California State University, San Bernardino President’s Office Administrative Council Minutes July 16, 2001 Present Arlin, Carter, Clark, Conley, Craig, Delgado, DeMauro, Fernandez, Hankin, Jackson, Karnig, McNamara, Moran, Ortega, Patzer, Portillo, Pringle, Pritchard, Rincon, Ruml, Vicknair, Wang, West, Wilson, Yasuhara, Young Absent Aguilar, Kamusikiri, Takehara Others Present Lorraine Frost, Director, Administrative Computing Services; Quentin Moses, Manager, Parking Services; Tony Simpson, Director, Facilities Services; LeRoy Wilke, Chief Engineer, Heating and Air-Conditioning President Karnig opened the meeting by introducing and welcoming Linda McNamara, the new Associate Vice President of University Advancement. President Karnig reminded Council members that Frederick Pierce, CSU Alumni Trustee, will be on campus tomorrow. President Karnig commended Olivia Rosas, Assistant to the Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management, for the manner in which she corresponds with potential students. Informational Handouts President Karnig discussed the following informational handouts: A brochure describing an instructional program entitled “Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT).” Additional information may be obtained at: A July 9, 2001 CSU news release announcing the Six Outstanding CSU Students Awarded Hearst/CSU Trustees Scholarship. One of the recipients is Jessica Flynn, a CSUSB senior chemistry major with a GPA of 3.98. The award provides a $3,000 scholarship for the 2001-02 academic year to students who demonstrate financial need and show superior academic performance, community service, and personal accomplishments. Funds for this award are provided through an endowment established by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation and personal donations from members of the CSU Board of Trustees. The CSU Capital Projects 2001 Status Report on all Active Projects. A report entitled “Pride in Belonging at the CSU,” which highlights campus achievements/activities. Included was a statement that 14 CSU campuses are among Black Issues in Higher Education’s “Top 100,” a national list of colleges and universities that, according to the U.S. Department of Education, conferred the most bachelor’s degrees on minority students in 1999-2000 – CSUSB ranked 58th. The CSU 2001/02 Budget Plan. A July 11, 2001 CSU news release reporting that UC, CSU and Enron reached a settlement agreement that will extend their contract for two years and return the two university systems to direct access service from Enron. A June 29, 2001 letter from David Spence, Executive Vice Chancellor, to Michelle Golden, CSUSB’s Director of Service-Learning, CommunityUniversity Partnerships, commending her work to develop service-learning courses and infrastructure at CSUSB. The letter indicated that the CSU had been awarded the Higher Education Award for Leadership in National Service from the Corporation for National Service (CNS), one of only seven institutions of higher education in the country to receive this award. An article from the June 25, 2001 ACE publication, Higher Education and National Affairs, entitled “Percentage of Science Degrees by Field Remains Steady Since 1966.” An article from the June 24, 2001 Press-Enterprise for which President Karnig was interviewed about the proposed cable television network. A CSU report entitled “Paying Employee Salary Increases in the CSU.” An article from the June 19, 2001 San Bernardino Sun entitled “Latino upand-comer is back,” regarding Louis Caldera, former Secretary of the Army, who accepted a position as CSU Vice Chancellor of University Advancement. A June 13, 2001 memorandum to CSU Presidents from Christine Helwick, CSU General Counsel, regarding Policies Prohibiting Smoking on Campus Grounds. A June 19, 2001 letter to Susan Meisenhelder, President, California Faculty Association (and CSUSB faculty member), from Jackie McClain, CSU Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, regarding CSU faculty recruitment and retirement. A May 31, 2001 letter to Chancellor Reed from Susan Meisenhelder regarding CSU faculty recruitment and retirement. An announcement that the CSU Presidents Commission on Teacher Education will be reconvened in September, 2001. Board of Trustees’ Meeting – July 10-11, 2001 President Karnig briefed the Council on some of the items discussed at the July 10-11, 2001 Board of Trustees’ meeting: Proposed revisions of Title 5 regulations-summer early entrants. The Alcohol Policies and Prevention Programs Committee Final Report. A presentation regarding student participation in policy development. Continuing discussions on CSU’s proposal to offer the Ed.D. A revised CSU policy on energy conservation and utilities management and energy consumption reduction goal for 2004/2005 compared to 1999/2000. Utilities Update Mr. Simpson and Mr. Wilke presented the Campus Utility Budget and responded to questions from Council members. Parking Services Quality Improvement Program Mr. Moses briefed the Council on parking regulations/services at CSUSB. Discussion of Internships This item will be discussed at the next Administrative Council meeting on August 13, 2001. Records, Registration and Evaluations Ms. Ortega distributed the July 14, 2001 registration report. College of Extended Learning Dr. Jackson informed the Council that representatives from Rwanda – the Ministers of Education and Tourism and several others – will visit CSUSB on August 20. The delegation will be in San Bernardino for talks with City officials regarding a “sister city” type partnership. Dr. Jackson will contact appropriate Administrative Council members regarding on-campus meetings with the visitors. Undergraduate Studies Dr. Clark reported that the second Alliance for Academic Preparation (AAP) conference will be held on-campus on July 23, 2001. Additional information is available in the Office of Undergraduate Studies. College of Natural Sciences Dr. Craig reported that Mr. Roberto Hernando has accepted the position of Director of Development for the College of Natural Sciences, and will assume his duties on Monday, July 23, 2001. University Advancement Ms. Hankin reiterated President Karnig’s welcome to Ms. McNamara. Ms. Hankin a reported that recruitment is underway for two Directors of Development. Ms. Hankin reported that the Russian National Symphony Orchestra, Carlo Ponti conducting, will perform at the California Theatre on Sunday, July 29, 2001. College of Business and Public Administration Dr. Patzer distributed brochures announcing an August 8, 2001 teleconference, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” presented by Dr. Stephen R. Covey. The event, hosted by the College of Business and Public Administration, will be held at the Hi