Homework Add some data validation code to orderform.html and processorder.php Embedding PHP in HTML Adding dynamic content Accessing form variables Understanding Identifiers Crating user-declared variables Examining variable types Assigning values to variables Declaring and using constants Understanding variable scope Understanding operators and precedence Evaluating expressions Using variable functions Making decisions with if, else, switch Taking advantage of iteration using while, do, and for loops Practical Assuming that you installed XAMPP on your computer using a standard installation, where do you put your HTML and PHP files so that the Apache Web Server will find them? Put them in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs How do you open the files in Internet Explorer? Suppose you want to open a php file named phpinfo.php in Internet Explorer as the output of the Apache Web Server? Type http://localhost/phpinfo.php in Internet Explorer’s Address Box What is the significance of the name property in an input box in HTML? See page 13 Which PHP Tag style should you use? What is a PHP statement? When does PHP ignore white space? When does PHP pay attention to white space? How do you find out the meaning of the date function’s parameters? See page 19 What is a PHP function? What is an argument? What is a string? What style do you use to access form variables? What is an array? What is a global array? What is the $_POST array? What is a variable? What is the value of a variable? What is a statement? What is an assignment statement? How do you explain the code fragments on page 23? What is data validation? What is string concatenation? What is the string concatenation operator? See page 24 What is string interpolation? See page 25 What is a variable? How do you declare a variable? What doe it mean to declare a variable? Your book says variables are “symbols for data”. What does that mean? What is a literal? What is the difference between a single-quoted (apostrophe’d) string and a double-quoted (quoted) string? Are we going to use the hreedoc syntax? NO! What is an identifier? What is the difference between an identifier and a variable? What is the difference between an identifier and a literal? What is an assignment statement? A variable has (at least) three properties – its name, its type and its value. An assignment statement is one way to assign a value to a variable. Can a literal appear on the left-hand side of an assignment statement? Remember this statement from page 27 – “Variables that have not been given a value, have been unset, or have been given the specific value NULL are of type NULL.” Why is PHP called a weakly typed language? Is being a weakly typed language a good thing? How important is type casting? Will we do much type casting in this class? Is type casting always possible? How important are variable variables? Will we use variable variables much in this class? What is a constant? What is the difference between a literal and a constant? What is the difference between a variable and a constant? How do you declare a constant? What does it mean to declare a constant? What is a variable’s scope? Is there more than one kind of scope? What is a variable’s life time? Superglobal, Constants, Global, local variables, static local variables Will we use all of the SuperGlobals on page 30? What is an operator? What is the relation between an operator and a statement? What is the relation between an operator, a variable, and a statement? What is the difference between an expression and a statement? What is the modulus operator? What is the value of an expression? What is a reference? What are the comparison operators? What is the difference between an assignment operator and an Equals operator? What is the difference between the Equals operator and the Identical operator? How do you use comparison operators? How do you use logical operators? Bitwise operators Comma operator Ternary Operator Error Suppression Operator Execution Operator Array Operators What is the type operator? Will we use the type operator much in this class? How do you explain the code on page 39? What is operator precedence? What is operator associativity? What is variable function? What is gettype? See page 42 What is settype? See page 42 What are the type testing functions? See page 43 Why is the isset function important? What is the relation between the isset function and the type NULL? What is the relation between the unset function and the type NULL? What is the relation between isset and empty? How do we use intval, floatval, and strval? How do we interpret the syntax diagrams on page 44? What is a control structure? There are three control strucutes – sequence, selection, and iteration? What is an if statement? What is the relation between if statements and comparison operators? What is the relation between if statement, comparison operators, and logical operators? What is a code block? What is an if/else statement? What is an if/elseif statement? What is a switch statement? How do you explain the HTML code on page 47? What is iteration? How do you explain the code on page 50? What is a for loop? What is a while loop? How do you explain the code on page 52? How do you explain the code on page 53? What is the difference between a while loop and a do while loop? Can we get along without the exit statement. See page 54?