TERM 2: Students: Please use plan to identify how many hours are assigned to each system; note that these hours include review of A&P, nutrition, pharmacology, diseases & disorders. Study time should be 2 hours for each hour in class. WEEK - 1 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK - 2 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK - 3 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK - 4 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK - 5 THEORY MED/SURG Monday September 17 Monday September 24 Tuesday September 25 Monday October 1 Tuesday October 2 Monday October 8 Tuesday October 9 Monday October 15 Tuesday October 16 Oncology (12) Musculoskeletal System (12) Musculoskeletal System (12) AHN17 Care of the Patient with Cancer; BPN44 Drugs used for Cancer Treatment; NCLEX42 Oncological Dis NCLEX43Antineoplastic Meds AHN4 Care of the Patient with a Musculoskeletal Disorder BPN45 Drugs used to Treat the Muscular System NCLEX58-59 Adult Client with Musculoskeletal Disorder S&F6-7 MS Systems AHN4 Care of the Patient with a Musculoskeletal Disorder BPN45 Drugs used to Treat the Muscular System NCLEX58-59 Adult Client with Musculoskeletal Disorder Homework NCLEX disc quest in MusculoSk PeriopNursing (6) NCLEX17 Perioperative Nursing Care (6) Tuesday September 18 PeriopNursing (6) FON16 Pain Management, , Comfort, Rest, Sleep BPN20 Drug used for Pain , Management(4) NCLEX11 Lab Values (2) AHN2 Care of the Surgical Patient (6) BPN Antibiotic Therapy Pain, Pre/Post Op, Oncology Group Presentations Homework =Drug category cards for Pain Management Homework = Math Calculations NCLEX disc questions Homework NCLEX disc quest. Homework NCLEX disc quest in MusculoSk EXAM Periop Lab Value Exam EXAM Pain Management EXAM Oncology Pharm Test Pain, Pre/Post Op AHN = Adult Health BPN = Basic Pharmacology Book NCLEX = NCLEX Review Book S&F = Structure & Function FON = Foundations WEEK – 6 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK - 7 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK - 8 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK - 9 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK - 10 THEORY MED/SURG Monday October 22 Tuesday October 23 Monday October 29 Tuesday October 30 Monday November 5 Tuesday November 6 Monday November 12 Tuesday November 13 Monday November 19 Tuesday November 20 Gastrointestinal System(12) Respiratory System(12) Musculoskeletal System (12) AHN4 Care of the Patient with a Musculoskeletal Disorder BPN45 Drugs used to Treat the Muscular System NCLEX58-59 Adult Client with Musculoskeletal Disorder S&F6-7 MS Systems Musk/Skel Pharm Group Presentations EXAM MusculoSkeletal Mid System Respiratory System(12) Respiratory System(12) AHN9 Care of the Patient with a Respiratory Disorder BPN30 Drugs used to Treat Upper Respiratory Disease NCLEX48-49 Adult Client with a Respiratory Disorder NCLEX10; S&F19 Acid-Base Balance EXAM MusculoSk Final EXAM Pharm MuscSK EXAM AHN9 Care of the Patient with a Respiratory Disorder AHN9 Care of the Patient with a Respiratory Disorder BPN30 Drugs used to Treat Lower Respiratory Disease BPN31 Drugs used to Treat Lower Respiratory Disease NCLEX48-49 Adult Client with a Respiratory Disorder NCLEX10; S&F19 Acid-Base Balance Respiratory Pharm Group Presentations Exam Resp A&P,Diagnostics, Upper Resp Disorders EXAM Lower resp disorders AHN5 Care of the Patient with a GI Disorder BPN33 Drugs used to Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux and Peptic Ulcer Diseases BPN 34 Drugs used to Treat Nausea and Vomiting BPN 35 Drugs used to Treat Constipation and Diarrhea NCLEX46-47 Adult Client with a GI Disorder EXAM Resp COPD disorders EXAM Pharm Resp WEEK – 11 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK - 12 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK - 13 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK – 14 THEORY MED/SURG WEEK – 15 THEORY Monday November 26 Tuesday November 27 Monday December 3 Tuesday December 4 Monday December 10 Tuesday December 11 Monday December 17 Tuesday December 18 Monday January 7, 2013 Exam Immune & Lymph Immune System(6) Gastrointestinal System(12) Gastrointestinal System(6) AHN6 Care of the Patient with a Gallbladder, Liver, Biliary Tract, or Exocrine Pancreatic Disorder AHN6 Care of the Patient with a Gallbladder, Liver, Biliary Tract, or Exocrine Pancreatic Disorder NCLEX46-47 Adult Client with a GI Disorder NCLEX9 Fluids and Electrolytes NCLEX46-47 Adult Client with a GI Disorder NCLEX9 Fluids and Electrolytes S&F18 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance S&F18 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance AHN15 Care of the Patient with an Immune Disorder /Allergies AHN16 Care of the Patient with HIV/AIDS BPN46 Antimicrobial Agents NCLEX60-61 Adult Client with a Immune Disorder Lymphatic System(6) AHN7 Care of the Patient with a Blood or Lymphatic Disorder S&F11 Blood S&F13 Lymphatic Sys and Immunity Review NLN Tuesday January 8 NLN On-Line Exams Nutrition __________________ Lymphatic System(6) AHN7 Care of the Patient with a Blood or Lymphatic Disorder S&F11 Blood S&F13 Lymphatic Sys and Immunity Monday January 14 Review for Comprehensive Final Term 2 Disorders Group Presentations GI Pharm Group Presentations Tuesday January 15 Comprehensive Final Exam END TERM 2 EXAM GI Anatomy, Dx Tests and Nutrition Review for NLN Review for Final Review for NLN Review for Final EXAM GI Midsystem GI Final Review for NLN Review for Final