Word - Routledge

Assignment #1: Master Scene
In this assignment you will create a complete scene using the master scene method. Your
scene will be 2-4 minutes in length and told in pictures only. No sound or title cards in
this assignment. Demonstrate that you can tell a story using only visuals.
Integrate elements of the dramatic structure in writing your scene. Create a protagonist
and give your protagonist an objective. Put complications in place that hinder the
protagonist’s progress toward his or her goal. Perhaps an antagonist is getting in the way.
Complete your scene with a resolution. Have the protagonist either succeed or fail in his
or her objective.
Grading Criteria
Preproduction materials: Show that you are going into this project with a carefully
constructed plan. Your planning documents (script, shot list, storyboards) will be
collected for review and evaluation.
Story: Part of your grade will be allocated to the quality and originality of your story. Is it
creative, dynamic, original and interesting?
Casting and Mise en Scene: Casting should be appropriate to the qualities of the
characters in the story. The choice of sets, props and locations should also be appropriate
for the story.
Camera: Make sure to have sharp focus, effective composition, proper exposure, and
smooth camera moves (if applicable). Make sure to gather the shot variety to allow the
editor to compose the scene with clean continuity.
Editing: Does the scene flow seamlessly? An effective master scene exercise should look
like the action all took place in one seamless flow. Grading will consider matching screen
direction, eyelines, as well as temporal and physical continuity. Make sure there are no
jump cuts or position jumps in this exercise.
Grading Rubric
Preproduction Materials 10 points
Story 10 points
Casting and Mise en Scene 10 points
Composition and camera moves 10 points
Focus 10 points
Exposure 10 points
Continuity 10 points
Pacing 10 points
Seamlessness of Construction 10 points
Conformity to project time limit and other requirements 10 points
Instructor’s Grading Sheet: Project #1
Project #1: The Master Scene
Project Title _____________________________________
Created By ______________________________________
Preproduction Materials
Casting and Mise en Scene
Composition and Camera Moves
Seamlessness of Construction
Time Limit and Other Req.
Points Score Notes
Assignment #2 Commercial/PSA
In this assignment you will produce a 30-second television spot. Select a product or
service, or you can choose to create a public service announcement for a nonprofit
organization or issue of social concern. After choosing your client and its product or
service, conduct research to select the target audience for the ad. Decide what advertising
approach and techniques will work best for reaching this target audience. No parodies
allowed in this assignment. Demonstrate that you can design a real television spot.
The final project must be exactly 29.5 seconds long. You can add elements of sound in
this assignment. You may choose to record sync sound on location, and you might add a
voice-over music or sound effects. Add a leader to you project with a reference tone,
color bars and countdown.
Grading Criteria
Pitch: You will pitch your commercial to the class as if we were the client. Tell us the
target audience you have chosen to reach and why you think your approach will be
effective for that audience. Use presentation storyboards to support your pitch to the
Preproduction Materials: A commercial must be carefully planned to maximize its
potential. Your presentation storyboards, production storyboards, shot list, and split-page
script will be reviewed prior to production.
Approach: Is the approach effective for the target audience? Are there elements of the
approach that are particularly noteworthy and original?
Casting and Mise en Scene: Are the people who appear on camera appropriately cast for
the ad? Is the totality of the visual elements strong and effective?
Camera: Elements of videography should be very strong. Make sure your focus,
exposure, composition and camera movements are clean.
Visual Editing: Does the commercial make the most of the short time window? Is the
editing constructed with a sense of holistic continuity or does it feel like there are
mistakes or flaws (awkward timing, inadvertent disorientation)?
Audio: Are the sound elements composed in a way that makes sense for the structure of
the ad and which supports the objective of the ad?
Technical Specifications: Is the ad 29.5 seconds? Have you included a leader with bars,
tone and countdown on the head of the project? Is the commercial a real effort and not a
Grading Rubric
Pitch 10 points
Preproduction Materials 15 points
Approach 10 points
Casting and Mise en Scene 10 points
Camera 15 points
Visual Editing 15 points
Audio 15 points
Technical Specifications 10 points
Assignment #2 Variation: Music Video
Instructors that wish to devote additional attention to the development of editing skills
and application of the visual language might find it useful to assign a music video in
place or in addition to the television commercial assignment. Have students build images
to an existing song to create a music video. You could require all original footage, or
allow library footage to be used as well. You can allow students to pick the song, but it is
even more effective in some cases to assign songs, or to have students bring in a song and
then exchange them among class peers so students have no strong preconceptions about a
song before beginning the assignment.
Instructor’s Grading Sheet: Project #2
Project #2: The Television Commercial/PSA
Project Title _____________________________________
Created By ______________________________________
Preproduction Materials
Casting and Mise en Scene
Visual Editing
Technical Specifications
Points Score Notes
Assignment #3 Mini-Documentary
For this exercise you will create a work of nonfiction and tell a story in the documentary
form. Apply the elements of the dramatic structure to your project. Choose a protagonist
found in the real world to propel the story forward. Conduct preinterviews to get the most
out of your on-camera sessions. Take your audience on a journey through your
characters—documentaries also have characters—and take the project to a point of
conclusion. This project will be 4-6 minutes in length.
Grading Criteria
Pitch: Quality and preparation of your oral pitch to the class.
Story: Is the story one that captures and keeps the attention of the audience? Is it timely,
of social significance, compelling or unusual?
Characters: Have you found characters that make the project dynamic and engaging? Are
the characters interesting and appropriate to the story? Do you have a strong protagonist
to anchor the tale?
Composition: Nonfiction often requires fast coverage with no opportunity for a second
take. Be aware of composition with every shooting opportunity.
Coverage: Do you have what you need to tell the story? Do the interviews reveal the core
of the story? Do you have the B-roll and cutaways necessary to put it all together?
Technical Elements of Camera: Work to maintain sharp focus and appropriate camera
moves. Go beyond simply controlling the level of exposure to shaping light for maximum
Location Sound: Is the location sound clean? Is there proper presence and perspective of
your location audio?
Editing: Does the footage come together into a unified experience that takes the audience
from beginning to end in a logical and natural structure?
Sound Editing: Is the audio layered appropriately in postproduction? Is there a clean
integration of sync sound, music, and effects? Are audio transitions clean and effective?
Technical Specifications: Is the project in the allotted time window? Did you prepare the
project with bars, tone and countdown?
Grading Rubric
Pitch 10 points
Story 10 points
Characters 10 points
Composition 10 points
Coverage 10 points
Technical Elements of Camera 10 points
Location Sound 10 points
Editing 10 points points
Sound Editing 10 points
Technical Specifications 10 points
Instructor’s Grading Sheet: Project #3
Project #3: Mini-Documentary
Project Title _____________________________________
Created By ______________________________________
Points Score Notes
Technical Elements of Camera
Location Sound
Sound Editing
Technical Specifications
Assignment #4 Short Fiction Film
Your final project in this course will be to create a short fiction film from concept to
screen. Invent a protagonist and take this character through a journey. Give the hero of
your story an objective and motivation for achieving that objective. Put obstacles and
antagonist(s) in your hero’s path. Use backstory to create more realistic characters and
context. Compose your screenplay for this project in formal scriptwriting form. This
project will be 4-8 minutes.
Grading Criteria
Pitch: How effectively do you sell your story to the class? Would a producer give you
development money based on your pitch?
Story: Is your story interesting and original? Do you integrate the elements of the
dramatic structure into your tale?
Screenplay: Does your screenplay follow proper screenplay formatting and structure?
Casting and Performance: Are the actors appropriately cast for their roles? Are their
performances effective?
Mise en Scene: Is the totality of the visual design (sets, props, locations, blocking) well
conceived and executed?
Camera: Camera work should be clean and professional. Lighting control should be
executed with careful design.
Sound Recording: Are the audio elements gathered cleanly and with the proper presence
and perspective?
Editing: Does it all come together smoothly in postproduction? Are transitions used
appropriately and elements such as screen direction, continuity and pacing successful?
Sound Design: Is the final soundtrack rich in layers, clean and effective for the content
and context of the story.
Technical Specifications: Did you hit the time window and follow the basic rules of
project completion?
Grading Rubric
Pitch 10 points
Story 10 points
Screenplay 10 points
Casting and Performance 10 points
Mise en Scene 10 points
Camera 10 points
Sound Recording 10 points
Editing 10 points
Sound Design 10 points
Technical Specifications10 points
Instructor’s Grading Sheet: Project #4
Project #4: Short Fiction Film
Project Title _____________________________________
Created By ______________________________________
Casting and Performance
Mise en Scene
Sound Recording
Sound Design
Technical Specifications
Points Score Notes