Coalition News Surrey Coalition of Disabled People Issue 17 DECEMBER 2009 Astolat, Coniers Way, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7HL Phone & Minicom 01483 456558 Fax 01483 456561 Email AGM 2009 - A HUGE SUCCESS Surrey Coalition’s second AGM was held on 5th November at Leatherhead Leisure Centre. A day we will all “Remember, Remember” as being a lively and enjoyable day despite the tortuous access problems through a building site and the hasty evacuation near the end when the fire alarms went off! A fantastic total of 149 people attended, of whom over 70 were our disabled members - pictured here in a packed room hearing about Surrey Coalition’s activities during the past year. See more Highlights of the 2009 AGM on Pages 2 and 3 ___________________________________________________ SEASONS’ GREETINGS AND GOOD WISHES FOR 2010 To all our 1040 members and all our supporters. HIGHLIGHTS OF AGM 2009 ________________________________ Chair, Cliff Bush, welcomed everyone and gave a review of the year before inviting Cllr Michael Gosling, Executive Member of Surrey’s Adult Social Care Services to give an opening address. We were pleased to hear Michael’s commitment to improving social care and to putting service users and carers at the heart. After receiving reports on Activities during the year and approving the Financial Accounts for 2008/09, the members elected 2 new directors to the Coalition Board, Alison Downer and Geoff Jelly. Pictured here are two retiring Board members, Pat Robertson and Eric Knibbs, receiving tokens of appreciation for the work they have done. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sarah Mitchell, Strategic Director of Adult Social Care the gave a passionate and informative presentation on her plans for transforming social care in Surrey. We are very sorry to report that since being with us at the AGM, Sarah has had to undergo urgent surgery and treatment, and will not be back with us until January. We all wish her a speedy recovery. HIGHLIGHTS OF AGM 2009 _______________________________ During lunch people visited the 18 exhibition stands to find out about the services, equipment and leisure and employment opportunities available to help them lead more independent lives. In the afternoon members took part in table discussions on five questions about the information and support they receive and would like to receive, and on the things they do during the day, evenings and weekends, and what they would like to do if they could. People’s views have been collated and forwarded to the Self Directed Support Team for use in developing services and encouraging providers to develop more innovative solutions to offer people more choice. CAMPAIGNING NEWS TEXT MESSAGING Being able to access information or services by text from a mobile ‘phone is very important for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Ted Pottage and members of Surrey Deaf Forum continue to campaign for this service - with some recent great results: CRISIS TELEPHONE HELPLINE This new service introduced by Surrey and Borders Foundation NHS Trust in April this year, can now be accessed by text. All you do if you use mental health services is to text a short message indicating the nature of the crisis to 07717 989024. A text will be sent in response. Please note the telephone number for voice calls remains as 0300 456 8342. EMERGENCY SERVICES - SMS People with a hearing loss or having difficulty talking can now send an SMS text to 999. You have to register first, either online at or text the word “register” to 999. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOSING PATIENTS - JOIN THE CAMPAIGN Losing Patients is all about empowering blind and partially sighted people to secure accessible information from the NHS. Everyone who joins this campaign believes that print is the problem, not having a slight impairment. We each have the right to manage our own health affairs with the same degree of speed and privacy, whether we have a sight impairment or not. What you can do Those of us who regularly get our health information in a format we cannot read have a simple task: to tell the NHS services we use that we need accessible information. The RNIB have developed a helpful resource pack which you can download via the link below, or request by telephone. The pack contains a template letter for you to send to your health providers/hospital and GP. Link to the RNIB Losing Patients Campaign on/accessiblehealth/Pages/losing_patients_campaign.aspx or by telephoning the RNIB on 0303123 9999 TRANSFORMING SOCIAL CARE Transformation of Adult Social Care in Surrey Surrey’s Transformation work is now being delivered through an Implementation Programme with 13 Key Projects, as outlined by Sarah Mitchell at our AGM on 5th November. The Implementation Board is co-chaired by Michael Gosling, SCC Executive Member for Adult Social Care, and Coalition Chair, Cliff Bush, and the Project on User Led Organisations is being chaired by Carol Pearson. Some of the projects are outlined below:- User Led Organisations Project This Project has been given high priority by the County Council, following Department of Health Guidance on “Putting People First” which requires Councils to support and recognise the development of User-Led Organisations. The Project is therefore being led by the four main countywide ULOs in Surrey:Surrey Coalition, Surrey Independent Living Council (SILC), North West Surrey Association of Disabled People, and Action for Carers Surrey. This is a major piece of work, initially focussing on a Demonstrator Project (funded by the Department of Health) to set up a Citizen Hub in Epsom, run by disabled people for disabled people, and providing a first stop shop for information, advice, advocacy and support and access to services. It is hoped to roll out the model to all Boroughs in Surrey over the next few years. Meetings have been arranged to involve disabled people living in Epsom, Ewell and Banstead, at an early stage so that they can own and lead the project with our support. These are : Friday 18th December 10am to 12pm or 2pm to 4pm at Norman Colyer Court, Hollymoor Lane, Epsom KT19 9RR Wednesday 20th January 2010 1pm - 4pm at The Ebbisham Centre, Epsom KT19 8AG Information and Communication Project One of the most important tasks of this Project is to create a webbased Information Directory to give universal access by disabled people, carers and professionals, to up to date, accurate and personalised information to help them live more independently. The work is being carried out by a partnership between SID (Social Information on Disability), Surrey County Council and NHS Surrey. It is hoped that the website will be operational by May 2010. Coalition members will be involved in producing the information to be included in the Directory. CURRENT ACTIVITIES “RIGHT TO CONTROL” In September we held a Focus Group to discuss a Government Consultation document on “Right to Control” - the plans to introduce individual budgets giving disabled people more control over income from a range of different funding streams, including Adult Social Care, Independent Living Fund, Access to Work etc. The Government produced their response to the consultation on 8th December and seems to have included many of the issues we raised. They are also publishing guidance on how Local Authorities can apply to be a Trailblazer site to implement ‘Right to Control’ in local areas. We are working with Surrey County Council, Job Centre Plus and other partners to put in a bid to be a Trailblazer site here in Surrey. GIVING VIEWS COMMISSION TO THE CARE QUALITY Chris Hastings, the manager of the Surrey Team at CQC attended our AGM on 5th November and listened to all the comments from members at the afternoon able Discussions. We will develop our relationship with CQC so that disabled people’s views can ensure improvement in health and social care services, working as a key member of Surrey LINK. We have applied for, and been successful, in becoming a member of the CQC Speak Out Network, to enable us to contribute people’s views on health and social care. The Induction Workshop is on 13 th January in London, and will be attended by two members of the Coalition Board. More information on how the Speak Out Network works will be given in our next newsletter. INDEPENDENT LIVING SOCIAL EVENT Over 120 members of SILC, North West Surrey Association of Disabled People and Surrey Coalition attended a Social Event on 20th October hosted by the three User-Led Organisations of disabled people, to celebrate our collective achievements in enabling people to live more independent lives in Surrey. This was also a ‘thankyou’ to all our members who give their time as volunteers to provide information, advice, and support to other disabled people and ensure they have a voice to promote disability rights and greater disability equality in Surrey. People were entertained by a deaf comedian, a magician and singers from the Orpheus Centre, whilst being pampered with treats including Indian head massage, foot massage, make-up and colour consultations. We have heard that everyone had a marvellous day. WHAT MEMBERS HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN SCC’s ACCESSIBILITY PROJECT Surrey Coalition members were involved in early work on this Project to “bring services to people and people to services”. An update on the work to date has just been produced and is available from the Coalition office, on request. SCC’s PUBLIC VALUE REVIEW Coalition members and people currently receiving services commissioned by Surrey County Council for people with physical, sensory and cognitive impairments, have been involved in a range of meetings with the Public Value Review team over the past three months: The Surrey Vision Action Group discussed the PVR at their meeting on 24th September. A special session was held at the Empowerment Boards’ Chairs’ meeting on 14th October. Surrey Deaf Forum received a presentation from the PVR Team and gave their views on 19th November. The PVR team are also visiting all Resource Centres to seek the views of people using those services (including Frenches Lodge, Disability Initiative, White Lodge, Woking Disability Resource Centre, Headway and Leonard Cheshire). The PVR Team then gave another progress report at the Empowerment Board Chairs meeting on 10th December. Their final report is due in January. PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES Chair, Cliff Bush, has continued to challenge Adult Social Care to improve their procurement processes and to introduce the concept of trusted providers and to support bids for services provided by User Led Organisations. We have ensured user involvement in recent procurement processes, including: Review of Home Care Agency Contracts Renewal of SILC’s contract for the provision of Direct Payment Services - which we are delighted to announce was successful. Extension of contract with NWSADP to provide advocacy services across Surrey, for people with physical and sensory impairments. Upcoming tender for Visual Impairment services, currently provided by SAVI - to be led by Geoff Jelly, our Visual Impairment Lead, together with Surrey Vision Action Group WORKING TO ACHIEVE DISABILITY EQUALITY We continue to influence the Disability Equality Schemes and Action Plans of Surrey County Council and NHS Surrey through regular attendance by members at their respective Advisory Groups. We are now focussing on improvements in accessible communications and premises as top priorities. RESPONSE TO GREEN PAPER ON SOCIAL CARE REFORM We had a great turn-out at our Consultation Event on 12th October, attended by over 100 disabled people and carers. The Surrey Response prepared jointly by SCC, Surrey Coalition and Action for Carers Surrey, has been submitted, and copies have been sent to everyone who attended the consultation event. Also, Surrey Coalition’s own Response was prepared by Board Member, Nick Danagher and has also been circulated to members for information. Thank you to Nick and everyone who participated in these important discussions. INFORMATION FOR YOU BULLETINS FROM THE SURREY LEARNING DISABILITY PARTNERSHIP BOARD For members interested in services for people with learning difficulties, we are enclosing with this newsletter, the Bulletins from the Partnership Board for August, September and October. FREE FIRE SAFETY CHECKS Just another reminder that Surrey’s Fire and Rescue Service offer free Home Safety checks for disabled and older people. Use the free-phone number: Or look on the County Council website for information and advice. REPORT HATE CRIME Surrey Police want to encourage people to report any incidence of hate crime. Hate is any incident or crime motivated by an individual’s prejudice towards another person - Call 999 in an emergency - Call Surrey Police on 0845 125 2222 in a non-emergency - or - or if you need any help to do so, contact us in the Coalition Office - or Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where you can report anonymously and for free E-SIGHT Join this email Information Messaging Service to receive updates on a wide range of issues for people with vision impairment. Carers and professionals can also join to receive up to date information on new services, equipment and events. To join E-Sight just email Jan Welsman on ________________________________________________________ OPPORTUNITIES TO HAVE YOUR SAY ...... ON SURREY’S BUS SERVICES REVIEW Surrey County Council want people’s views on proposed changes to bus services in Surrey. Due to rising costs of bus subsidies, the Council have produced plans to make the services “more efficient and provide taxpayers better value for money”. We are concerned however that the changes will have a severe impact on disabled people. Phase 1 of the proposals covers bus routes in East Woking, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Elmbridge and Reigate & Banstead. Your views are needed so that we can respond to the Consultation which ends on 29th January 2010. Please go along to your local Empowerment Board meeting in January to hear about the proposed changes and give your views. For further information visit review, o contact us in the Coalition Office. ……. “ON MAKING SMOKING HISTORY” NHS Surrey have issued for comment the final draft of their Tobacco Control Strategy for Surrey 2010 - 2015. Contact us in the Coalition Office if you would like to see a copy. Closing date for comments is 25th January 2010. ……. ON PHARMACY SERVICES NHS Surrey are carrying out a survey of people’s views on pharmacy services across Surrey. They want to hear from you so they can plan to provide more accessible high quality services. Complete the on-line survey, by following this link: A_3d_3d or call us in the Coalition Office for a paper copy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ……. ON ACCESSIBILITY FOR LONDON’S 2012 OLYMPIC GAMES Complete the on-line survey on access being carried out by the London Development Authority, using the following link: 4878f6d9b591f70539cf7&syid=3288&sid=3289&act=start&js=13&flash =1000 …… ON THE NHS CONSTITUTION The Government are consulting on 2 new Patient Rights which they want to include in the NHS Constitution. These are Standards around waiting times (18 weeks from referral to treatment and 2 weeks for urgent cancer referrals). Health checks every 5 years for people aged 40 - 74. We need your views so we can respond to this consultation on these new rights and also on outline proposals on dentistry, evening and weekend access to GPs, personal health budgets and the right to choose to die at home. Let us have your views or respond to an online survey at A full copy of the Consultation is available on DH website. or order a hard copy: Tel 0300 123 1002 NHS Surrey ‘s Public Engagement Managers will be talking about the new Rights in the NHS Constitution at the 5 Empowerment Board meetings in January - so please go along and join in the discussions. (See Page 14 for dates). The closing date for comments is 5th February 2010. MORE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU WORK TASTERS Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust have started a Work Taster Project, funded by the Department of Health as part of the Pacesetter Programme, to break down barriers for disadvantaged groups. “Work Tasters” offer a possible route to employment for people with mental health issues or learning difficulties, by providing people with placements in a range of roles across the Trust. For more information contact Katherine Rogers on Tel. 01372 203453 or email JOIN - “WE’RE GOING 4 IT - SURREY” We’re Going 4 It is a Social club for disabled people and their families and friends. Set up by a group of disabled enthusiasts who live in Guildford and Waverley, ‘We’re Going 4 It” was officially launched in October 2009 and everyone is invited to their Christmas Party. on Saturday 19th December from 6.30 to 10.30pm at 40 Degreez, Dogflud Way, Farnham (behind Sports Centre) For tickets (£5 per head) tel: Paul on 01252 501948 For more information visit PERSONAL CARE AT HOME - A Government Consultation on proposals for regulation and guidance The Personal Care at Home Bill, currently going through Parliament, amends existing legislation (the Community Care Act 2003 which limits the requirement on Councils to provide free care for 6 weeks) to require Councils to introduce free personal care at home in circumstances covered by these regulations and guidance. They hope that this will be available to those in highest need from 1st October 2010. Surrey Coalition of Disabled People are working with Action for Carers Surrey and the County Council to arrange a workshop to discuss the proposals and to prepare a response. This will be held in early January. Anyone interested in taking part should contact us in the Coalition Office. Tel. 01483 456558 ________________________________________________________ DATES FOR YOUR DIARY SURREY COALITION’S AGM 2010 Please put this date in your diary for next year Thursday 28th October 2010 10.30 to 3.30 Leatherhead Leisure Centre ______________________________________________________ EMPOWERMENT BOARD MEETINGS - 2010 The next meetings of these local Partnership Boards for people with physical, sensory and cognitive impairments are as follows:NORTH WEST SURREY - Weds 13 January 2010 2pm to 4pm at Woking Council Offices EAST SURREY- Monday 18 January 2010 1.30pm to 4pm at White Hart Barn, Godstone NORTH SURREY - Tuesday, 19 January 2010 2pm to 4pm Hythe Community Centre, Staines MID SURREY - Monday 25 January 2010 1.30pm to 4pm at Parkhouse, Leatherhead SOUTH WEST SURREY- Weds 27th January 2010 10am to 12.30 pm at Godalming Baptist Church For more information contact: Yasmin Broome Email: or Tel: 01483 517294 “BRINGING IT TOGETHER EVENTS AT WHITE LODGE” Open Days will be held at Rendezvous to provide one point of access to information, advice and services provided by a range of local voluntary services Friday 5th February 2010 Weds, 12th May 2010 Friday 17th September 2010 All from 11.30am to 2.30pm. Lodge: 01932 567131 For more information contact White NEWS IN BRIEF ________________________________________________________ NEW ADVOCACY SERVICE ACROSS SURREY We are delighted to report that North West Surrey Association of Disabled People have been given an interim contract until April 2011 to provide a Surrey wide advocacy service for people with physical and sensory impairment. This is being done as an extension to the contract NWSADP already has to provide advocacy in North West Surrey, and will ensure an equitable service for all disabled people across the county. This interim arrangement will fill current gaps in service whilst Adult Social Care and NHS Surrey review future provision of advocacy services and formally tender for the service from April 2011. For information on when the service will be available in your area contact Clive Wood : Tel 01483 750 973 or email NEW AUTISM BILL PASSED The new Autism Bill has become the first ever disability-specific Parliamentary Act to be enshrined in law (passed on 20th November 2009). According to the National Autistic Society, the new law is groundbreaking and will profoundly affect both health and social care in the UK. It will mean that health and social care providers can now face legal action if they fail to provide support for people with the condition, which affects around half a million people in the UK. Starting out as a private members’ Bill, the Autism Act was championed by Conservative MP Cheryl Gillan. To find out more, click this link: rst_to_be_disability_specific.aspx -------------------------------------------------------------------KEEP WARM, KEEP WELL Enclosed with this Issue is your copy of the booklet from Government giving advice for people with disabilities or long-term conditions on how to keep warm and keep well this winter. It gives advice on Getting financial help Saving energy and money Staying well and healthy We hope you find it useful