CPT10 Summative Project

CPT 10 Summative Project
Project Outline: Movie Making Campaign
This project will consist of both group and individual components. You have a choice of
different parts of the project you would like to do. If you do a specific component
completely on your own, the number under the column marked Individual is the value
that goes towards your total number of marks (100). You must complete enough
components so your mark equals 100. If you work with another person, then you get
the mark value listed under the 2 column. If your group has three people and you share
equally in each component, then you get the value under the 3 column. You can
combine both individual and group components together.
For example:
You work with 1 other person on the movie trailer. Your project value is 50. You now
must get 50 more marks to get to 100. If you then do a movie theatre design by
yourself, then you get 40 more marks towards your total. That brings you to 90. You
need 10 more marks to get to 100. You can choose another individual component worth
10 marks. That would be either the business card or the DVD label.
Remember, you are responsible for your own mark, so make sure you have everything
completed and handed in by ___________________________
Movie Trailer (Preview, includes Storyboard)
Movie Poster (8.5x11”) full colour
Advertising Company Business Card
30 second TV commercial (includes Storyboard)
30 second animated commercial (includes
DVD case cover
DVD label
Movie Theatre Design
Make sure you keep equipment limitations in mind when choosing your project components.
A well planned project will be the most successful. Try to complete your video components first to
avoid a backlog when due dates get closer.
Summative Component Descriptions
Movie Trailer:
The movie trailer must be exactly 1 minute 30 seconds long. The movie must have an original title
and have original content. You cannot create a trailer for a movie that already exists or a sequel to a
movie. The average shot length must be 3 seconds or less for the entire video. The trailer will also
include at least 2 animated titles, an original soundtrack created by you, and a voice over narration.
Content must follow the usual class rules.
Storyboard must be included.
Movie Poster:
The full colour movie poster can either be computer generated using Photoshop or Fireworks, or
hand drawn. It will include an original movie title, the stars of the film, producer, director etc. and
pictures that tell us what the movie is about. The poster will fit on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper will 1
inch margins. To reach the highest level, you will incorporate still pictures shot by you using video
Advertising Company Business Card:
You will create a business card that gives your name as well as your advertising company name on it.
It will be the size of a standard business card. You must find out what that size is. The card is in full
colour and can be hand drawn or computer generated.
30 Second TV Commercial:
The 30 second TV commercial will be exactly 30 seconds in length. The commercial will be for a
movie that follows the same criteria as the movie trailer but is shorter in length. It will have a
average shot length of 3 seconds or less for the entire video. The trailer will also include at least 1
animated title, an original sound track created by you, and a voice over narration. Content must
follow the usual class rules.
30 Second Animated Commercial:
The 30 second animated commercial will again be exactly 30 seconds long. It will be for an original
movie and must include animated text and models (eg, plastcine, lego, etc). The commercial must
also have at least 3 different backgrounds and an original soundtrack. The commercial will be edited
together using imovie. To reach the highest level, all backgrounds will be original creations.
DVD Case Cover:
The DVD Case Cover is for an original movie and must fit in a standard DVD case. A sample case will
be provided for you to measure and test with. The cover will be in full colour and can be hand drawn
or computer generated. It will include the movie title, credits and a synopsis of the movie. To reach
the highest level, you will put in still shots that you have taken with the video camera.
DVD Video Labels:
The DVD label will fit onto a standard DVD. Sample labels will be provided to you for measuring. The
labels are in full colour and can be hand drawn or computer generated.
Movie Theatre Design:
The movie theatre design is a chance for you to design a theatre based on a theme for your movie.
The design must be on at least an 8.5x11” piece of blank paper and will be in full colour. It can be
hand drawn or computer generated. You must show a floor plan for the theater that includes
dimensions of rooms, hallways, concession stands etc. You will hand in a “bird’s eye view” as well as
the design for the outside of the theatre or “street view”. Each must be on their own piece of paper.
Be sure to include a legend and give as much detail as possible.