ART182 - Miami University

Art 182
Experiencing the Arts
Fall Semester 2001
“Art predates writing and provides a visual history that tells us how people dressed, what they ate, how they celebrated life,
who their enemies were, what kinds of governments they had, and how they buried their dead. Art is the tangible, visible
evidence of all peoples around the globe. In the long history of humankind, the art-making process has been an integral part
of all societies, not a stand-alone enterprise. Given its universality to all learning, we may wonder how art came to be viewed
as peripheral to education….The answer lies in the all-too-common view that art is nonfunctional, secular, and separate from
society. Above all else, learning about art from a global perspective will provide a basis for valuing difference. This is a
critical issue for our times. Art provides a basis for international understanding like no other subject. Art is the story of
humankind, and we are all participants in it.”
Juane Quick-to-See -Smith, Native American Artist
Course Description & Objectives:
Experiencing the Arts is designed to enhance your knowledge of and participation in the arts-encompassing architecture, interior design, art, music, theatre, and dance. By first exploring personal
aesthetic preferences, we will build upon each individual’s artistic experiences to broaden and
integrate the arts more deeply throughout our lives.
The emphasis will be on engaging with art through experience. In this course, we will attend events in
several artistic disciplines, and share and question our responses. Experiencing the arts requires a
dialogue: works of art express their creator’s intentions but they also evoke our individual perceptions
and emotions. We must be active participants to create a dialogue with the work of art. By exploring
ways of seeing and ways of hearing, we can learn how to observe, analyze, respond, and question. In
Art 182, we value and accept one another’s opinions about art and individually understand that our
opinions must always be backed up by a reasoned explanation of our aesthetic reactions.
Art 182 will explore the cultural diversity of the global arts. The arts have a unique ability to
demonstrate diversity. Through the arts we can resonate diverse musical traditions, we can see the
diversity of human experience, we can build it in our environment through architecture and interior
design, and we can enact the diversity of human experience through theatre.
The arts offer a powerful lens to view our rapidly evolving world with a clear and critical eye. The arts
offer an important literacy that can open doorways to understanding other subjects. (Refer to the
Power of the Arts in the 21st Century, on the back cover of the Curriculum Guide).
This course is a gateway to further coursework in the arts, to your participation in the arts throughout
your Miami career, and for your lifelong involvement with artistic events. The ultimate goal of the
course is to encourage each of us to be the artist of our own lives: the arts offer us tools to guide our
imagination, creativity, leadership, and personal fulfillment.
Office Hours:
Dr. Pamela Fox
Room 112 Hiestand Hall
Monday, 3:00 to 5:00 and e-mail 24/7
Course Requirements
Attend all classes; attend 10 artistic events; write 12 journal entries.
Attendance is required at all class meetings.
Attendance at 10 artistic activities. Four events are required of all Art 182 sections and are
designed to create shared experiences by all Collins’ residents and to provide a basis for
common discussion and the building of community. Everyone will attend (1) Opening exhibits
at the Art Museum and Hiestand Galleries; (2)A Doll House; (3)World Percussion; and (5)One
other event related to the Voices in Clay exhibit at the Art Museum (see pages 18-19 of the
Curriculum Guide to the Arts). Each section and its instructor, selecting from the many
weekly events on campus and potential off-campus events, will determine the other events.
Further common requirements may be designated by section instructors. You may elect to
attend events off-campus for your optional event requirements. Two primary goals of
personalizing event attendance should be to ensure that you attend events across the artistic
disciplines and stretch your own artistic experiences and that you select events that offer a wide
range of cultural diversity. Section C will all attend mercy, a new work on the Performing Arts
In addition, we will all observe and discuss our built environment, studying the architecture
and interior design of campus buildings and particularly the architectural spaces (interior and
exterior) where we attend artistic events to analyze the effect that sense of place has on our
aesthetic experiences.
12 journal entries. Write one journal entry for each of the 10 artistic activities, one journal
examining your own artistic background and preferences, and a final journal entry of selfreflection about what you discovered in Art 182. Specific forms and many choices of writing
style and approach are provided in the journal packet. Journal entries are due at the beginning
of each class meeting when a journal is required. Entries must be thoughtfully and fully
completed according to the announced guidelines for each to receive full credit. Journals may
also be electronically submitted via e-mail if received by 6:00 p.m. the day the journal is due.
Guidelines for Academic Honesty will be strictly enforced. Please read The Student Handbook,
page 10. One Late Journal Coupon is provided below. Journals will be graded as as , -. +, -.
Journal credit will be granted for all grades except - . In class we will review samples of
journal writing demonstrating exemplary practices.
Expectations: Generally, you should expect to spend and average of two hours weekly outside
of class attending events and completing your journals.
Class Participation: Sharing your perceptions and experiences is the key to the success of
Experiencing the Arts. We will strive to create an open atmosphere of dialogue and free
exchange respecting our diversity of experiences and opinions.
Grading Guidelines:
A=Attendance at all class meetings, attendance at the 10 artistic events, and completion
(according to the guidelines) of 12 journal entries.
B=Failure to complete any two of the above requirements. For example, if you miss two
classes, two artistic events, don’t properly complete or attempt two journal entries, or any
combination of the above.
C=Failure to complete any four of the above requirements.
D=Failure to complete any five of the above requirements.
F=Failure to complete any six of the above requirements.
One late journal coupon will be provided for use on any of the required entries. With the
coupon, the journal may be turned in for grading at any point past the assignment date up to
the last class meeting.
Required Materials:
• Syllabus and Curriculum Guide to the Arts.
Notebook or Folder to organize your Art 182 materials.
Ticket Purchases: $13.00, minimum. You will be required to purchase a ticket to A Doll House
($3.00), World Percussion ($5.00), and one event (mercy) on the Performing Arts Series ($5.00).
Tickets are available at the Shriver Center box office. Please tell the box office this is required for
Art 182. Your section will be discussing other event choices: some individual choices may required
further ticket purchases (including all concerts on the Performing Arts Series).
Buy subscriptions: you are strongly encouraged, but not required, to purchase the Arts for All
package. This opportunity was mailed to your home/parents in August and some of you may
already have taken advantage of it. The subscription information is attached. You may also buy a
student subscription to the Performing Arts Series and the Department of Theatre (brochures to be
Drop Policy:
Art 182 is required for all residents of Collins Hall. If you wish to drop the class after three class
meetings, your instructor will assign the appropriate grade of withdraw/pass or withdraw/fail.
Art 182 Section D Fall Semester 2001
Weekly Syllabus and Requirements
Topic & In-Class Activity
Arts activities O
Week 1
August 23
Course Introduction &
Examining Our Individual
Artistic Backgrounds and
•Attend Alkestis and The Doctor in Spite
of Himself at Ernst Nature Theatre.
7:30 p.m. on the 23rd, 24th, 25th, or 26th.
•Complete Journal Entries 1 and 2.
Week 2
August 30
Discussion of Journal Entry 1
and the Ernst theatre
•Journal Entries 1 and 2 Due.
•Attend 3 exhibits.
Michael K. Paxton: From Enoch to
Strange Creek (Art Museum); Voices in
Clay: Pueblo Pottery from the Edna M.
Kelly Collection (Art Museum);’ and
Zdenek Ziegler (Hiestand, Lee Gallery).
•Complete Journal Entry 3.
Week 3
September 6
Discussion of exhibits.
Learning Topic: Our Sense of
Place—Approaching our
Architectural Spaces
•Journal Entry 3 Due.
•Complete Journal Entry 4.
Week 4
September 13
Learning Topic: Discussing
our campus architecture and
other arts of Miami (our logo,
seal, university songs, and the
theatre of everyday life).
•Journal Entry 4 Due.
•William Holmes McG
•Hutchinson, Lancia, P
(Hiestand Galleries)
•September 7, LaMoni
Kumler chapel, 4:30 p
•September 7, Audrey
8:00 p.m.
•September 10, “Nativ
Migrations,” lecture at
•September 10, James
Pearson Hall, 7:00 p.m
•September 11, Zdene
lecture, 100 Art, 7:00
•September 12, “Refle
Michael Paxton exhibi
Museum, 7:30 p.m.
•September 17, Rober
7:00 p.m.
•September 18, “Insid
Indonesia,” Art Museu
•September 19, “Appa
Education Issues,” Art
Week 5
September 20
Learning topic: Harmony as
a Unifying Element Across
the Arts and in Our Lives
•Attend one event.
•Complete Journal Entry 5.
•September 20, Elena
Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.
•September 21, Alison
8:00 p.m.
•September 22, MU M
show, Yager Stadium,
•September 22, Sam B
Hamilton Campus, 8:0
•September 23, Celebr
Phoenix of Mexico, H
Performing Arts Series
•Normal Blake and Do
Auditorium Hamilton
September 24, “Sor Ju
Renaissance Woman,”
•September 24-Octobe
by Robert Erickson, H
•September 25, “Voice
The Pueblo Potter, Art
•Robert Erikson, exhib
Hiestand, 4:00 p.m.
•September 26, “Nativ
Struggle,” Art Museum
Week 6
September 27
The Business of the Arts:
Patti Hannan Swofford
(Director, Performing Arts
•Journal Entry 5 Due.
•September 27, James
American flute, Souer
7:30 p.m. recital
•September 29, Misso
The Tales of Hans Chr
Auditorium, 2:30 and
Arts Series TICKETS
•October 1, “The Econ
the Classsic Period Ma
•October 1-24, Julia T
exhibit, Hiestand
•October 2, “Beautywa
in Membres Ceramics,
•Julia Turner, exhibitin
7:00 p.m.
•October 3, “An Appa
Museum, 3:30 p.m.
ªOctober 3, Andrea Ri
Souers, 8: 00 p..m.
Week 7
October 4
Learning Topic: Preparation
for A Doll House
(Performance Guide to be
distributed). Preparation for
mercy with Patti Hannan
•Attend A Doll House (5th at 8:00,
6th at 8:00, 7th at 2:00) TICKETS
•Complete Journal Entry 6.
Week 8
October 11
Discussion of A Doll House.
•Journal Entry 6 Due.
•Attend mercy (Performing Arts Series
•Complete Journal Entry 7.
Week 9
October 18
Discussion of mercy.
Learning Topic: The
Relationship of Content
Preparation on Aesthetic
Discussion of World
Percussion and the Role of
the Arts in Fostering
Diversity (guests to include
Srinivas Krishnan, Director
of Global Rhythms)
•Journal Entry 7 Due.
•Attend World Percussion. (26th or 27th
•Complete Journal Entry 8.
•Looking ahead: it’s possible to attend
National Ballet of China on the 30th for
next week’s requirement in Journal
Entry 9.
•October 26, World Pe
•October 27, MU Mar
•October 27, World Pe
•October 28, Robert T
Souers, 3:00
•October 29, Madame
Ballet of China) guest
ªOctober 29, Emma Ru
Souers, 8:00
•October 29-Novembe
Legacy, Hiestand
•October 30, National
Hall, 7:30 Performing
•October 31, MU Win
Discussion of World
•Journal Entry 8 Due.
•Attend one event.
•Complete Journal Entry 9.
•October 30-January 6
and Back, Art Museum
•November 1, Marisol
Week 10
October 25
Week 11
November 1
••October 5, A Doll
•October 5, Wind
ªOctober 6, A Doll
•MU Marching Ban
•October 7, A Doll
•October 9, “F
Interpretations of
•October 9, Songs
Trinity Episcopal Ch
•October 10, Steve
Potter, Art Museum
•October 11, A Doll H
with pre-show discuss
•October 12, A Doll H
•October 12, MU Sym
8:00 p.m.
•October 13, MU Mar
•October 13, A Doll H
•October 15, Miami W
•October 16, mercy, H
Arts Series, TICKETS
•October 17, Outdoor
Demonstration, Art M
•October 17, Collegiat
•October 22, George W
Auditorium Hamilton
•October 23, “Bilboa a
European Museum,” A
•October 23, Chamber
Week 12
November 8
Discussion of events attended.
Learning Topic: Expanding
our Artistic Vocabularies—
Texture, Color, Line and
Form Across the Arts.
•Journal Entry 9 Due.
Week 13
November 15
Learning Topic: The Arts as
Social Force.
•Attend one event.
•Complete Journal Entry 10.
Week 14
November 29
Discussion of events attended.
Learning Topic: Arts
Advocacy—how do I continue
to be an arts ambassador
throughout my time at Miami
and how can I be a lifelong
arts advocate and supporter?
•Journal Entry 10 Due.
•Attend one event of your choice.
•Complete Journal Entries 11 and 12.
•November 2, Marisol
TR with talk-back foll
•November 2, Choralie
•November 3, Marisol
•November 3, Choralie
•November 4, Marisol
•November 5, Jaime M
recital, Souers, 7:00
•November 6, “Chang
Europe,” Art Museum
•November 7, Spirit L
Museum, 7:30
•November 7, Frank W
Souers 8:00
•November 8, Spirit L
Museum, 7:30
•November 10, MU M
•November 10, Ulrich
Souers, 7:30 Performi
•November 11, Oxford
Museum, 3:00 p.m.
•November 13, “PostResponses to Europea
Southeastern Native A
18th Century”, Art Mu
•November 15, Music
•November 16, Hansel
•November 16, Inspec
•November 17, Hansel
•November 18, Inspec
8:00 TR
•November 18. Hansel
•November 20-July 14
The Cincinnati School
•November 26, Jazz E
•November 26-30, Pho
Exhibition, Hiestand
•November 27, “Movi
Museum Association,”
•November 28, “Myaa
Language and Cultura
Museum, 4:00
•November 29, String
Souers, 7:00
•November 30, Choral
Chorale, Kumler, 9:00
•December 1, Dance T
•December 1, Choralie
Chorale, Kumler, 9:00
•December 2, MU Ma
Millett, 2:00
•December 2, Dance T
•December 4, Wind En
•December 5, Percussi
December 6
Discussion of Journal Entries
11 and 12 and final course
•Journal Entries 11 and 12 Due.
•December 6, Moscow
•December 7, Departm
Interior Design Open H
•December 7, Glee Clu
Hall, 8:00