One form per work package Work package number Work package title 5 Type of activity1 DEM Putting into practice Start month 12 End month Lead beneficiary number 24 1 (PIL) Objectives Overal Objective (5). Demonstration of applicability and economicenvironmental benefit of novel heat-transfer enhancement techniques and the new design methods proposed Implementation of the technologies and design tools developed in the WPs 1-4 at industrial–scale production site in the process industries Enabling the real-life validation and demonstration of the project findings, know-how, and inventions Realistic quantification of techno-enviro-economic benefits, compared to conventional heat exchangers Gaining valuable feedback for enhancing practicality of technologies developed from the projects Description of work and role of partners (Leader: PIL; Collaborators: UNIMAN, UNIBATH, UNIPAN, CALGAVIN, SODRU, MAKATEC, OIKOS, EMBAFFLE) Task 5.1 Demonstration and application of spiral plastic heat exchanger Makatec will apply the new heat exchanger design for cooling of strong acids like sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Beside the optimised design of the spiral structure and spacers suitable polymer materials have to be identified for this application (MAKATEC, UPB). If possible, a demonstration in the temperature range above 100 oC will be erected (MAKATEC), leading to the requirement of advanced polymer materials with higher temperature resistance compared to Polyolefins. Task 5.2. Demonstration and application of intensified heat exchangers to oil/petrochemical industries (UNIMAN, UNIPAN, EMBAFFLE, CALGAVIN) 1 Possible values :RTD, DEM, OTHER, MGT, COORD, SUPP Novel tube inserts (CALGAVIN) and enhanced baffle design (EMBAFFLE) which facilitates the intensified heat transfer for heat exchangers will be systematically assessed by UNIMAN in terms of their industrial applicability, by carrying out a case study based on energy recovery systems of crude oil pre-train. Optimisation frameworks developed from WP4 will be applied to identify the most appropriate location for adding these intensified elements into existing heat exchanger networks and to evaluate the impacts on the energy recovery of whole systems, which ensures the minimum capital expenditure with maximum energy savings. These demonstration activities will be carried out by CALGAVIN and SODRU with the following subtasks: • Data collection and setting up base case • Heat recovery systems modelling • Perform targeting study with heat integration methods to identify maximum potentials for energy savings • Network pinch to assess the bottleneck for further energy recovery • Application of optimization method, with full appreciation of intensified heat transfer equipment and rigorous consideration of fouling • Operational analysis to understand the impacts of upgraded heat recovery networks • Validation of practicability of the improved methods in oil/petrochemical sectors • Demonstration of the benefits of the improved methods in terms of energy and emissions savings Testing and demonstration activity will be carried out at HTRI Heat Transfer Research Inc., where EMBAFFLE’s intensified heat exchangers and those heat exchangers with hiTRAN thermal system of CALGAVIN in the tube-side will be tested. Accurate measurements will be made for obtaining information on heat transfer coefficients and thermal resistance under heat-transferintensified environment. The demonstration can be further developed to include other optimised dual enhanced heat exchangers under current INTHEAT project. Task 5.3. Demonstration and application of intensified heat exchangers to food industries (UNIMAN, OIKOS, EMBAFFLE, CALGAVIN) Advanced heat exchanger equipment and its retrofit strategies will be verified in case study from food industries. Optimisation frameworks developed from WP4 and novel technologies identified from WPs 2 and 3 by UNIMAN, UNIPAN will be simultaneously considered for revamping study which enables the cost-effective use of these intensified elements in the context of heat recovery networks, and to maximise the synergy by integrating existing networks with novel intensified heat exchangers. This demonstration activities will be carried out by OIKOS and UNIMAN with the following subtasks: • Data collection and setting up base case • Heat recovery systems modelling • Perform targeting study with heat integration methods to identify maximum potentials for energy savings • Network pinch to assess the bottleneck for further energy recovery • Application of optimization method, with full appreciation of intensified heat transfer equipment and rigorous consideration of fouling • Operational analysis to understand the impacts of upgraded heat recovery networks • Validation of practicability of the improved methods in food industries • Demonstration of the benefits of the improved methods in terms of energy and emissions savings The demonstration will take place at Perutnina Ptuj Group ( is poultry producing company. A big heat exchanger network is operated by the company and it will be analysed in terms of application of enhanced heat transfer solutions. The company will provide the data for such an analysis the feedback. Perutnina Ptuj Group comprises of 18 companies and considerable modernisation is being carried out throughout them to comply with strict environmental legislation and to achieve better energy and material saving performance. - Data collection and analysis at a rendering plant in Perutnina Ptuj d.d. (Zagrebška 110, 2250 Ptuj, Slovenia) will be carried out on the basis of the INTHEAT toolbox developed to provide better performance both regarding heating and cooling energy. - Brand new heat exchangers are going to be installed in the company’s biogas plant PP Energija d.o.o. (Potrčeva c. 10 2250 Ptuj) located 4-5 km away from Perutnina Ptuj production facilities and the project outputs will be beneficial for the decisions to be made on the technologies applied. - Data on existing heat exchanger network in production line in slaughterhouse in Ptuj (Zagrebška 110, 2250 Ptuj, Slovenia) will be collected and analysed. INTHEAT tool will applied to the development of the retrofit options for that facility. Person months per participant Participant number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Participant short name PIL CALGAVIN SODRU MAKATEC OIKOS UNIMAN UNIBATH UPB UNIPAN Personmonths per participant 2 2 2.5 4 5 4 4 8 5 10 EMBAFFLE Total 0.5 37 List of WP Deliverables Delive- Deliverable Title rable Number D5.1 D5.2 D5.3 Application of spiral plastic heat exchanger for cooling of acids Report on case studies with achieved benefits (Oil/petrochemical sector) Report on case studies with achieved benefits (Food sector) Lead beneficiary number Estimated indicative personmonths Nature Dissemi- Delivery nation date level 4 MAKATEC 16 D PU Month 24 2. CALGAVIN 11 D PU Month 24 5 OIKOS Total 10 D 37 PU Month 24 Description of WP Deliverables D5.1 Report on the application of spiral plastic heat exchanger for cooling of acids (Month 24) Technical details of demonstration activities based on plastic heat exchanger, including case study descriptions, application of technologies and design methods, technology validation, and discussion on applicability. D5.2 Report on case studies with achieved benefits (Oil/petrochemical sector) (Month 24) Technical details of demonstration activities based on heat transfer intensification technologies for petrochemical sector, including case study descriptions, application of technologies and design methods, technology validation, and discussion on applicability. D5.3 Report on case studies with achieved benefits (Food sector) (Month 24) Technical details of demonstration activities based on heat transfer intensification technologies for food sector, including case study descriptions, application of technologies and design methods, technology validation, and discussion on applicability. Schedule of relevant milestones Milestone number M5.1 Milestone name Case studies for methodology application in chemical, refinery and food industries carried out Lead beneficiary number 1 Delivery date from Annex I Month 24 Comments Demonstrators set up and comparative studies carried out