RNA and Protein Synthesis Notes Define Gene – What does a gene

RNA and Protein Synthesis Notes
Define Gene –
What does a gene ultimately code for? _____________________________________
RNA review
o 3 main differences compared to DNA
o 3 types of RNA
Protein Synthesis
o Occurs in two main steps:
o Transcription occurs in the _____________________________________
o Translation occurs in the _______________________________________
o Occurs in 3 main steps:
o Initiation –
The enzyme ___________________________________ recognizes a
specific sequence of DNA called a __________________________
Promotors –
RNA polymerase separates the DNA strands by breaking the
_______________ bonds.
o Elongation –
RNA polymerase uses the DNA strand as a ______________________
and pairs free-floating RNA nucleotides together to form the
backbone of the _________________________ strand.
o Termination –
mRNA strand is continuously built until RNA polymerase reaches a
specific sequence of DNA known as the
__________________________________ sequence.
Then, mRNA separates from the DNA and transcription is complete.
Transcription vs. Replication
o Transcription results in :
o Replication results in:
The Genetic Code
o What is the overall purpose of the genetic code in DNA?
o Long chains of _________________ ____________________ that are
joined together by ___________________________ bonds.
o There are _______________ different amino acids.
o The _________________________ and ___________________________ of
proteins are determined by the sequence of amino acids.
o The genetic code is read in groups of __________ letters at a time
o ____________ codons are possible
Codons either code for an amino acid or they give instructions.
o Takes place on __________________, either in the cytoplasm or attached to
the E.R.
o The ribosome will _____________________ the message on the mRNA
strand to produce a protein (polypeptide).
o Occurs in 3 main steps:
o Initiation:
mRNA leaves the nucleus and travels through the cytoplasm to the
ribosome. mRNA attaches to the ribosome.
_______________= the start codon = codes for __________________
tRNA anticodon will temporarily bind to the complementary codon on
the mRNA molecule
o Elongation:
The ribosome has two __________________ sites, allowing two tRNA
molecules to line up side by side.
The ribosome forms a __________________ __________________
between the first and second amino acids on the tRNA molecules.
At the same time, the ribosome ___________________ the bond that
held the first tRNA molecule to its amino acid and releases the tRNA
from the ribsome.
The __________________ floats away, allowing the ribosome to
move down the mRNA molecule and bind another tRNA.
The ribosome continues to move along the __________________,
attaching new tRNA molecules and adding more
_______________________ _______________________ to the
__________________________________________ chain.
o Termination:
This process continues until the ribosome reaches one of the three
possible __________________ codons on the mRNA.
Then, the ____________________________ detaches from the
The result is a ______________________ that then travels to the
_____________________ apparatus to be modified for use in the cell.