Teacher: Wiki page: Brett Hardin http://uspolecon.wikispaces.com Email: hardin.brett@paideiaschool.org Extension: 135 The US Economy (2011-2012 school year) Texts Titles: Krugman, Wells & Graddy, Essentials of Economics; Gwartney, Common Sense Economics; DeRooy, Economic Literacy: What Everyone Needs to Know About Money & Markets; Miller, The Economics of Public Issues; Dahl, How Democratic Is the American Constitution?; Kelman, Making Public Policy. Course Description: This course will begin with an in-depth analysis of how the US economy is structured and how it actually works. This will include analysis of micro, macro, and some international economics. Second long term will then move from a discussion of the US economy to an in-depth analysis of how the US government influences the economy. This course will require reading, discussion, and writing with a focus on developing your ability to analyze a variety of concepts and be able to reach reasonable conclusions about policy choices. How grades will be determined: All assignments will have a point value and the overall grade will be points achieved divided by possible points (i.e. quizzes will be 20 points, tests & papers will be 100 points, etc.). You will be able to drop one reading quiz during each long term. Grading System used: A = 93 - 100 B+ = 88 – 89 B = 83 – 87 C+ = 78 - 79 C = 73 - 77 D+ = 68 - 69 D = 63 - 67 F = 0 - 59 A- = 90 - 92 B- = 80 - 82 C- = 70 - 72 D- = 60 - 62 Major Assignments: 1) There will be a reading quiz each time a reading assignment is due. 2) There will be 3 tests, 3 economics commentaries, a group activity, a short position paper (3-4 pages) and a final exam. Details for the assignments second semester: 1) Economics Commentaries (50 points each) – Each student will keep a portfolio in which they collect short extracts from published news media and comment on them in the light of their understanding of economics at that stage of the course. On the day the application essays are due each student will be expected to briefly discuss his or her essay. 2) Group Activity (50 points) – Each student will participate in a simulation activity where groups are presented economic problems and they have to develop a course of action to solve the problems. 3) Short Position paper (100 points) – This paper will focus on one aspect of economics and the current economy (micro, macro, or international). Each student will have to take a position regarding a specific economics approach to managing the economy.