Due Diligence How It..


Due Diligence (Beta)

Sections and Components

I. Overview Movie

A series of animations that illustrate how to use the program

Navigational Bar

II. Help Movie

Main Menu Scene

Procedure Titles Scene

Step By Step Progress Scene

Procedure Maps Scene

Case File Scene

Navigational Bar

III. Program Movies

(Questionable Operations; Imminent Danger; Denial, Revocation and Limitation; Suspension Due

To Imminent Danger)

Stand Alone Content Points (leaves)

Grouped Content Points (branches)

Document Folder

Navigational Bar

Descriptions of Components:

I. Overview Movie

1. A series of animations that illustrate the how to use the program

The animations illustrate QOps

2. Navigational Bar

Buttons to play the other Program Movies (Questionable Operations; Imminent

Danger; Denial, Revocation and Limitation; Suspension Due To Imminent Danger)

Buttons to pause and resume and exit the current movie

II. Help Movie

1. Main Menu Scene

An introduction to the Help Movie

Glossary of Acronyms

Menu of Help Movie Scenes

Contains buttons to play the other scenes

2. Procedure Titles Scene

3. Step By Step Progress Scene

4. Procedure Maps Scene

5. Case File Scene

6. Navigational Bar

Buttons to play the other Program Movies (Questionable Operations; Imminent


Danger; Denial, Revocation and Limitation; Suspension Due To Imminent Danger)

A “Main Menu” button to play the Main Menu Scene

(all other scenes can be accessed through the Main Menu Scene.)

Buttons to pause and resume and exit the current movie

III. A Program Movie:

1. Stand Alone Content Points

Buttons to play the movie clips of Stand Alone Content Points

Movie Clips of the Text and Audio for these content points

2. Grouped Content Points

Buttons to play the movie clips of Grouped Content Points

Movie clips of Grouped Content Points:

Buttons to play the Text and Audio for content points

Movie Clips of the Text and Audio for the content points

3. Document Folder (The Case File)

A Button containing the drop down menu (composed of buttons that will play movie clips of the Text and Audio for the content point related to the document)

4. Navigational bar

Buttons to play the other Program Movies (Questionable Operations; Imminent

Danger; Denial, Revocation and Limitation; Suspension Due To Imminent Danger)

Buttons to play Overview and Help Movies

Buttons for linear navigation through the current movie

Naming Convention For Layers, Buttons, Movie Clips, and Audio Files.

& How The Components Call Each Other.

I. Overview Movie:

About the Layers:

If you read the layers from the bottom up, you can follow the progression of animations.

The text layers are numbered sequentially and the animations associated with the text are in adjacent layers.

“Main Nav” contains the buttons to “go to” the Program Movies.

“Navigation” contains buttons to pause and resume the Overview Movie.

“Cursor” layer for cursor animations.

II. Help Movie:


About the Layers In the Main Menu Scene of the Help Movie:

“Navigation” contains the buttons to play the various Program Movies.

“Menu” contains the buttons to play the various scenes within the Help Movie.

About the Layers Within the other Scenes of the Help Movie:

If you read the layers from the bottom up, you can follow the progression of animations.

The text layers are numbered sequentially and the animations associated with the text are in adjacent layers.

“Main Nav” contains the buttons to “go to” the Program Movies.

“Navigation” the buttons to pause and resume the Help Movie.

“Cursor” layer for cursor animations.

“Main Menu” contains the buttons to play the Main Menu scene of the Help Movie.

III. Program Movies:

1. About the Layers:

“Main Nav” The buttons to play the other movies are located here.

“Linear Nav” The list for the linear navigation is initialized here

“Trunk Map” The Buttons that play the Grouped Content Points are contained here

“Branchless Buttons” The Buttons that play the Stand Alone Content Points are contained here

“Front Marker” The Buttons that play the movie clips of Grouped Content Points reference the Front Marker label contained here (to exit the nested movie clip structure of the Grouped Content Points)

“Control” The control layer contains the labels for all the Stand Alone Content movie clips and the Grouped Content Point movie clips (the various buttons go to and stop at these points to play the various movie clips.)

“BL1 …” & “B1….” These layers contain the Stand Alone Content movie clips

( B ranchless L eaf 1

…) and the Grouped Content Points movie clips (

B ranch 1


2. About the Buttons:

Buttons take the name of the movie clip they play and add the suffix “_btn”

An exception to this rule is the buttons contained in the Doc Folder (Case Study)

(the various buttons go to and stop at the appropriate label to play the various movie clips.) (remember to set the variable to the appropriate value and update the list initialization)(the convention for assigning values to list variables is detailed in a section to follow) * NOTE, values need to be set in the buttons that play the grouped content points in the Denials, Revocations, and Limitations Movie.


3. About the Movie Clips:

Stand Alone Content Point Movie Clips are called “Branchless Leaves” and are named “BL1, BL2…” etc. There are two primary components to a “Branchless Leaf”: a button (see above) and a movie clip that contains the text for that content point. The text movie clips are named after the appropriate content point and add the suffix “_txt”.

Grouped Content Points Movie Clips are called “Branches” and are named “B1, B2…” etc. The components of a “Branch” are: the button (see above) to play the “Branch” and the movie clip of the Branch that contains buttons and the text movie clips for the individual content points (“leaves.”)

The buttons are named after the movie clip they are nested within and add the name of the content point (“leaf”) that they reference (L1…L2…) in addition to adding the suffix

“_btn”. So a button for a content point within a “Branch” might be named something like


The text movie clips follow the same naming convention as the buttons, substituting the suffix “_txt” for the suffix “btn.”.

[The text tweens could also be renamed to reflect the naming convention.]

The layers in the Grouped Content Points Movie Clips follow the standard

The buttons function as they do in the main movie

4. About the Audio Files:

The audio files are named after the content point movie clip that they are nested within. If there are multiple units of text the file name is appended with “_1, _2” and so on.

5. About the Doc Folder (Case Study):

The Doc folder movie clip consists of buttons nested within a button. The outer button activates the drop down menu with a mouse over. (The hit area excludes the space the menu occupies and ‘closes’ the menu – plays the closed menu frame -- when the cursor is not on the menu.)

The Document Folder (Case Study) varies from the naming convention for the content elements.

The nested buttons are named after the main movie they belong adding the suffix “doc01, doc02….” And so on. So a Doc button in Denials , Revocations, and Limitations would be named “drldoc01”.

The doc buttons use tell target to call the appropriate content point (“Leaf”) within a Grouped Content Point movie clip (“Branch.”)

6. About the Navigation Bar & Also the Linear Navigation:

The Navigation Bar consists of buttons to play the Overview and Help Movies, a button to exit the program, and the linear navigation (the back and next buttons and the movie clip of the list, named “ActionList). The list contains instructions and is commented. The back and next buttons call the various functions within the list.

The Buttons that call (Branchless Leaves, Branches, & Leaves) play a major role


in the Linear Navigation… it is here – in the buttons – that the value for the variables of the list are set. Initialization of the list takes place in the first frame of the “Linear Nav” layer.

7. The Convention For Assigning Values to List Variables

Values are assigned starting with the button for the first Stand Alone Content Point

(“Branchless Leaf”), which receives the value 1. After values for the Stand Alone

Content Points have been assigned, the button that plays the first Grouped Content Point

Movie (“Branch”), receives the next value in sequence. Then each of the buttons within that Grouped Content Point Movie receives its value. Then the button that plays the next

Grouped Content Point Movie receives the next value in sequence and so on.

Library Structures For The Overview Movie And The Help Movie have not been established.

Library Structure for Program Movies

(Questionable Operations; Imminent Danger; Denial, Revocation and Limitation; Suspension Due

To Imminent Danger)

What some of these folders contain is obvious, but they are included for completeness sake.

1. Background Folder:

Bitmaps for background

2. Great Leaf Folder:

This folder has all the graphics and the button template for the buttons that call the individual Grouped Content Points (“Leaves”)

3. Main contains:

Program Specific Folder

( Bears the name of the Program Movie )

Doc Folder

Go to Main Map Buttons

Main Navigation Bar

4. Program Specific Folder contains the following folders: a. Arrows Folder

Contains the “leaf arrow” that is the pointer that points to the Grouped Content

Point Button while its individual content point is being played. b. Audio Folder

All the audio for the Program Movie is stored here. c. Branch Icons

The Buttons that play the Grouped Content Point Movies and their highlight are stored here. d. Branches

The Grouped Content Point Movies are stored here. e. Branchless Leaves


The Stand Alone Content Point Movies and the Buttons that play them are stored here.

The BL Tweens Folder contains the tweens for the text of the Stand Alone

Content Point movie clips.

The Graphics Folder contains the graphics for the Stand Alone Content Point

Buttons. f. Leaf Icons

The Buttons that play the individual Grouped Content Point movie clips are stored here. g. Leaves

The individual Grouped Content Point movie clips, their text tweens, the buttons to pause play and repeat the audio, and templates for the movie clips and text are stored here.

5. Doc Folder:

Contains all the buttons and the doc folder movie clip for the Case File for each Program


6. Go to Main Map Buttons:

Contain the buttons to “go to” the other Program Movies.

7. Main Navigation Bar:

Contains the ActionList Movie clip and buttons and various graphics for linear navigation, and also buttons to access the Help and Overview Movies.

The “Set Up”—

As it stands now…

The Overview Movie is saved as an exe. and as a swf.

The other Program Movies are swf’s.

Once the Overview exe is run, (the other swf’s can be called from it and the movies are loaded into player. The Overview swf is the movie that is loaded into the player when the Overview is called from the other Movies.

