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Chapter Fourteen Question
1 What are the prison subcultures, and how do they influence prison life?
(Give two short answers.)
Prison Subculture:
The prison has its own cultural dimension which is described as broad culture. Within
which each prison undergoes a process of ‘prisonization’. This prisonization made them
learn their values, attitude, roles and responsibilities and language. These elements build
the prison subculture.
Subculture influence Prison Life:
Prison subculture derived from the core values that have influence on the life of
prisoners through its attitude, roles and language. These are made from an element which
teaches them not to:
Interfere in the matters of other inmates
Have a complaining attitude
To be hyper or panic
Exploit other inmates and their rights
To be victim of any sort of spam
The prison subculture introduces new set of language for the inmates which are well
understood across institutions. These are actually jargons of prison inmates. The example
of such terminologies is:
Ace duce = best friend
Banger = a knife
Billy = white man
Boneyard = conjugal visit
Chester = child molester
Dog = home boy or friend
Ink = tattoos
Man walking = signal guard coming
Tree jumper = rapist
Homosexuality is both promoted and constrained by the prison subculture which is
embedded in its language or argot. Homosexuality leaves psychological disfigurement on
the lives of prisoners. The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was introduced in the
year 2003 which has zero tolerance for the prison rape and its objective is to prevent
prison against any rape activity.
How do they develop and what purpose do they serve? (Use short answers.)
Subculture development:
Research studies have shown that prison subcultures are developed from the plan of
administrator for the governance of prison and it is derived from the wider prison culture.
The subculture has to be consistent across the whole US in all the institutions. There are
two schools of thought for the development of prison subculture. These are described
A. Deprivation Model: Prison’s subcultures are developed to fill the deficiencies
face by the inmates. These may be in the form of liberty; goods and services;
autonomy; personal security; heterosexual relationship and personal security.
B. Importation Model: the subculture is developed by the values, roles and
behavior contributed by the inmates that they bring with them from outside
Subcultures are developed in the prison for the administration and organization of overall
prison management. Whether it be intrinsically developed within the norms, values and
principles or it is adopted from the outside world through the inmate’s contribution from
their background cultures. The behavior, attitudes and learning pattern of the prison
inmates are greatly influenced by the subculture. Individual with their own characteristics
influence the subculture which then tend to have its impact on the behavioral pattern of
inmates. Violent subculture will have negative influence on the calm and relatively
sophisticated inmates.
3 Your opinion counts. Discuss the influence of ethnic gangs on prison sub-cultures.
Provide your opinion on Clemmer’s study of inmate society. If you are seeking
extra credit put forth a great amount of effort into this question.
Ethnic gangs on the prison subculture are developed with similar identities of the inmates
that collaborate for the common purpose. With diversified inmate population having
varying cultural identities give rise to riots and violence when confronted with conflict in
ethnic gangs. When these ethnic gangs experience insensitive attitude of administrator
towards their needs and demands they are then propelled to create anarchy and riot in
prison. It may take the form of dehumanizing prison condition, taking the charge of
regulatory authority and redistribute power among the inmates. This reaction can benefit
many inmates and can negatively affect others. Thus the whole subculture of the prison is
then influenced by it and adopts characteristics from these cultures.
The riots created through the influence of ethnic gang on prison subculture are a gradual
process and is done by going through following stages:
1. Explosion
2. Organization
3. Confrontation
4. Termination
5. Reaction and termination.
Government ministers, policy makers and prison practitioners have been put in action to
enforce law against the conflict between ethnically and religiously diversify group of
inmates that make up the whole prison subculture. In this concern American court has
initiated with ‘Hand-off doctrine’ for running the prison. Supreme Court has also
established ‘balancing test’ it is an attempt to consider the rights of individual against that
of the state authority for the incorporation of any law.
The legal body has also made control on the communication and visiting of the prisoners
that greatly influence the subculture of the prison. Meeting of the inmates with their
family and friends from divergent ethnic background also influence the inmate’s behavior
towards their peers and overall contribution in subculture.
Donald Clemmer publication on The Prison Community in the year 1940 was focused on
the central issue of cultural and hierarchal dimensions of the formal and informal prison
structure and its organization. The study emphasizes the importance of life-style
adaptation, demographics and rankings prevailing in the outside world. Prison is not just
place of problems, disputes and bunch of criminals living together rather it carries a
whole set of values, attributes, norms and cultures which is in build and bring in through
the inmate background cultures.
Different roles played by the male and female inmate comprise the subculture of the
prison that actually shows what purpose they serve in that culture and what is the prison’s
contribution in their behavior changes. Some of the prominent types of male inmates
found through the studies are:
1. Mean Dude: these are the dangerous type ready for fight and charged with many
violation acts. They like to be surrounded with people. With them the prison
subculture of survival of the strongest is developed and they contribute to the
tough environment for prison.
2. Hedonist: these are the one involved in smuggling, gambling, drug running,
homosexuality etc. They are the one that makes the life in prison for shorter term
and unpleasant.
3. Opportunist: takes most of it from the positive learning that prison has to offer.
That is schooling, trade programs, guidance etc.
4. Retreatist: Are distressed with the prison environment and undergo excessive
alcoholism, drug intake etc. resulting in depression and psychological illness.
5. Legalist: fighting and struggling against imprisonment legally.
6. Radical: Political attitude. Combat society.
7. Colonist: consider prison as home. Have friendly relationship and likes living
8. Religious: doesn’t like to get into trouble.
9. The gang banger: Associated with gangs for protection, defense and facilities.
10. Realist: practical approach to life.
Researchers have found that women in the prison tend to develop relationship in the
prison as they experience in the outside world. Esther Hoffman in 1972 has found three
types of female adaptation style in prison:
1. The square
2. The cool
3. The life
The team on women rights prevention have recommend the following changes to be
incorporated to form the social culture for women:
Increase awareness of the substance abuse
Raise literacy rate
House Females have given separate facility
Initiatives for children care
Ensuring equal access through programs.