Food Service System Administrator full access

Last revised 12:14 AM 3/10/2016
Student Data Access Rights
Upper-Administrative Role:
Read-only access to academic record information
Read-only access to demographic information
Read-only access to eligibility to register, previous college, address, application, high
school, degree, and test score information
Read-only access to program of study
Read-only access to Registrar semester course master information
Read-only access to registration information for students in their school/department
Student Academic Advisor Role:
Read-only access to academic record information
Read-only access to demographic information
Read-only access to eligibility to register, previous college, address, application, high
school, degree, and test score information
Read-only access to program of study
Read-only access to Registrar semester course master information
Read/add/update registration information for students in their school/department
Read-only access to SMAS master schedule of classes
Read-only access to SMAS evening exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS final exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS room schedule system
Read-only access to SMAS course history reports
Read-only access to SMAS inventory report system
Student Registration Manager Role:
Read-only access to academic record information
Add grade information
Read/add/update/delete demographic information
Read/add/update/delete eligibility to register and address information
Read-only access to program of study
Read-only access to semester course master information
Read/add/update/delete registration information for any student
Read-only access to SMAS Student Scheduling Information
Read-only access to SMAS master schedule of classes
Read-only access to SMAS evening exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS final exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS room schedule system
Read-only access to SMAS course history reports
Read-only access to SMAS inventory report system
Read/add/update/delete passwords for students on SSINFO
Student Transcript Manager Role:
Read/update academic record information
Read/add/update/delete grade information
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Read/add/update/delete demographic information
Read/add/update/delete eligibility to register and address information
Read-only access to program of study
Read-only access to semester course master information
Read/add/update/delete registration information for any student
Read-only access to SMAS master schedule of classes
Read-only access to SMAS evening exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS final exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS room schedule system
Read-only access to SMAS course history reports
Read-only access to SMAS inventory report system
Course Master Manager Role:
Read/add/update information in the course master system
Read-only access to SMAS Student Scheduling Information
Read-only access to SMAS master schedule of classes
Read-only access to SMAS evening exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS final exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS room schedule system
Read-only access to SMAS course history reports
Read-only access to SMAS inventory report system
Registrar System Administrator Role:
Read/add/update information in the Program of Study file
Read/add/update/delete information in the Student Information file
Read/add/update/delete information in the Schedule file
Read/add/update information in the course master file
Read-only access to SMAS master schedule of classes
Read-only access to SMAS evening exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS final exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS room schedule system
Read-only access to SMAS course history reports
Read-only access to SMAS inventory report system
Schedule Deputy Role:
Read-only access to Registrar course master information
Read-only access to Registrar semester master information
Read-only access to SMAS master schedule of classes
Read-only access to SMAS evening exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS final exam schedule
Read-only access to SMAS room schedule system
Read-only access to SMAS course history reports
Read-only access to SMAS inventory report system
Admissions Role I: (Counselor)
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Read-only access to Student Information, program of study, course master, semester
master and student schedule information
Admissions Role II (Data Ops/Sec)
Read-only access to program of study, course master, semester master, and student
schedule information
Read-only access to academic record information
Read-only access to demographic information
Read-only access to eligibility to register
Read/add/update application, previous college, address, high school, degree, and test
score information (undergraduate/non-degree)
Admissions Production Role III (assessment)
Read-only access to program of study, course master, semester master and limited
employee data, and housing information
Read-only access to academic record information
Read-only access to demographic information (continuing students)
Read-only access to eligibility to register, (continuing students)
Read/add/update/delete registration information for non-degree student
Read/add/update application, previous college, address, high school, degree, and test
score information (undergraduate/non-degree)
Admissions Production Role IV (assessment)
Read-only access to program of study, course master, semester master, limited access
to employee data, housing data, and bursar information
Read-only access to academic record information
Read-only access to demographic information for continuing students
Read-only access to eligibility to register for continuing students
Read/add/update/delete registration information for non-degree student
Read/add/update application, previous college, address, high school, degree, and test
score information for undergraduate/non-degree students
Write AP Information (Roscoe-CDE)
Admissions Production Role V (credit evaluation)
Read-only access program of study, course master, semester master, and student
schedule information
Read-only access to academic record information
Read-only access to demographic information for continuing students
Read-only registration information for continuing student
Read/add/update application, previous college, address, high school, degree, and test
score information for undergraduate/non-degree students
Write Transfer Credit Information (Roscoe-CDE)
Student Scholarship Role
Read all other financial aid information, except system tables.
Read/update FAFSA information
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Read/update student financial aid information
Read/update general fund information and disbursement amount
Read/update student and parent loan information
Student Loan Administrator Role:
Read all other financial aid information, except system tables.
Read/update scholarship information
Read/update loan snapshots and payments
Read/update financial aid transcript
Student Loan Clerk Role:
Read all other financial aid information, except system tables.
Read/update scholarship information
Read/update payments
Read financial aid transcript
Student Needs Analysis Role:
Read all other financial aid information, except system tables
Read/update scholarship information
Read/update financial transcripts
Read-only access to notes to funds
Student Special Financial Programs Role:
Read all other financial aid information, except system tables
Read/update scholarship information
Read-only access to notes to funds
Student Financial Aid Central Processing Role:
Read all other financial aid information, except system tables
Read/update scholarship information
Read-only access to notes to funds
Student Financial Aid Front Line:
Read all other financial aid information, except system tables
Read/update scholarship information
Read-only access to fund information and to fund notes
Read/update financial aid transcript information