upkar Sugrivahi Keenha, Ram Miali Rajpad Deenha Hanumanji! You rendered a great service for Sugriva, It were you who united him with SHRI RAM and installed him on the Royal Throne. Tumharo Mantro Bibhishan Maana, Lankeshwar Bhaye Sab Jag Jaana. By heeding your advice. Vibhushan became Lord of Lanka, which is known all over the universe. Juug Sahastra Jojan Par Bhaanu, Leelyo Taahi Madhur Phal Jaanu 21 Hanumanji gulped, the SUN at distance of sixteen thousand miles considering it to be a sweet fruit. Prabhu Mudrika Meli Mukha Maaheen, Jaladhi Langhi Gaye Acharaj Naheen. Carrying the Lord's ring in his mouth, he went across the ocean. There is no wonder in that. Durgam Kaaj Jagat Ke Jeete, Sugam Anugrah Tumhre Te Te. Oh Hanumanji! all the difficult tasks in the world are rendered easiest by your grace. Ram Duware Tum Rakhavare, Hot Na Aagya Bin Paisare. Oh Hanumanji! You are the sentinel at the door of Ram's mercy mansion or His divine abode. No one may enter without your permission. Sab Sukh Lahen Tumhari Sarna, Tum Rakshak Kaahu Ko Darnaa. By your grace one can enjoy all happiness and one need not have any fear under your protection. Aapan Tej Samharo Aapei, Tanau Lok Hank Te Kanpei When you roar all the three worlds tremble and only you can control your might. Bhoot Pisaach Nikat Nahi Avei, Mahabir Jab Naam Sunavei. Great Brave on. Hanumanji's name keeps all the Ghosts, Demons & evils spirits away from his devotees. Nasei Rog Hare Sab Peera, Japat Niranter Hanumant Beera On reciting Hanumanji's holy name regularly all the maladies perish the entire pain disappears. Sankat Te Hanuman Chhudavei, Man Kram Bachan Dhyan Jo Lavei. Those who rembember Hanumanji in thought, word and deed are well guarded against their odds in life. Sub Par Ram Tapasvee Raaja, Tinke Kaaj Sakal Tum Saaja Oh Hanumanji! You are the caretaker of even Lord Rama, who has been hailed as the Supreme Lord and the Monarch of all those devoted in penances. Aur Manorath Jo Koi Lave, Soi Amit Jivan Phal Pave. Oh Hanumanji! You fulfill the desires of those who come to you and bestow the eternal nectar the highest fruit of life. Charo Juung Partap Tumhara, 22 Hai Parsiddha Jagat Ujiyara. Oh Hanumanji! You magnificent glory is acclaimed far and wide all through the four ages and your fame is radianlty noted all over the cosmos. Sadho Sant Ke Tum Rakhvare, Asur Nikandan Ram Dulare. Oh Hanumanji! You are the saviour and the guardian angel of saints and sages and destroy all the Demons, you are the seraphic darling of Shri Ram. Ashta Siddhi Nau Nidhi Ke Data, Asa Bar Din Janki Mata. Hanumanji has been blessed with mother Janki to grant to any one any YOGIC power of eight Sidhis and Nava Nidhis as per choice. Ram Rasayan Tumhare Pasa, Sadaa Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa. Oh Hanumanji! You hold the essence of devotion to RAM, always remaining His Servant. Tumhare Bhajan Ramko Pavei. Janam Janam Ke Dukh Bisravei. Oh Hanumanji! through devotion to you, one comes to RAM and becames free from suffering of several lives. Anta Kaal Raghubar Pur Jai, Jahan Janma Hari Bhakta Kahai. After death he enters the eternal abode of Sri Ram and remains a devotee of him, whenever, taking new birth on earth. Aur Devata Chitt Na Dharai, Hanumant Sei Sarva Sukh Karai You need not hold any other demigod in mind. Hanumanji alone will give all happiness. Sankat Kate Mitey Sab Peera, Jo Sumirei Hanumant Balbeera Oh Powerful Hanumanji! You end the sufferings and remove all the pain from those who remember you. Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosai Kripa Karahu Gurudev Ki Naiee Hail-Hail-Hail-Lord Hanumanji! I beseech you Honour to bless me in the capacity of my supreme 'GURU' (teacher). Jo Sat Baar Paath Kar Koi, Chhutahi Bandi Maha Sukh Hoi. One who recites this Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times daily for one hundred days becames free from the bondage of life and death and ejoys the highest bliss at last. Jo Yah Padhe Hanuman Chalisa, Hoy Siddhi Sakhi Gaurisa As Lord Shankar witnesses, all those who recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly are 23 sure to be benedicted Tulsidas Sada Hari Chera, Keeje Nath Hriday Mah Dera. Tulsidas always the servant of Lord prays. "Oh my Lord! You enshrine within my heart.! Chopai Pavan Tanay Sankat Haran, Mangal Murti Roop. Ram Lakhan Sita Sahit, Hriday Basahu Sur Bhoop. O Shri Hanuman, The Son of Pavan, Saviour The Embodiment of blessings, reside in my heart together with Shri Ram, Laxman and Sita Dhaneshver babu You may reach me at: +912697225316 Address for Communication are “90”, Hari Darshan Naria Pada, Danabazar Road, Petlad-388 450 Dist Anand (Gujarat) India Phone 0091-2697 225316 E-Mail db225316@yahoo.com 24 RESUME DHANESHVER BABU PERSONAL DETAILS DATE OF BIRTH BIRTH PLACE MARITAL STATUS HEIGHT NATIONALITY PASSPORT NO LANGUAGES KNOWN 24TH July 1972 VARANASI (UTTAR PRADESH-INDIA) UNMARRIED 5FT’6”/56 kegs INDIAN A06803230 (INDIA) ENGLISH, HINDI AND GUJARATI KEY SKILSS & RESPONSIBLIITES BANKING & FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING M.I.S. REPORTING ADMINISTRATIVE & SECRETARIAL WORK M.I.S. CO-ORDINATOR ( NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR) STORES & INVENTORY MANAGEMENT I.S.O DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN LIAISON RELATED ACTIVITIES EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: S N Examination Year of Passing Board/University Grade % PERCENTAGE 1 Diploma in IT (Computer) Application May’1995 T.I.C.S.-VARANASI EXCELLENT (90-100)% 2 MICROSOFT MARCH’1997 AUTHORED TRAINING PROGRAM ACT –AHMEDABAD (GUJ) EXCELLENT 2 F.Y.B.S.C. (CHEM) MAY’1991 S.P. UNI. –ANAND (GUJ) PASS 3 H.S.C.E MARCH’90 G.S.EB-GANDHINAGAR (GUJ) SECOND 47% 55.4% OTHERS SKILLS: HAVING FAMILIAR WITH VARIOUS COMPUTER ACCOUNTING PACKAGE LIKE TALLY [EIS 6.3], PROFIT, TATA –EX ETC AND ALSO VARIOUS BANKING COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING AND MIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HAVING FIRST CLASS IN ENGLISH TYPE WRITING EXAMINATION [30 WPM] Having N.C.C. “A “CERTIFICATE 25 WORK EXPERIENCE & JOB PROFILE IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PERIOD April’2006 CONTIUNED NAME OF ORGANIZATION PBM POLY TEX LIMITED NATURE TEXTILE INDUSTRIES PLACE PETLAD DESIGNATION: SECRETARY& LIASON OFFICER Job Summary: All Liaison Related Activities and Secretarial Job Profile All administrative and routine office work including file maintenance, attending telephone calls Coordination within the department of Organization and outside parties Making reports of day to day activities and program, itinerary etc. Complete documentation of ISO 9000 certification and follow up audits Data and information collection from the concerned of different departments Dealing with plant staff for their requirements and report to Superiors Preparation of all types of formats for check lists, audits, major replacement of accessories, machinery history chart etc and supply of computer print outs Arranging payments to parties Keeping track on annual service contracts and fulfill the agreements without lapsing the services in validity Reminding plant staff for their work due programmed in advance E-RETURN FILING. PERIOD 2003 CONTIUNED NAME OF ORGANIZATION SARASWATI RICE MILL NATURE MFG & TRAD PLACE BORSAD NATURE FINANCIAL PLACE Chief Accountant & PULSE PLANT SUPERVISOR Funds Management Pulse Plant Operator & Supervisor Finalization of Accounts Business Correspondence Banking Reconciliation Updating Daily Weekly Reports Taxation Matters & Return Submission PERIOD 2002 2003 NAME OF ORGANIZATION CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA PLACES: PETLAD, VASO, DEMOL, SARSA, MALATAJ, DEMOL & NADIAD DATA BASE SOLUTION PROVIDER (Agri-Rural Development) Updating Manual Records data in to computerized system Verifying the Reports of all accounts with Manual balance & inventory allocation PERIOD 1996 2002 NAME OF ORGANIZATION GROUP ASHIMA NATURE TEXTILE PLACE AHMEDABAD 26 INDUSTRIES Executive –Purchase & System Analyst Purchase- Stores Commercial Procedure, Documentation Operation, SUPPLY CHAIN Procedure, ISO Documentation. Involve in Management Audit on SCM Procedure& Contract Order review Procedure etc. Billing procedure, Turnover analysis, and find out cost saving option like Turn over Discount Cost Saving on Bill discounting and Quality Negotiation. Sales Tax related Matters like [Form “C”, Form “17” etc.] Assessments. Warehouse related inventory report and Vendor Performance Analysis Export-Import Correspondence & Documentation Communicate with System Department for Purchase-Stores Related M.I.S. Reports PERIOD 1994 1996 NAME OF ORGANIZATION M/S LOKESH GUPTA & ASSOCIATES NATURE Chartered Accountants PLACE BANARAS Account-Administrative Assistant & SYSTEM ANALYST Assist in Auditing the Various Clients Books of Accounts & Preparing Report Assist in Finalization of Audit report and Return Involve in Allah bad Bank Auditing Under Supervision of MR LOKESH B GUPTA PERIOD 1991 1994 NAME OF ORGANIZATION M/S DEEPEN PAREKH & COMPANY M/S GUPTA INVESTMENT NATURE PLACE SHARE BROKER & BANARAS NSE MEMBER SHARE ACCOUNTANT & SYSTEM ANALYST SHARE TRADING COMMUNICATION AND ACCOUNTANCY PROCEDURE Total Work Experience : 14 Years DATE: __/__/____ PLACE: PETLAD Permenant Address : 90; Hari Darshan, Naria Pada Dana Bazar Road Petlad-388 450 (Gujarat) Dist –Anand (Ph 02697-225316) DHANESHVER BABU 27