1.2. Text preparation on the remaining pages of the paper

3nd International Scientific Meeting
E-GTZ 2016
Tuzla, June 02-04, 2016
Summary: (Style SummTitle) The summary of the paper should be written in style Summary. The
summary's maximum length is 10-14 lines (depending on the title's length). It is important that
Titles and Summaries in English and Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian are placed on the first page.
Authors, who are not familiar with Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian language, are required to send an
uncompleted first page. Translation in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian will be done by the Editorial
board. Please, leave the empty space until the end of the first page and begin with the text of paper
at second page. Fill the footnote with author's (and co-author's) data.
Key words: (Style SummTitle) Maximum 10 key words, i.e., two lines. Style Summary.
Summary in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian: (Style SummTitle) This part of the first page is reserved
for Summary in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian . The Conference Organizing Committee will make the
translation of yours Summary in English, approximately in the same number of lines. Style
Summary. Please, leave the empty space until the end of the first page and begin with the text of
paper at second page. Fill the footnote with author's (and co-author's) data.
Key words in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian: (Style SummTitle) The Conference Organizing
Committee will make the translation of yours Key Words. Maximum 10 key words, i.e., two lines.
Style Summary.
Prof. Damir Zenunovic, University of Tuzla, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering,
Univerzitetska 2, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, damir.zenunovic@untz.ba
The text of the paper should not be longer than 8 (eight) pages, including the first
page that contains Conference header and titles and summaries of the paper in English
and Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian. The total number of paper pages must be even. The text
of the paper should be prepared for printing (camera ready) according to these
Instructions. (Style Text).
The text of the paper should be ready for printing on a sheet of paper Custom size
(16,7x23,7cm), within space which is obtained by putting margins with command Page
Setup/Margins, after setting the dialog box options: Top=20mm, Bottom=20mm,
Left=20mm, Right=20mm, Gutter=0mm, Header=10mm and Footer=10mm which
are applied on the whole document.
Text preparation on the first page of the paper (Style Heading2)
The space for Conference header, which will be positioned by organizing
committee, is reserved on the first page of the paper. Author's name and surname on the
first page shall be entered below the space reserved for header. The information related to
author(s) (academic title, position and address) shall be provided in footnote on bottom of
the first page (command Insert/Footnote) by applying style Footnote Text.
The paper titles in English and Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian should be made using
the style PaperTitle. Prepare the terms Summary and Key words in English and Serbian
with style Summtitle and for the text of Summaries and Key words, in both languages,
use style Summary.
Text preparation on the remaining pages of the paper (Style Heading2)
The paper text must be started on the second page using style Text. The style for
chapter titles and titles of chapter parts is defined through levels from Heading1 to
Heading3 (examples are shown on these pages of the Instructions). You can convert the
typed text into a requested style through the command Format/Style. Line spacing is
defined for each style, therefore it is not necessary to separate paragraphs or titles in the
document by empty lines. For footnotes within text use the command Insert/Footnote.4
The document file should be submitted to an e-mail in accordance with instruction
on web page www.egtz.ba.
Document file may be compressed (packed), if necessary, using usual programs
for archiving (which produce files with extensions zip or rar). Please do not number the
pages in your document.
1.2.1. Figures and tables (Style Heading3)
Figures should be integrated in the text of the paper and numerated according to
the order of appearance. They should be given as integral part of the document's file and
For footnote within text use command Insert/footnote (Style FootnoteText)
not as individual files. The captions under figures and tables should be written applying
the style PictureTitle. The cells in tables should be made with style TableText. The
figure or table should be separated from preceding text with command
Format/Paragraph/Spacing Before 6pt.
Figure 1. Figure caption (Style PictureTitle)
If the text under the figure or table is not a new paragraph, style Text1 should be used.
Style TableText
Style TableText
Style TableText
Style TableText
Style TableText
Style TableText
Style TableText
Style TableText
Style TableText
Style TableText
Table 1. Table caption (Style PictureTitle)
If the paper contains photos or drawings that cannot be embedded in the document
file, please leave the necessary space within the text, prepare captions, mark properly the
photos or drawings, and submit them separately. Drawings must be originals with
adequate letter size (the page format will not be reduced). Submitted photos should be
preferably black and white and good quality.
1.2.2. Equation writing style (Style Heading3)
Equations within the text must be inserted with Microsoft Equation Editor and
prepared using the style Equation. Equations must be numerated according to the order
of appearance and aligned along the right margin (using Tab button).
x1,2 
 b  b 2  4ac
(Style Equation)
If the text under the equation is not a new paragraph, style Text1 should be used.
1.2.3. References writing style (Style Heading3)
The list of used references should be given at the end of the paper and references
must be sorted in alphabetical order. Calling the particular reference from the list within
the text must be made assigning the reference number in parenthesis (example: ...in the
paper [xx] are...).
The Chapter heading REFERENCES must be written in style Heading1, however
particular references in the list must be written by applying the style References. In the
reference list are specified: surname and the first letter of name of all authors, full paper
title, publication or journal name, publishing place, publishing year, number of
publication pages or journal page numbers. The example of the look of the last chapter in
the paper is given in following text.
Surname1 F.L.Name1, Surname2 F.L.Name2: Title of the paper, Publication or Journal
name, Publishing place, 20xx., pages xx or pp. xx1-xx2. (Style References)
The list of used references must be written in the style References and sorted in
alphabetical order.