World 10 Practice SOL


World History 10

Mr. Hannah

May 14, 2007

World 10 Practice SOL

Multiple Choice

___ 1. Animals are domesticated in order to provide:

A. Labor

B. Meat and hides

C. Milk and wool

D. All of the above

___ 2. Artifacts are:

A. any remains left behind by man.

B. Bones of humans or animals.

C. military equipment.

D. objects made by human hands.

___ 3. Scientists currently believe humans first appeared in:

A. Australia.

B. North America.

C. Asia.

D. Africa.

___ 7. A people’s way of life including diet, religious beliefs, artistic achievements and language is called:

A. Culture

B. Technology

C. Agriculture

D. Society

___8. What is Hammurabi most famous for?

A. Creating the first empire

B. Creating a Code of Law

C. Uniting Upper and Lower Egypt

D. Leading an Egyptian Invasion

___9. What is a ziggurat?

A. Egyptian temple

B. Sumerian temple

C. Jewish temple

D. Islamic temple

___ 4. A hunter-gatherer society would most likely develop in an area:

A. where animals are plentiful.

B. near an ocean.

C. in an area with many raw materials.

D. close to a mountain.

___ 5. Early hunter-gatherer human societies are generally typified by:

A. Large numbers of people.

B. Small nomadic clans of humans.

C. Moderate numbers of people living in permanent villages.

D. Miniscule cities and large agricultural developments.

___ 6. Oral language was initially developed for practical purposes like:

A. farming

B. hunting

C. running a government

D. training animals

___10. What was the first group of people to settle Mesopotamia?

A. Egyptians

B. Arabians

C. Sumerians

D. Hebrews

___11. Of the following, what did NOT protect Egypt from invasions?

A. Cataracts (waterfalls)

B. Mediterranean Sea

C. Sahara Desert

D. Black Forest

___12. This ancient civilization dominated the trade patterns of the Mediterranean from their base in Lebanon.

A. Minoans

B. Egyptians

C. Phoenicians

D. Hebrews

World History 10

Mr. Hannah

May 14, 2007

___13. The process by which people become more proficient at earning a living by performing a single task is referred to as:

A. Specialization

B. Cultural diffusion

C. Domestication

D. Urbanization

___14. The revolution where people left a nomadic life to farm the land and domesticate animals is called what?

A. Sumerian Revolution

B. Neolithic Revolution

C. Paleolithic Revolution

D. Autocratic Revolution

___15. The map above is showing which important trade route?

A. Silk Road

B. Straights of Hormuz

C. Tea Trading Route

D. Tran Siberian Road

___ 16. Where were the Hanging Gardens built?

A. Jerusalem

B. Carthage

C. Babylon

D. Sumer

___17. Who eventually invaded and conquered the Chaldeans?

A. Babylonians

B. Iraqis

C. Egyptians

D. Persians

___18. The great leader of Persia was named:

A. Cyrus

B. Nebuchadnezzar

C. Ashurbanipal

D. Cleisthenes

___19. The Chaldeans can also be called:

A. Persian

B. Assyrian

C. Babylonian

D. Hebrew

___20. This religion involved the belief in both a good and evil god fighting for influence on earth.

A. Islam

B. Zoroastrianism

C. Judaism

D. Hinduism

___21. Which belief system was NOT very important to the Chinese?

A. Confucianism

B. Hinduism

C. Daoism

D. Buddhism

___22. Chinese rulers validated their power with the:

A. Dynastic rights

B. Code of Bushido

C. Mandate of Heaven

D. Sword of Destiny

___23. Early Indian Civilizations were set on the Indus River and the:

A. Huang He River

B. Ganges River

C. Yangtze River

D. Tigris River

___24. The Golden Age for the Indian

Empire happens during which dynasty’s rule?

A. Gupta

B. Mauryan

C. Qin

D. T’ang

World History 10

Mr. Hannah

May 14, 2007

___25. Which of the following is a civilization that formed in the Indus River


A. Harappa

B. Sumer

C. Cairo

D. Huang He

C. Development of imperial bureaucracy

D. Hinduism as a religion

___26. The above graphic represents the migration of __________ to India.

A. The Indo-Aryans

B. The Gupta

C. The Upanishads

D. The Shang

___27. Which of the following is a characteristic of Persian rulers?

A. Abuse of conquered people

B. Primitive transportation

___28. The following is a sacred writing of


A. Ten Commandments

B. Code of Hammurabi

C. Upanishads

D. Koran

___29. What is the system of government where only a few wealthy people have all the power?

A. Democracy

B. Feudalism

C. Anarchy

D. Aristocracy

___30. In Ancient Greece, where was the most famous oracle located?

A. Athens

B. Sparta

C. Delphi

D. Troy

___31. What major contribution did Draco make to Athens?

A. Increased trade

B. Made 1 st legal code

C. Strengthened democracy

D. Created the Assembly

___32. What city-state controlled the

Delian League?

A. Venice

B. Sparta

C. Delphi

D. Athens

___33. Which war unites Athens and


A. Persian War

B. Peloponnesian War

C. Trojan War

D. Zulu War

____34. Which geographic territory do the

Greeks gain after victory in the Persian


A. Sicily

B. Mediterranean Sea

C. Aegean Sea

D. Persia

____35. In contra st to Athens’ culture, the main focus of Spartan society was:

A. Education

B. Trading

C. Philosophy/Literature

D. Military

____36. What man made major reforms to

Athens including canceling all debts and ending slavery?

A. Cleisthenes

B. Draco

C. Pericles

D. Solon

World History 10

Mr. Hannah

May 14, 2007

___37. Who eventually won the

Peloponnesian War?

A. Athens

B. Sparta

C. Persia

D. Peloponnesus

___38. Why was the Parthenon built?

A. Pay honor to Athena

B. As a center for the government

C. As a military base for the army

D. As a lookout in Athens

___39. This war will leave the Greek citystates weak, broken up, and vulnerable to attack from outsiders:

A. Persian War

B. Peloponnesian War

C. Trojan War

D. Zulu War

___40. The Roman Empire lies in the center of which sea basin?

A. Aegean

B. Adriatic

C. Ionian

D. Mediterranean

___41. Rome is located on which river?

A. Tiber

B. Tigris

C. Euphrates

D. Ganges

___42. What document did the plebeians successfully force the patricians to sign?

A. Ten Commandments

B. Bill of Rights

C. Constitution

D. Twelve Tables

___43. Which of the following architectural buildings were NOT constructed in Rome:

A. Pantheon

B. Colosseum

C. Parthenon

D. Forum

___44. What event signals the end of the

Pax Romana?

A. Constantine taking the throne

B. Theodosius outlawing other religions

C. Death of Marcus Aurelius

D. Punic Wars

___45. The military became weak towards the end for which of the following reasons:

A. their technology was outdated.

B. the Romans started having to hire outsiders to serve in the military.

C. they focused too much on securing Rome.

D. they could not win the big one.

___46. Byzantium will be renamed to:

A. Constantinople

B. Istanbul

C. New Rome

D. Baghdad

___47. The language that the Romans spoke was:

A. Spanish

B. Latin

C. French

D. Italian

___48. This structure was used to appease and entertain the poor masses:

A. the temple of Jupiter

B. the Pantheon

C. the Forum

D. the Colosseum

___49. The Roman language is the basis of a group of languages called the ______ languages.

A. Romantic

B. Cyrillic

C. Germanic

D. Slovak

World History 10

Mr. Hannah

May 14, 2007

___50. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the Pax Romana?

A. Expansion and solidification of the empire.

B. Relative peace for nearly 2 centuries.

C. A clear and bloodless succession of emperors.

D. It was created by Augustus


___51. What is another name for the first four books of the New Testament?

A. Bible

B. Gospels

C. Hymns

D. Apostles

___52. This architectural innovation supported more weight allowing structures to become larger and heavier.

A. Aqueduct

B. Corinthian Columns

C. Pulleys

D. Arches

___53. Emperor Constantine issued this declaring Christianity legal in the Roman


A. Christian doctrine

B. Edict of Milan

C. Magna Carta of Carthage

D. Pax Romana

___54. What was created to carry clean water into the cities from the seas?

A. Aqueducts

B. Rivers

C. Canals

D. Water sprinklers

___55. Which religion placed a large emphasis on the respect of elders and on the worship of ancestors?

A. Confucianism

B. Taoism

C. Judaism

D. Buddhism

___56. Which religion is most focused on harmony with nature?

A. Confucianism

B. Taoism

C. Judaism

D. Zoroastrianism

___57. The Eightfold Path and Four Noble

Truths are guidelines of what religion?

A. Confucianism

B. Buddhism

C. Taoism

D. Islam

___58. Which two of the following religions began in India?

A. Hinduism and Buddhism

B. Taoism and Confucianism

C. Taoism and Buddhism

D. Judaism and Taoism

___59. Which religion began in modern day Iran?

A. Buddhism

B. Confucianism

C. Zoroastrianism

D. Taoism

___60. Mauryan (Indian dynasty) king

Asoka is most famous for spreading which religion?

A. Buddhism

B. Confucianism

C. Hinduism

D. Taoism

World History 10

Mr. Hannah

May 14, 2007





















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