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London: University of Oxford,1888.348p.22000967 AE 220 HOL,1 . Holy Bible. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 0000. 1266p.22000977 AE 220 HOL,3 . Holy Bible: Standard Edition. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1903. 268p. 22002022 AE 220 MOU Moulton, Richard G. Modern Reader's Bible. London: Macmillan & Co Ltd, 1922. 1727p. 22002024 AE 220 PEN,O Pentateuch, . Old Testament With Commentary. London: Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1897. 300p. 22002181 AE 220 SAC . Sacred Scripture of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. and J Deas, 1807. 122p. 22002182 AE 220.02 HOL . Holy Bible With Study Materials. Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 1000+464p.22002183 AE 220.07 CAL Ramban, Fr K P Paul. Calendar of Bible Reading of Jacobite Syrian Christian Church. Kottayam: OTS, 1961. 83p.22002195 AE 220.2 CON.Concordance to the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament: Apocrypha and Psalms Added. London: S.P.C.K, 1859. 1158+190+74p. 22001249 AE 220.2 CRU,2 Cruden, Alexander. 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London:John Murray,1940.799-1592p.22000744 AE 221.02 ANC . Pentateuch: Ancient Hebrew Literature Vofume One Law & History. Newyork: J.M.Dent, 1907. 485p. 22002838 AE 221.62 JAC,N Jack, Butler. New Light on Ancient Chronological Records in the Hebrew Scriptures: DANIEL'S PROPHECY of Seventy Weeks. Washington: Neale Pub. Co, 1902. 62p. 22008007 AE 222.11 DRI,B Driver, S R. Book of Genesis: With Introduction and Notes. London:Methuen & Co, 1904. lxxiv+420p. 22002834 AE 223 PSA . Psalms and Hymns, Selected for the Use of Prittlewell Church, Essex. London: Gonsell, 1811. 81p. 22002832 AE 223.03 COK,C Coke, Thomas. Commentary on the Holy Bible Vol.3. London: G.Whitfield, 1802. 762p. 22000939 AE 223.2 PSA. Psalms. Madras: Author,0000.cxii+852p. 22002827 AE 223.2 BOO. Book of Psalms. N.Y: American Bible Society,0000.95p. 22002829 AE 224 HAM,E Hamond, E W. Eighth Century Prophets. London: Student Christian Movement, 1932. 154p. 22000913 AE 225 NEW . New Testament: Douay Version: Army and Navy Edition. U.S.A:National Catholic Welfare Conference, 1582. 563p. 22002822 AE 224.9 BLA,O Blackburne, G M Ireland. Old Testament: An Outline of Great Facts in Its Story. London: A.R Mowbray & Co. Ltd, 1913. 46p. 22001260 AE 225 NEW . New Testament & Psalms. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1958. 383+99p. 22002808 AE 225 NEW,1 . New English Bible New Testament. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1962. 559p. 22002809 AE 225 NEW,2 . New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. London: Author, 0000. 285p. 22007980 AE 225.4 NEW . New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs: Kjv. Usa: Gideons International, 1984. 669p. 22002488 AE 225.92 FAR Farrar, Frederic W. Life and Work of St. Paul.. London: Cassell and Company Ltd, 1885. xx+781p. 22002811 AE 226. BUR Burkitt, F Crawford. Evangelion Da-Mepharreshe. Chicago: Cambridge University Press, 1904. 556+322p. 22002812 AE 226.07 MAN Mani, W C. Treatise on the Gospel. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1968.37p. 22001251 AE 226.2 GOO Phair, Frances Nobile. Good News By Mark; the Gospel of Mark Simplified. Madras: Moody Bible Institute, 0000. 61p.22002806 AE 226.2 GOR,S Gore, Charles. Sermon on the Mount: A Practical Exposition. London: John Murray, 1896. 218p. 22001045 AE 226.49 MED.4 Kugelberg, F. Luke the Physician. Mysore: Wesleyan Mission Press, 1918. 11p. 22000623 AE 226.7 TRE Trench, Richard Chenevix. Notes on the Miracles of Our Lord. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1911. 226p.22001220 AE 226.8 TRE Trench, Richard Chenevix. Notes on the Parables of Our Lord. London: John w Parker, 1855. 511p. 22002796 AE 227.1 GIF Gifford, E H. Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: With Notes and Introductions. London: John Murray, 1886. 238p. 22002795 AE 227.17 SAD Sadler, The Rev M F. Epistie to the Roman's With Notes Critical and Practical. London: George Bell & Sons, 1889. 379p. 22002793 AE 227.5 WES Westcott, Brooke Foss. Saint Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians: The Greek Text With Notes. London: Macmillan & Co Ltd, 1906. lxviii+209p. 22002790 AE 229 APO. Apocrypha. London:Bible Reading Fellowship,0000.215p.22000843 AE 230 HAL Hall, Rev John. Parochial Discourses on the Doctrines of Christianity. London: Samuel Holdsworth, 1828. 640p. 22002851 AE 230 POW,I Power, Philip Bennett. "I Will" of the Psalms. London: Hamilton,Adams and Co.,, 1874. 395p. 22000976 AE 230 STO Stone, Darwell. Outlines of Christian Dogma. London: Longmans Green & Co, 1907. 48p. 22001098 AE 230.3 RIC,T Richardson, Alan. Theological Word Book of the Bible. New York: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1960.290p. 22000860 AE 231 WES Westcott, Brooke Foss. Social Aspects of Christianity. London: Macmillan & Co Ltd,1888.202p. 22002859 AE 232 GEO George, Fr M V. Jesus Christ and the New Humanity: Five Lecturesto Students. Kottayam: C m s Press, 1966. 29p.22001056 AE 232 GOR,G Gore, Charles. God in Christ.. London: A.R Mowbray & Co. Ltd, 1923. vii+78p. 22001224 AE 232.6 GAB Gabrial, Victoria. Signs and Proofs We Should Meditate on. Cairo: Mohabha Bookshop, 1968. 64p. 22001126 AE 232.9 MOZ,O Mozoomdar, P C. Oriental Christ. Boston: Franklin Street, 1898. 192p. 22002916 AE 232.9 PHI Taylors, Bp Jeremy. Life of Christ, Holy Apostles and Two Evangelists. London: George Virtue, 1836. 705p. 22002881 AE 232.921 ORR Orr, James. Virgin Birth of Christ. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1908. xiv+301p. 22002880 AE 232.931 MOY, Moyes, Rt Rev Monsingnor Canon. Why Catholics Pray to the Blessed Virgin. Saint Louis: Author, 2000. 16p. 22002909 AE 232.931 POL, Polsky, Rev Fr M. Exaltation of the Most Holy Virgin Maria. Trivandrum: Kalavilasini Printing Works, 1941. 114p.22001110 AE 232.95 HAL,V Hall, Rev A C A. Virgin Mother: The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Told in the Gospels. New York: Long Mans Green and Co, 1901. 233p. 22000895 AE 233.1 AIT,D Aitken, W Hay M H. Difficulties of the Soul. London: John.F.Shaw, 0000. 188p. 22000861 AE 234 EAS,W Eastep, D B. What Is Salvation ?. Kentucky: Kentucky Bible Depot,1950. 22p. 22000961 AE 236 SMY,G Smyth, J Paterson. Gospel of the Hereafter. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 0000. 230p. 22000971 AE 236 BRU Buckle,Henry. After Life. London:Author,0000.293p. 22007981 AE 236.OM GRE Gregorios, H G Dr Paulos Mar. Personal Diary 1977. New York: Author, 1977. 22002871 AE 237 BUC,A Buckle, Henry. After Life. Kingswood: Elliot Stock, 1907. 294p. 22000965 AE 237 VIV Vivekananda, Swami. Life After Death. Almora: Advaita Ashram, 1947. 34p. 22000988 AE 238 CAT Bodington, Charles. Catachism of the Catholic Religion. Vatican:Vatican Polyglot Press, 1895. 160p.22000707 AE 241 KAY,E Kayyalakam, Fr Jacob. Ethics and Etiquette. Edathua: St.George Press, 1969. 146p. 22001033 AE 242 AKE,I Akempis, Thomas A. Imitation of Christ. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 0000. 381+32p. 22000719 AE 242 BAP . Baptistery or the Way of Eternal Life. Oxford: John Henry and James Parker, 1863. 195p. 22002031 AE 242 BUN,P Bunyan`S, John. Young Folks Pilgrim's Progress. London: Hutchinson & Co, 1890. 184p. 22000749 AE 242 CHU,F Church, Leslie. Fifth Homely Year. London: Epworth Press, 1953.124p. 22002032 AE 242 DOD,R Doddridge, Dr. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. Madras:Christian Literature Society, 1895. 180p.22002034 AE 242 KEN,M Kennedy, James W. Meditations in His Presence: A Devotional Companion to the Church Year. Conneiticut: Greenwich, 1954. 245p. 22001111 AE 242 LAW . Spiritual Maxims of Brother Lawrence. London: H.R. Allenson,0000. 58p. 22001022 AE 242 LAW,P1 Lawrence, Brother. Practice of the Presence of God. London: Catholic Truth Society, 0000. 60p. 22001051 AE 242 MAT Mathew,A M. Stray Lights.Kottayam:Author,0000. 34p. 22001128 AE 242 PAT . Path to Heaven: A Complete Collection of All the Public and Private Devotions in General Use. London: Burns & Oates, 1896. 1004p.22001241 AE 242 SEE . Seekers After Truth. Madras: Religious Tract Society, 1896. 109p. 22001088 AE 242 PAT. Path to Heaven. London: Author, 0000. 1004p. 22007989 AE 245 HYM . Hymns for Student Camps. Calcutta: Y.M.C.A Publishing House, 1933. 79p. 22001046 AE 245 MON,H Monk, William Henry. Hymns Ancient and Modern. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, 1894. 513p. 22002051 AE 246 BUC Buchthal, Hugo. Painting of the Syrian Jacobites in Its Relation to Byzantine and Islamic Art. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1939. 150p. 22002052 AE 246 MOE,S Moehler, John Adam. Symbolism: Exposition of the Doctrinal Differences Between Catholics and Protestants. London: Charles Taylor, 1843. cxxxiv+361p 22002879 AE 252 HAM Hammond, Henry. Thirty-One Sermons. Oxford: John Henry and James Parker, 1849. 352p. 22002198 AE 252 HES,M Hessey, James Augustus. Moral Difficulties Connected With the Bible. London: S.P.C.K, 1872. 220p. 22002199 AE 252 LID,S Liddon, Rev H P. 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Orthodox Syrian Church of the East: Children's Hand Book of Common Prayer. Kottayam: Orthodox Church Book House, 1966. 58p. 22002233 AE 264 AUG Gavitt, Rev Loren. Saint Augustine's Prayer Book: Philippine Independent Church. N.Y: Holy Cross Publications, 1964. 367p. 22002234 AE 264 BAR Barsom, Archdeacon Murad Saliba. MA'DE' DONO the BOOK OF the CHURCH FESTIVALS According to the Ancient Rite of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. USA: Mtropolitan Mar Athanasius Yeshue Samuel,1984. 414p.22002539 AE 264 BAR Barsom, Deacon Murad Saliba. Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Matrimony and Burial According to the Ancient Rite of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. America: Metropolitan Mar Athanasius Yeshude Samuel, 1974. 175p. 22002545 AE 264 BAR,B Barsom, Deacon Murad Saliba. Order for the Burial of the Dead According to the Ancient Rite of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. America: Metropolitan Mar Athanasius Yeshude Samuel, 1974. 94p. 22001043 AE 264 BOO Cherian, Dn M C. Book of Prayers for Students: Evening and Morning. Kottayam: M.G.O.C.S.M, 1991. 24p. 22000882 AE 264 BOO,1 . Book of Common Prayers. London: Church Book Room Press Ltd, 1957. 611p. 22001271 AE 264 CHE Cherian, Fr M C. Perunal Geethangal. Trivandrum: Orthodox Youth Centre, 2000. 39p. 22002238 AE 264 CHE,1 Cheriyan, C V. Prabhatha Namaskarom. Kottayam: Orthodox Church Book House, 1991. 15p. 22002239 AE 264 CHI 1957. 50p. . Children's Prayer Book and Catechism. Singapore: Orthodox Syrian Church, 22001061 AE 264 CHI . Orthodox Syriyan Church of the East Children's Hand Book of Commonprayer. Kottayam: Author, 1966. 58p. 22007982 AE 264 COD,S Codrington, H W. Syrian and Maronite Liturgies. America: Author,0000. 96p. 22000797 AE 264 COM . Book of Common Prayer: Rites and Ceremonies of Church of England and Consecration of Bishops, Priests and Decons. London: G.E.Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1859. 500p. 22002240 AE 264 DAI 0000. 400p. . Daily Light on the Daily Path. London: Samuel Bagster and Sons Limited, 22002000 AE 264 EDW Wotherspoon, H J. Second Prayer Book of King Edward the Sixth(1552) and the Liturgy of Compromise. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1905. 260p. 22002244 AE 264 FRA,P Francis, Acharya. Prayer With the Harp of the Spirit: Part I. Vagamon: Kurisumaka Ashram, 1980. 241p. 22000998 AE 264 FRE Frere, Walter Howard. New History of the Book of Common Prayer. London: Macmillan & Co Ltd, 1907. 699p. 22002245 AE 264 MAR,L . Liturgy of the Holy Apostles Adai and Mari Together With the Liturgies of Mar Theodorus and Mar Nestortius and the Order of Baptism. Trichur:Church of the East,1967.217p.22000795 AE 264 MIL,P Milner, Rev G E I. Plain Notes on the Holy Communion. London: A.R Mowbray & Co. Ltd, 1914. 46p. 22001261 AE 264 MON . Monthly Packet of Evening Readings: July-December 1872. London: John w Parker, 1871. 606+130p. 22002301 AE 264 NEA,L Neale, J M. Liturgies of St.Mark James Clement, Chrysostum and Basil and the Church of Malabar. London: J.T Hayes,1859. 224p. 22001018 AE 264 OFF . Office of Compline. Devalokam: Malankara Orthodox Church, 0000. 16p. 22001188 AE 264 OFF,1 . Office for Use on the Feast of Pentecost. Kottayam: Author, 0000. 53p. 22008000 AE 264 PAU,D Paul Ramban, V Rev K P. Daily Commen Prayers for Laymen. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1959. 32p. 22000721 AE 264 POL Poladian, Rt Rev Terenig. Collection of Prayers from the Armenian Divine Liturgy. Calcutta: Mullick Press, 1958. 139p. 22001270 AE 264 SAR,P Wobbermin, Dr G. Bishop Sarapion's Prayer Book C.350-356 A.D. London: S.P.C.K, 1899. 112p. 22000857 AE 264 JAM,O Ivanios,Rev Mar. Order of the Holy Qurbana of the Orthodox Syrian Church of Malabar. Trivandrum: Printed on the Occasion of the Visit of His Excellency the Viceroy, 1929. 30p.22002256 AE 264.1 CAR,1 Carey, Walter J. Prayer and Some of Its Difficulties. London: A.R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd, 1916. 93p.22001049 AE 264.3 IVA,H Ivanios, H G Geevarghese Mar. Order of Holy Qurbana: St.James. Ranny: Bethany Asram, 1929. 31p. 22000979 AE 264.3 MAC,R Mackay, H F B. Reserved Sacrament: Its Use for Communion. London: Society of Peter & Paul, 1927. 12p. 22000992 AE 264.3 ORD; Ivanios, Most Rev Mar. Order of the Holy Qurbana of the Orthodox Syrian Church of Malabar: Liturgy of St.James. London: S.P.C.K, 1934. 31p. 22000684 AE 264.3 QUR. Holy Qurbana of the Orthodox Syrian Church of Malabar:The Liturgy of St.James. Kottayam: Orthodox Theo.Seminary,1961.32p. 22000690 AE 264.5 HOL,1 . Order of the Holy Qurbana of the Orthodox Syrian Church of Malabar: The Liturgy of St.James. London: S.P.C.K, 1934. 32p. 22000679 AE 264.5 ORD Ivanios, Mar. Order of the Holy Qurbana of the Orthodox Syrian Church of Malabar. Trivandrum: Govt Press, 1929. 31p. 22001269 AE 264.63 BUN Bunyan, John. True Relation of the Holy War Made By King Shaddai Upon Diabolus. London: Cassal Petter & Galpin, 0000. 363p.22001145 AE 265 COM . Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England With Psalms of David. London: Engraven, 1717. 300p. 22008002 AE 265.3 FOR Fortescue, Andrian. Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1917. 429p. 22002078 AE 265.3 FRA,E Frankland, W E. Early Eucharist. London: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1902.131p. 22001244 AE 265.3 HOL,2 Abraham, Fr C A. Order of the Holy Qurbana : The Liturgy of St. James. Kottayam: C m s Press, 1952. 56p. 22001055 AE 265.3 HOL,3 . Order of the Holy Qurbana of the Mar Thoma Church. Kottayam: T.M .A .M Orientation Centre, 1947. 19p.22001057 AE 265.3 PAU,E Paul Ramban, Very Rev K P. Eucharist Service of the Syrian Jacobite Church of Malabar: Meaning and Interpretations. Kerala: His Grace Mar Julius Elias, 1960. 182p. 22001109 AE 265.3 PAU,J Paul Ramban, Very Rev K P. Jacobite Syrian Liturgies. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1959. 60p. 22000955 AE 265.3 SFE Sfeir, Rev Peter F. Syriac Maronite Mass in English. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1953. 115p. 22001258 AE 265.5 MAT . Matrimonial Offices. Kottayam: Mathews Mar Athanasios, 0000. 129p. 22001017 AE 265.5 SER. . Orthodox Syrian Church Federation of Malaya: Service of Solemnation of Matrimony. Kottayam: Author, 0000. 18p.22000645 AE 266 BUT . But Still I Wait. Kottayam:Anonymus,0000.96p.22001222 AE 266 HEA Headland, Emily. Brief Sketches of C.M.S Missions: for Missionary Addresses Part 3. Digswell Place:James Nisbet and Co. 1891. 199p. 22002364 AE 266 MIS . Missionary Register for 1821 Containing the Principal Transactions of the Various Institutions for Propagating the Gospel of C.M.S. London: L.B. Seeley, 1821. 536p. 22002363 AE 268 AID . Aid to Theological Education: Africa, Asia, Latin America: 1965-67, Report. Thailand: Theological Education Fund, 1967. 45p. 22002365 AE 268 COM . Come Follow, Me: Std.X, Student Text. Ots: Oriental Orthodox Curriculum, 1974. 173p. 22002367 AE 268 DIX Dixon, Joshua. Church Catechism Illustrated on Various Doctrines.London: Seeley and Hatchard, 1845. 240p.22002370 AE 268 GRE Gregorios, H G Dr Paulose Mar. O Wonderful World Std I. Devallokam: O.S.C.A, 1994. 122p. 22001181 AE 268 REL . Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School. Vatican: Polyglot Press, 1988. 64p. 22001160 AE 268 SUN . Sunday School Times: Periodical Published from Philadelphia 1948 Bound Volume. Huntington: Our Sunday Visitor, 1948. 1118. 22002387 AE 268 VER Verghese, Rev Fr T Paul. To Serve Thee Is Freedom: Faith and Vocation in Life. Ots: Oriental Orthodox Curriculum, 1974. 161p.22001194 AE 270 BIN,A Bingham, Rev Joseph. Antiquities of the Christian Church. Oxford: J.H. Parker, 1840. 540p. 22002087 AE 270 GIB,D Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire.. London: Ward Lock & Co.,, 1913. 590p. 22000871 AE 270 HIS,1 . History of the Christian Church Vol-I. England: Author, 0000.445p. 22002098 AE 270 MOS,E Mosheim, John Lawrence. Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern. London: R. Baynes, 1819. 411p. 22002405 AE 270 WES Westcott, Brooke Foss. Two Empires: The Church and the World. London: Macmillan & Co Ltd, 1909. 352p. 22002108 AE 270.1 CHA Chalmers, Rev Robert S. How the Church Began. New York: MorehouseBarlow Co., 1951. 244p. 2200239 AE 270.1 HEF,H Hefele, Charles Joseph. History of the Christian Councils to Council of Nicea. Edinburgh: T & t Clark, 1894. 502p.22000742 AE 270.1 WOR Wordsworth, Chr. Church History to the Council of Nicaea. London: Rivingtons, 1881. 477p. 22002397 AE 270.2 BRI Bright, William. Age of the Fathers. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1903. 597p. 22002399 AE 270.2 HEF,2 Hefele, Rev Charles Joseph. History of the Councils of the Church.Edinburgh: T & t Clark, 1896. 503p.22002400 AE 270.2 SAM Samuel,Rev Fr Dr V C.Proceedings of the Council of Chalcedon and Its Historical Problems. Addis Ababa:Central Printing Press,1970.73-94p. 22001234 AE 270.8 HUN Hunt, W S. Anglican Church in Travancore and Cochin 1816-1916.Kottayam: Church Missionary Society, 1933. 275p.22002411 AE 271 WAL Walsh, Bishop. Bishops Walsh: Birth Centenary Celebrations:Souvenir. Thadagam: Christhu Sishya Ashram, 1971. 45p.22002412 AE 275 MIN,1 Mingana, Alphonse. Early Spread of Christianity in the Central Asia and the Far East - a New Document. Manchester: University Press, 1925. 80p.22002421 AE 275.4 AGU Agur, C M. Church History of Travancore. Vepery:S.P.S.Press, 1903. 1188p. 22002420 AE 275.4 CHE,H Cheriyan, Dr C V. History of Christianity in Kerala. Kottayam:Historical Society, 1973. 163p. 22000787 AE 275.4 CHH,A Chhabra, Bahadur Chand. ABC of Christianity. Pondicherry: Ashoka Maurya and Pallava Historical Trust, 1977. 172p. 22001162 AE 275.4 COL Collins, Rev Richard. Missionary Etnerprise in the East: Spl. Reference to the Syrian Christians of Malabar. London: Henry E. Walter Ltd.,, 1873. 276p. 22002419 AE 275.4 DSO,I D`Souza, Rev Fr Herman. In the Steps of St.Thomas. Madras: St.Thomas Mount, 1952. 112p. 22000851 AE 275.4 FAR,A Farquhar, J N. Apostle Thomas in North India. Manchester: Manchester Univ.Press, 1926. 34p. 22000502 AE 275.4 HEB Visscher, Jacob Canter. Letters from Malabar: An Account of Travancore and Fra Bartolomeo's Travels in That Country. Madras: Gantz Brothers, 1862. 191p. 22002417 AE 275.4 HIS Sherring, . History of Christianity in India With Its Prospects.Madras: Christian Literature Society, 1895. 146p.22002416 AE 275.4 HOV,1 Hough, James. History of Christianity in India: Vol I. England:Author, 1839. 478p. 2200243 AE 275.4 KER Kerr, Rev Dr J H. Rev. Dr. Kerr's Memoir on Malabar Christians 1908: (2nd Copy Is of 1906). Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala State Archives Department, 1967. 24p. 22000740 AE 275.4 LOB Lobley, Joseph Albert. Church and the Churches in Southern India: Portuguese Missions In the 16th Century With Syrian Christians. Cambridge: Deighton Bell and Company,1870.138p.22002427 AE 275.4 MARAbraham, C E. Mar Thoma Syrian Church and the Church of India and the Church of South India. Kottayom: Mar Thomas Press,1968. 67p. 22002426 AE 275.4 MEN,S Menachery, George. St. Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India. Trichur: St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia, 1973. 273p. 22000828 AE 275.4 MIN Mingana, A. Early Spread of Christianity in India. Manchester: Manchester Univ.Press, 1926. 82p. 22000786 AE 275.4 PHI 22002442 Philip, E M. Indian Church of St. Thomas. Kottayam: Author, 1907.500p. AE 275.4 YEA,I Yeates, Thomas. Indian Church History Or an Account: Typed Copy.London: Maxwell Bell Yard, 1818. 71p. 22000501 AE 275.4 ZAL Zaleski, Most Rev Ladislas-Michel. Apostle St.Thomas in India (History, Tradition and Legend). Mangalore:Codialball Press,1912.88p.22002538 AE 275.403 KER, . Kerala Christian Directory 1969. Cochin: Women Welfare Services,1969. 747p. 22000815 AE 275.54 GEO,S George, V C. 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London: Macmillan & Co Ltd, 0000. 382p. 22002436 AE 280.1 MES 11p.22000705 Meskin, Fr Matta El. Christian Unity. Egypt: St.Macarius Monastery, 0000. AE 280.1 MIN . Minutes of the CCA General Committee Meeting: Bangkok 1979. Hongkong: C.C.A, 1979. 92p. 22001015 AE 280.11 DUN,M Dunn, Angus. Meanings of Unity. London: Harper One, 1937. 50p. 22002435 AE 280.11 HAN . Third Assembly World Council of Churches: Hand Book. Geneva: WCC, 2000. 44p. 22002434 AE 280.11 MAI . Main Ecumenical Statements on Principles Concerning Religious Freedom. Geneva: W.C.C, 1965. 47p. 22001037 AE 280.11 ROL . Role of the World Council of Churches in International Affairs. Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1986. 28p. 22001176 AE 280.11 TS1 Tsirpanlis, Constantine N. Orthodox Evaluation of Possibilities and Limitations for Church Reunion. Geneva: W.C. C, 1986. 15p. 22002433 AE 280.11 WOL . Constitution and Rules of the World Council of Churches: Nairobi 1975. Geneva: W.C.C, 1975. 32p. 22001167 AE 281 MAC,C Mackenzie, G T. Christianity in Travancore. Trivandrum: Travancore Government Press, 1901. xviii+95p. 22002512 AE 281 ORT 22002113 . Orcodoksisca Uskondamaa. Mikko Nurmi: Kuvat Ja Taitto, 1979. 78p. AE 281.1 BUR,B Burton, Dr. Apostolic Fathers - 3. London: Griffith Farran Browne & Co. Limited, 0000. 299p. 22002110 AE 281.1 CON Bishop, Clement. Constitutions of the Holy Apostles. Ediburgh: Murray and Gibbs, 0000. 280p. 22007983 AE 281.1 DEC . Decisions: the Addis Abeba Oriental Orthodox Churches Conference January, 1965. Kottayam: Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, 1965. 24p. 22002111 AE 281.1 IGN Srawley, Rev J H. Epistles of St.Ignatius Vol.I. London: S.P.C.K, 1900. 80p. 22001182 AE 281.1 MIT. Bury, J B. Syriac Chronicle Known as That of Zachariah of Mitylene. London: Methuen & Co, 1899. 344p. 22000681 AE 281.1 TEA 22002114 . Teaching of the Twelve (didachy). London: Parker and Co., 1884. 118p. AE 281.370.07 O . 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Mangalore: J.M.Suares, 1917. 51p. 22000966 AE 281.63 CHE Hunt, F J R. Cheriapally Church Case. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1902. 113p. 22000974 AE 281.63 CON . Constitution of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. Kottayam:Orthodox Church Book House, 1973. 29p. 22000954 AE 281.63 DAN,D Daniel, K N. Dissertations on the Copper-Plates in Possession of the St. Thomas Christians. Bombay: British India Press, 1925. 35p. 22002895 AE 281.63 DAN,M Daniel, Fr I. Malabar Church and Other Orthodox Churches. Haripad: Suvarna Bharathi Press, 1950. 102p. 22000999 AE 281.63 DAN,S Daniel, Fr I. Syrian Church of Malabar. Madras: St. Christoper`s College of Education, 1945. 54p. 22000868 AE 281.63 FER Ferroli, D. Jesuits in Malabar Vol.I. Bangalore: Bangalore Press, 1939. 517p. 22002473 AE 281.63 FOR,L Fortescue, A. Lesser Eastern Church. Great Smith: Catholic Literature, 1913. 46p. 22000969 AE 281.63 GED,H Geddes, Michael. History of the Church of Malabar Together With SYNOD OF DIAMPER. London: Sam Smith, and Benj, 1694. 443p. 22000790 AE 281.63 GEE,W Geevarghese,Rev P T. Were the Syrian Christians Nestorians?. Kottayam: Author, 0000. 34p. 22001266 AE 281.63 GEO George, Munduvel V. New Life in an Old Church. Calcutta: Orthodox Syrian Church, 1963. 128p. 22001120 AE 281.63 HER . Heritage of the Indian Christian. London: S.P.C.K, 2000. 176p. 22002490 AE 281.63 HIS Keay, Rev F E. History of the Syrian Church in India. London: S P C K, 0000. 124p. AE 281.63 HOS Hosten, Rev H. Song of Thomas Ramban or Mr.T.K.Joseph, Fr.Romeo Thomas and Others. Cochin: Union Press, 1931. 237p. 22000837 AE 281.63 JOB,T Job, K E. St. Thomas the Apostle. Trichinopoly: Catholic Truth Society, 1952. 31p. 22001177 AE 281.63 JUD . Judgement vol I & II: Before the Zilla Court of Alleppey O.S No.439 of 1054 & Royal Court Final Appeal 1061. Trivandrum: Kerala Vilasom Press, 1879. 482+315p. 22000978 AE 281.63 KUR Kuriakose, Ramban Fr M C. Orthodox Syrian Church of Malabar. Pathamuttom: Sleebapally, 1952. 18p 22001052 AE 281.63 MAT,S Mathew, Thomas. Syrian Church of Malabar: Its Present Situation. Kottayam: Sandesam Press, 1938. 68p. 22000960 AE 281.63 MIL Milne Raf, George. Syrian Church in India. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1892. 388p. 22002521 AE 281.63 PLA Placid, Rev Fr. Syrian Church of Malabar. Changanassery: St.Joseph`s Orphanage Press, 1938. ii+37p. 22002563 AE 281.63 POT S G, Pothan. Syrian Christians of Kerala. Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1963. 119p. 22002568 AE 281.63 SAB Aiyar, Mr Krishnaswamy. Travancore Law Reports: Appelate Civil-Full Bench: Sabha Case mar Poulose Athanasius Vs.Moran Mar Basselios Catholicos. Trivandrum: Travancore Government Press, 1946. 164p. 22002484 AE 281.63 SCH Schurhammer, Rev George. Malabar Church and Rome During the Early Portuguese Period and Before. Trichinopoly: St.Joseph`s School Press, 1934. vi+42p. 22002574 AE 281.63 SLA,C Slayer, Dragon. Catholic Replies the Orthodox. Kottayam: Geo Printing Work, 1946. xxiv+4p. 22000943 AE 281.63 SYR Pothan, Miss S. Travancore Law Reports 1946: The Syrian Church Case. Trivandrum: Government of Travancore, 1946. 164p. 22002582 AE 281.63 THE,O Theodosius O I C, H G Alexios Mar. Orthodox Faith Versus Non-Orthodox and Protestantism. Ranny: Bethany Asram, 1945. 24p. 22000968 AE 281.63 VIS Daniel, Rev Fr I. Visit Souvenir: Haile Selassie I 31-10-1956. Cheppad: Orthodox Syrian Church, 1956. 46p. 22001054 AE 281.63 ZAC Skariah, Fr K T. Malankara Suriyany Sabhaym Anthyokhya Simhasanavum. Ankamali: Author, 1973. 144p. 22002591 AE 281.63 H JUD Judge, S Looke Esquire, Chief. In His Highness the Raja's Court of Appeal. Tvpm: Thulasi Publications, 1905. 62p.22002526 AE 281.63(L) SU Reddy, B P Jeevan. In the Supreme Court of India Civil Appellate Jurisdiction 20th June 1995. New Delhi: Supreme Court of India, 1995. 168+85+20+12p. 22002536 AE 281.63.04 CO . Consecration Souvenir. Bombay: St Mary`s Orthodox Syrian Church, 2000. 44p. 22002468 AE 281.63.0S BUL . Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester. Manchester: John Rylands Library, 1926. 266p. 22002462 AE 281.63.H JUD . Judgement in His Highness the Raja in the Arthat Church Case 1905 ; (arthat Palli Pattu Co-Binded (mal)). Thrissur: Bharathavilasam, 1905. 78p. 22002502 AE 281.63.L CHR . Rule of the Christa Sishya Sangha Tadagam. Coimbatore: Author, 1941. 35p. 22001267 AE 281.67 ORI . Oriental Orthodox Churches Addis Ababa Conference January 1965.Ethiopia: Oriental Orthodox Conference, 1965. 142p. 22002117 AE 281.8 BAD,2 Badger, Rev George Percy. Nestorian and Their Rituals 1842-1844 Vol I I. London: Joseph Masters and Co.,, 1852. 426p. 22002543 AE 281.8 JOS,N Joseph, John. Nestorians and Their Muslim Neighbours: A Study of Western Influence on Their Relations. New Jersey: Princeton University, 1961. 280p. 22002546 AE 281.8 STE,N Stewart, Rev John. Nestorian Missionary Enterprise; the Story of a Church on Fire. Madras: C.L.S, 1928. xxxiv +352p. 22000739 AE 281.9 NEA.H Neale, Rev John Mason. History of the Eastern Church: The Patriarch of Antioch. London: Rivingtons, 1873. 229+20p. 22002638 AE 281.9 STA,H Stanley, A P. History of the Eastern Church. Tiruvalla: Author, 1861. 396p. 22000622 AE 282 BAI Bain, Rev John A. Has Rome Changed: The Developments of Roman Catholicism. Belfast: Christian Irishman, 0000. 64p. 22001024 AE 282 DAM,O Damen, Rev Arnold. One True Church: Catholic Church. Kottayam: V.G. Press, 1922. 16p. 22007993 AE 282 FOR Fortescue, Adrian. Early Papacy; to the Synod of Chalcedon in 451. London: Burns & Oates, 1920. 62p. 22002657 AE 282 JOH . Encyclicals of Pope John Xxiii. Vatican: Polyglot Press, 1963.77p. 22001173 AE 282 KOC Kocisko, Most Rev Stephen. Pontifical Divine Liturgy and Ceremony of Consecration 23/10/1956. Pannsylvania: St.Paul`s Cathedrel, 1956. 80p. 22001091 AE 282 PUT,S Putte, Rev Walter Van De. Saint Joseph Simplified Missal. New York: Catholic Book Publishing Company, 1959. 64p.22001134 AE 282 STO Kelway, . Story of the Catholic Revival. Louvain: Catholic University, 1914. xxiii+131p. 22002646 AE 282 VAZ Vazh, . Roman Catholic Action, Agitation & Atmosphere. Thiruvalla:Christian Revival Movement, 1949. 76p.22001050 AE 283 GIB. Gibson, Edgar C S. Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England Explained With an Introduction. London: Methuen & Co, 1912.800p. 22000686 AE 283 HOD,A Hodgson, Leonard. Anglicanism and South India. Cambridge: University Press, 1943. 26p. 22001047 AE 283 HUN,A Hunt, W S. Anglican Church in Travancore and Cochin 1816-1916 Vol.I I: Includes Mavelikkara Padiyola. Kottayam: Church Missionary Society, 1933. 277p. 22000801 AE 284.1 WYC,H Wyckoff, Charlotte C. Hundred Years With Christ in Arcot: A Brief History of the Arcot Mission in India 1853-1953. Berlin: Union Verlag, 1954. 154p. 22000839 AE 287 COV . Covenant With God. N.Y: Rushworth & Dreaper, 0000. 15p.22001235 AE 287 MER Mercer, C H L. Back to the First Century:An Appeal to the Churches and a Challenge. Madras: Methodist Publication House, 1915. 31p. 22001200 AE 288.54 PRO.Proposed Scheme of Union.Madras:C.L.S,1941.100p. 22002641 AE 291 AIK Aiken, Charles Francis. Dharmma of Gotama the Buddha and the Gospelof Jesus the Christ. Boston:Marlier and Company, 1900. 344p. 22002118 AE 291 LYA 1907. 131p. Lyall, Sir Alfred C. Asiatic Studies: Religious and Social. London: Watts & Co, 22001100 AE 291 SCH,D Schurhammer, George. Die Zeitgenossischen Quellen Zur Geschichte Portugiesisch - Asiens Und Seiner Nachbarlander. Rom: Institutum Historicum, 1962. 30p. 22002122 AE 294.5 BAR Barnett, L D. Religious Ancient and Modern: Hinduism. London: Archibald Constable, 1906. 66p. 22002123 AE 294.5 HOW,S Howells, George. Soul of India Vol Vii (1909-10). London: James Clarke & Co. Ltd, 1913. 622p. 22001237 AE 296 ORD . Order of Laws on Arising: Service Book of Judaism. Athens:Author, 0000. 386p. 22001122 AE 296 PRA . Prayer Book New Year and Day of Atonement: for Jews In the Armed Forces of the U.S. N.Y: Jewish Foram Publications, 1943. 239p. 22000720 AE 296 VAL,J Vallentine, . Jewish Encyclopedia. London: Shapiro, Vallentie,1938. 696p. 22001236 AE 296 COM Velayudhan,Prof P S.Cochin Synagogue 400th Commemoration Volume. Tvpm: Kerala History Association, 1971. 319p. 22002673 AE 030 CHU,27 Randolph, B W. Earthly Life of Our Lord. London: A.R Mowbray & Co. Ltd, 1909. 22007988 AE 301.4 KUS,S Kusuman,K K.Slavery in Travancore(letters from the Missionaries 1812-1937). Tvpm: Kerala History Association,1973.183p. 22001106 AE 301.44 IYE Iyer, L A Krishna. Travancore Tribes and Castes - Vol. Iii: The Aborigines of Travancore. Trivandrum: Superintendent, Govt. Press, 1941. 176p. 22000915 AE 301.44 THU,C Thurston, Edgar. Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Madras: Govt Press, 1909. 439p. 22000727 AE 320 BRE,C Brezhnev, L I. Constitution of the UNION OF SOVIET SOCILIST REPUBLICS. London: Sovietland, 1977. 68p. 22001163 AE 330 CHU,E Chullikal, Anthony S. Economic Progress and Price Behaviour: India- U.K 1860-1966. Louvain: Catholic University, 1968. 251p. 22000870 AE 340 KER . Kerala Education Act and Rules Corrected Up to 1-12-1961. Trivandrum: Government of Travancore, 1962. 132p. 22002665 AE 340 MAD . Memorandum of Association, Rules and Regulations of the Orthodox Service Centre. Madras: Orthodox Service Centre, 1966. 10p. 22001078 AE 340 MEM . Memorandum of Association, Rules and Regulations Delhi Orthodox Syrian Church Society. Delhi:Orthodox Syrian Church Society,1960.18p.22008009 AE 340.54 ILB Ilbert, Sir Courtenay. New Constitution of India. Michigan: University Press, 1923. 212p. 22002666 AE 342.54 BAN,I Banerjee, Debendra Nath. Indian Constitution and Its Actual Working. Calcutta: Longmans Green, 1926. 497p. 22000869 AE 348 CON . Constitution of the Republic of Cuba. Cuba: Ministry of Information, 2000. 48p. 22001166 AE 348 CON . Second (revised) Draft ; the Constitution of the Church of the Province of India, Burma and Ceylon. Culcutta: Baptist Mission Press, 1924. 200p. 22002706 AE 348 CON,S . Constitution Draft Outline of STOVS. Devalokam: Malankara Orthodox Church, 1981. 4p. 22001257 AE 348 COU . Court Decision. Trivandrum: Travancore Government Press, 1888. 4-144p. 22002705 AE 348 FAI Thomas, K T. Faith on Trial: Supreme Court Verdict of Marthoma Church Case. Ernakulam: Mar Themotheus Memorial Printing,1965.188p.22000854 AE 348 HOL . Holy Episcopal Synod of the Orthodox Syrian Church of the East: Constitution, Functions, Rules of Procedure and Duties & Functions Standing Committe. Devalokam: Catholicate Press, 1975. 12+iiip. 22001213 AE 348 MEM . Memorandum of Association of Syrian Orthodox Sabha Purogamana Samithi. Kottayam: Republic Press, 0000. 17p.22001231 AE 348 RAO,R Rao, K Krishna Swamy. Royal Court of Final Appeal. Kottayam: Orthodox Church Book House, 1975. 116+78p. 22001038 AE 350 ELI Ellis, William N. Appropriate Technology Developments in the United States and Their Relevance to the Third World. Paris: Development Centre of the Organisation, 1979. 159p.22002551 AE 420 DAL,P Dalgleish, Walter Scott. Progressive English Grammer. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1871. 176p. 22000897 AE 428.3 TIP Tipping, Liewelyn. English Grammar and Composition. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd, 1917. 90p. 22001226 AE 430.3 ENG . Englifch Deutfches Dorterbuch. Paris: Sebriiber Barnier, 1926. 914p. 22002134 AE 492.7 ESS Ess, John Van. Aid to Practical Written Arabic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1920. 384p. 22002136 AE 494.81103 TA . Tamil-English-dictionary. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 3-309p. 22002137 AE 575 HAE,E Haeckel, Ernst. Evolution of Man: Vol.I Human Embryology or Ontogeny. London: Watts & Co, 1912. 176p. 22001044 AE 610 HEA . Heart Disease and Others. London: Blackie and Son, 0000. 45-284p. 22001031 AE 610 YOU. If You Have Diabetes. Bombay: Pfizer Pvt. Ltd.0000. 44p. 22002483 AE 620 PUL 22001223 Pull, E. Engineering Workshop Manual. London: Technical Press, 1941. 249p. AE 641.5 IND.Indian Domestic Economy and Receipt Book:Plain Wholesome Cookery, Household Affairs Etc.Bombay: Gazette Press, 1852. 630p. 22000912 AE 822 SHA,3 Chandran, J Ross. Devil's Disciple. Kottayam: St.Mary`s Book Depot, 0000. 100p. 22002726 AE 823 HEN Henty,G A. Two Prisoners. London:Blackie and Son,0000.96p.22001225 AE 823 SHA,D Shaw, Bernard. Devil's Disciple. Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1969. 156p. 22001178 AE 910 . Keniya: A Land of Contrsts. Nairobi: Ministry of Information, 0000. 66p. 22001165 AE 910 BLA . Blackie's Illustrated Continental Readers: Australasia and Oceania. London: Blackie and Son, 0000. 176+viiip.22001028 AE 910 MAR,T Marco-Polo, . Travels of Marco-Polo: With 25 Illustrations in Full Color from a 14th Century Manuscript (bound Volume Includes 954 PTO Mc Grindle's Ancient India. New York: Orion Press, 0000. 16p. 22000498 AE 920 BAR Barrow, . Story of Peter the Great, Czar of Russia. Madras: C.L.S, 1895. 48p. 22001090 AE 922 BAK Dalton, Eira. Baker Family in India. Kottayam: C m s Press, 1963.78p. 22002544 AE 922 LEW Lewis, Agnes Smith. Studia Sinaitiva No.Ix; Select Narratives of Holy Women. London: Author, 1900. xxiv+211p.22002739 AE 922.1 BRO,2 Brooks, E W. Select Letters of Severus. London: Williams & Norgate, 1904. vii+231-480p. 22002737 AE 922.1 ROB Roberts, Rev Alexander. Ante-Nicene Fathers: Vol-I Justin Martyr-Irenaeus. New York: Christian Literature, 1885. 602p.22002732 AE 922.11 RIC Gudgeon, Michael. Story of Saint Richard : Bishop of Chichester. London: Scala Publishers, 2002. 32p. 22001101 AE 922.2 COL,2 Coleridge, Henry James. Life and Letters of St. Francis Xavier Vol.I I. London: Burns & Oates, 1935. xxi+579p.22002749 AE 922.22 GOU Baring-Gould, Rev S. Lives of the Saints. London: John Hodges, 1875. viii+494p. 22002770 AE 922.3 CLI,F Clifford, Edward. Father Damien. London: Macmillan & Co Ltd, 1890. 179p. 22000916 AE 922.9 RAO,F Rao, D P Sham. Five Contemporary Gurus in the Shirdi (sai Baba)Tradition. Madras: C.L.S, 1972. 46p. 22002755 AE 922.9 SAV,1 Gherardis, Signor. Savonarola's Life and Times. London: Unwin Paperback, 1888. xlvii+792p. 22002754 AE 930 GIB Gibbon`S, . History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: With Milman's Notes. London: Ward Lock & Co.,0000. 1056p. 22002781 AE 954 MUD Muddock, J E. Great White Hand or the Tiger of Cawnpore a Story of the Indian Mutiny. London: Hutchinson University Library,0000. 128p. 22007961 AE 954 PTO,A Ptolomy, . Mc Grindle's Ancient India Described By Ptolemy. Calcutta: Chatterjee & Co, 1927. 16p. 22000499 AE 954 SAL,G Salazar, Prof Oliveira. Goa and the Indian Union: Legal Aspects: A Speech. Louvain: Secretariat Du Corpussco, 1954. 15p. 22001102 AE 954 WHE,S Wheeler, J Talboys. Short History of India and the Frontier States of Afghanistan, Nepal and Burma. London: Macmillan and Company, 1880. 740p. 22001263 AE 954.812 LOG, Logan, W. Collection of Treaties Engagements and Other Papers of Importance Related to British Affairs in Malabar. Madras: Govt Press, 1951. 402+xlii p. 22001076 AE 954.812 MAT, Mateer, Samuel. Native Life in Travancore.. London: W.H. Allen, 1883. 478p. 22000896 AE 954.812 POO, Poonen, T I. Survey of Dutch Power in Malabar (1603-78).Trichinopoly: St.Joseph`s School Press, 1964. 301p.22001025 AE 954.812 SAS, Sastri, K A Nilakanta. History of South India from Pre-Historic Time to the Fall of Vijayanagar. London: Oxford University, 1958. 41p. 22000500 AE 954.812 TRA . Travancore Administration Report 1926-27. Trivandrum: Travancore Government Press, 1927. 202p. 22000802 AE 954.812 VEN, Venkateswaran, N K. Glimpses of Travancore. Trivandrum: S.Gnanakanda Iyer, 1926. 144p.22001259 AE 954.812 WAR, Ward, Lt B S. Memoir of the Survey of Travancore and Cochin1816-1820 .Madras: Superintendent, Govt. Press, 1891. 102p. 22000792 AE 954.83 GAL Galletti, A. Dutch in Malabar. Madras: Superintendent, Govt. Press, 1911. 270p. 22002535 AE 954.83 MAC Mackenzie, G T. Travancore State Manuel. Trivandrum: Travancore Government Press, 1901. 95+17p. 22002530 AE 954.83 MEM. Memorandum Submitted to the Maharaja of Travancore, By the Christian Subjects of the State. Madras: Renaissance Printers,1946.335p. 22000796 AE 954.83 PAD,4 Menon, K P Padmanabha. History of Kerala: Part IV. Ernakulam: Cochin Govt Press, 1937. xiv+564p. 22000803 AE 954.83 PIL,T Pillai, Sadasyatilaka T K Velu. Travancore State Manuel..Trivandrum: Government of Travancore,1940.930p. 22000804 AE 954.83 TRA . Travancore Christian Memorandum Submitted to the Parliamentry Delegation 1946. Kochi: Travancore Publications, 1946.xv+42p. 22000800 AE 954.83 TRA,3 . Travancore Directory 1938 Almanac. Trivandrum: Travancore Government Press, 1938. 1518p. 22000687 AE 954.83.07 AD . Travancore Administration Report 1934-35 & 1935-36. Trivandrum: Government of Travancore, 1935. 273p. 22000688 AE 954.83.07 AD . Travancore Administration Report. Thiruvalla: Author, 1936. 274p. 22007945 AE 954.8403 MAD . Madras States Drectory 1929. Cochin: Pearl Prees, 1929. 386p.22000819 AE 954.85 LOG,2 Logan, William. Malabar: Vol II. Madras: Govt Press, 1887. 426p. 22002751 AE 956.94 SAN,1 Sanders, E M. Holy Land: The Land, the People and Their Work.. London: George Philip & Son, 1956. 36p. 22001036 AF 232.931 LIG Liguori, Alphonse De. Les Gloires De Marie. Vatican: Vatican Polyglot Press, 1839. 265p. 22001007 AF 264 MIS . Missel Vesperal Romain. Louvain: Catholic University, 1923. 1658+52p. 22001229 AF 264 PRE . Pres Ante Et Post Missam. Vatican: Vatican Polyglot Press, 1814. 239p. 22001006 AG 220 BIB. Greek Bible. Kottayam: OTS, 1854. 1027p. 22002014 AG 232 DIB,B Dibelius, Otto. Bericht Von Jesus Aus Nazareth. Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 0000. 82p. 22002891 AG-225 CAM Campbell, Colin. First Three Gospels in Greek: Arranged in Parallel Columns. London: Williams & Norgate, 1899. 222p. 22002807 AH 491.43 SIR Sircar, David. Simple Approach to Hindi Grammar. Kalimpong: Author, 1932. 118p. 22001219 AH 264 DUK . Dukka Velliyashcha Namaskaram (hindi). KOTTAYAM: M G o C S M BOOKSHOP, 1993. 72p. 22002241 AH 264.5 PAV,67 Marthoma, Most Rev Dr Yuhanon. Prebhu Bhojan Prenushtan Vidhi: Hindi Qurbana Taksa of Marthoma Church. Kottayam: Marthoma Theological Seminary, 1967. 44p. 22007992 AH 265.3 PAV Kuriakose, Prof K M. Pavithra Balidan; THAKSA Holy EUCHARIST. Kottayam: Sophia Books, 1982. 115p. 22001112 AH 492.4 DAV,I Davidson, A B. Introductory Hebrew Grammar. Edinburgh: T & t Clark, 1919. 236p. 22002135 AL 262.91 GIA Giamil, R Mi Abbatis Samuelisa. Inter Sedem Apostolicam. Roma: Roma Ermanno Loescher & C., 1902. 200p.22002223 AL 282 VAT . Deuxieme Concile Oecumenique Du Vatican; Quatrieme Session 28th October 1965. Louvain: Catholic University, 1965. 55p.22002642 AM 800 THO Thomas, Aranmula V J. Sahithya Manjusha. Kottayam: P.C.Press, 1966. 80p. 22001023 AM 010 LEE,C Leelabhai, P. Charithra Reshmikal. Trivandrum: Govt Press, 1995. 205p. 220007376 AM 030 ALM . C.M.S Press Almanack and Diary 1917. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1916. 82p. 22002482 AM 030 VID Nellimukal, Dr Samuel. Vidya Samgraham: Vol. I: - July 1864 - April 1866. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1993. 384p.22000922 AM 070 NAV . Navadarsanam (mal)cisrs Bulletin. Keralam: C.I.S.R.S., 1968. 82p. 22002003 AM 070 CAT,190 .Catalogue of Books and Tracts in English, Malayalam and Tamil. Kottayam: C.M. S. Book Depot, 1904. 40p.22002002 AM 070.0S SUR,5 . Suriyani Sabhamasika. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 75p. 22002169 AM 070.82 KOT Vetticad, Baben. Kottayam Seminar Souvenir and Kerala Christian Writers and Journalists Directory. Kuravilangdu: Fr. Mathew Moozhiyil, 1966. 132p. 22002004 AM 100 PAR,A Parameswaran Nair, P K. Ahimsayum Loka Shantiyum.Trivandrum: Sreeramavilasam Press, 1961. 154p. 22000888 AM 133.5 MAT,B Mathews, Prof Jacob. Phalaadhyayee Spashtajathakam (mal). Kottayam: J.J. Nilayam, 1947. 188p. 22000264 AM 134 KOC,P Kochunni Thampuran, Kodungallur Valiya. Presna Marga Poorva Bhagam: Vyakhyanam (mal & Tamil). Palakkad: Vidyakalpatharu Press, 0000. 218p. 22000898 AM 134 PAR,H Paret, Z M. Hypnotism . Manganam:Jacob Mathew,1967.108p.22000773 AM 150 SAR. Shakuna Shasthram. Kottayam: P.P Book Depot, 1948. 108p. 22000711 AM 181.4 GRE,D Gregorios, Dr Paulose Mar. Darsanam, Matham, Sasthram (mal). Kottayam: M.G.F, 1995. 76p. 22000791 AM 181.48 SWA,V Swamikal, Sri Chattampi. Vedadhikara Nirupanam. Quilon: Kumpalathu Sankara Pillai, 1963. 80p. 22002901 AM 1898.0S MAL, . Malankara Edavakapathrika .Kottayam: OTS,2000.30p.22002171 AM 1907.3.0S SU . Suriyani Suvisheshakan. Kottayam: OTS, 1907. 30p.22002176 AM 1939,05 JNA . Jnananishepam (mal)or the Treasury of Knowledge. Kottayam: OTS,0 000. 100p. 220021568 AM 203 KRI . Kristava Vinjanakosam. Alleppey: Prakasam Publications, 1975. 640p. 22002902 AM 210.6 MAT,E Matthan, Rev George. Essays on Truth. Kottayam: Christava Sahithya Samithy, 1894. 75p. 22002010 AM 222.6 MAT . Mathai Ezhuthiya Suvishesham. Bangalore: Bible Society of India,Pakistan and Ceylon, 1954. 63p. 22002805 AM 220 BIB . Holy Bible. Cottayam: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1898. 1988p. 22002012 AM 220 COM Smith, J M Powis. Complete Bible: An American Translation. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1948. 246p. 22002015 AM 220 HOL,35 . Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments in Malayalam. Madras: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1935. 322p.22000441 AM 220 HOL,57 . Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments. Bangalore: Bible Society of India, Pakistan and Ceylon, 1957. 1000p.22000541 AM 220 NEW . New English Bible: New Testament. London: Oxford University Press, 1964. 558p. 22002180 AM 220 OLD,1913 . Old Testament & New Testament. Madras: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1913. 1125p. 22000542 AM 220 VED.Vedapusthaka Sambhashanam. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 239p. 22002041 AM 220.1 THO,N Thomas, W H Griffith. How We Got Our Bible: Namuke Engane Bible Labhichu (bound Volume). Bombay: Gospel Literature Service, 1955. 133p.22000424 AM 220.2 CLA,B Clayton, Rev A C. Bible Dictionary(mal). Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1937. 578p. 22001250 AM 220.3 ABR,S Abraham, Fr Konattu. Suviseshangal Oru Leghu Vyakyanam. Pampakuda: Mar Julius Press, 1949. 629p. 22000748 AM 220.3 HAW,V Hawksworth, Rev J. Vedasakshyavaly (mal). Cottayam: C M Press, 1862. 341p. 22000835 AM 220.7 SAM,V Samuel,T D. Vedadhyayanasahayi (mal). Quilon: V.V Press, 1912.150p. 22000439 AM 220.7 VIS . Visadeekrutha Bible Padanam Course No.I. Bangalore: Seventh Day Adventurist, 1960. 29p. 22000892 AM 220.8 KUR,T Kurien, T K. Pariksha: Temptation. Punalur: Planters Printing and Publishing House, 1955. 154p. 22000729 AM 220.8 PRA . Prathidina Vedavayana Kuripe. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1936. 83p. 22000234 AM 220.8 SAD 22000074 . Sadveda Charithram (bound Volume). Palarivattom: Author, 2000.50p. AM 220.9 DAV Kuruvilla, P K. King David Ajapalacharitam: A Play. Cottayam: Knanaya Predeepika Press, 1894. 48p. 22000712 AM 220.9 JAC,S Jacob, Rev C K. Short Biblical History to the Birth of Christ. Kottayam: M.C.L.C, 1931. 147p. 22000718 AM 220.9 LOR . Lord Jesus and His Disciples. Bangalore: Bible Society of India, 1971. 420p. 22000722 AM 220.9 SAB W M, . Archaeology and the Bible. Trivandrum: Kerala Vilasom Press, 1939. 159+iiip. 22000730 AM 220.9 YOH . Yohannan Snapakante Jeeva Charithram. Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala Chirstava Sahitya Samithy, 1950. 34p.22000713 AM 220.92 ABR Abraham, Fr Earattu. Mosayude Jeevacharithram and Sabha Charithra Kadakal Part Ii (bound)1949. Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1948. 44+28p. 22000715 AM 220.92 GEO,W George, Aley. Women of the Bible: Vedapustakathile Sthreekal. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1934. 54p. 22000716 AM 220.92 SHE . Sheba Ranjee:Jnana Anveshanam.Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala Chirstava Sahitya Samithy, 0000. 136p. 22000714 AM 221 DAN,H Daniel, Fr P E. History of the Old Testament. Kottayam: Fr.K.David, 1951. 138+7p. 22002903 AM 221 GEO George, Rev Dr K A. Prathyasa Kiranangal. Kottayam: Divyabodhanam Publications, 1984. 109p. 22001032 AM 221 PHI Philoxenos, Rt Rev Daniel Mar. History of the Old Testament. Aluva: Fr.K.David, 0000. 142p. 22002840 AM 221 OLD,3 Wilson,Rev George.Pazhaya Niyama Pravasheka Vol.III. Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe,0000.359p.22002841 AM 221 WIL George, Rev Wilson. Pazaya Niyama Pravesyka. Tiruvalla: Literature Press, 1951. 144p. 22002547 AM 220.95 VIS . Veshudha Kadhamalica. Onnam Pusthakam. Thiruvalla: Author, 1933. 22002842 AM 221.07 KOS Koshy, T G. Israel Vrethandham. Trivandrum: Popular Press, 1975. 30p. 22001042 AM 221.07 WIL Wilson D D, Rev George. Introduction to the Old Testament Vol I I I. Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe,1951.359p.22002836 AM 221.92MEY Meyer,F B.Israel a Prince With God the Story of Jacob. Kottayam: Malayalam Religious Tract Society, 1931. 255p. 22002835 AM 222.03 JUD . Old Testament: Commentary. Kottayam: Author, 0000. 8711052p.22002833 AM 222.11 CAN,G Canon Sell, Rev. Genesis, Ulpathipusthakam(Bound Volume). Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1935. 172p. 22000493 AM 222.224 KOS, Koshy, T G. Vadha Kadhakavyam (ruth). Thrivandrum: Author, 1987.40p. 22002839 AM 223 GEE Geevarghese Rambachan, Kochuparambil. Masamurakal. Alwaye: M. Kuriakose Kathanar, 1938. 250p. 22002831 AM 223 JOH,8. John, N K. Snaha Geethagal. Mannanam: St.Josephs Printing House,1972. 60p. 22000659 AM 223.2 ATH Mar Athanasius, H G Paulos. Masumurakal ( Old Malayalam ). Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1901. 312p. 22002830 AM 223.2 SAN . Sangeerthana Pusthakam ( Old Malayalam ). Kottayam: Author, 0000. 136p. 22002826 AM 223.2 PSA. Bible; Sangeerthanam.Madras:Author,0000.87p. 22002828 AM 223.4 KOR Koruthu, Pulikeezh P C. Gadha Subhashetham. Kozhancharry: M.C. L. C, 1931. 30p. 22002825 AM 223.7 BRI Bridges, Rev C. Exposition of the First Nine Chapters of the Book of Proverbs.. Cottayam: Church Missionary Society, 1882.180p. 22002824 AM 223.9 TAY. Taylor, J Hudson. Uttama Geetham Adava Dyva Sumsargavum Dyva Vakiyavum. Kottayam: Author, 1948. 63p. 22000663 AM 224 ABR,P Abraham, Paster K E. Pravachana Suktham (mal)(bound Volume).Kumbanad: Hebron Printing House, 1967. 118p.22000422 AM 224 DAV David, Fr K. Introduction to the Book of the Prophets; Part.1 : 8th Century Prophets. Madras: Author, 1938. 59p.22002823 AM 224 DAV,B David, Fr K. Book of the Prophets (mal). Kottayam: V.G. Press, 1945. 59p. 22000878 AM 224.1 SEL Sell, Rev Canon. Isaiah. Thirualla: C L S, 1931. 213p. 22002821 AM 224.6 THO Thomas, Rev P J. Commentary on the Book of Hosea. Kottayam:Malayalam Christian Literature Committe,1941.91p.22002820 AM 224.8 RAS Rasalam, Rev J W. Prophet Amos: A Cry for Justice. Kottayam:Malayalam Christian Literature Committe,0000.120p.22002819 AM 224.9 ALE Alexander, Rev Fr K M. Jona. Kottayam: Orthodox Church Book House, 0000. 38p. 22002818 AM 224.9 SEL Sell, Rev Canon. Minor Prophets. Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1932. 155p. 22002817 AM 224.997 ATH, Athanasiyos, H G Paulos Mar. Maccabians & Mahajnanam. Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1900. 89+42p.22000282 AM 225 JAC,V Jacob, Fr Thakidiyil. Malayalam Vayanappadi Evengelion: With Pesgomo. Tiurvalla: St.Joseph Printing House, 1951. 349p. 22000734 AM 225 VIS,M Mani Kathanar, . Visudha Grandham Puthiya Niyamam (mal). Mannanam:St. Joseph Press, 1942. 860p. 22000431 AM 225.07 JOS Joshua, Fr T J. Orthodox Veshwasam Enthu ? Puthiya Niyamathilakke.Kottayam: Author, 1988. 38p. 22000904 AM 225.4 KAR,18 . New Testament in the Malayalam Language. Cottayam: Madras Auxiliary Bible Society, 1866. 474p. 22000325 AM 225.4 MAT,A Mattam, Sahithyathilakam C K. New Malayalam Bible: New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pattanakad: C.L.C. Publications, 1962. 335p. 22000055 AM 225.4 MAT,P Mathen Cor-Episcopa, Konattu. Puthiya Niyamam: Konattu Bible. Pampakuda: Mar Julius Press, 1936. 688p.22000057 AM 225.4 YES,19 . Yesu Kristuvin Puthiya Niyamam. Ernakulam: Typocraphia Scholae, 1905. 463p.22000087 AM 225.4 MAN,V Manikathanar,. New Testament. Mannanam:St.Joseph`s, 1938. 1026p. 22000003 AM 225.7 GOS 22002798 . Commentary on the Gospels. Kottayam: Author, 0000. 321-629p. AM 225.92 MAT,M Mathai, P. Marthoma Mahalmyam. Pampakuda: Vijaya Press, 1962. 30p. 22001001 AM 225.92 PRE, Muller, Fr F J. Preshithaprasthi: Appostles (mal). Trichur: Bishops House, 1944. 93p. 22000131 AM 225.92 VAR,P Varghese, T P. Puthiya Niyama Missionarimar. Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1930. 117p.22000322 AM 226 EAP,S Eappen, K I. Suvisehagrandham (bound Volume ). Thiruvalla: National Printing House, 1936. 175p. 22000492 AM 226 EVE,77 . Vayanappadi Evengelion (mal). Kottayam: M.G.O.C.S.M, 1977. 359p. 22000539 AM 226 PHI Philipose Ramban, Kayamkulam. Suviseshangal: The First Malayalam Bible. Bombay: Courier Press, 1811. 540p. 22001233 AM 226.03 ABR,V Abraham Kathanar, Konattu. Visuddha Suvisheshangal: Commentary. Pampakuda: Mar Julius Press, 1949.619p. 22000145 AM 226.07 ABR Abraham Kathanar, Konattu. Visudha Suvisehangal: Oru Leghu Vyakyanam (mal). Pampakuda: Konattu Abraham Kathanar, 1949. 629p. 22000428 AM 226.2 BAK Jun, Rev H Baker. Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Matthew. Cottayam: Church Missionary Society, 1860. 111p. 22002816 AM 226.2 BAR,M Barsleebi, Divannasyos. Mathai Sleeha Gospal Vyakhyanam (mal) (bound Volume). Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 100p.22000371 AM 226.2 GHE,M Gheevarghese Corepiscopa,Very Rev V C. St.Matthew's Gospel:Dhyana Vyakhyanam ( Bound Volume ).Kochi: I.S. Press,1962.54p.22000036 AM 226.2 KON,J Konattu Malpan, . Jeevanishepam -Visheshal 3 Vols Included St.Matthew Commentary. Pampakuda: Mar Julius Press, 1909. 59p. 22000160 AM 226.2 MAT . Gospel According to St.Matthew. Cottayam: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1919. 41p. 22000708 AM 226.2 MAT Mathen Malpan, Konattu. Puthiya Neyamam Nammude Karthavum Theywavum Aya Yashumeshihayude Veshutha Evangaliyon. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1908. 158p. 22002804 AM 226.2 MAT,1 Matthew, Saint. Mathew Ezhuthiya Suvishesham. Madras: Author, 1919. 41p. 22002815 AM 226.2 PAT,M Pathrose, Fr Manjummekudy. Catechetical Commentary on the Gospel According to St: Mathew. Kothamangalam:Author, 1913. 344p. 22000068 AM 226.4 DIX,L Dixon, Rev L A. Notes on the Life of Jesus Christ (st.Luke). Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1929. 225p. 22000106 AM 226.4 LUK . Lukose Ezhuthiya Suvishasham. Tiruvalla: Aurhor, 0000. 164p. 22002803 AM 226.4 SHA . Shanthy Margam: Gospel According to St. Luke. Bangalore: Bible Society of India, 1984. 66p. 22002802 AM 226.5 JOH. . Yohannan Ezhuthiya Suvishesham. Madras: British and Foreign Bible Society, 0000. 76p. 22000652 AM 226.5 MAT,S Matthew, W. Short Ommentary on the Gospel of St. John (mal). Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1933.200p. 22000046 AM 226.6 CHE,K Cherian, Ravusahib O M. Christava Dharmma Navaneetham (mal) Vol I No.4: Christava Dharma Samsthapanam: Acts of the Apostles. Pulikeezh: Bhaghyadayam Press, 2000. lxiv+144p. 22000092 AM 226.6 GEO 53p. 22002799 George, Fr C E. Apposthola Praverthikal. Changanacherry: Fr K.David, 1964. AM 226.6 GEO,A George, Fr C E. Aposthola Pravarthikal. Pathanamthitta: Malankara Sunday School, 1962. 71p. 22000531 AM 226.67 ABR,A Abraham Kathanar, Konattu. Visudha Suviseshangal (mal). Pampakuda: Konattu Abraham Kathanar, 1949. 628p. 22000512 AM 227.1 BEU,C Beutler, Rev J G. Commentary on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Romans. Kottayam: Author, 1864. 200p. 22000144 AM 227.1 BUR Burckhardt, Rev P E. Epistle to the Romans. Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1935. 270p.22000262 AM 227.17 DAV David, Rev A E. Epistle to the Roman's & Galatians ( Roamarke Ezhuthiya Leganam ).Cottayam: C m s Press, 1901. 51+38p. 22002794 AM 227.2 KUR Kuriyan, Rev Ravu Bahadhur John. I St Corinthians Awadharicayum Veshayanu Kramanikayum. Kottayam: M.C.L.C, 1931. 78p.22002792 AM 227.5 CHR Christ, . Book of Christ Vol. v. Pathanathitta: Author, 1974. 823-848p. 22002791 AM 227.5 POT,E Pothachan, Dr A. Ephesiyarke Ezhuthiya Lekanam. Karthigappally: Author, 1969. 520p. 22000784 AM 227.8 BEN Benjamin, T K. Epistle to the Hebrews; Abrayarkke Ezhuthiya Lakhanam. Varkala: Malayala Cristhava Sahithya Samithi,1950. 85p. 22002789 AM 227.8 RAS Rasalam, Rev J W. Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews.Madras: Malayalam Christian Literature, 1936. 71p.22002786 AM 228 BAR,1 Bar Sleebi, Mar Yohannan. Mar Yohannan Sleehayude Velipadinte Vykhyanam(bound Volume).Manjapra: Nedunthallil Grandhavali,0000.75p. 22000370 AM 228 BAR,Y Barsleebi, . Mar Yohannan Sleehayude Velipadinte Vyakayanam (mal). Kottayam: Author, 0000. 31p. 22000142 AM 228 MAR,1 Brill, E J. Mar Thoma Ezhuthiya Suvisesham (mal) (bound Volume).Kottayam:Abraham V. Kalathil,1974.28+iv p. 22000216 AM 228 REN,B Renz, Rev Charles. Book of Revelation. Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1951. 162p. 22000927 AM 228 SAM. Samuel, A M. Pravachana Pradeepam. Quilon: Author, 1940. viii+320p.22000657 AM 228 SIM,V Simon, K V. Velipadu Pusthaka Vyakhyanam(mal) Bound Volume . Changanacherry: M.P.Paili,1951. 208+159p. 22000487 AM 228 TIM,R Themotheos, Rt Rev Johannan Mar.Essays on the Book of Revelation Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1943.44p. 22000037 AM 229 ATH Athanatius, H G Paulos Mar. Pazhaya Neyamathil Nennum. Cottayam:Church Missionary Society, 1884. 52p. 22002782 AM 229 ATH,P Athanasius, H G Paulose Mar. Pazhaya Niyamathil Ninnum: Maccaabiar & Mahajnanam. Cottayom:Mar Thomas Press, 1900. 89+42p. 22000746 AM 229 MAK. Maccabiyakar(Bound Volume). Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1900. 89p. 22000450 AM 229 PAR Parett, Fr. Marthoma Sleehayude Pravarthikalude Pusthakam (mal). Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1934. 77p. 22000360 AM 229 SAL Athanasius, H G Paulos Mar. Salamonte Mahajnanam (mal)bound Volume)Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1900. 42p. 22000451 AM 230 CHA 49p. 22002846 Chacko, K G. Christhava Sabha Pravasheka. Tiruvalla: G.C. Book Stall, 1953. AM 230 CHE Cheriyan, O M. Christava Dharmma Navaneetham. Kottayam: Bala Sahitya Sahakarana Sangham, 0000. 144p. 22002848 AM 230 GEE Kathanar, Malpan Vattasseril Geevarghese. Mathopadessa Saarangal. Kottayam: Author, 1892. 68p. 22002849 AM 230 GEO,M George, Fr M V. Moonu Viswasasathyangal (mal)bound Volume. Kottayam: Orthodox Church Book House, 1961. 71p. 22000557 AM 230 JOB,S Job, T D. Gospel Kingdom. Kottayam: Malayalam Religious Tract Society, 1939. 147p. 22000119 AM 230 KAD Kadavil, Abraham. Sathyanveshanam. Paravur:S.P. Press, 1950. 94p 22000016 AM 230 LAZ Lazar, Fr. Mathathwa Bodhani. Elthuruth: St Joseph Press, 1957.144p. 22002852 AM 230 PHI Philipose, E M. Yakobaya Suriyani Mathopadhasha Palanam. Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1914. 103p. 22002854 AM 230 SHI . Slyhika Veshwasacharangal. Alwaye: Malankara Syrian Sunday School Association, 1961. 162p. 22002855 AM 230 THE Themotheos, Augen Mar. Veshudha Mathopadhasha Sathyangal. Kottayam: Author, 1950. 255p. 22002856 AM 230 VED . Puthiya Vadhopadhasham ( Catholic Church's ). Kottayam: Author, 0000. 63p. 22002857 AM 230 VED,1 Carmelite, Missionariis. Theologie Dogmatice Compendium: Veda-SastraSaaram. Verapoly: Seminary Publication, 1886. 196p. 22002858 AM 230.03 ENG . English - Malayalam Glossary of Theological Terms. Tiruvalla: Theological Literature Committe, 1981. 47p.22001202 AM 230.OM NAZ . Nasranikal Okakum Ariyandunna Samkshapa Vadhartham. Kottayam: Author, 1772. 275p. 22002853 AM 231 JOS,T Joshua, Rev P J. Mystery of the Holy Trinity. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1934. 118p. 22000929 AM 231.3 ABR Ittyra Kathanar, M T. Pareshudhalmavum Veshudha Pattathwavum. Pampakuda: Konattu Abraham Kathanar, 1952. 148p.22002860 AM 231.3 DUN Duncan, Homer. Fire from Heaven. Tiruvalla: Sri. N.K. Kuruvilla,1973. 39p. 22002861 AM 231.3 KEA . Holy Spirit: Parisuthaatmavu. Alwaye: Mar Thomas Sleeha Press, 0000. 91p. 22000747 AM 231.7 THE,D Thengumpally, Fr John. Daivarajyam (mal) (bound Volume). Piravom: Swaraj Printers, 1954. 40p. 22000253 AM 231.7 THO,D. Thomas, K C. Dyvarajiyam Pravarthi Pathathil. Kottayam: Malanakara Sabha Deepam Publications, 1964. 13p.22000629 AM 232 ABR,M Abraham, Fr P V. Manushyanmarude Madhye Jeevicha Christhu (bound Volume). Kottayam: Author, 1965. 183p. 22000150 AM 232 ADI . Adhinayude Ezhuthukal. Tiruvalla: Author, 0000. 494p. 22002894 AM 232 DAV David, Fr K. Karthavashue Meshehayude Jeeva Charithram. Thiruvalla: M.G.M Press, 1947. 48p. 22000885 AM 232 GLO . Glory of Christ Wherein Is Demonstrated That Jesus Is Truly God the Lord Jehovah.. Cottayam: Church Missionary Society, 1891. 212p.22002890 AM 232 KAT 22002888 Kattakayam, John. Christhu Bhagavan. Madras: Author, 1945. 368p. AM 232 KOC,K Kochumman, T K. Navayugodayam or Kristuvinte Ihika Jeevith Kadha. Thiruvalla: Author, 1949. 156p. 22000906 AM 232 KOS,S Koshy, Kundara P K. Sree Yesu Bhajanam. Kundara: Author, 0000. 6+12p. 22001083 AM 232 KRU . Crusshile Yeshue(poetry). Kottayam: Author, 0000. 44p. 22002889 AM 232 MAT Mathew, Sankarathil A V. Crusile Yesu. Thiruvalla: K P House, 1930. 21p. 22001144 AM 232 MOS,A Mosasalamaramban, Very Rev. Ammanuel (mal). Thiruvalla: Bethany Mudralayam, 1964. 112p. 22000581 AM 232 NAD,S Nadakuzhackal, Rev Fr Cyriac. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Souvenir of Episcopal Jubilee Rt.Rev.Dr.Alexander Chulaparampil. Koothattukulam: Author,1939. 237p. 22002767 AM 232 QUE . Question of Questions.(who Is Jesus of Nazareth?);Prashnathilum Prashnam. Kottayam: Author, 0000. 42p. 22002886 AM 232.632 DAN Daniel, K N. Pappayude Adhipathyam Enna Greandhatha Kurichundaya Akshepangalum Prathewtharangalum. Thiruvalla: National Printing House, 1929. 112p. 22002884 AM 232.632 THE Themotheos, H G Augen Mar. Malankara Suriyani Sabha Samadhana Margam. Kottayam: Popular Press, 1934. 39p.22002883 AM 232.9 MSS . Sree Yashue Adhava Manushyavatharam Chaitha Daivaputhran. Kottayam: OSSAE Publication, 0000. 72p. 22002882 AM 232.9 NOR,1 Northbrook, . Teaching of Jesus Christ in His Own Words. Cottayam: C.M.S Press, 1901. 73p. 22000162 AM 232.9 PAR,N Paret, Fr. Nammude Karthavinte Jeevacharithram (mal). Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1934. 106p. 22000198 AM 232.931 ABR, Abraham, T T. Mother of the Messiah (mal)bound Volume. Aluva: George Abraham, 1951. 378p. 22000576 AM 232.931 ALE Fr Alexander, Kodiyattu. Martha Mariyaminodulla Prardhanakal. Kumbanad: Author, 1967. 40p. 22002864 AM 232.931 HAR, Hares, Canon W P. Blessed Virgin Mary and Mariolatry. the Doctrine and Practice of the Roman Catholic Church. Pulikesh: Bhaghyadayam Press, 0000. 73p. 22000741 AM 232.931 ISA Thomas, Mariamma. Isaryawati or Visudha Kanyakamariam. Chengannur:Author, 1968. 30p. 22000905 AM 232.931 JOH, John, Anthony. Blessed Virgin Mary: a Life (mal). Quilon: S.R.V.,1933. 200p. 22000052 AM 232.931 JOS . Jeevacharithram: Parisudha Daivamathavaya Kanyaka Marthamariyathinte Padathodukoodiya Jeevacharithram (mal). Kunnamkulam: Samrono Joseph, 1928. 144p. 22000434 AM 232.931 KUR Kurian Mappilla, Pullian. Pazhaya Vayana: 15th Daiva Mathavinte Swargarohanam. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1890. 62p. 22002876 AM 232.931 MAR, . Parisuddha Daivamathavaya Kanayaka Marthmariyaminte Patodukooduia Jeevacharithram. Chingavanam: S.J. Book Depot, 1946. 163p. 22000924 AM 232.931 MOS, Ramban, Mosa Salomaa. Bhagya Nikshepam (mal). New York: Parathode Marthamariyam Vanitha Samajam, 1957. 113p.22000409 AM 232.931 VER, Verghese, Rev Fr Paul. Parisudha Kanyaka Mariam. Kottayam: K.V.Mammen, 1959. 30p. 22002912 AM 232.931 VIS, . Visudha Mathave (mal). Thiruvalla: Batheny Mudralayam, 1928. 48p.22000579 AM 232.931 JAC Jacob Kathanar,E P. Veshudha daivamathavente Perunal; Prathana Kramam. Tiruvalla: James Peter, 0000. 38p.22002878 AM 234 BAR Barnnabas, H G Mathews Mar. Vadhapusthaka Adhisthithamaya Nammude Veshwasam. Aluva: Author,0000. 10p.22002875 AM 234 KUR,R Kuriakose, K P. Rakshamargam (mal). Kothamangalam: Janatha Printing Corporation, 1957. 22p. 22000600 AM 234 VAD,N Vadassery, Fr Thomas. Nithyarashayku Viswasam Mathram Mathiyo? (bound Volume). Tiruvalla: St. Joseph Printing House,1957. 28p. 22000333 AM 234.2 ITT Ittyra Kathanar, M T. Sathya Veshwasam Chothiyotharam. Ernakulam: Mulairikan & Sons, 1933. 36p. 22002872 AM 235.4 ITT,A Itteera Kathanar, MT. Athmeeyasabha Athava Malahamar. Aluva: Desarathana Press, 1935. 34p.22000098 AM 236 SMI Smith, Oswald J. Prophecy What Lies Ahead ?. Bannur: James Stewart, 1953. 208p. 22000038 AM 236 YUG 22002870 . Yugandhyavum Pravachana Nivarthiyum. Kottayam: Author, 1961. 47p. AM 238 APR,S Aprem I Bava,H H Moron. Shorter Catechism of the Syrian Orthodox Church (bound Volume).Koothatukulam: Metro Printing House,1970.79p. 22000236 AM 238 THE,V Themotheos Metropolitan, H G Augen. Visudha Mathopadesha Sathyangal (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1950. 255p. 22000305 AM 239 ABR Abraham Malpan, Konatte. Mar Thoma Sleehayude Simhasanam. Kudamattam: Author, 0000. 35p. 22002869 AM 239 ABR,M Abraham, Pastor K E. Babylon the Great: Mahathiyam Babylon. London: T.S. Abraham, 1958. 324p. 22000299 AM 239 ADB Remban, Very Rev Philipose. Adbhutha Rogasanthi Varaprayogathe Patti Oru Samvadam. Pattom: Bishops House, 0000. 18p. 22000257 AM 239 ANI. Aniyaraykullil (mal). Kottayam:OTS,1957.29p.22000596 AM 239 ATM Remban, Very Rev Philipose.Athamavum Narakavum Daivavum Ellannulla Tharkathepatti Oru Samvadam . Pattom: St.Mary`s Press, 0000. 18p. 22000258 AM 239 ATT . Attilum Kulathilum Vachulla Mamodeesayepatti Oru Samvadam (mal). Pattom: St.Mary`s Press, 2000. 29p. 22000259 AM 239 CHI Remban, Very Rev Philipose. Chila Naveena Sabhakar Marubasha Parayunnathinepatti Oru Samvadam. Pattom: St Mary`s Press,0000.13p.22000256 AM 239 CHR Remban, Rt Rev Philipose. Christava Sabhayepatti Oru Samvadam (mal). Mannanam: St.Josephs Printing House, 2000. 52p.22000255 AM 239 GEE Geevarghese, Fr K. Mar Pappa Paramadhicariyo?. Kottayam: Author, 1973. 97p. 22002868 AM 239 GEE,M Geevarghese, V Rev V C. Marubhasha Vimarsanam (bound Volume). Tiruvalla: Marygiri Aramana, 1963. 58p.22000228 AM 239 GEE,S Geevarghese, Fr K. Sathyaviswasa Darpanam or Annammayum Pastarum. Anchal: St Johns Press, 1981. 107p.22000244 AM 239 GEO,1 George, Fr M V. Thuranna Kathinu Marupady (mal). Kottayam: Fr.T.V. Varughese, 1968. 50p. 22000176 AM 239 GEO,B George, Fr M V. V.C. Geevarugheesachanum Romasabhayum (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 1957. 60p. 22000583 AM 239 GEO,D George, Rev Fr M V. Daivam Undennu Theliyikamo?. Kottayam: M.D.Seminary, 1960. 72p. 22002907 AM 239 GEO,M George, Rev Dn M V. Moonnu Viswasa Sathyangal. Kottayam: K.V.Mammen, 1956. 71p. 22002908 AM 239 GEO,T George, C V. Thiruvachana Velichathil Sisu Snanam: A Criticism . Kumbanad: Oriental Printing Press, 1954. 88p.22000043 AM 239 JOH John, Rev C M. Is It Reasonable to Belive in God; Daiva Vishwasam Yawukathicamo?. Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1938. 47p. 22002867 AM 239 JOH John, T J. Sree. N. O. Enasuvinte Ente Chila Poorvasmarnakal Enna Pusthakathinulla Marupady. Trichur: Mar Narsay Press, 1955.32p. 22000369 AM 239 JOS,C Joseph, Edamaruke T C. Christhu- Oru Manushyan (mal). Thodupuzha: Rashanalist Publications, 1954. 50p. 22000582 AM 239 NAD,S Naduvathussery, Mgr Jacob. Swaroopavandanavum Vigraharadhanayum(bound Volume). Mannanam: S.J.Press, 1956. 43p.22000329 AM 239 PAP,1. Papal Supremacy. Kottayam: Malankara Sabha,1957.29p.22000161 AM 239 PAP,2 . Poppal Mathapeeda (bound Volume Includes: Notes Section). Mulathunthuruthi: P.D.Press, 1931. 184p. 22000382 AM 239 PAU,1 Mappila, Pattaseril Paulose. Manoramayke Marupadi (mal)bound Volume). Alwaye: Thrikkunnath Seminary, 1955. 17p.22000457 AM 239 PAU,S Pauleenoos, Rev Fr. Sathyamatham Onnumathram (mal) (bound Volume). Mannanam: S.J.Press, 1956. 50p. 22000328 AM 239 SAT . Sathyaprakasham: Fr.K.T.Zachariahsinte Vikantavathangal (bound Volume). Thiruvalla: Sathyaparasham, 1956. 8p. 22000334 AM 239 THI Damen, Rev Fr Arnold. Thirusabhayo Vedapusthakamo? (bound Volume). Mannanam: St Joseph Press, 1930. 20p.22000247 AM 239 THO Thomas, Rev Dr K C. Mar Thoma Sleehayude Simhasanam Oru Naveena Sreshtiyo?. Kottayam:Malanakara Sabha Deepam Publications,1972.69p.22000930 AM 239 VAD,E Vadassery, Fr Thomas. Ella Mathangalum Sariyo? (bound Volume). Mannanam: S.J. Press, 1957. 24p. 22000327 AM 239 VAD,Y Vadakkan, Br. Yasuchristhu Moscowvilo? (bound Volume). Alwaye: S.H. League, 1952. 40p. 22000254 AM 239 YAH, . Yahovayude Ulsavangal, Kaiveppu 1951, 45p., Sathyaprakasini By K.V. Simon, 1926, 121p., Levya Yagangal By Green .V.D, 1959, 132p., Sisu Snana Ko. Ankamali: Sathyaprakashini Book Depot, 1926. 60+p. 22000408 AM 239 GEE,1 Geevarghese, Very Rev V C. Saabath: Christheeya sabhayke Ethratholam Bhadakam (bound Volume). Tiurvalla: St.Joseph Printing House, 1965. 16p. 22000412 AM 240 ITT,N Ittirasemmasan, Rev M T. Nithyanandamala Nampra 3 Daivathilulla Sathyasaranam . Thrissur: Bharathavilasam, 1910. 26p.22002025 AM 241 CHR . Christheeya Sathyopadesangal. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1921. 62p. 22002026 AM 241 GRE. Grehasthya Dharmodhyanam. Mannanam: Joseph Press,1872.528p. 22002027 AM 241 LIN Lindholm, Paul R. Stewardship of the Ministry. Tiruvalla: C.L.S, 1960. 25p. 22002028 AM 241 THA Govindanthampi, K. Sawbhagyajeevitham. Trivandrum: V.V. Publishing House, 1931. 162p. 22002029 AM 241 PAD. Padamala. Kottayom: Mar Thomas Press,1900.11p.22001195 AM 242 ADH Valancena, Fr Ambros. Adhyalmikasandesam (mal). Aluva: Apostolic Seminary, 1948. 226p. 22002030 AM 242 AMB,D. Ambadan, . Dyvam Jeevikkunnu Adava Crushinte Sakshyam. Kottayam: Author, 0000. 65p. 22000656 AM 242 CHA,T Chakunny Kassesa, K T. Thathwachinthakal (mal. Tiruvalla: T.A.M. Press, 1958. 78p. 22000595 AM 242 DHA . Dhyananishepam. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 72p. 22002033 AM 242 DYA 22001172 . Dyana Srenika: Anuthapa Khatam. Ranny: Bethany Asram, 0000. 66p. AM 242 GEE,1 Geevarghese Kaseesa, V C. Dhyana Manjari (mal). Chingavanam: Thakadiyel Yokobaya Kaseesa, 1954. 92p. 22002036 AM 242 GEE,D Geevarghese, Dn V C. Dhyana Nishepam (mal) (bound Volume Includes Saropadesam 10p.). Mulanthuruthy: P.T. Press, 1931. 68p. 22000101 AM 242 GEE,P Semmasan, Geevarughese. Punnyapariseelanam (mal). Kottayam: OTS,1929. 150p. 22002035 AM 242 JAC,K Jacob, V P. Kurisinte Chuvattil (mal) ( Bound Volume). Angamaly: Prakashini Press, 1927. 72p.22000268 AM 242 JOH,I John, Mayyanattu A. Christhudevanukaranam (mal)the Imitation of Christ. Thevara: P.I. Joseph, 1939. 537p. 22000561 AM 242 KRU,1947 Night, Rev Gel. Krushile Thirumozhikal (mal). Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1947. 80p.22000193 AM 242 KUR,A Kuriakose Ramban, M C. Athmanishepam (mal). Kottayam: Malankara Sabha, 1962. 88p. 22002037 AM 242 LEO,A Vercruysse, Rev Fr Bruno. Anantha Nishepam (mal). Manjummel: Cherupushpa mudralayam, 1929. 300p. 22002038 AM 242 MAT,1 Mathew P M, . Christavante Mahaneeya Padavi (mal)bound Volum. Aluva: S.H. League, 1955. 48p. 22000463 AM 242 MAT,G Mattom, Fr C K. Guru Geetha. Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 1953. 151p. 22000178 AM 242 MOO . . Moodyyude Kadhakal; Stories and Parables of D.L.Moody. Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala Chirstava Sahitya Samithy, 1950. 54p. 22000674 AM 242 NAM . Nammude Apurnathakal. Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1928. 21p. 22000948 AM 242 PRA . Bethany Prarthana Sahayi (mal). Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1926. 148p. 22000478 AM 242 REB Rebeira, J P. Agamanakalam (mal) 31 Meditations on Jesus Christ. Chenganassery: P. Felix, 1947. 172p. 22002040 AM 242 RUT. Ratherforde, J F. Daridrante Ashwasam. Bombay: Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania, 1940. 39p.22000673 AM 242 SIN,A Singh, Sadhu Sundar. At the Master's Feet: Divya Darsanam. Trivandrum: Kerala Vilasom Press, 1949. 32p. 22000386 AM 242 SIN,W Singh, Sadhu Sundar. With and Without Christ. Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1930. 105p.22000346 AM 242 SUN,K . Sadhu Sunder Singinte Kathakalum Drishtanthangalum (mal). Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala Chirstava Sahitya Samithy, 1953. 68p. 22000534 AM 242 SUN,S . Sadhu Sundara Singinte Kadhakalum Drishtantangalum. Trivandrum:K.V Press, 1950. 100p. 2200126 AM 242 THA . Thazhma. Thiruvalla: Badhany Mudralayam, 0000. 87p. 22000636 AM 242 THI .Bethany Thirumumpil. Ranny: Bethany Asram, 1926. 8p. 22000610 AM 242 VAR,D Geevarghese Kaseesa, V C. Daiva Sahithwam (mal)bound Volume.rnakulam: Syrian Publications, 0000.93p.22000497 AM 242 WIL,D . Will of God. C.L.M.C: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee,1949. 18p. 22002043 AM 242 WIL,M 22002042 William, Fr. Misihanukaranam (mal). Mannanam: S.J.Press, 1967. 500p AM 242 MOO. Moodyyude Kadhakal; Stories and Parables of D.L.Moody. Trivandrum:Kerala Christava Sahitya Samithy,1950. 54p.22007931 AM 242 PAL Pallichira,Rev Dr Philip. Visudha Parumala Thirumeniyude Kabarinkale Onpathu Dhyanangal (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 1974.51p.22002039 AM 243 OOM,P Oommen, Pastor P G. Pravachanaprakasini (mal). Kumbanad: Bharathaa Printing House, 1947. 186p. 22002045 AM 245 BAR,K Barskeepa, Fr. Vishuddha Katholica Geethangal. Ranny: Bethany Asram, 1933. 53p. 22000080 AM 245 CHA,C Chacko, Karakattu. Christava Ganarathnagal (mal). Kottayam: Malanakara Sabha Deepam Publications, 1936. 76p.22000390 AM 245 CHE,M Cherian, Rao Sahib O M. Masiha Bhakthilahari.Trivandrum: City Press, 2000. 253p. 22002047 AM 245 CHR . Christhameeya Geethangal. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 172p. 22002048 AM 245 KOC,C Kochukunju Writer, Konnayil. Christava vedacharitham. Muppathinaluvrutham. Kottayam: Vidyarthi Mithram Press, 1955. 151p.22000290 AM 245 KOS,S 9p.22000616 Koshy Kundra, P K. Sreeyesubhajanam (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 1928. AM 245 KRI . Christhumas Ganangal and Athmeeya Geethangal (mal). Kundara: Christian Bookstall, 1966. 18p. 22000312 AM 245 KRI,D Chandy, C P. Kristheeya Bhajanakeerthanam (mal). Chengannur: Fr.K.David, 1949. 12p. 22000315 AM 245 KRI. . Christiya Convention Geethagal. Chingavanam: S.J.Book Depot, 1967. 40p. 22000654 AM 245 KUR,K Kuryan, P W. Christhumas Ganangalum Dhyana geethangalum (mal). Kottayam: V.G.Press, 1930. 55p. 22000375 AM 245 LYR . Lyrics for Christian Worship or Aradhanageethangal (mal).Kottayam: S.P.C.K, 1948. 486p. 22002050 AM 245 MAR Abraham, K V. Sree Mareesthuthegeethangal (mal). Kottayam: Author, 0000. 6p. 22000313 AM 245 PAU Gheevarughese,C C. Pawrasthya Athmeeya Unarvin Geethangal.Newyork: Pawrasthya Orthodox Syrian Sunday School Association, 1962. 267p. 22000280 AM 245 PRA. Thykadavil, Rev Fr G. Prathana Yoga Keerthanagal. Madras: Author,1968. 46p. 22000646 AM 245 SYR . Kallooppara Syrian Convention Geethangal (mal). Kottayam: V.I.Cherian, 1928. 76p. 22000314 AM 245 SYR,1 . Syrian Geethanjali. Philadelphia: National Bible Press, 1966. 8p. 22000316 AM 245 THY Thykadavil, Rev Fr G. Prarthana Yoga Keerthanangal. Madras: Orthodox Service Centre, 1968. 46p. 22001238 AM 245 VAR Varghese, P E. Visudha Vaidika Ganamala. Kottayam: Author, 1933. 96p. 22000295 AM 245 AUG,V Themotheos,H G Augen Mar. Valiyanombile Prarthanaganangal (mal). Thiruvithamcode: K.V. Geevarghese Ramban, 1960. 128p. 22002046 AM 246 DAV David, K V. Sleeba Mar Osthathios Pana. Kunnamkulam: Syrian Book Depot, 1930. 12p. 22002053 AM 246.7 LUC . Malayalathe Suriyani Christhianikalude Purathina Pattukal (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1908. 200p. 22002054 AM 246.7 LUC,A Lucas, P U. Ancient Songs of the Syrian Christians of Malabar.Pondicherry: Catholic Mission Press, 1954. 206p.22002055 AM 248 MAL . Malankarasabha Prarthanayogamithram (mal). Pallam: M.C. Kuriakose Ramban, 1951. 100p. 22002056 AM 248 MEY,T Meyer, Rev F B. True Christian Life. Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1933. 45p. 22002057 AM 248.4 TAY Taylor, Jeremy. Rule and Exercises of Holy Living. New York: Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh, 0000. 291p. 22002058 AM 249 BHA . Bhajanapeedam Or Kudumbaprarthanakal(mal). Trivandrum: V.M.Tract Depot, 1931. 72p. 22002059 AM 249 MAM,K Mammen Kasseessa, V P. Kuttikalude Adhyalma pariseelanam (mal). Kottayam: CMS Press, 1935. 104p. 22002061 AM 249 ORU . Oru Nalla Appante Chavarul or Christheeya Kudumbangalil Acharikenda Chadangukal. Mannanam: Joseph Press,1945. 25p. 22002062 AM 250 CHE,A Cherian, Fr C C. Ayimanikal Malankarasabhayil. Kottayam: O.T.S, 1991. 35p. 22001180 AM 250 KUN. Christhyaniyum Unnathapadaviyum. Kottayam:OTS,0000.101p 22002196 AM 251 ATT Itteera Malpan, Fr M T. August 26 Njayarashcha Chelattu Bassaniya Palliyil Cheytha Prasangam. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 23p. 22002197 AM 252 GEE,A Geevarghese Kaseesa, V C. Anchu Prasangal Bound Volume Includes.Ernakulam: Syrian Publications, 0000. 71p.2200049 AM 252 JAC . Suriyani Sabhasambandhamaya Prasangangal (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 75p. 22002200 AM 252 KIL,A Kilichimala, Fr Varghese. Anthoykhyayo Romayo? (mal). Omallor: Mar Ignathios Dayara, 1955. 19p. 22000446 AM 252 RAM,J Ramban, Mosesalama. Jeevajalam (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1958. 234p. 22000245 AM 252 SUN Sundher Sing, Sadhu. Sadhu Sundher Singite Nalu Prasamgangal. Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala Chirstava Sahitya Samithy,1951. 30p. 22000373 AM 253 DAV,S Daveed Kathanar, Payyampallil Geevarghese. Sermons Part 1. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1892. 40p. 22002204 AM 253 JAC,V Jacob Kaseesa, Thakadiyil. Vaidikaguid. Kottayam: C.M.S Press,1948. 75p. 22000776 AM 253 OST,K Osthathios, H G Dr Geevarghese. Kavalkara Rathri Enthayi?. Mavelikara: Malanakara Orthodox Church Mission Board, 1980. 64p. 22000917 AM 253 ZAC,P Zachariah, Fr K T. Pawrohithyam Vedanusaranamo ?. Koothattukulam: Premier Printers, 1955. 68p. 22001075 AM 254 SYR,S . Suriyani Sabha Bharanam (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama,1909. 22p. 22002206 AM 254.8 ASA Assariya, Bp V S. Christheeyadanam (mal) Studies in Christian Stewardship. Kottayam: Malayalam Religious Tract Society,1940.129p.22002207 AM 260 APR Abudhi Ramban, Aprem. Stuthi Chowakapetta Suriyanisabha. Eranakulam: Author, 1966. 58p. 22002208 AM 260 ATH,S Athanasius, H G Mathews Mar. Sabhayum Koodashakalum: Part I - Visudda Sabha. Kottayam: M.D.Seminary, 1960. 242p. 22002906 AM 260 GEE Geevarghese Ramban, Fr K V. Samadhana Sandhaessa Vahini. Trivandrum: Vidya Vilasam Press, 1950. 33+3p. 22000970 AM 260 HAR Hares, Rev W P. Church of Rome and Its Use of the Word of God.Bangalore: Author, 1939. 51p. 22002211 AM 260 ITT Itteera Malpan, Fr M T. Chelapattu Bassaniya Palliyil Cheytha Prasangam (bound Volume).Kothamangalam: Janatha Printing Corporation, 0000. 23p. 22000460 AM 260 MAT,K Mathew, P M. Christavante Mahaneeya Padavi (mal) (bound Volume).Alwaye: S.H. League, 2000. 23p. 22000251 AM 260 THO,Y Thomas, Fr Aliyas. Yakobin Graham (mal). Kottayam: Popular Press, 1935. 57p. 22000140 AM 261.83 JAL . Yakobaya Sabhayil Abdul Misihayikulla Sthanam Enthu (mal). Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 2000. 8p. 22002496 AM 262.1 KAT Kattuchira, Fr Paulose. Kristava powrohithyam Antiochia Simhasanam Vazhi. Kothamangalam: Jacobite Syrian Literature Society,1975. 72p. 22002213 AM 262.1 KUR,V Kuriakose, Rev Fr P M. Pathrosinte Paramadhikaram (mal). Kothamangalam: Young Star Press, 1948. 36p. 22000273 AM 262.1 VAR,P Varghese Kathanar, Nedumthallil. Pathrosinte Paramadikaram) (bound Volume). Pashani: M.I.C.Press, 1975. 25p. 22000239 AM 262.13 DAN Daniel, K N. Pappayude Adhipathiyam. Chengannur: John Memorial Press, 1927. 239p. 22002215 AM 262.14 DAV David, Fr K. Visudha Sunnahadosukal. Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1947. 32p. 22002217 AM 262.14 ITT Ittyeera, Fr M T. Parisoodhalmavum Vishudha Pattathuvom. Pampakuda: Konattu Abraham Kathanar, 1952. 148+4p.22002218 AM 262.14.0m CH Cherian, Fr C C. Powrohithyathinte Valaracha- Adimasabhayil. Koratty: Sion Serminary, 1979. 8p. 22002219 AM 262.4 THE,S Themotheos, H G Augen Mar. Sunnahadosukal. Kottayam: P.C.Press,1954. 151p. 22001129 AM 262.6 YAC Yacob Ramban, Rev Fr. Hudaya Canon (10 Chapters). Ernakulam: Syrian Publications, 1974. 124p. 22002221 AM 262.9 MOO Naidoo, R Moothookristna. Syrian Law of Inheritance. Cottayam: Church Missionary Society, 1870. 32p.22002222 AM 264 ABR Malpan, Konattu Abraham. Perunal Shusrushakramangal (geethangal) (mal). Kottayam: Mar Julius Press, 1968. 108p.22002228 AM 264 ABR,1 Abraham, P I. Pallimathavum Powrohithya Thantravum. Puthuppally: Church of God, 1967. 15p. 22000972 AM 264 AMB Ambrose, Vincent J. Sabhayum Aradhanayum Madhyastha prarthanayum . Kottayam: Trinity Gospel Team, 2000. 31p. 22002230 AM 264 ARA . Aradhanakramam. Devalokam: Catholicate Press,1979.100p.22002231 AM 264 BAT . Bethany Kyamtha Prarthanakramam. Thiruvalla: National Press, 1923. 87p. 22002235 AM 264 CHA,1 Chakku, Chalakkal. Soovogo Vivaha Ganangal. Kunnmkulam: Akshara Printers, 1910. 20p. 22000884 AM 264 CHA,H Chandy, Vennikulam C P. Hoothomo. Kottayam: Syrian Churches Series, 1947. 9+8p.22000088 AM 264 CHE . Cherupaithangalude Namaskarakramam (mal). Thiruvalla: Bethany Mudralayam, 1927. 12p. 22000620 AM 264 DUK,1 Punnoose Ramban, Rev Fr. Dukkavelliyashcha Geethangal (mal).Thiruvalla: M.G.M Press, 0000. 71p. 22000207 AM 264 DUK,2 . Dukkavelliyashcha Geethangal (mal). Thiruvalla: M.G.M Press, 1944. 18p. 22002243 AM 264 DUK,D Chandy, C P. Dukkavelliyashcha Namaskarangal . Kottayam: Mathews Athanasiyos Methrapolitha, 1955. 62p+26p.22000205 AM 264 GEE Geevarughese Kathanar, Thenunkal. Kantheela Kahaneitha . Thiruvalla: Mar Gregorios Memorial Press, 1949. 151p 22000831 AM 264 GEE,1 Geevarughese Cor-Episcopa, Pandikudiyil.Kashtanubhava Ashchayile Namaskaram . Kottayam: OTS, 1971.144p. 22000614 AM 264 GEE,2 Geevargeese Cor Episcopa, Thengumtharayil. Kantheelayude Kramam. Bangalore: Thengumtharayil Geevarughese 0000. 158p. 22002274 AM 264 GEE,3 Geevarghese Ii, H H Catholicose. Prarthanakramam (mal). Tiruvalla: M.G.M. Press, 1939. 71p. 22002276 AM 264 GEE,M Geevarghese Cor Episcopa, Very Rev Thengumtharayil.Moonunombile Namaskarakramam .Pathanamthitta:St. Stephens Publications,1960. 64p.22000127 AM 264 GEE,P Geevarghese, Prof Fr P T. Peedanubhava Ashachayile Premyon . Kunnamkulam: Pulikottil Yauseph Semmasen, 1918. 125p. 22000021 AM 264 GEE,S Geevarghese Ramban, Very Rev. Suriyani Ganamala-Part 3. Trivandrum: Author, 1960. 42p. 22000071 AM 264 GRE,1 Augen I, H H Catholoicos. Mar Gheevarughese Sahada Perunal. Kottayam: Orthodox Church Book House, 0000. 19p. 22002273 AM 264 GRE,P Severius, H G Yuhanon Mar. Parumala Mar Gregorios Thirumeniyude Ormaperunalile Namaskarakramam (mal). Pathanapuram: Mount Thabor, 1977. 91p. 22002270 AM 264 HAR,B . Bethany Hardava Prarthana (mal). Thiruvalla: Bethany Mudralayam, 1924. 50p. 22002269 AM 264 HAS,1 Fr Punnoose, . Hasha Ashachayile Kawmmakalum Prethyeka Geethangalum. Thiruvalla: Bethany Mudralayam, 1963. 28p.22000219 AM 264 HAS,1969 . Orthodox Suriyani Christanikalude Hasageethangal (mal). Kottayam: Fr. Thomas Mundukuzhy, 1969. 49p. 22000563 AM 264 HAS,35 Thomas, Fr K C. Suriyani Christhyanikalude Hasa Ashchayile Kawmmakalum Pratheka Geethangalum. Tiruvalla:National Press,1935.40p.22000602 AM 264 HAS,5 . Hasa Ashchayile Prarthanakramam (mal). Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1930. 75p. 22002267 AM 264 HAS,61 Yohannan, Fr N A Malpan. Orthodox Suriyanikarude Hasageethangal (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 1961. 24p. 22000604 AM 264 HAS,H . Hasa Ashchayile Kawmakalum Pratheyaka Geethangalum (mal). Thiruvalla: M.G.M Press, 2000. 40+22p.22001138 AM 264 HOL . Holy Kurbanakramam (translitterated Mal ). Kottayam: OTS, 2000.56p. 22002264 AM 264 ITT,1 Ittira Kathanar, M T. Prarthanageethangal (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 68p. 22002260 AM 264 ITT,2 Itteera Kathanar, M T. Purathana Suriyanikarude Anduthaksa .Thiruvalla: National Offset, 1937. 198+300p.22002262 AM 264 ITT,A Itteera Kathanar, M T. Aradhana Pariseelanam: to the Kids (mal).Parur: S.G. Press, 1934. 35p. 22002261 AM 264 ITT,P2 Itteera Kathanar, M T. Pothu Prarthana (mal). Kothamangalam: Janatha Printing Corporation, 1957. 140+48p.22000129 AM 264 JAC . Kurbanakramam: St.James Taksa (mal). Kottayam: Church Missionary Society, 1872. 125p. 22002257 AM 264 JAC,1 Jacob Kathanar, Rev E P. Mooron Abhishekam Marthoma Sabhakku Oru Marupady and Reply By K.N.Daniel.Thruvalla: S.C.Seminary,1940.17+70p.22002258 AM 264 JOS,1 Joseph Semmasan, Pulikottil. Peedanubhavaashchayile Premiyon. Kunnamkulam: A.R.P Press, 1952. 200p. 22002254 AM 264 JOS,3 Joseph, Sister Raichal. Kuttikalude Prarthanakal (mal). Tiruvalla: CLS, 1957. 34+22p. 22002255 AM 264 JOS,P Joshua, K C. Marthomasabhayude Pallikrema Pusthakam. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1923. 144+350+228+82p.22000064 AM 264 KAD Ramban, Kadavil Paulose. Premiyon Sedrakal (mal). Koothattukulam: Premier Printers, 1958. 42p. 22002253 AM 264 KAL . Kallidil Palli Koodasa Kramam. Kottayam:OTS, 0000. 32p.22002250 AM 264 KAS,1 Peter Iii, H H Patriarch. Kashtanubhava Azhchayile Namaskarakramam (mal). Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1891. AM 264 KAS,P Alexandreos Malpan, Fr Mattackel. Kashtanubhava Ashchayile Preumiyon.Thiruvalla:Bhagodayam Press,1933.199p.22000220 AM 264 KOO .Koodasakramangal. Kunnamkulam:A.R.P.Press,1934.141-296p. 22000279 AM 264 KUR,1 Kuriakose Ramban, Rev Fr M C. Prarthana Yogamithram (mal). Pallom: Sleebapalli, 1952. 110p. 22000306 AM 264 KUR,2 . Kurbanakramam .Kottayam: OTS,0000. 11-78p. 22002249 AM 264 KUR,3 Ramban, M C Kuriakose. Ettu Nombil (mal). Pathamuttom: Sleebapally, 1953. 70p. 22002249 AM 264 KUR,5 Mar Athanasius,H G Mathews Mar. Kurubanakramam: Suriyaniyil Ninnum Paribhashapeduthiyathe. Cottayom:Mar Thomas Press, 1875.43p.22002277 AM 264 KUR,6 Fernandez, B. Kurubanakramam. Cochin: Western Star Press, 1869.100p. 22002279 AM 264 KUR,7 Kuriakose Ramban, M C. Prarthanayogamithram (mal). Kottayam: M.D.Seminary, 1970. 143p. 22002281 AM 264 KUR,P 94p. 22000014 Kurikose, K P. Prarthana Jeevitham . Angamaly: Janatha Book Stall, 1951. AM 264 KYE Abded Messiha II, H H Patriarch.Kyemta- Qurbana Kremathodu Kudiathe . Kottayam: Malayala Manorama,1902. 102+64+8+6p. 22002919 AM 264 KYM . Kyemta Prarthanakremam With Qurbanakremam. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1940. 104+65+9+6p. 22000065 AM 264 LUT,M Alexios O I C, Rev Fr. Malankara Suriyani Sabha Luthiniya. Ranny: Bethany Asram, 1933. 13p 22000296 AM 264 MAL Malpan, Konattu Abraham. Malankara Orthodox Suriyani Christhyanikalude Perunal Srushakramam (mal). Kottayam: M.O.C Publications, 1989. 128p. 22002286 AM 264 MAL,1 Themotheyoos Metropolitha, . Prarthanakramam: Chaldeans (mal).Thrichur: Mar Narsai Press, 1935. 422p. 22002288 AM 264 MAL,2 . Malankara Suriyani Christhyanikalude Visuda Kurbanakramam (mal).Chingavanam: Knanaya Clergy Association, 0000. 118+56p. 22002289 AM 264 MAL,3 . Malankara Orthodox Syrian Christianikalude Sleeba - Kymtha Namaskaaram & Holy Qurbaana Kramam. Kottayam: M.O.C Publications, 1991. 228p.22001142 AM 264 MAL,4 . Malankara Marthoma Suriyani Christhyanikalude Parasyaradhanakramam (mal).Tiruvalla:T.A.M.Press,1947.106p.22002292 AM 264 MAL,5 . Malankara Marthoma Suriyani Christhyanikalude Parasyaradhana Kramam (mal): Taksa 7 Kremangal. Tiruvalla: T.A.M. Press, 1942. 174p.22000774 AM 264 MAL,7 . Malankara Orthodox Suriyani Sabha: Onnichu Koodam Kaathirikkam. Mannar: Parumala Seminary,1992.37p. 22000873 AM 264 MAL,M . Melpatta Sthanabhisheka Srushakramam: Geethangal (mal). Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 1991. 20p. 22002291 AM 264 MAR Themotheos, H G Augen Mar. Visudha Marthommasleehayudeyum Geevarghese Sahadayudeyum Perunalukalkulla Penkeenanamaskaram (mal). Muvattupuzha: Santha Press, 1951. 116p.22000173 AM 264 MAR,7 . Mar Gregorios Pana. Kottayam:OTS,1902.30p. 22000695 AM 264 MAR,8 Augen I, H H Catholicos. Mar Thomasleehayude Perunal Namaskakrakramam. Kottayam: Orthodox Church Book House,0000. 70p. 22002296 AM 264 MAS Dionysius, H B Joseph Mar. Masumurakal. (Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1901. 312p. 22002920 AM 264 MAT Mathew Kassissah, Vattakunnel K. Sleeba Vandanavu. Kottayam:O.T.S, 1947. 19p. 22000062 AM 264 MAT,1 Mathen Cor-Episcopa, Konattu. Malankara Yakobaya Suriyani Christhyanikalude Prarthanakramam (mal). Pampakuda: Konattu Abraham Kathanar, 1943. 311p. 22002300 AM 264 MAT,D Mathew Kasseesa, V K. Dukavelliyashacha Sleebavandanavinte Geethangal (mal)bound Volume. Devallokam: 1948. 21p. 22000599 AM 264 MAT,M Mathen Cor-Episcopa, Konattu. Malankara Yakobaya Suriyani Christanikalude Prarthanakramam mal):Pampakuda Namaskaram. Pampakuda: Mar Julius Press, 1931. 454p. 22000509 AM 264 MAT,P Mathai, Allikuzhi Lukose. Prarthanayoga Sahayi. Devalokam: Catholicate Press, 1972. 88p.22000063 AM 264 MAT,V Mathai, Dn Konatt. Vyakhyanangal, Saaramsangal (bound Volume). Cochin: St.Thomas Press, 1877. 34p. 22000078 AM 264 MOO . Suriyani Christhanikalude Moonunombileyum Nalpathu Nambileyum Namaskarakramam . Tiruvalla: M.G.M. Press, 0000. 86p 22001139 AM 264 MOO,1932 . Mooron Koodasakramam (mal). Kottayam: Syrian Churches Series,1932. 45+45p. 22000093 AM 264 MUN . Orthodox Suriyanikarude Visudha Susrushasahayi (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 72p. 22002302 AM 264 NAM Athanasius, H G Thomas Mar. Namaskarakramangal: Krubanakramam Ulppede. Cottayam: Church Missionary Society, 1888. 195p. 22002285 AM 264 NAM,1 Geevarghes Kathanar, Vattasseril.Suriyani Christhyanikalude Namaskarakramam (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 289p. 22002303 AM 264 NAM,1923 Yacob Kathanar,Cheriyamadathil Valiya. Suriyani Christhyanikalude Namaskarakramam. Eravinelloor: Janatha Printers, 1987. 85p.22000935 AM 264 NAM,2 . Namaskarakramam: in Old Malayalam Transcript: Photocopy. Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 100p. 22002306 AM 264 NAM,3 Abded Messiha Ii, H H Patriarch. Valiya Nombile Namaskaram . Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1903. 96p. 22002918 AM 264 NAT . Natapadikramam. Kottayam:OTS,0000.3-40p. 22002307 AM 264 NIN,N . Ninuvanombinteyum Valiyanombileyum Premyonukal (mal). Kottayam:OTS, 0000. 275p. 22002318 AM 264 NIT Mathen Cor-Episcopa, Konattu. Nithya Prarthanakramam. Pampakuda: Abraham Kathanar, 1961. 60p. 22000880 AM 264 NOM, . Bethany: Nombile Namaskrakramam (mal). Ranny: Bethany Asram, 1927. 92p. 22000535 AM 264 ORT . Orthodox Suriyanikarude Visuddha Shusrusha Sahayi. Kottayam: M.D. Seminary, 1960. 72p.22000059 AM 264 ORT,1960 Athanasius Metropolitan, H G Mathews Mar. Orthodox Suriyanikkarude Sleeba - Kaymtha Njayarasha Namaskaram. Kottayam: Mathews Athanasiyos Methrapolitha, 1960. 78p. 22000124 AM 264 ORT,3 Vattakunnel,Mathews Ramban. Sleeba Muthal Kyamtha Vareyulla Njyarashcha Namaskaram (mal). Kottayam: M.D.Seminary, 1956. 63p. 22000872 AM 264 ORT,6 . Orthodox Suriyanisabha Kurbanakramam (mal). Bombay: St. Mary`s Orthodox Syrian Church, 1958. 150p. 22002312 AM 264 ORT,7 Geevarghese I I, H H Catholicose. Orthodox Suriyani Christhyanikalude Sadharana Namaskarakramam (mal). Tiruvalla:M.G.M. Press, 1939. 65p. 22002308 AM 264 PAL. Pallikramapusthakam. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1923. 600p. 22002323 AM 264 PAU,S Paulose Ramban, Kadavil. Suriyani Sheemo Namaskarathile Prumeyon Sedrakal (mal). Angamally: Premier Printers, 1958. 40p. 22000164 AM 264 PAV,K Pavu, K I. Koodasakramangal (mal). Kunnamkulam: A.R.P.Press, 1922. 348p. 22000271 AM 264 PER . Yakobaya Perunal Panjamgam (mal) 1950-52. Kumarakom: K.A. Jacob, 1950. 43p. 22000698 AM 264 PES.Pesaha Vyazhazcha Namaskaram. Kottayam:M.G.O.C.S.M,1978.64p. 22000879 AM 264 PRA Aprem, Rev Dr Mar. Malayalathile Suriyanikarude Prarthanakramam . Thrichur: Mar Narsai Press, 1994. 406p.22002320 AM 264 PRA,S . Prarthana Kremam: Sabhakku Vendiyullathe. Pathanamthitta: Basil Press, 1978. 12p. 22000990 AM 264 PRU,O Themotheos,H G Augen Mar. Penkeesa Prumeyon(Kyemththa to Koodos Etho). Thiruvalla: Bhagyodayam Press, 1951.351p.22000304 AM 264 PUN,R Punoose Ramban, . Rahasya Prarthanakal (mal). Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1963. 73p. 22000174 AM 264 PUN,Y Punnoos, Rev Fr. Yeldo Geethangal Thiruvalla: M.G.M Press, 2000. 22000617 29p. AM 264 SAD,M Ivanios, Of Bethany. Malankara Suriyani Christhanikalude Sadharana Namskarakramam. Thiruvalla: Bethany Mudralayam, 1926. 89p.22002334 AM 264 SAM Samuel, Rev Fr Dr V C. Peedanubhava Ashachayile Prarthanakal. Kottayam: Nalathara Printers, 1974. 80p. 22001216 AM 264 SHH . Shhemo Athava Prathidina Namaskaram (mal). Thiruvalla: St.Josephs Printing House, 1970. 221p. 22000114 AM 264 SHH,1 Chempothinal, Rev Fr Mathew. Shheemo of Reethu. Tiruvalla: St.Joseph Printing House, 1968. 207p. 22000407 AM 264 SLE,1 Mathews Ramban, Vattakkunnel. Orthodox Suriyanikarude Sleebamuthal Kayamthavareyulla Njayarashcha Namaskaram. Kottayam: Orthodox Theological Seminary, 1951. 64p.22000320 AM 264 SLE,2 . Sleeba Namaskaram (mal). Arunapuram, Palai: Peace Corner, 0000. 13p. 22002338 AM 264 SUR,1956 . Suriyani Sabhayile Aaradhanakramangal (mal). Mulanthuruthy: Palakkatt Yohannan Kathanar, 1956. 130p. 22000136 AM 264 SUR,3 . Suriyani Christhyanikalude Namaskarakramam (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1929. 204p. 22000932 AM 264 SUR,5 Kuriakose Kathanar, Palliyakaparampil. Suriyani Christhanikalde Visudha Vedavayanakuripe (mal). Chingavanam: S.J. Book Depot, 1983. 64p. 22002342 AM 264 THA Tharyan, Fr Jacob. Parisudha Daivamathavinte Perunal Prarthanakramam (mal). Pulikesh: Bhaghyadayam Press, 1971. 77p.22002343 AM 264 THE,1 Thimothios Methrapolith, Augen Mar. Orthodox Suriyani Christhyanikalude Penkeesa Namaskarangalkulla Prumeion. Kottayam: Malankara Sabha, 1948. 406p. 22002346 AM 264 THE,2 Themotheos, H G Augen Mar. Moonnu Nobileyum Nalpathu Nobileyum Prumiyon Sedra. Thiruvalla: M.G.M Press, 1948. 275p. 22000834 AM 264 THE,I Theodosios, Rev Mar. Intercession Leaflet. Punalur: Planters Printing and Publishing House, 1945. 72p.22000111 AM 264 THE,M Themotheyos, H G Augen Mar. Visudha Marthomasleehayudeyum Geevarghese Sahadayudeyum Perunalukalkulla Penkeenanamaskaram. Muvattupuzha: Santha Press, 1951. 56p.22000298 AM 264 THE,O Themotheos Metropolitan, H G Augen Mar. Penkeessa Prumeion (ma). Kottayam: Malankara Sabha, 1948. 402p. 22000593 AM 264 THE,V Themotheios, Augen Mar. Valiyanompile Prarthana geethangal (mal). Thiruvithamcode: K.V. Geevarghese Ramban, 1960. 128p. 22001168 AM 264 THO,E Thomas, Fr Elias. Ettu Nompe (mal). Pulikesh: Bhaghyadayam Press, 1954. 82p. 22000201 AM 264 UCH . Kashtanubhava Azhchayile Uchayude Namaskaram (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 205-222p. 22002349 AM 264 VAD Vadakel, V Rev Fr Mathew. Kerala Kaldaya Suriyani Reethile Thirukkarmma Geethangal (mal). Kottayam: S.H. League, 1954. 22p. 22002350 AM 264 VAR Varughese, Fr Paul. Sisusnanam Daivahithmo. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 75p. 22002287 AM 264 VED . Yacobaya Suriyani Christianikalude Veda vayana kurippu (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 57p. 22000374 AM 264 VIS,1960 Mundukuzhy, Fr Thomas P. Visuddha Srusha Sahai(mal). Kottayam:Syrian Churches Series, 1960. 72p 22000099 AM 264 VIS,2 Joseph, Philip. Visudha Kurbanakramam: Kumbasara Kremathodukoodiyathe . Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1965. 120p.22002353 AM 264 VIS,V . Visudha Vedavayanakurippe. Chingavanam: S.J. Book Depot, 1967. 62p. 22000923 AM 264 YAK,1921 Dionynius, H B Joseph. Yakobaya Suriyani Christhanikalue Namaskarakramam (mal). Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1921. 103p.22000137 AM 264 YAK,T Yakob Kaseesa, Thakadiyel. Thaksepatho Yoldas Alloho(mal). Kottayam: Malanakara Sabha Deepam Publications, 1950. 38p. 22000100 AM 264 YAK,V Yakob Kaseesa, Thakadiyel. Vaidika Guide- Part 1. Kottayam: V.G. Press, 1948. 76p. 22000032 AM 264 YAL 16p.22000166 Fr Alexios, . Yaldo Geethangal (mal). Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1932. AM 264 YAM Punnose, Rev Fr. Yeldo Geethangal (mal). Thiruvalla: M.G.M Press,0000. 25p. 22000286 AM 264 YEL 22001154 . Yeldo Hasa Geethangal. Kottayam: Powra Prabha Press, 0000. 25p. AM 264 ZAC Zachariaha, Fr A C. Kohanayitha, Kantheela .Kozhcherry:C.P.M.M. Press, 1930. 80p. 22002356 AM 264 ITT,2 Itteera Kathanar,M T. Purathana Suriyanikarude Anduthaksa .Thiruvalla: National Offset, 1937. 198+300p. 22002332 AM 264 ORT,5 Severiose,H G Yuhanon Mar. Suriyani Christhyanikalude Hasa Ashchayile Kawmakalum Pratheyga Geethangalum Dukkavelliyashcha Namaskaravum Kooticherthathu. Kottayam: P.C.Press, 1969. 72p.22002310 AM 264 SUR,2 Punnoos, Fr. Suriyani Christhanikalude Koodasakramangalum Aneeedayum. Tiurvalla: Malankara Standard Press, 1935. 197p.22002247 AM 264.01 KUR . Yakobaya Suriyani Kurbanakramam (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1918. 58p. 22002246 AM 264.01 MAL,1 Joseph Kasseessa, Rev O J. Malankara Mar Thoma Suriyani Christhyanikalde Kurbanakramam. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1930. 76p. 22002290 AM 264.01 MAL,N . Hasa Namaskarakramam (mal). Tiruvalla: T.A.M. Press, 0000. 267p. 22002284 AM 264.01 ORT Athanasios, H G Mathews Mar. Orthodox Suriyanikarude Dukkavelliyashcha Namaskaram (mal). Kottayam: Baselios Marthoma Mathews Pradhaman, 1976. 72p 22000914 AM 264.01 SUR. Ramban, Very Rev Gheevarghese. Suriyani Ganamala Part Ii. Kottayam: National City Press, 1955. 42p. 22000625 AM 264.015 MAR. Malankara Marthoma Suriyani Christhanikalude Swargarohanam, Pentacosti, Surushakramam. Thiruvalla: T.A.M Press, 1964. 37p. 22000882 AM 264.03 GRE,3 Gregorios, Dr Paulose Mar. Visudha Koodasakal: Mooron and Powrohithyam (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 100p. 22002272 AM 264.031 GEE Geevarghese, Rev Fr. Vaideeka Darpanam or Thirunal Vivaranam. Mannanam: St.Josephs Printing House, 1900. 193p.22001105 AM 264.0514 VIS . Visudha Mooron Koodasakramam (mal). Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 1967. 72p. 22002073 AM 264.0M GRE Maphriana, Mar Gregorios. Yona-Pravu (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 141p. 22002271 AM 264.0M KUR,1 . Kurbanakku Koottunna Kramam (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 30p. 22002165 AM 264.0M KUR. Kurbana. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 30p. 22002153 AM 264.0M MAT . Mathayisleehayude Velicham. Kottayam:OTS,0000.50p. 22002167 AM 264.0M PAT . Pattam Kodayude Prasangam . Kottayam:OTS,0000.10p. 22002166 AM 264.0M VER Varghese, Dn K. Kurbana. Kottayam:OTS,0000. 30p.22002163 AM 264.1 ADA Adai, Sleehanmarude Koodassha Kremam. Trissur: Kaldian Suriyani Sabayele Mar Dharmo Metropolitan, 1959. 204p.22002529 AM 264.1 ALE Alexanderous Kathanar, Mattakkal. Premiyonukal (mal). Ranny:Bethany Asram, 1965. 80p. 22002298 AM 264.1 BET,27 . Bethany Laghuprarthanakal (mal). Ranny: Bethany Asram, 1927. 50p.22000621 AM 264.1 GRE,S Gregorios, Dr Paulose Mar. Sisusnanam Christava Viswasathil (mal). Delhi: Orthodox Syrian Church Society,, 0000. 17p. 22002280 AM 264.1 ITT,P Itteerra Kathanar, M T. Pothuprarthana (mal). Kothamangalam: Janatha Printing Corporation, 1955. 140p. 22000516 AM 264.1 JOS. Joseph, Dn Pulikkottil. Peedanubha Azchayile Prumiyon. Kunnamkulam: A.R.P Press, 1918. 251p. 22000682 AM 264.1 THE Theodosios, H G Alexios Mar. Intercession Leaflet (mal). Ranny: Bethany Asram, 1949. 44p. 22002357 AM 264.1 THI Themotheos, H G Augen Mar. Andadakamulla Visudha Kurbanayude Hoothoma (mal). Pampakuda: Mar Julius Press, 0000. 61p.22002263 AM 264.12 ART Arthunkal Achen, . Vedanusaranamulla Powrohityam. Alwaye: Thrikkunnath Seminary, 1938. 28p. 22002232 AM 264.2 MAL Mathew, E P. Malankara Suriyani Knanaya Christhyanikalude Purathana Pattukal (mal). Pallathra: P.P. Chacko, 1968. 60p. 22002293 AM 264.2 MOO Alexenreos, Fr Mattackel. Mooron Koodasaakramam (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1932. 45p. 22000319 AM 264.2 PAT. . Pattu Qurbana: Syro-Malabar Church. Alwaye: Mar Louis Memorial Press, 1970. 46p. 22000685 AM 264.3 ALE,K Alexenderios Kathanar, Malankara Malpan Mattackel. Malankara Orthodox Suriyani Sabhayude Qurbana Thaksa: Bethany Thaksa. Ranny: Bethany Asram, 1965. vi+186+8p. 22000735 AM 264.3 ARA,19 Jacob, K A. Yakobayakarude Aradhanasahai (qurbanakramam). Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1947. 146+6p.22000112 AM 264.3 KUR.Visuddha Qurbanakramam.Kottayam: M.G.O.C.S.M,0000.236p. 22000060 AM 264.3 KUR,19 . Antiquity of the Existing Liturgies: Bound Volume. Kottayam: Syrian Churches Series, 1906. 13p. 22000468 AM 264.3 KYM,19 . Kymtha Kurbanakramam With Qurbanakremam (mal). Pathanamthitta: M.S.S.Press, 1956. 210p. 22000132 AM 264.3 MAL .Kudumbaradhana Kremam. Kottayam: M.O.C Publications,1974. 40p. 22000638 AM 264.3 MAR,O Markose, Dn R V. Orthodox Suriyani Christanikalude Visudha Qurbana Geethangal. Kottayam: Author, 1972. 40p. 22000195 AM 264.3 MAT,V Mathen Cor-Episcopa,Konattu. Visudha Qurbana Vyakyanam . Pampakuda: Konattu Abraham Kathanar, 1938. 29p 22000020 AM 264.3 NAM,19 Abded Messiha,H H Patriarch. Jacobaya Suriyani Christianikalude Namaskara Kremam Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1903. 122p.22008112 AM 264.3 SUD,18 . Suddamulla Qurbanayude Acharakremam: Naveekarana Taksa. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1872. 71p. 22000058 AM 264.3 SUR . Suriyani Kristhianikalude Namaskarakremam. Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1947. 147+118+80+128p. 22000069 AM 264.3 SUR,19 Oommen,T K. Suriyani Christhiyanikalude Kaymtha-Qurbanakramam Punalur: Planters Printing and Publishing House,1956. 91p. 22000133 AM 264.3 VIS,1 . Visudha Kurbana Kumbasarakramathodu Koodiyathe (mal). Kottayam: M.G.O.C.S.M, 1969. 182p. 22000540 AM 264.3 VIS,42 . Visudha Kurbana Thaksa (mal). Trivandrum: Syro-Malankara Church,1972. 275p. 22000538 AM 264.3 YAK,V Yakob Kaseesa, Thakadiyel. Vaideeka Guide. Kottayam: V.G. Press, 1948. 76p. 22000590 AM 264.4 BED . Bedhani: Malankara Suriyani Christanikalude Melpatta Sthanabhisheka Kremam .Thiruvalla: Bedhany Mudralayam, 1925. 68p.22000168 AM 264.4 LUK . Gospel According to Saint Luke. Madras: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1921. 45p. 22002360 AM 264.4 MAR . St. Mary's Orthodox Syrian Church Coimbatore: Pretheya Ganangal (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 11p. 22002361 AM 264.4 ORT Themotheos, H G Augen Mar. Orthodox Suriyanisabhayude Pradhanacharya Sthanabhisheka Surushakramam. London: Rev, K. Philipose Kathanar, 1953. 30p. 22000169 AM 264.4 PAU,A Paul Ramban.Acharyasahayi.Parur: S.G.Press,1948. 65p. 22000175 AM 264.5 MAM. Vishudha Mamodeesa. Kottayam: Author, 0000. 40p. 22000644 AM 264.5 SOO,D David, Rev Fr K V. Sovoga Ganangal (mal) 4 Copy. Kunnamkulam: M.D.M.Press, 1936. 15p. 22000287 AM 264.6 SKA Skariya Kathanar, Malpan Cheriyamadathil. Help to Confession (kumbasara Sahayi). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1933. 22p 22002335 AM 264.7 VIS . Visuddha Mooron Kudashakremam. Devalokam: Catholicate Press,1967. 72p. 22000847 AM 264.7 GEE,K GeevargheseCor Episcopa,Very Rev.Thengumtharayil. Kantheelayude & Kahanaithayude Kremangal. Pathanamthitta: K.M.Press,0000. 158p. 22000008 AM 264.7 ZAC,K Zachariah, Rev Fr M C. Kahinayitha, Kantheela. Kozhencherry: C.P.M.M.Press,1930. 48p 22000007 AM 264.78 VIS . Visudha Sangeetha Mala. Kunnamkulam: Syrian Christian Book Depot, 1957. 78p. 22002905 AM 264.8 KAL. . Shila Sthapanam: St.Ignatius Orthodox Church, Trichur. Trishur: Author, 1967. 9p. 22000631 AM 264.8 MAL . Malabar Sabhayude Aaradanakramam: Mrathasamskaram. Alwaye: Mar Louis Memorial Press, 1968. 87p.22000128 AM 264.H PRA . Prayer Vigil: 12th March 1985. Ernakulam: St Mary`s Orthodox Syrian Church, 1985. 25p. 22002321 AM 264.OS DIO . Namaskara Pusthakam and Geevarghese Sahadayude Charitram . MSS. Ktm: O. T. S, 1865. 100p. 22000694 AM 265 ALE Alexandeos Kathanar, Mattackel. Mooron Koodasakramam (mal).Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1932. 45p. 22002063 AM 265 MAL . For Sunday School Use Chodhyotharam. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1912. 28p. 22002065 AM 265 PUL. Koodasayum, Koodasakalum. Aluva: S.H.League, 0000. 64p. 22002066 AM 265 THE,V Themothios, Mar. Visudha Rahasyangalude Vyakayanam (mal). Trichur: Mar Oudheesho Press, 1979. 52p. 22000846 AM 265 VAR,K Varghese, E P. Kaiveppe (mal) (ordination) Bound Volume. Angamally: Sathia Prakashini Book Depot, 1951. 43p.22000040 AM 265 VAR,S Varghese, A M. Kristiya Sthothramala. Pathanamthitta: Basil Press, 0000. 14p. 22001084 AM 265 YAK,M Yacob Kathanar, Panackel. Meditation on Holy Qurbana or Visudha Kurbanadhyanam. Kunnamkulam: Syrian Christian Book Depot, 1959. 84p.22002067 AM 265.0M KUR . Kurbana. Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 50p. 22002162 AM 265.0m,1 BIB Geevarghese, Fr. Bible Studies: Holy Qurbana. Kottayam: OTS, 0000.77p. 22002159 AM 265.0M,3 ACH .Achryathwam(mal). Kottayam:OTS,0000.103p. 22002158 AM 265.1 GEE,M. ThengumtharayilCor-Episcoppa,Very Rev Gheevarghese. Vishudha Mamoodisa. Pathanamthitta: Malankara Sunday School, 1961.15p. 22000632 AM 265.1 ITT Itteera Kathanar,M T.Visudha Maommodesayude Vyakhyanam . Kunnamkulam: Syrian Christian Book Depot, 1937. 20p 22002068 AM 265.1 PAT,S Pathros Kathanar, Ramanattu. Sisusnanam (mal). Kunnamkulam: Syrian Christian Book Depot, 1932. 65p. 22001217 AM 265.1 SIM . Mr. K.V. Simonte Niroopanathinu Oru Niroopanam (mal) Bound Volume Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1939. 32p.22000452 AM 265.1 SIS Mappila, Pattasseril Varghese. Infant Baptism (bound Volume). Alwaye: Thrikkunnath Seminary, 0000. 62p.22000456 AM 265.1 THO,V Thomas, Rev C M. Vedanusarana Snanam & Parisudhathma Abhishekam. Thiruvalla: Marthoma Publication Socity, 1969. 40p. 22002071 AM 265.1 ZAC,S Zachariah, Fr K T. Sisusnanam Vedanusaranamo?. Koothattukulam: Premier Printers, 1954. 110p. 22000928 AM 265.2 KAT . Katholikayum Mooron Koodasayum (mal) (bound Volume). Tiurvalla: Malankara Standard Press, 2000. 20p. 22000141 AM 265.2 MOO,D Jacob, Rev Fr E P. Mooronabhishekam (mal)rev.E.P.Jacob Kathanarude Leghanavum Mr. K.N Daniel Nte Marupadiyum. Kottayam: Sincdicate, 1941. 71p. 22000514 AM 265.3 ABR Mathen Cor-Episcopa, Konattu. Visudha Kurbana Enna Divya Poojayil Upayogikkunna Padarthangal, Kreeyakal, Vachanangal Ennivayude Vyakhyanangal.Pampakuda: Konattu Abraham Kathanar,1938. 29p.22002074 AM 265.3 ANT 13p. 22000468 . Antiquity of the Existing Liturgies. Kottayam: Syrian Churches Series, 1906. AM 265.3 BAT . Bethany Jeevaprakasham: A Study on Holy Qurbana (mal). Tiruvalla: K.V. Press, 1923. 35p. 22000113 AM 265.3 DAN,M Daniel, K N. Malankarasabhayum Naveekaranavum: Thaksa Sasthra Velichathil Naveekaranam . Quilon: V.V.Press, 1938. 291p. 22002075 AM 265.3 DAV,V Yacob Kathanar, Rev Panackel. Visudha Kurbana Dhyanam (mal).Kunnamkulam: Syrian Christian Book Depot, 1953. 83p.22000558 AM 265.3 ELI Thomas, Fr Elias. Visudha Kurbanakramam: With Commentary. Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1946. 72p. 22001147 AM 265.3 FAB,K Fabiyan, Fr. Keralathile Pawrasthya Suriyani Katholikarude Kurbana. Kottayam: Popular Press, 1953. 328p.22002077 AM 265.3 MAN,H Mani Palat-Wal, C. Holy Eucharist. Chingavanam: Desasevini Press, 1954. 42p. 22000483 AM 265.3 MAT,V Mathews, Fr K K. Visudha Kurbanayude Dhyana Padanam (mal).Kottayam: K.V. Mammen, 1966. 132p. 22000556 AM 265.3 PHI Philipose Ramban, Chepad. Anthiokya Suriyani Qurbanayile Prarthana Kremam. Trivandrum: Christhavakahalam, 2000. 72p. 22001062 AM 265.3 THE,P Themothios, H G Augen Mar. Paramayagam (mal)(bound Volume). Kottayam: Author, 0000. 114p. 22000116 AM 265.3 VAR,D Kaseesa, K P Varghese. Divyasamsargam (mal). Thiruvalla: M.S.Press, 1935. 48p. 22002080 AM 265.3 VAR,V Jameson Nedunthalil, Fr Varghese. Visudha Kurbana: Oru Vedasasthra Padanam . Parur: S.G. Press, 1967. 174p.22002079 AM 265.3 VIS . Visudha Qurbana: Kanukayum Kaikkollukayum Cheyyunnathinekkurichu. Thiruvalla: Bedhany Mudralayam,1928. 15p.22000171 AM 265.3 YAK,K Yakob Kathanar, Panakal. Visudha Kurbanadhyanam (mal). Kunnamkulam: C.I. David, 1953. 83p.22000598 AM 265.3 YAK,V Yakobe Kathanr, Panakkal. Qurbana Dhyanam (mal). Kunnamkulam: Author, 1905. 102p. 22000272 AM 265.3 ZAC,K Zachariah, Fr K T. Evukarastheeya Athava Visudha Kurbana. Angamaly: Janatha Book Stall, 1957. 78p. 2200048 AM 265.3 THE,V Themotheos, H G Yohannan Mar. Visudha Qurbana. Thiruvalla: T.A.M Press, 1947. 68p.22000005 AM 265.36 PEK Walsh, Bishop H Pakenham. Vishudha Qurbana. Kottayam: I.S.P.C.K,1959. 78p. 22000849 AM 265.4 DAN,M Daniel, K N. Marthoma Sabhayile Kaiveppu (mal). Kottayam: OTS,1914. 177+47p. 22000587 AM 265.4 ITT,1 Itteera Kathanar, M T. Parisudhathmavum Pattathavum (mal).Pampakuda: Mar Julius Press, 1952. 147p.22000217 AM 265.4 KAT,P Kattuchira, Fr Paulose. Christava Pawrohithyam Anthiokya Simhasanam Vazhi. Kothamangalam: Jacobite Syrian Literature Society, 1975. 72p 22000094 AM 265.4 ORT,1 Themotheos, H G Augen Mar. Orthodox Suriyanisabhayude Pradhanacharcha Sthanabhisheka Srushakramam . Trichinopoly: Rev.K. Philipose Kathanar, 1953. 30p.22000323 AM 265.4 PAU,1 . Pawrasthya Orthodox Sabhayude Sunthroneeso Srushakramam . Devalokam: Catholicate Press, 2000. 14p.22000324 AM 265.4 PAU,2.Pawrohithyavum Koodasakalum. Kottayam:OTS, 1932. 31p. 22000447 AM 265.4 PAU,P Paul, Fr A P. Pattathwa Saduthwam. Kottayam: Pawraprabha Press, 1942. 20p. 22000303 AM 265.4 SIM,N Simon, K V. Nikolavrumatham (Bound Volume). Parur: S.G. Press, 1936. 157p. 22000488 AM 265.4 VED Alexendreos Kathanar, Rev Mangattampallil. Vedanusaranamulla Pawrohithyam(bound Volume) Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1939. 28p. 22000453 AM 265.4 ZAC,P Zacharia, Fr K T. Pawrohithyam Vedanusaranamo ?. Angamali: Author, 1972. 78p. 22000958 AM 265.5 DAV,S Daveed Kathanar, Rev K V. Suvoga Ganangal (mal). Kunnamkulam: M.D.M.Press, 1936. 15p. 22000484 AM 265.6 BAD . Badhany Athmaprakasham: Kumbasaram (mal). Thiruvalla: Badhany Mudralayam, 1926. 20p.22000309 AM 265.6 CHE . Bethany Cherupaithangalude Swargayathra. Thiruvalla: Badhny Mudralayam, 1927. 17p. 22000311 AM 265.6 SKA,H Skariah Kathanar, Cheriyamadathil. Help to Confession. Trivandrum: Vidya Vilasam Press, 1952. 23p. 22000170 AM 265.6 SKA,K Skariahkathanar, Malpan Cheriyamadathil. Help to Confession or Kumbasarasahayi. Manganam: Ebenezer Dayara, 1933. 21+35p. 22000477 AM 265.6 VAR,D Varghese Chathannur, Fr K P. Divya Samsargam (mal). Thiruvalla: M.S. Press, 1935. 48p. 22000318 AM 265.6 ZAC,V Zachariah,Fr K T. Visudha Kumbasaram Vedanusaranano?. Koothattukulam:Premier Printers, 1956. 54p.22001072 AM 265.62 SKA,K Skariya Kathanar, Malpan Cheriyamadathil. Kumbasara Sahayi (mal).Kottayam: Popular Press, 1940. 22p.22002083 AM 265.7 VIS,G Geevarghese, Fr K V. Visudha Kanthila Kremom (mal). Kottayam: M.D. Seminary, 1974. 67p. 22002084 AM 265.8 WAL,P Walsh, Bishop Pakenham. Prayers for the Sick. Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1940. 24p.22002085 AM 266 JOB,S Job, T D. Suviseha Rajyam (mal). Kottayam: Malayalam Religious Tract Society, 0000. 200p. 22000440 AM 266 THO,S Stonne, Miss. Suviseha Prasnotharangal. Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 2000. 54p.22000580 AM 267 MAR Mangattampillil, Rev Alexander T. Mar Ignatius Poor Dispensary.Alwaye: Mar Gregorius Press, 1956. 18p. 22000907 AM 268 APR,S Aprem I Bava, H H Moron. Shorter Catechism of the Syrian Orthodox Church. Koothatukulam: Metro Printing House, 1970. 79p. 22000524 AM 268 BAD,M . Bethany Margaprakasika (mal). Kottayam: Capital Printing, 1931. 20p. 22000310 AM 268 BHA . Bharana Ghadana: OSSAE (mal). Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 1971. 25p. 22002366 AM 268 CHA,V Chacko, Vallakkalil Chacko Kochu. Vedopadesa sarangal. Pulikesh:Bhaghyadayam Press, 1951. 184p. 22000413 AM 268 DAV David, Very Rev K. Vedadhyapakan (mal). Pathanamthitta: M.S.S.Press, 1969. 150p. 22002368 AM 268 DAV,C David, Fr K. Malankara Syrian Sunday School Chodyotharam Part I I. Kottayam: Sunday School Central Office, 1953. 18p. 22000899 AM 268 DHY . Dhyanasahayi : O.V.B.S (mal). Kottayam: O.V.B.S Department, 1989. 52p. 22001066 AM 268 JAC,1953 Jacob, K A. Sundayschool Padavali(es). Alwaye: Malankara Syrian Sunday School Association, 1953. 52+55+56+62p. 22000138 AM 268 KUR,S Kanianparampil, Fr Kurian. Sabhopadesham(bound Volume). Alwaye: Malankara Syrian Sunday School Association, 1960. 72p.22000148 AM 268 LAZ Lazer, Fr. Matha Thathwa Bodhini (mal). Elthuruth: St. Joseph`s I.S. Press, 1955. 145p. 22002372 AM 268 MAD . Madhyavakuppe Padangal. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 290p. 22002374 AM 268 MAL,1. Malankara Syrian Sunday School Association: Rajathajubilee Smarakam. Alwaye: Thrikkunnath Seminary, 1946. 103p.22000391 AM 268 MAT. Matha Thathwa Pradeepam . Palai: St.Thomas Press,1971.86p. 22002374 AM 268 MOO Moothedam, Fr Thomas. Religious Movement of Orthodox Students. Thiruvalla: B.P. House, 1944. 16p. 22001020 AM 268 MOR,A Morgan, Miss Edith. Avdikala Vedapadasahayi. S.India: South India Bible Institute, 1957. 215p. 22000274 AM 268 PAD,1 Kurien Cor Episcopa, Rev Fr Kanianparampil. Malankara Syrian Sunday School Association: Malankara Sabha Charithra Samgraham (mal). Alwaye: Mar Gregorius Press, 1962.70p.22002377 AM 268 PAD,2 . Yasuchristhuvinte Divyopadesangal (mal). Kottayam: O.S.S.A.E Publications, 1969. 128p. 22002380 AM 268 PAD,8 . Padamanjery Viii. Alwaye: Malankara Syrian Sunday School Association, 1962. 154p. 22000724 AM 268 PAD,9 . O.S.S.A.E Padavali 9 . Kottayam: O.S.S.A.E Publications, 1982. 124p. 22002921 AM 268 PHI,M Philipose, E M. Yakobaya Suriyani Mathopadesa Palanam seven Preaches on Catachism. Cottayam: nanaya Predeepika Press,1893.126p.22000536 AM 268 SAB .Visudha Sabhapravesam. Thiruvalla: Bethany Mudralayam, 1928. 142p. 22000589 AM 268 SAM . Samson. Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 25p. 22002385 AM 268 VAR,S Varughese Kathanar, Thomas. Visudha Sabhaviswasam (mal). Kottayam:OTS, 1942. 60p. 22000461 AM 268 VAR,V Varughese Kathanar, Thomas. Vedopadesam (mal)bound Volume Includes. Aluva: Desarathana Press, 1937. 78p. 22000495 AM 268.264 VAI, . Vaidikavidyalaya Koodasakramam (mal). Kottayam: O.T.S., 1969. 8p. 22000197 AM 268.4 ELI . Mar Elia Chapel Sunday School Kottayam: 18th Annual Report 1954-55. Kottayam: V.E.Press, 1955. 9p. 22002371 AM 268.6 SIR. Syrian Students Conference 1940.Quilon:S.P.Press,1940. 48p.22002393 AM 268.9 PAD,5. Malankara Sabha Charithram. Kottayam: OTS,1981.162p.22002394 AM 268.H THU . Orthodox Vocation Bible School: St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral Thumpamon. Thumpamon: St. Mary`s Orthodox Cathedral, 2000.25p.22002388 AM 270 ABR,S Abraham, C E. Sabha Charithra Samgraham (mal) (bound Volume). Kottayam: Author, 1931. 272p. 22000157 AM 270 AHA,S Aahade Ramban, Very Rev Abdul. Suriyani Sabha Charithram (mal).Chingavanam: Thakadiyel Yokobaya Kaseesa, 1948. 630p. 22000550 AM 270 BOG,A Boggs, W B. Apostolic Succession. Kayamkulam: Suvarna Rathna Prebha Press, 1917. 39p. 22000875 AM 270 CHU,H . History of the Church of Christ. Mangalore: Basel Mission Book and Tract Depository, 1871. 364p. 22002096 AM 270 EUS,3 Mathew, K Thomas. Eusebiyasinte Sabhacharithram (mal). Thiruvalla: Malayal Christhava Sahithya Samithy, 1938. 127p.22000048 AM 270 EUS,C Eusebius, Ceessarea. Koonographia: Chronography (bound Volume). Kottayam: Author, 2000. 72p. 22000134 AM 270 MOS,E Mosheim, John Laurence Von. Institutes Ecclesiastical History.London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1863. 622p. 22002099 AM 270 SAB . Sabhacharithram (mal) Includes Marthoma Charithram Trs.By Palapillil Abraham Kathanar. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 5-72p+37p. 22002106 AM 270 VAR,K Varkey, M P. Christhumatham (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1919. 112p. 22000427 AM 270.04 EPI . Episcopal Church Annual. U.S.A: Episcopal Church, 1967. 374p. 22002395 AM 270.2 ABR Abraham Kathanar, Rev Fr P T. Chalcedon Sunnahados. Pathanamthitta: Basil Press, 0000. 36p. 22002904 AM 270.2 PHI,S Philip, K C. Sabhaviplavangal: Christian Sabha Leaders Neritta Peedakal. Kunnamkulam: Vallathol Mudralayam, 1926. 52p. 22000123 AM 270.2 POD . Podu Sunnahadosukal (mal) (bound Volume). Mannanam: St Joseph Press, 1931. 23p. 22000246 AM 270.2 PUR Youseph Semmassen, P P. Poorvika Pithakkanmarum Pothu Sunnahadhosukalum. Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1880. 114p.22000920 AM 270.2 THE,S Themothios ,H G Augen Mar. Sunnahadosukal (mal) (bound Volume). Kottayam: P.C.Press, 1954. 151p. 22000398 AM 271 AMA . Amalolbhavamariyathinte Karmmalesabhayusde Prathyeka Pothusangam Pasakiya Maulikaprabandangalum Avayude Anubandhangalum. Ernakulam: K.C.M.Press, 1969. 78p. 22002414 AM 271 DIO,M Dionysius, H G Mar Thoma. Mount Tabor: Pathanapuram. Punalur: Planters Printing and Publishing House, 0000. 51p. 22000204 AM 271 ISO . Isoyude Thiruhradayasabhayude Kramachattangal (mal). Pala: Pothusrasthabhavanam, 1968. 87p. 22002415 AM 271 NIY,60 . Carmalite Socityude Niyamangal (mal). Thevara: L.F. Press, 1960. 126p. 22000209 AM 272 PHI Philip, K C. Sabhaviplavangal: Christian Sabha Adyakshanmarkku Neritta Peedakal. Kunnamkulam: Vallathol Mudralayam,1926. 52p. 22002413 AM 273 GEO,M George, Rev Dr. Maha Seesmma( Bound Volume). Kozhencherry: St Thomas Eastern Orthodox Church of India, 1965. 74p. 22000269 AM 275.4 DAN,U Daniel, K N. Udayamperoor Sunnahadosinte Kanonakal (mal). Madras: CLS, 1952. 218p. 22000317 AM 275.4 HIS . History of St Thomas the Apostle of India. Mannanam: St.Josephs Printing House, 1944. 56p. 22000615 AM 275.4 JOS,C Joseph, T. Cheraman Makudam: Williar Vattam Kingdom (mal). Kottayam: Daily News Press, 1930. 105p 22000095 AM 275.4 JOS,K Jos, N K. Kerala Christava Thamra Sasanangal. Vechoor: Hoby Publishers, 1974. 68p. 22002429 AM 275.4 JOS,N Jos, N K. Nasrani. Alapuzha: Prakasam Publication, 1976. 76p. 22002430 AM 275.4 KAK Kattuchira,Fr Paulose.Slaiheeka Simhasanavum Malankara Sabhayum. Kothamangalam: Antiochya Viswasa Samrakshana Samithy, 1975. 201p.22002428 AM 275.4 KOO . Koonan Kurisinu Munpe. Manjapra: Nedunthallil Grandhavali, 1940. 332p. 22000192 AM 275.4 NEI Neil, Rt Rev Stephen. Builders of the Indian Church. Thiruvalla:Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1940. 187p. 22002424 AM 275.4 PAU,T Paul, M V. Theekadal Athava Udayamperoor Sunnahados (mal).Thrissivaperoor: Visuddha Kanyakamariyam Kaldaya Suriyani Bhadrasana Palli, 1920. 70p. 22000047 AM 275.4 SRE,M Sreeyesudasan, . Marthomasleehayum Indiayum. Chengannur: Author, 0000. 16p. 22000611 AM 275.4 YAU,M Peedyakel, Rev Fr Joseph. Marthoma Sleehayude Charithram (mal).Athirampuzha: St Mary`s Press, 1938. 405p.22000210 AM 275.4182 SAT Missionary, Carmelite. Keralathile Sathya Veda Charithram (mal). Mannanam: St Joseph Press, 1872. 358p. 22000435 AM 275.4803 GEO George, Philip. Malabar Christian Historical Directory. Changanacherry: Vidyarthimithram, 1939. 474p. 22000812 AM 275.481 EDA, Edamaaruku, T C Joseph. Keralathile Krysthava Devalayangal (mal).Kottayam: Manorama Publishing House, 1961. 126.22000507 AM 275.4812 GEO George, V C. Kuravilangad Marthamariam Palliyum Kerala Nazranikalum . Kuravilangdu: Fr. Joseph Vadakekara, 1973. 462p.22000233 AM 275.4812 JOB Jobe, K E. Keralathile Christhumatham (mal). Mannanam: St Joseph Press, 1947. 165p. 22000189 AM 275.4812 LAZ Lazar C M I, Fr. Kerala Suriyani Sabha Charithrasamgraham (mal). Trichur: St. Joseph`s I.S.Press, 1960. 130p. 22000222 AM 275.4812 MUK Mukkadan, Antony J. Marthomasleehayum Malankarayum. Alwaye: Mar Louis Memorial Press, 1949. 79p.22000223 AM 275.4812 PHI Philipose Remban, Rt Rev Msgr. Church in Kerala (bound Volume).Pattom: St Mary`s Press, 1962. 96p. 22000410 AM 276.4 MAL . Malabar Swathanthra Suriyani Sabhayile Episcopal Sthanabhishekam Kunnamkulam: Victory Press, 1967. 24p. 22000608 AM 280 PRA . Pradhanapetta Christheeya Sabhakal (mal) (bound Volume). Mannanam: St Joseph Press, 2000. 24p. 22000248 AM 280.0S VAI. Vaidikan(mal). Kottayam:OTS,1930.70-102p. 22002441 AM 280.1 ECU Varghese, P T. Ecumenism Athava Sabha Punaraikhyam (mal)(bound Volume). Angamaly: Evangelical Publications, 2000. 53p.22000420 AM 280.1 JOS,C Joseph Nilappana, Fr. Christava Sabhakalude Yadartha Aikyam. Tiruvalla: St. Joseph Printing House, 1952. 21p.22000381 AM 280.OM GRE Milithy, Mar Gregorios Of. Sabha Charithram Part 2. Ankamali: Author, 0000. 56p. 22001146 AM 281.1 IGN Abraham, Rev C E. Ignathosinte Lehanangal (mal). Trivandrum: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1942. 63p.22000472 AM 281.1 LIS,A Lisbova Pinte, Dr. Anthiokhyayum Romayum (mal). Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1892. 25p. 22002112 AM 281.1 MAT,S Mathew, K Thomas. Visudha Sleehanmarude Canonakal (mal). Kottayam:OTS, 2000. 25p. 22000607 AM 281.1 MAT,V Mathew Muthalaly, K Thomas. Visudha Sleehamarude Kanonakal . Thiruvananthapuram: R.V.R.P Press, 1939. 25p.22000284 AM 281.5 THO.Parisudha Pathriyarka Simhasanavum Catholica Simhasanavum . Kottayam: Orthodox Theological Seminary, 0000. 42p.22002116 AM 281.63 ABD . Abdal Messiahayum Catholica Sthapanavum ; Oru Ghandanam. Kottayam: Syrian Churches Series, 1943. 70p. 22000061 AM 281.63 ABD,1 Thomas, P T. Abdemisiha Eppol Pathriyarkeeso Veshadhariyo . Kothamangalam: Jacobite Syrian Literature Society, 0000. 15p. 22002452 AM 281.63 ABO,S Abudi Ramban, Aprem. Sthuthi Chovakkapetta Suriyanisabha. Pathanamthitta: Ajantha Press, 1966. 58p.22000521 AM 281.63 ABR,2 Abraham Kathanar, Malankara Malpan Konattu. Pathriyarkees Bavayke Oru Kathe. Devalokam: Catholicate Press,1973. 16p. 22000997 AM 281.63 ABR,A Abraham Kathanar, Malankara Malpan Konattu. Anthyokya Simhasanavum Malankarasabhayum. Devalokam:Catholicate Press,1974.23p.22000877 AM 281.63 ABR,M Abraham Malpan, Konattu. Mar Thomasleehayude Simhasanam (bound Volume). Kottayam: Orthodox Church Book House, 1970.35p. 22000238 AM 281.63 ABR,S Abraham Kathanar, Fr Palappillil. Suriyani Samuha Vrithantham & Parisuddenmarude Charithram (1902)(bound Volume). Kochi: St.Thomas Press, 1877. 126p. 22000372 AM 281.63 ABR,V Abraham, N P. Malankara Sabhayile Vyavaharangalude Charitra Paschathalavum Ananthara Sambhava Gethikalum: Oru Avalokanam. Kottayam: Vidhyarthi Mithram Press & Book Depot, 2009. 48p. 22001116 AM 281.63 AFO Afonso, John Correia. Jesuit Letters and Indian History. Bombay:Indian Historical Research Institute, 1955. 193p.22002458 AM 281.63 AHA,M Ahad Ramban, Abdual. Mar Thoma Deeyaskorasinte "thirusabha". Thiruvalla: B.P. House, 1940. 61p. 22002459 AM 281.63 AHA,P Ahad Ramban, Ver Rev Abdul. Prathyeksha Sathyam No. 2 (bound Volume). Kottayam: Syndicate Press, 1942. 80p.22000152 AM 281.63 ANI Eapen, Fr C T. Aniyarackullil. Kottayam: Malamkara Orthodox Church, 1960. 47p. 22000357 AM 281.63 ANK . Ankamaly, Kochi, Kandanadu Ennee Bhadrasanangalle Vaidikar Purappeduvikkunna Prasthavana (bound Volume). Pampakuda: Mar Julius Press, 1974. 14p. 22000240 AM 281.63 ANT Ramban, Abdul Ahaad. Anthiokhyayum Malankarayum or Panthrandu Achenmarke Oru Marupady. Omallor: Mar Ignathios Dayara, 1945. 34p.22000701 AM 281.63 BER,2 Bernad Thomma, B. Marthoma Christhyanikal (mal). Palai: Mar Thoma Sleeha Press, 1916. 392p. 22002460 AM 281.63 CAN Ignatius, H H. Letters of Canterburry Arch-Bishop to H.H. Ignatius (bound Volume). Cochin: St.Thomas Press, 1874. 26p. 22000076 AM 281.63 CAT Jacob, P M. Catholicate Fund: The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1937. 28p. 22001209 AM 281.63 CHA,1 Chacko, T C. Malankara Marthoma Sabhacharithra Samgraham Part 3 . Tiruvalla: T.A.M. Press, 1938. 155p. 22002464 AM 281.63 CHA,T Chazhikad, Joseph. Syrian Colonisation of Malabar. Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 1961. 416p. 22000277 AM 281.63 CHA,V Chandappilla, Rev Punnathra. Vilapangal. Kottayam: Author, 1925. 49p. 22001063 AM 281.63 CHE,C Cherian, Rao Sahib O M. Catholica Simhasanam (mal). Kottayam: P.P. Book Depot, 1953. 148p. 22000548 AM 281.63 CHE,O Cherian, Fr C C. Orthodox Sabhayum Sameepanangalum (mal). Kottayam: Parish Mission Orthodox Theological Seminary,1988. 50p 22002471 AM 281.63 CHI, Mathew, E P. Chingavanam Vavyasthakalum Anthiokya Vavsthakalum. Omallor: Mar Ignathios Dayara, 1950. 39p. 22000135 AM 281.63 DAV,1 David, Fr K. Sabhacharithrakathakal (mal). Pathanamthitta: Malankara Sunday School, 1935. 50p. 22002470 AM 281.63 DAV,M David, Fr K. Malankara Suriyanisabha charithram (mal). Pathanamthitta: Malankara Sunday School, 1959. 170p.22000554 AM 281.63 DAV,S David, Fr K. Sabha Charithra Kadhakal Part I. Tiruvalla: M.G.M. Press, 0000. 24p. 22000703 AM 281.63 EAP,M Eapen, Ittyerah. Prize Essay on the Malabar Syrian Church and Community ( Anglican Church ). Chengannur: John Memorial Press, 1928. 93p. 22000433 AM 281.63 EDA,S Edavazhikal, Geevarghese Catanar. Nature of the Syrian Church: Suriyani Sabhayude Thiruvachanam: Bound Volume. Cochin: St.Thomas Press, 1879. 72p. 22000467 \ AM 281.63 ENC,Y Enchaykalodi,Fr Thomas. Yakobayasabhayum Reesupathriyarkeesum . Tiruvalla: St. Joseph Printing House, 1950. 80p. 22000559 AM 281.63 GEE,1 Geevarghese, Dn P T. Were the Syrian Christians Nestorian? (bound Volume). Kottayam: Manorama Publishing House, 1907. 56p. 22000159 AM 281.63 GEE,2 Geevarghee Kathanar, Murimattathu. Abdualmeseho Pathriyarkeesu Bava (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1938. 19p.22000609 AM 281.63 GEE,A Geevarghese Ramban, Fr K J. Ethrayum Saravathaya Oru Eshuthupusthakam (mal). Mulathuruthy: P.T.Press, 1933. 206p.22000405 AM 281.63 GEE,E Geevarghese Ramban, Fr K J. Eshuthupusthakam (mal)bound Volume.Mulanthuruthy: P.T. Press, 1933. 206p. 22000494 AM 281.63 GEE,M Geevarghese Kathanar, Rev Murimattathil. Malankara Suriyani Sabha: Samadhana Sremangal Vijayippikkanulla Margamenthe. Kottayam: P.C.Press, 1958. 34p. 22001248 AM 281.63 GEE,M Geevarghese, K Nedunthalil. Mar Thomasleehayude Pawrohithyavum Simhasanavum. Angamally: Premier Printers, 1975. 44p. 22000023 AM 281.63 GEE,S Geevarghese Kathanar, Malpan Vattasseril. Mathoupadhessa Sarangel. Thiruvalla: Bethany Mudralayam, 1900. 60p. 22000073 AM 281.63 GEE,T Geevarghese Ramban, K V. Thiruvithakotta Suriyani Pallicharithravum Tharisaikalude Ayitheehavum. Kottayam: Author, 1966. 82p.22000194 AM 281.63 GEO,1 George, Fr M V. Thuranna Kathinu Marupady. Kottayam: Old Seminary,1968. 40p. 22002476 AM 281.63 GEO,2 George, K C. Thiruvithamcorile Suriyani Christhyanikal Engotte?.Trivandrum: Bharat Press, 1945. 37p.22002477 AM 281.63 GEO,T George, Fr T V. Mar Thoma Slihayude Powrasthiya Simhasanam; Throne of St.Thomas. Devalokam: Catholicate Press, 1968. 58p. 22000676 AM 281.63 GEO,T George, Fr T V. Throne of St.Thomas.Kanjirappally: St George Gracey Memorial Orthodox Syrian Church, 1968.87p.22000024 AM 281.63 GEV,M Nedunthalil,Geevarghese K. Mar Thomasleehayude Pawrohithyavum Simhasanavum (mal). Angamally: Premier Printers, 1972. 43p.22002478 AM 281.63 GIR,1 . Girideepam: Part I. Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1929. 225p. 22000278 AM 281.63 GRE Abraham, Rev Fr E J. Mar Gregoriosu Methrapolitha Athava Parumala Kochu Thirumeni (bound Volume). Mannar: Parumala Seminary, 1939. 130p. 22000364 AM 281.63 GRE,1 Gregorios, H G Dr Paulos Mar. Church History - Manuscripts. Kottayam: O t S, 0000. 45p. 22002479 AM 281.63 IGN Ignatius, H H. Letters of H.H Ignatius (bound Volume). Cochin: St.Thomas Press, 1874. 33p,22000077 AM 281.63 IGN,Y Ignatius, H H Pathrose Iii. Yakobaya Christianikalude Nadapadikramam (bound Volume). Cochin: St.Thomas Press, 1877. 41p.22000079 AM 281.63 INJ,Y Injakalody,Fr Thomas. Yakobaya Sabhayum Reesh Pathriyarkeesum (bound Volume). Thiruvalla: St Joseph`s Printing House,1950. 80p. 22000229 AM 281.63 ITI Itteera Malpan, M T. Malankara Suriyani Sabhayile Kalahakaranavum Samadhana Mrgavum. Kothamangalam: Author, 1948. 52p.22002492 AM 281.63 ITT Ittoop, ukadiyi Joseph. Malayalathulla Suriyani Christhiyanikalude Charithram. Cochin: Western Star Press,1869. 273p.22000775 AM 281.63 ITT,1 Ittoop Writer, . Sabhacharithram (mal). Kottayam: Author, 0000. 9-267p. 22000402 AM 281.63 ITT,2 Itticheriya, M V. Malankara Suriyani Christhyani Samooham (mal)Part I. Kottayam: K.V Varghese, 1910. 34p. 22000702 AM 281.63 ITT,M Eapen, Rev Ittyerah. Malankara Suriyani Sabhayeyum Samoohatheyum Kurichulla Oru Viruthu Prakaranam (mal). Chengannur: John Memorial Press, 1928. 92p. 22002493 AM 281.63 ITT,S Ittyeerra, Rev Dn M T. Suriyanikkarude Bhakshana Acharakremam (bound Volume). Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1912. 19p. 22000075 AM 281.63 IVA Mar Ivanios, Bethany. Girideepam. Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1929. 224p. 22002494 AM 281.63 JAC,K Jacob, Adv A Z. Knayana Samudhayaum Parisudha Antiocha Simhasanavum. Kottayam: Athmamithram Press, 1973. 54p.22000086 AM 281.63 JAC,M Jacob, K A. Malankara Sabha (mal). Alwaye: Malankara Syrian Sunday School Association, 1950. 74p 22000993 AM 281.63 JAG,M Jacob, Fr T C. Yogicha Malankara Sabhyum Paulose Mar Philexinos Metropolithayum. Kottayam: Author, 1958. 107p. 22000353 AM 281.63 JAM,T Jamesson, Fr Verghese. Thripunithura Nadamel V.Marthamariam Suriyanipalliyude Charithrasamgraham. Angamaly: Prakashini Press, 1960. 162p. 22000515 AM 281.63 JOB Job C, Praveen. Pengamukke Pashaya Palli Charithram (mal).Pengamuck: Cheruvathoor, 2000. 11p. 22002497 AM 281.63 JOH,M John, Fr T V. Malankarasabhayude Bhavi (bound Volume). Thiruvalla: St Joseph`s Printing House, 1957. 32p.22000250 AM 281.63 JOS,1 . Malankara Sabhayude Kuzhalkannadi. Kunnamkulam: A.R.P.Press,1106. 104p. 22002498 AM 281.63 JOS,M Joseph, T K. Malankara Nazranikalude Nalu Cheppadukal (mal).Mamom: Malabar Independent, 1925. 125p. 22000110 AM 281.63 JOS,V Joseph, M O. Villarvattam (mal). Ernakulam: K.P. Ittyerah, 1953. 235p. 22000356 AM 281.63 KAA Poulose, Fr. Sathyakanon Yathe ?. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama,1951. 82p. 22000107 AM 281.63 KAN,S Kaniyamparampil, Fr Kurian. Suriyani Sabha (mal) (bound Volume ). Kottayam: Author, 1949. 94p. 22000404 AM 281.63 KAT,1 . Kattumangattu Bavamar (bound Volume). Mulanthuruthy: P.T. Press, 1932. 46p. 22000363 AM 281.63KAT,M Kattuchira,Fr Paulose.Malankara Sabhayum NoothanaSimhasanavum. Kolenchery: Anthokya Viswasa Samrashna Samithi, 1974. 17p. 22000029 AM 281.63 KOC . Kochi Valiya Thampuran Thirumumpake Special Appeal 1905 August 15. Trichur: Trichur Zilla Court, 1905. 104p.22000937 AM 281.63 KOO Vadassery, Fr Thomas. Koonankurishu Sathyam (mal) (bound Volume). Alwaye: Mar Louis Memorial Press, 1953. 22p.22000331 AM 281.63 KOR,M Koraha, Nedumthallil Mathu. Manjapra Yakobaya Suriyanipalliyude Charithravalokanam Yadarthasthyangal (mal). Kottayam: National City Press, 1963. 56p. 22000470 AM 281.63 KOT,M Kottathuvila, Fr Thomas. Malankarasabayum Roman Vaadangalum: Part I: - Malankarasabayum Roman Simhasanavum (mal). Thiruvalla: Bhagyodayam Press, 1956. 175p. 22000358 AM 281.63 KUN,A Kunjanju, Panackal C. Arthattu- Kunnamkulam Orthodox Syrian Pally (mal). Kunnamkulam: Arthattu Church Committee, 1946. 228p. 22000552 AM 281.63 KUR,1 Parakel, Fr Kuriakose. Samadhanam Allankil Maranam (mal). Meenadom: Fr. Kuriakose, 1949. 20p. 22002507 AM 281.63 KUR,2 Kuruwella, The Rev K. Syrian Church and Community in Malabar. Cochin: Western Star Press, 1872. 127p. 22002531 AM 281.63 KUR,M Kurian Kaniyamparambil, Fr. Malankara Suriyanisabha Charithram (mal). Thiruvalla: Vijaya Press,1950. 69p.22000549 AM 281.63 LUK,P Lukose, Mr K K. Presidential Speech of Annual Gathering of the Malankara Syrian Mahajana Sabha Held at Mar Dionysius Seminary, Kottayam (mal). Tavancore: London Mission Press, 1944. 24p. 22002510 AM 281.63 MAL,1 . Malankara Sabhayum Nesthoreyas Mathavum (mal) (bound Volume). Thrichur: Mar Narsai Press, 1929. 8p. 22000202 AM 281.63 MAL,2 . Malankara Yakobaya Sabhanganalude Sradhayike (mal). Alwaye: Thrikkunnath Seminary, 0000. 16p. 22002513 AM 281.63 MAL,3 . Malankara Sabhayude Aikyavum Swathandriyavum. Kottayam: Malanakara Sabha Deepam Publications, 2004. 72p.22001117 AM 281.63 MAL,4 Abraham, K P. Malankara Suriyani Samudaya Case Vidhi . Kottayam: Modern Book Stall, 1946. 168p. 22000010 AM 281.63 MAL,5 . Malankara Suriyani Sabhayile Kushappangal (mal). Trivadrum: Western Star Press, 1910. 65p. 22002516 AM 281.63 MAL,7 . Malankara Yakobaya Suriyani Mahajenangalude Pariyalochanakku. Alwaye: Thrikkunnath Seminary, 1934. 19p.22001170 AM 281.63 MAL,8 . Malankara Suriyani Sabha Vijathiya Suvisesha Sangathinte 1102-Le Varshanthya Report. Quilon: V.V Press, 1927. 35p. 22001210 AM 281.63 MAL,M Mathu Kathanar, Muranthukkil Eppithroppa. Malabar Chrees Sshubaho Samooham (mal). Pampakuda: Mar Julius Press, 1892. 20p. 22002515 AM 281.63 MAN.Manjapra Yakobaya Suriyani Pallivaka 1110 Le 95 Number Register Udampady . Manjapra: Nedumthallin Varghese Kathanar,1963.8p. 22000031 AM 281.63 MAN,1 . Manoramayku Marupadi (mal). Kottayam: Manorama Publishing House, 0000. 16p. 22000544 AM 281.63 MAN,I Mani, Dr A P. Indiaude Marthoma. Kottayam: Baselius College, 1970. 26p. 22000699 AM 281.63 MAR,S Markose, P K. Sradhaya Chintha Parambarakal. Kottayam: S.G.Press, 1968. 48p. 22000642 AM 281.63 MAT,1 Mathews, P V. Apostolic Throne of St. Thomas and Malankara Church. Ernakulam: Author, 1974. 18p. 22000347 AM 281.63 MAT,M Mathew, P V. Marthomayude Simhasanavum Malankara Sabhayum .(bound Volume). Eranakulam: Author,1974.18p.22000214 AM 281.63 MAT,S Mathews, Fr K K. Sathyam Ningale Swathanthrarakum (mal). Kottayam: Orthodox Church Book House, 1970. 35p. 22000237 AM 281.63 MEM . Memorandum: Ankamaly Bhadrasanathile Managing Committee, Council Members: to H.H Catholicose 1972. Alwaye: Thrikkunnath Seminary, 1972. 8p. 22001230 AM 281.63 MUD Mathen Cor-Episcopa, Malankara Malpan Konattu. Mudakusaduvo Asaduvo? bound Volume. Pampakuda: Konattu Abraham Kathanar,1939.45p.22000454 AM 281.63 MUN,M Mundukuzhy, Rev Thomas P. Mar Thoma Sleehayude Pawrasthya Orthodox Catholica Simhasana Sabha Charithra Samgraham (mal) Bound Volume. Kottayam: Malankara Sabha, 1963. 108p.22000575 AM 281.63 ORT Philipose,Fr K. Orthodox Syrian Sabha Nidhi Sambarana Padhathi. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama,1952. 8+3p.22001155 AM 281.63 PAM Pampady, Abraham. Pathriyarkeesum Catholikayum Charithra Paschathalathil . Kottayam: Good Hope Printers, 1973.83p.22000196 AM 281.63 PAR Oommen, P A. Parumala Seminary. Mannar: Pampa Publications, 0000. iv+105p. 22002553 AM 281.63 PAR Parett, Z M. Malankarayum Anthiyokhyaum. Kottayam: Author, 1968. 82p. 22000394 AM 281.63 PAR,1 Paret, Z M. Malankarayum Anthyokhyaum (onpathu Yudhangal). Manganam: Jacob Mathew, 1972. 91p. 220025545 AM 281.63 PAR,M Paret, Z M. Malankara Nazranikal. Manganam: Jacob Mathew, 1966. 328p.(full Set)22000753 AM 281.63 PAR,M Paret, Z M. Story of Marthoma. Manganam: Jacob Mathew, 1981. 248p. 22000769 AM 281.63 PAR,P Paret,Z M. Malankara Nazranikal: Padaviyum Jathyacharangalum. Manganam: Jacob Mathew, 1966. 385p.22000771 AM 281.63 PAR,P Paret, Z M. Pallivanaperumal. Manganam: Jacob Mathew, 1963. 480p. 2000772 AM 281.63 PAR,P Paret,Z M. Puthuppally Pally. Kottayam: O.T.S, 1972. 310p. 22000767 AM 281.63 PAT . Pathriyarkees Bavayudeyum Catholika Bavayudeyum Chila Kalpanakalude Sari Pakarppe (bound Volume). Angamaly: Bhadrasana Samithy, 1972. 10p. 22000215 AM 281.63 PAT,1 Pattasseril, Paulose Mappila. Catholikayal Vashikapetta Melpattakkaran Malankara Methranakumo?. Kottayam: Author,1959.10p.22000156 AM 281.63 PAT,2 Pattasseril,Paulose Mappila. Anthokyayile Suriyani Pathriyarkesmar bound Volume. Tripunithura: Prabhatham Printing, 2000.18p. 22000459 AM 281.63 PAT,3 Pattasseril, Paulose Mappila. Oru Prathyakhyana Kandanam bound Volume. Kunnamkulam: A.R.P.Press, 1935. 28p.2000455 AM 281.63 PAU Paulose Mappila, Pattasseril. Christu Sthapechathe Catholekka Sabhayo?. Tripunithura: Prabhatham Printing, 0000. 32p.22002557 AM 281.63 PAU,A Paulose, Rev K P. Abdulmaseehayum Catholica Sthapanavum (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 1951. 15p. 22000449 AM 281.63 PAU,E Paul Ramban, Kadavil. Erupathu Kollam Malekkurissu Dayarayil / Samsarikkunna Samkyakal. Puthencruz: Malekkurissu Dayara,1967.58p.22000996 AM 281.63 PAU,K Paulose, Fr K P. Kanonika Pathriyarkees Aru?. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1951. 88p. 22000104 AM 281.63 PAU,P Paul, Fr A P. Pattathwa Sadduthwam. Kottayam: Author, 1942. 20p. 22002567 AM 281.63 PET Peter I I I, H H Patriarch. Kalpana. Kochi: Kottapally, 1877. 41p. 22001079 AM 281.63 PHE Phelexinos, H G Poulose Mar. Malankara Orthodox Church Bishop Consecration Committee Report Kolencherry 1966. Kottayam: K P Press, 1966. 28p. 22001008 AM 281.63 PHI Phelexinos, H G Paulose Mar. Malankarasabha Samadhanavum. Kottayam: Author, 1958. 108p. 22002560 AM 281.63 PHI,2 Philipose Ramban, Msgr Cheppad. Anthyokhya Sureyani Qurbanayela Prathanakramam. Trivandrum: Jayamatha Press,0000.72p. 22002559 AM 281.63 PHI,I Philip, E M. Indian Church of St. Thomas. Tiruvalla: National Press, 1929. 385p. 22000395 AM 281.63 PHI,M Philip, E M. Malankara Sabhayude Rahasyapedakam Kottayam: Modern Book Stall, 1946. 176p 22000009 AM 281.63 PHI,M Philip, Mr E M. Indian Church of St. Thomas. Chingavanam: Thakadiyel Yokobaya Kaseesa, 1951. 590p.22000120 AM 281.63 PHI,S Philip, K C. Sabha Viplavangal / Christian Matha Adyakshanmarkku Neritta Peedakal(mal). Kunnamkulam: Vallathol Mudralayam,1926. 50p. 22000027 AM 281.63 PLA Placid, Fr. 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Malankara Suriyani Cristiyani Suveshesha Prasanga Sangathente 42nd Varsheka Report. Tiruvalla: T.A.M. Press, 1930. 142p. 22002637 AM 281.631 MAL Daniel, K N. Malankara Marthomma Sabhayude Thiruvathasha Susrusha (mal). Kollam: V.V Press, 1958. 44p.22000591 AM 281.631 MAT Mathu, P K. Fr. Geevarghese Athunkal Avarukalude Vemarshana Prasangathinte Oru Samksheptha Nerupanam. Muvattupuzha: Author,1951. 27p.22002635 AM 281.631 SAM . Samudaya Alochana Sabhayilekku: Marthoma Sabha Taksa Parishkarana Committee Report. Tiruvalla: T.A.M. Press,0000. 71p. 22001095 AM 281.631 YUH, Marthoma, Dr Juhanon. Malankarasabhayile Episcopasium Marthomasabhayile Sthanabhisheka Susrushakalum. Thiruvalla:T.A.M Press, 1975. 50p.22000083 AM 281.6311 CHA Chandapilla Kathanr, Thazhathu Punnathra. Vilapangal (mal). Kottayam: Dr.T.C. Korah, 1989. 49p. 22000840 AM 281.632 AHA Aahad Ramban, Very Rev Abdul. Marthoma Dheyaskoracente "thirusabha". Tiruvalla: Author, 1940. 62p.22002634 AM 281.632 ALE Alexiose, Rev Fr. 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Suriyani Sabha Lagulakakal "abdhalmeshehayum Catholica Sthapanavum". Alwaye: Thrikkunnath Seminary, 1943. 62p.22002613 AM 281.633 ANT . Anthyokhyayum Malankarayum Adhava Panthrandu Achanmarke Oru Marupade. Alwaye: Thrikkunnath Seminary, 1945. 34p.22002611 AM 281.633 CHI . Syrian Church Tract Society; Chengavanam Vyavasthakalum Anthyokhya Vyavasthakalum. Kottayam: Author, 1950. 39p. 22002610 AM 281.633 GEE Geevarghes Kathanar, Murimattathil. Malankara Suriyanisabha; Samathana Shramangal Vijaipekuvanulla Margamanth. Kottayam: P.C.Press, 0000. 34p. 22002609 AM 281.633 MAL Poulose, K P. K.P.Paulose Kathanarku Oru Marupadi: Malankara Suriyanisabha Laguregakal. Omallor: Mar Ignathios Dayara, 1944. 22p.22002606 AM 281.633 MUN Mundukuzhy, Rev Thomas P. Parishutha Patriarcha Simhasanavum Catholica Simhasanavum Ottanottathil. Kottayam: Author,1964. 42p. 22002604 AM 281.633 PAR Parett, Z M. Malankarayum Anthyokhyayum. Kottayam: Author, 0000. 82p. 22002603 AM 281.633 PAU Paul, Fr A P. Pattathwa Sadduthwam. Kottayam: Powra Prabha Press, 1942. 20p. 22002602 AM 281.633 PIN Pinto, Dr P M Lisboa. Anthyokhyayum Romayum. Kunnamkulam: Author,1930. 79p. 22002615 AM 281.633 SKA Skaria Kaseesa, Malpan Cheria Madathil. Yarushalam Yathra: Samadhana Parisramam. Tiruvalla: K.P Varghese Kaseesa,1935. 184p. 22002600 AM 281.633 TRU . Catholica Sthapanathinte Yedartha Nila: Malankara Suriyani Sabha Lagulegakal. Kottayam: Syrian Churches Series, 0000. 82p. 22002598 AM 281.633 VAR Varghese,V O. Oru Ezhuthe. Thiruvalla:Author,1928.49p.22002614 AM 281.633.07 P . Evangelistic Association of the East. Kothamangalam: Young Star Press, 1948. 67p. 22002601 AM 281.6392 ATH Simon Pulikkottil, Fr. Paulose Mar Athanasiyos Methrapolitha Thirumanasile Jeevacharithram. Aluva:Desarathana Press,1931. 13p. 22002446 AM 281.6392 DIO Oommen, P A. Cheppattu Mar Divannasyos Thirumanassukonde. Cheppad: Fr.I. Daniel, 1956. 127p. 22002447 AM 281.6392 ELI John, V C. 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Aluvayile Vattameshasammelanavum Athinte Sthambhanakaranangalum (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 24p.22002509 AM 281.63-M MAL . Malankara Orthodox Suriyani Sabha (malankara Orthodox Suriyani Sabha Samrashana Samithy Thumpaman Bhadrasanam (mal).Pathanamthitta: Thumpamon Bhadrasanam, 1972. 18p. 22002528 AM 281.63-M MAL. Malankara Sabhatharaka. Kottayam: OTS, 0000. 200p. 22002523 AM 281.63-M MAT Mathan, K. Supreme Court Judgement .Kottayam: K.V. Mammen, 1978. 65p. 22002524 AM 281.63-M MAT Mathew, P V. Malankara Church & the Throne of the Catholicos (mal). Eranakulam: Author, 1975. 12p. 22002525 AM 281.63 MAT,M Mathew, P V. Marthommayude Simhasanavum Malankara Sabhayum. Ernakulam: Author, 1974. 18p. 22000874 AM 281.63-M NAR Narayanapillai, Thoppil. Malankara Methranmarude Pattabhishekavum Eshunnullathum Sambandichu Oru Puthiya Vanchipatt (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1908. 10p. 22002520 AM 281.693 MAM Mammen, K E. Malankara Orthodox Sabhayude Purogethikke Chila Nirddesangal. Tiruvalla: National Press, 1965. 12p. 22000945 AM 281.8 MAL . Malankara Sabhayum Nesthoriyas Mathavum (mal). Thrichur: Mar Narsai Press, 1847. 32p. 22000368 AM 281.8 PAR . Paribhavamo Paribhramamo? Trissur Palli Charitram - a Study . Trichur: Mar Adai Sleeha Memorial Society, 1945. 92p. 22000035 AM 281.8 PAU Poulose, Fr K P. Sathyakanon Ethe? ; "18" Akkamo "A" Akkamo?. Kottayam: National City Press, 1951. 82p. 22002595 AM 281.8 PAU,H Paul, Sri M V. History of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Church of the East. Thrichur: Thomas Press, 1950.230p.22000263 AM 281.8 POW . Powrasthya Kaldhaya Suriyani Sabhayuda Qurbhana Kramam. Thrichur: Mar Narsai Press, 1989. 104p. 22002596 AM 281.8 THE,H Themotheos Metropolitan, Mar. Holy Church: Chaldean Church ( Bound Volume). Trichur: Mar Narsay Press, 1927. 95p. 22000267 AM 281.9 GEO,1 George, Rt Rev Dr. Eastern Orthodox Church and the Reunion of Christians (mal). Kozhencherry: St.Thomas Eastern Orthodox Church of India, 1965. 48p. 22000339 AM 281.9 GEO,E George, Rt Rev Dr. Eastern Orthodox Sabhayum Parisuddha Paramparyavum (mal) (bound Volume). Kozhencherry: St.Thomas Eastern Orthodox Church of India, 1966. 35p. 22000335 AM 281.9 PLA,P Placid, Fr. Pawrasthya Sabhakal (mal) (bound Volume). Mannanam: Joseph Press, 1930. 67p. 22000418 AM 282 CAT Hillarios, Fr. Catholic Matha Padanam 4th Std.. Tiruvalla: Author, 0000. 376p. 22002661 AM 282 CHA Chacko, Pro P T. Mattuven Chettagala. Kothamangalam: Priests` Conference, 1993. 34p. 22002660 AM 282 DAN. Daniel, K N. Pappayude Adhipathyam. Kollam: V.V Press, 1928. 238p. 22002658 AM 282 DAN,1 Daniel, K N. Romasabhayila Kumbasarathenta Bhayankara phalam. Thiruvalla: M.S. Press, 0000. 64p.22002659 AM 282 DAN,J Daniel,K N. Papayude Adipathyam Enna Grandhathe Sambandichundaya Ashepangalum Prathyutharangalum (bound Volume). Kozhenchery: C.P.M. M. Press, 1928. 214p. 22000340 AM 282 DAN,P Daniel, K N. Pappayude Adipathyam Vols.I & II (mal). Quilon: V.V Press, 1932. 616p. 22000485 AM 282 EKA Joseph, P K. Eka Sathyasabha (mal)bound Volume). Mannanam: St Joseph Press, 1930. 20p.. 22000458 AM 282 ENJ,A Injackalodi, Fr Thomas. Archbishop Mar Ivaniose Part I. Pattom: St.Mary`s Press, 1957. 454p 22000018 AM 282 ENJ,M Enjakalody, Rev Fr Thomas. Marpappayude Apramadethwam (mal). Aluva: S.H. League, 1960. 21p. 22000378 AM 282 GEE Geevarghese Anchel, Fr K. Mar Pappa Paramadhykareyo?. Punalur: Planters Printing and Publishing House, 1973. 97p.22002656 AM 282 GEE,C Geevarghese Cor-Episcopa, Very Rev V C. Catholikasabhayil Njayan Chernnathe Yanthukone?. Aluva: S.H.League, 1956. 142p.22000186 AM 282 GEE,M Geevarghese Anchel, Fr K. Marpappa Paramadikariyo? (mal). Punalur: Planters Printing and Publishing House, 1973. 98p.22000379 AM 282 GEE,S Geevarghese Corepiscopa, Very Rev V C. Sakaravarshangal: Viswasa Thyagikke Oru Marupadi (bound Volume). Aluva: S.H. League,1956.23p.22000249 AM 282 HAR Hares, Reverend W P. Church of Rome and Its Use of the World of God. Tiruvalla: Author, 1939. 50p. 22002655 AM 282 JOH,O John, C C. Oracha Vanpara. Ambalapuzha:Author,0000.15p.22001262 AM 282 JOS Joseph, Meprathu M. Pappamaru Mahashakthikalu Adhava 18-Nuttandyla Chila Charethra Sambhavangal. Kottayam: Vidyarthi Mithram Press, 1931. 78p. 22002653 AM 282 JOS,1. Sumarga Predeepika: Vandhya Divyasree Father John Joseph, Principal Mangalapuzha Seminary. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1937. 399p. 22002654 AM 282 KAL Kallittathil, Paul. Cotholikka Samuhya Thatwangal. Pattom: St.Mary`s Press, 0000. 17p. 22001086 AM 282 KSG,P K S G, .Pathrosinte Adhipathyam.Trivandrum:K.S.G,1949. 53p. 22000384 AM 282 KUR,O Kurian, Fr Mattathil. Oru Vanchiyo Pala Vanchiyo ?. Changanassery:St.Joseph`s Orphanage Press, 1929. 55p. 22000070 AM 282 LEO Leopold, Rev Bro. Keralathile Lathin Christhyanikal. Manjummey : Little Flower Press, 1938. 366p. 22002652 AM 282 LIT,2 . Literature Pastorales, Circulares: Dioecesis Vijayapuramensis 1938-1941. Kottayam: Good Shephered, 1941. 371p.22000415 AM 282 MAL . Malayalathila Sathyavadha Charethram. Trichinopoly: Catholic Truth Society, 1872. 360p. 22002651 AM 282 MAR,S Mary, V C. Samudayika Parliament. Thiruvalla: N.P. House, 1930. 54p. 22001159 AM 282 MAR,T Marsleen, Fr. Thirusabha Charithrasamgraham Part I(mal).Thiruvalla: St Joseph`s Printing House, 1936. 327p.22000191 AM 282 MAT . Madhopadhasheka Munnam Pusthakam. Palai: St.Thomas Press, 1953. vii+180p. 22002650 AM 282 MAT . Mathopadeshika. Palai: St.Thomas Press, 1961. 25p.22000994 AM 282 NAM . Nammude Pitakkenmarude Viswasam. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1936. 62p. 22000067 AM 282 NIB . St.Vincent De Paul Socityude Nibandhanakal (mal). Palai: Central Council, 1960. 51p. 22000208 AM 282 PAN Paniker, Dr Geevarghese. Meshehayude Sabha. Pathanamthitta: Bethany Publications, 1992. 28p. 22002649 AM 282 PAT,C Pattasseril, Paulose Mappila. Christhu Sthapichathe Catholica Sabhayo ? Bound Volume).Tripunithura: Prabhatham Printing,1955.48p.22000462 AM 282 PAU,C Athanasius, H G Paulose Mar. Christhu Sthapichathu Catholicasabhayo? Tripunithura: Prabhatham Printing, 0000. 32p. 22000546 AM 282 PHI,N Philipose Ramban, Chepattu. Nervashikatti (mal). Tiruvalla: St Joseph Printing House, 1939. 81p. 22000438 AM 282 PLA Placid, Rev Fr. Anthyokhyail Enthunde ?. Tiurvalla: St.Joseph Printing House, 1945. 39p. 22002647 AM 282 PLA,A Placid, Fr. Anthiokyan Pathriyarkees (bound Volume). Mannanam: Joseph Press, 1931. 200p. 22000419 AM 282 PLA,E Placid, Rev Fr. Ephesus Sunnahadosum Roma Marpappayum. St.Josephs Printing House, 1931. 102p. 22000383 Mannanam: AM 282 PLA,N Placid, Fr. Nammude Reeth (mal)(bound Volume). Mannanam: St Joseph Press, 1951. 218p. 22000361 AM 282 TEE Teelar, G C. Ecumenical Directory. Rome: Mgr.Duprey W.F, 1967. 18p. 22002645 AM 282 THA,P Tharayil, Fr Thomas. Punariykhya Sahayi. Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 1945. 26p. 22002644 AM 282 THO,K Thomas Vadassery, Fr. Koonankurishu Sathyam (mal). Thiruvalla: St.Joseph`s Printing House, 1962. 24p. 22000182 AM 282 THO,S Thomas Vadassery, Fr. Salama Rambante Apavada Vyavasayam . Tiurvalla: St.Joseph Printing House,1957. 271p.22000187 AM 282 VAD,1 Vadassery, Fr Thomas. Marpappayude Paramadikaram Daivadathamo Manushyadathmo?. Thiruvalla: St Joseph`s Printing House,1961.275p.22000362 AM 282 VAD,E Vadassery, Fr Thomas. Ellasabhakalum Sariyo? (mal). Kottayam: Powra Prabha Press, 1947. 359p. 22000326 AM 282 VAR Varghese,Rao Sahib P K. Madhavum Charithravum Adangeya Oru Prabandham. Erbnakulam:Mar Louis Book Center,1939.52p.22002643 AM 282 KAT. Katholica Kudumbam . Kottayam: OTS, 1951.8p.22000448 AM 282.54 SAB. Thiru Sabha Charitram. Ankamali: Author, 1871. 421p. 22001121 AM 283 DAV,M David, V T. Sree Mahayidavaka Jubilee Smarakam Athava Thiruvithamkoor Kochi Angleya Sabha Charithram (mal). Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1930. 217p. 22000537 AM 284 KER . Assemblies (brethren) in Kerala and I.G.Mission (mal)(bound Volume). Angamaly: Prakashini Press, 1961. 104p.2000203 AM 286.7 SAB Remban, Very Rev Philipose. Sabathu Missionepatti Oru Samvadam (mal). Pattom: St.Mary`s Press, 0000. 28p. 22000260 AM 286.7 SAB,1 Paily, A P. Sabathukarude Durupadeshangal (mal). Angamaly: Prakashini Press, 1958. 44p. 22000261 AM 289 ABR,PE Abraham, T S. Penthkosthu Prasthanam (mal)(bound Volume). Kumbanad: Hebron Printing House, 1969. 82p. 22000423 AM 289 GEO,M George,C V. Ceylon Penthakoshikarude Abtho Upadeshangal(bound Volume). Angamali: Sathyaprakasini Offset, 1958. 104p. 22000421 AM 289 JOS,N Vidwankutty, Yuyoralisan. Nithyaksharangal (mal). Trivandrum: Yoosu Yakob, 1900. 22000049 AM 289 YUS,N Yoseph, Yusthus. Nithyaksharangal (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1901. 176p. 22000096 AM 289 JOS Joshua,Fr T J. Orthodox Veswasam Enthe No.3;Rasal Matham Adhava Yahovayude Sakshekal. Kottayam: O.T.S, 1987.48p. 22002639 AM 291 DEE Deedat, Ahmed. Uyirthezhunelp: Ressurection. Calicut: Kerala Islamic Mission, 1987. 17p. 22001058 AM 291 DIV . Divine Guide for All Nations: An Interesting Conversation Between a Christian Pandit and a Hindu Magistrate. Kottayam: Malayalam Religious Tract Society, 1906. 208p. 22002119 AM 291 KUN,E Kunjuraman, C V. Eezhavarude Matha Parivarthana Samrambham. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1936. 32p. 22001150 AM 291 SIM,S Simon, K V. Sathiaprakashini (mal) Bound Volume. Angamaly: A.P. Paily Sathiaprakashini, 1952. 121p. 22000039 AM 294.5 DHA,H Dharmatheerdhan, Swami. Hynthava Dushprabhudha Charithra Samgraham.Trivandrum: L.M.S Book Depot, 1970. 73p.22000852 AM 294.5 JEF,N Jeffrey, Dr Robin. Nayar Medhavithvathinte Pathanam 1847-1908(mal). Kottayam: D.C. Books, 1979. 414p.22002896 AM 294.592 CHE, Cheryan, Rao Sahib O M. Haindava Dharma Sudhakarom: Bhagawatham. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1939. 170p.22002125 AM 294.592 HAR Ezhuthachen. Karnaparvam. Eranakulam: Parisha Mudranalayam, 1963. 128p. 22001190 AM 294.592 RAM .Aadyatma Ramayanam. Boston:T.V.K.Mudaliar,0000.558p.22002128 AM 294.592 RAM, Ramakrishnapilla, Sasthamangalam P. Kalidasa Ramayanam (mal). Sasthamangalam: B.K. Amma, 1936. 50p. 22002129 AM 294.592 REV, Ravivarma, Dr L A. Desopanishathu(mal). Thiruvananthapuram: B.V.Book Depot, 1936. 57p. 22002130 AM 294.592 SAS Sastrikal, K Sambasiva. Hinthu Matha Predeepika. Trivandrum: Travancore Government Press, 1942. 228p. 22002133 AM 296 APP. Yahovayude Oulsavangal. Erygalakuda: Author, 0000. 60p. 22002671 AM 296 PAI,S Paily, A P. Samagamana Koodaravum Upakaranagalum. Ankamali: Author, 1950. 107p. 22000308 AM 296.41 SIM Siomon, K V. Saabath Acharathinte Pashandatha. Kumbanad: Author,1940. 110p. 22002672 AM 301.4 JAC Jacob, P M. Bhavana Dheepam Adhava Kudumba Jeevetham. Kottayam: Deepika Book House, 1952. 106p. 22002670 AM 301.42 PAU Paul, C V. Santhushta Dampathya Jeevitham: Happy Married Life. Trichur: Guruvilasam Press, 1991. 45p. 22001027 AM 320 NIR C B C I, . Nereshwara Shakthykala Kuttupedekaruthe. Kerala: C B C I Commission Educatio, 1979. 26p. 22002669 AM 320 PAR Paramaswarapaniker, P R. Powradharmam. Trivandrum: V.V. Publishing House, 1933. 136p. 22002668 AM 320 TUN Tun, Mao. We Are With You Arab Brothers. Peking: Foregin Language Press, 1958. 84p. 22002667 AM 330 KUT .Kuttanad:Prasanangalum Sadhyathakalum ;Indian Institute for Regional Development Studies. Trivandrum: East West Publishing House, 1978. 60p. 22000946 AM 330 MAN Mani, K M. Kerala Sarkar 1983-84 Le Budget Prasangam. Trivandrum: Govt Press, 1983. 32p. 22000956 AM 340.0m EXE .Exercise Book:Notes on Chitty. Kottayam:OTS,0000.30p. 22002157 AM 340.0M ULA Ulahannan, Mani. Udampady Pakarpe (mal). Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 75p. 22002160 AM 348 ABR,H Abraham Kathanar, Konattu. Hoodaya Kanon (mal) (bound Volume). Pampakuda: Mar Julius Press, 1952. 210+28p.22000115 AM 348 AYA Abraham, K P. Malankara Suriyani Samudhaya Case Vedhy. Kottayam: Modern Book Stall, 1946. xix+164p. 22002708 AM 348 CHU,H Mathen, K. Malankara Sabha Case 1990. Mannanam: Kottackal Publishers, 1990. 255p. 22000726 AM 348 HUD Yakoob Rumban, Rev Fr Madapattu. Hudhaya Kanon. Ernakulam: Syrian Publications, 1974. xii+124p. 22002704 AM 348 ITT Itty, P A. Samudhaya Case Kerala High Court Full Bench Vidhy. Kottayam: V.E.Press, 1957. 124p. 22002702 AM 348 ITTY Itteera Malpan, Fr M T. Hudhaya Kanon. Kottayam: Malanakara Sabha Deepam Publications, 1951. 36p. 22002703 AM 348 MAL .Malankara Orthodox Suriyani Sabha:Association Nadapady Chattangal . Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 1970. 20p.220009 AM 348 MAL,1 . Malankara Suriyani Cristiyani Association Yogam28-12-1982 Notification. Kottayam: Malankara Sabha, 1982. 11p.22002696 AM 348 MAL,1946 . Malankara Suriyani Samudayakes Vidhi (mal)1946. Kottayam: Geo Printing Work, 1946. 165p. 22000508 AM 348 MAL,2 Mathen, K. Malankara Suriyani Samudhaya Case Supryemkodathy Vedhy.Kottayam: Malankara Sabha, 1958. 86p.22000910 AM 348 MAL,3 .Malanakara Orthodox Suriyani Sabhayudeum Sabhayila Vivedha Sthapanangaludeum Prasthanagaludeum Bharanacadana. Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 1989. 502p. 22002700 AM 348 MAL,34 . Malankara Orthodox Suriyanisabha BharanaGhadana (mal). Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 1976. 25p. 22000376 AM 348 MAL,4 . Malankara Orthodox Suriyani Powrasdhya Catholicate Episcopal Decisions 1976-1983. Devalokam:Malankara Orthodox Church,1983.51p.22000944 AM 348 MAL,5 . Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church CONSTITUTION. Devalokam: Catholicate Press, 1934. 28p.22000940 AM 348 MAL,B . Malankara Suriyani Kanaya Samudaya Bharanaghadana. Kottayam: Edessa Press, 1959. 56p.22000084 AM 348 MAL,M . Malankara Orthodox Suriyanisabha Marthamariyam Vanithasamajam: Constitution (mal). Thiruvalla: National Printing AM 348 MAN . St.Mary's Church Manarcadu Bharana Ghadana. Kottayam: St.Mary`s Book Depot, 1958. viii+55p. 22002695 AM 348 MAV,1 .Mavelikara Puthiyakavu Kadeesthapalliyude Bharana Vyavasthakal Mavelikara: Christava Prasidikarana mandiram, 1933.14p.22000292 AM 348 MEM. Memorandum of the Association and Rules and Regulations of the Evangelic Association of the East. Perumpavur: Evangelic Association of the East, 1966. 24p. 22001035 AM 348 NAT .Malankara Orthodox Suriyani Sabha; Malankara Suriyani Cristiyani Association Yogamkoody Theranjadupu Nadathunathum Sambanthycha Nadapady Chattangal. Kottayam: Malankara Sabha, 1970. 15p. 22001156 AM 348 ORT,B . Malankara Orthodox Suriyani Sabhaude Bharanaghadana. Kottayam:Malayala Manorama, 1954. 28p.22000085 AM 348 PAU,S Paulose, Fr K P. Sathya Kanon Yethu(mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1951. 82p. 22000122 AM 348 PAW . Powrasthya Orthodox Syrian Sundayschool Associationte Bharanaghadana. Kottayam: O.S.S.A.E Publications, 1988. 31p. 22001185 AM 348 PHI,1890 Philip, E M. Syrian Church Case Containing the Judgement and Decree of the Honourable Royal Court of Final Appeal Travancore Bound Volume. Cottayam: C.M.S Press, 1890. 198p.22000466 AM 348 POW . Powrasthya Orthodox Youth Movement Bharanaghadana. Kottayam: O.C.Y.M, 1965. 16p. 22001193 AM 348 PUT .Puthupally Nilackel Pallyude Bharana Vyavasthakalum Yoganadapady Kramavum. Kottayam: Malanakara Sabha Deepam Publications,1939.18p.22002686 AM 348 RAO . 1064-Highkodathy Vedhy: Royal Court Verdict. Kottayam: Malankara Sabha, 1888. 3-161p. 22002698 AM 348 SAB,1938 . Sabhacase Kottayam Jilla Kodathy Mozhi Vistharam 1113/civil No.111. Kottayam: District Court, 1938. 102p. 22000091 AM 348 SAM. Samudhaya Case,Catholicose Kakshyude Review Apaksha Anuvathychu kondulla Supryemkodathy Vedhy.Kottayam:Malankara Sabha,1952. 28p. 22002699 AM 348 SAT Poulose, Fr K P. Sathya canon Ethe?. Kottayam: National City Press, 1951. 82p. 22002685 AM 348 TIR .Thiruvananthapuram St.George Suriyani Palliyude Bharanakadana. Trivandram: St.George Orthodox Cathedral Parish Fellowship,1935.17p. 22002691 AM 348 TRU . Trust 'udampady' Old Syrian Church Chengannur. Chengannur: Pazhaya Suriyani Pally, 1971. 105p.22000034 AM 348 VAT, 191 Sankarapilla, Special Judge. Vattipanacase- Sakshi Mozhikal. Kottayam: Manorama Publishing House, 1917. 234p.22000089 AM 348 KOL .Malankara Orthodox Church Medical Mission Kolencherry Constitution Draft. Kolencherry: S.G. Press, 1966. 32p.22001009 AM 348 NIM .Malankara United Assuerence Co.Rekshabhoga Padhathiyude Nibandhanakal. Tiruvalla: Author, 0000. 17p. 22002693 AM 348.2 MAR . Yakobaya Marthamaryam Vanitha Samajam. Alwaye: Thrikkunnath Seminary, 1953. xp. 22002692 AM 348.H NIR,19 . Niranathupalli Bharana Vyavasthakal. Tiruvalla: K.V. Press, 1923. 12p. 22000737 AM 348.H PAR . Paravoor Yakobaya Suriyani Pallyyude Bharanagadana. Paravoor: Author, 1940. 22p. 22002689 AM 351 AYY,J Ayyappanpillai, M N. Janmikudiyan Rigulation (mal). Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 1933. 49p. 22000130 AM 370 ITT,V Ittiyavira, T U. Vinjanabhandaram (mal). Thiruvalla: N.P. House,1928. 202p. 22000190 AM 492.3 SUR .Suriyani Bhasha Charithram. Cottayom:Mar Thomas Press,1896. 100p. 22000367 AM 494.812 BHA . Bhashabooshanam & Vritha Manjery(mal). Kottayam: OTS, 1905. 210+72p. 22002138 AM 494.812 MAL . Malayalam Anthology. Mangalore: Basel Mission Book and Tract Depository, 1911. 15p. 22002139 AM 494.812 SAH. Sahithyasahyam & Manideepika. Kottayam:OTS,0000. 196+198p 22002140 AM 494.81203 NAR Narayanapanicker, R. Navayuga Basha Nigandu (mal). Thrivandrum: Author, 1939. 863p.22000121 AM 494.81203 NAR Narayanapanicker, R. Navayuga Bhashanihandu (mal). Trivandrum: T.Subbayya Radiyar, 1951. 919p. 22000392 AM 500 AAR. Aroghya Reksha. Kochi:Travancore Publications,1948.35p. 22002714 AM 500 GEO George, M C. Samanya Sastram: General Science Std.3. Changanacherry: St.Mary`s Book Depot, 0000. 44p. 22001228 AM 510 ARI,2. Arithmetic Part II.Manacadu:Travancore Pub.1884.107p.22002712 AM 520 JYO Mathews, Prof Jacob. Jothisha Dharpanam, a New Almanac for M. E.1116. Kottayam: Powra Prabha Press, 1940. 30p.22000980 AM 520 NAN Nanukurup, Pazhakulam. Samkhya Pravachanam. Kottayam: Manorama Publishing House, 1957. 179p. 22002711 AM 520 PAN Namboothiri, Brahmasree Purushothaman. Panchangam. Kollam: V.V Press, 1928. 20p. 22000983 AM 520 PAN,M . Malayala Manorama Shashtipoorthi Smaraka Panchangam. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1950. 127-204p. 22001135 AM 520 VAR Krishnavariyar, Pro P U. Shatha Varsha Panjangum1131-1168 M.E;19551993 A.D. Kottayam: Pellissery, 1992. 328p. 22002709 AM 520 JYO Mathews, Prof Jacob. Jothisha Dharpanam, a New Almanac for M. E.1116. Kottayam: Powra Prabha Press, 1940. 30p. 22002713 AM 529.3 THI Thirumulpade, R K. Bhaskara Kalander 1-1-1069 to 32-12-1160 M.E ;15-81893 to 16-8-1985 A.D. Tiruvalla: National Press,1985.185p. 22002710 AM 560 PAR,P Parameswaran Pillai, V R. Pracina Likhitannal. Kottayam: National City Press, 1963. 383p. 22000417 AM 580 PIL Pillai, E V. Nature Study (prakruthy Padanam). Trivandrum: P.Govendhapillai, 1954. 38p. 22002674 AM 610 JEE. Jeeva Rakshamany. Quilon: Jeeva Rakshamany,2000.48p. 22002156 AM 610 THO,G Thomas, P V. Grahavaidyam. Kottayam:Author,1964.132p. 22000232 AM 610 VAR,C Varughese, O E. Chikilsarathnam (mal). Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1919. 390p. 22000490 AM 630 SAM .Samastha Kerala Kera Karshaka Sammelanasambhava Charithram . Vazhoor:Thiruvithacore Kera karshaka sangathilninnum,1938.161p.22000276 AM 638 THE . Theneecha Valarthal (bee Culture ). Kochi: Travancore Publications, 0000. 45p. 22000959 AM 800 THO,K Thomas, P J. Christian Literature of Kerala Upto 1800 Ad(mal). Athirumpuzha: St. Mary`s, 1935. 210p. 22000155 AM 815 THA. Thamban, M Ramavarmma. Prabhashanagal. Mavelikkara: Author, 1935. 112p. 22000664 AM 821 DIV,1 Milton, John. Divya Parudeesa Nashtam (mal). Kunnamkulam: A.R.P.Press, 1930. 76p. 22000345 AM 821 KUJ,T Kunjan Nambiyar, . Kalakkath Kunjananambiyarude 57 Thullalkadhakal (mal). Kollam: Vidyabvardhini, 1928. 662p.22000143 AM 821 PIL,K Pillai, Mahakavi K C Kesava. Kesaveeyam Mahakavyam. Thiruvananthapuram: B.V. Book Depot, 1963. iv+24p.22001104 AM 821 VAL Vallathol, Narayana Menon. Magdalanamariyam. Cheruthuruthy: Vallathol Grandhalayam, 1956. 43p. 22001149 AM 823 APO,P Apothikiri, Kunnukuzhiyil Kochuthommen. Parishkarappathi. Kottayam: Vidhyarthi Mithram Press & Book Depot,1926.368p.22000414 AM 823 BAR,1. Barabas. Kottayam: Pawraprabha Press, 1939. 328p. 22000523 AM 823 BUN,H Bunyan, John. Holy War or Thiru Porattam. Kolenchery: C.P.M. M.Press, 1931. 243p. 22000578 AM 823 GEO George, Karottu C. " Thresyamma". Mannanam: St.Josephs Printing House, 1925. 158p. 22002724 AM 823 GEO,N George, K. Naomi ( Bound Volume). Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1948. 136p.22000270 AM 823 KUM Kumarakom, Joyan. Santaclosum Thenkuruvikalum. Thiruvalla: Christava Sahitya Samithy, 1973. 23p. 22000957 AM 823 MOR. Morris, William. Story from the Earthly Paradise. Lonodn: Author, 1968. 239p. 22000683 AM 823 SHA Mahadhava Sharmma, Ambalapuzha. Vimala Adhava Dhevante Puthri. Kollam: V.V Press, 1929. 22002723 AM 831 DAV.K David, V T. Kuzhiyil Ninnum Kottarathilekku. Thiruvalla: National Printing House, 1931. 165p. 22001108 AM 891.71 RAM Ramanpilla,C V. Marthanda Varma.Trivandrum:Author,0000. 136p. 22002722. AM 894.8123 DOU Dugelase,Loyede C. Melanki.Kottayam:Author,0000.294p.22002720 AM 910 ABR Abraham, C A. Anthiokkayilninnu Kottayam Vazhy Romilekku. Tirualla: St: Joseph Print House, 1960. 115p. 22008015 AM 910 CHU Chulaparampil, Bp. Videsha Yathra: Travels. Kottayam: Bishops House, 1926. 156p. 22001164 AM 910 GOV,V Govarnadorachen, Parammakeel. Varthamanapusthakam 1778-1786 (mal). Athirumpuzha: St. Mary`s, 1936. 562p. 22000266 AM 910 GRE,P Gregorios Methrapolitha, Parumala Mar. Parisudhanaya Parumala Thirumeniyude Oorslem Yathra Vivaranam. Cochi: Marettu Thomas Ramban, 1952. 87p.22000400 AM 910 GRE,S Gregorios Vailiparampil, H G Geevarghese Mar. 1946 Le Seemayathra (mal). Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1947. 279p. 22000489 AM 910 JAC Jacob, Rev Fr T C. Ethiopian Sunnaha Dosum Visudha Nadu Sanarsanavum. Kottayam: P.C.Press, 1965. 156p. 22002716 AM 910 PAU,N Paul Ramban, Kadavil. Njan Kanda Indiayum Englandum Americayum Athava Oru Yathrakarante Dayari. Kottayam: Edessa Press,1953.275p. 22000486 AM 910 PAU,S Paul Ramban, Kadavil. 1963 Le Seemayathra (mal). Kottayam: St.George Press, 1963. 351p. 22000553 AM 910 YAK,Y Yakob Kaseesa, Thakadiyel. Yarusalem Theerthayathra: With biography Marthesmuny.Kottayam:V.J. Press,1948.123p. 22000281 AM 910 CHA Chacko, G. Sheema Yathra. Pandalam: Author, 1924. 25p. 22002719 AM 910 GOV,V Paremakkil,Very Rev Governoder. Varthamanapusthakam:Kareyattyle Mar Yowsappu Matrapolithayude Roma Yathra Vivaranam. Athirampuzha: St.Mary`s Press, 1936. 70p. 22002718 AM 920 ABR,M Abraham, Dr Lalitha. My Parents (mal). Mannar: Pamba Publications, 1984. 192p. 22000863 AM 920 GEO George, P. Jeeva Karunyam: Chowayoor Kushtaroga Aasupatriyile Pru Nakshatram. Calicut: Leper Asylum, 1938. 64p.22001041 AM 920 JOS,T Joseph, M O. Thachil Mathu Tharakan (mal). Kottayam: National City Press, 1962. 532p. 22000572 AM 921 HOW Peter, Howard. Frank Bookmante Rehasyam. Kottayam: Manorama Publishing House, 0000. 37-221p. 22002717 AM 922 ABR,B Abraham, Rev C I. Bishop Assriya (mal). Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1948. 82p. 22000745 AM 922 ABR,P 22001130 . Palakunnathu Abraham Malpan. Thiruvalla: T.A.M Press, 1919. 60p. AM 922 AND Andrews, C F. What I Owe to Christ. Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1934. 270p. 22002750 AM 922 AND,D Andrews, C F. Deenabandhu C.F. Andrews. Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1951. 39p.22000188 AM 922 APO Koruth, Rev N M. Apollo Athava Pigmikalude Aposthalanaya Neegrobhakthan (mal) (bound Volume). Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1935. 57p. 22000365 AM 922 BOO. T K G, . William Booth. Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1951. 41p. 22000628 AM 922 BUN. George, T K. John Bunyan. Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1951. 1-25p. 22000626 AM 922 CHA,M Chacko, I C. Mar Louise Pazheparampil: Jeevithavum Kalavum. Thiruvananthapuram: M.M. Varkey, 1937. 736p. 22000693 AM 922 DIO P M, Fr Joseph. Kaalam Chaitha Achan: Joseph Mar Dionysius II.Kunnamkulam: St.Gregorios Orthodox Church, 1983. 64p.22002748 AM 922 GEE . Very.Rev.Mookkancheril Geevarghese Ramban: Lekhu Jeevacharithram. Eranakulam: M.V.Mathai, 1980. 22p. 22000883 AM 922 GEE. Thomas, Fr Aliyas. Vishudha Gheevarghese Sahadayude Jeeva Charithram. Tiruvalla: Author, 0000. 14p.22000624 AM 922 GRE Geevarghese, Fr K V. Parumala Mar Greegoreyose Pana. Chingavanam: S.J.Book Depot, 1973. 23p. 22002746 AM 922 IPE,K Ipe, A I. Kannu Neerinte Kanikka: Yasasareeranaya Araykal Sree A.I. Ipe Avarkal. Kottayam: OTS, 2000. 167p.22000586 AM 922 JOS Joseph, Perumal. Marthomaum Malayatturum. Kottayam: Malanakara Sabha Deepam Publications, 0000. 87p. 22002745 AM 922 LIV George, T K. David Livingstone. Thiruvalla: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1951. 1-67p. 22007884 AM 922 MAM Mammen, K V. Taborile Thapasavariyan: Pampady Thirumeni. Manganam: K.V. Mammen, 1966. 71p. 22002744 AM 922 MAM,1 Mammen, K V. Mar Augen Catholica Bava. Manganam: K.V. Mammen, 1976. 104p. 22002745 AM 922 NED.Geevarghese, Fr Nedunthallil Paulose. Karthru Savanathil Thonnuru Varsham. Kothamangalam: Author, 1980. 74p.22000644 AM 922 PAR . Parumala Kochuthirumaniyude Jeeva Charithram. Kottayam: OSSAE Publication, 1978. 57p. 22002743 AM 922 PAR . Parumala Kochuthirumaniyude Jeeva Charithram. Kottayam: St.Mary`s Book Depot, 0000. 40p. 22002742 AM 922 PAU,A Paul Ramban, Kadavil. Anchu Kollam Central Jailil. Cochin: Raj Printers, 1968. 64p. 22001115 AM 922 SAR . Pareshudhanaya Mar Sharble Sahadhayude Jeevacharithram. Kottayam: Prosancity Pub, 1930. 42p. 22002741 AM 922 SIN Sathyanesan, A N. Stories and Parables of Sadhu Sundar Singh. Trivandrum: Malayalam Christian Literature Committee, 1930.89p. 22002740 AM 922 THO Neri, M Philip. Vishudha Thomasleehayude Charithram Samshepam. Quilon: S.R.V., 1941. 58p. 22002738 AM 922.1 APR,M Aprem Ramban, Paulose. Malankara Sabha Sandersichu Bharicha Seemakaraya Pithakanmar. Omallor: Mar Ignathios. Dayara,1964.136p.22000510 AM 922.1 BAH,S Samuel Kathanar, Mattathil. Randu Rakthasashikal mar Behanan and Morth Sarah. Kozhenchery: B.V.Press,1933. 60p 22000571 AM 922.1 BAS . . Parishudhanmarude Jeeva Charithram. Thiruvalla: Bethany Mudralayam, 0000. 22000667 AM 922.1 CHE,S Mathew, P M. Mundakappadam Agathi Mandirathile Sevanadeepam. Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1946.50p. 22000633 AM 922.1 CLE. . His Grace Mar Clemis Abraham Metropolitan of the Malankara Syrian Knanayadiocese. Niranam:Author,1972. 16p.22000669 AM 922.1 GEE. Mor Geevarghese Sahada.Trivandrum:R.V.R.Press,0000.34p.22000183 AM 922.1 GEE . Parishudha GEEVARGHESE I I Bhava Thirumanassila Andhiya Sandasham. Kottayam: Basil Publications, 1964. 22p.22000639 AM 922.1 GUN Joseph, Edamaruku T C. Dr.Gundert. Trivandrum: Balan Publications,1961. 102p. 22001119 AM 922.1 IGN Andrews, P C. Mar Ignatius Sahadha Adhava Cristhava Sabhayude Manideepam;Biography of St. Ignatius.Kottayam:Edessa Press,1954.84p.22002736 AM 922.1 IVA . Arch Bishop Mar Ivaniose. Kottayam: Author,0000.356p. 22002735 AM 922.1 KUR . Mar Kuriakos Sahada (mal). Kunnamkulam: Syrian Christian Book Depot, 1933. 24p. 22000605 AM 922.1 KUR Kuriyan, N G. Monika. Kundara: Author, 1941. v+134p. 22002734 AM 922.1 MAL Geevarghese Ramban, K V. Parisudha Mar Yuohanon Bar Malkeyude Charithram. Thiruvalla: Marthoma Publication Socity, 1948. 22p. 22000601 AM 922.1 PAN Panicker, Rev Fr M A Varghese. Viswasa Veeranaya Ma Athanasius. Calicut: Author, 0000. 78p. 22000640 AM 922.1 PAR. Thomas, Jose T. Parishudha Parumala Thirumaniyude Jeevacharithravum, Vishudha Kabarinkalekkulla Theertha Yathra Ganagalum. Mavelikara: Author, 0000. 24p. 22000651 AM 922.1 RAM,V Aprem Ramban,Very Rev Paulose. Vellinakshathrangal. Omallor:Mar Ignathios Dayara,1963. 228p.22000437 AM 922.1 REE Mary, Reed. Mary Reed. Kottayam: Malayalam Christian Literature Committe, 1951. 16p. 22000634 AM 922.1 THO,1 Yuoseph Kathanar, Peediackal. Marthoma Sleehayude Charithram. Athirampuzha: St.Mary`s Press, 1938. 405p. 22002731 AM 922.1 VAR,V Varghese Paniker, Fr M A. Veshwasa Veeranaya Mar Athanasius. Kundra: B.A Publications, 1982. 78p. 22002730 AM 922.1 VEN Alexendrios, Rev Fr Venkadathu. Rev Fr.Venkadathu Alexendrios: 50th Jubilee. Kottayam: Venkadathu Kudumbayogam, 1967. 16p. 22000637 AM 922.1 YOH. Mar Yohannansleehayude Charithram. Kottayam:O.T.S,0000.42p. 22000081 AM 922.1 YOH,A . Alexandriyayile Pathriyakees Mar Yuhanon Merahamoneyude Charithram. Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1907. 113p.22000987 AM 922.11 ABA,G George Kasesa, Rev M C. Palakunnathu Abraham Malpan. Kottayam: V.G. Press, 1919. 60p. 22000301 AM 922.11 APR,M Aprem Ramban,Paulose.Malankarasabha Sandersachu Bharichitulla Seemakaraya Pithakanmar. Tiruvalla:Bethany Printing House,1964.136p.22000231 AM 922.11 APR,M Ramban, Abdul Ahade. Moron Mar Ignatius Aprem I Thiruvalla: B.P. House, 1945. 74p 22000013 AM 922.11 ATH Varghese, J. Mathews Mar Athanasyos Methropolitha Part I & Part Ii. Kottayam: V.G. Press, 1920. 96+88p.2200030 AM 922.11 AUG Skariah Kathanar, Elavinamannil. Visudha Mor Augente Charithram (mal). Kottayam: St Thomas, 1906. 124p.22000109 AM 922.11 BAS Scaria Kathanar, Nedunthallil Paulose. Kothamangalam Mar Baselios Catholika Bavayude Charithram (mal). Kothamangalam: Skariah Kathanar, 1949. 69p. 22000185 AM 922.11 CHE,O Oommen, P A. Chepattu Mar Dionysius 1825-1855. London: Rev. Fr. I. Daniel, 1956. 129+15p. 22000570 AM 922.11 DIO Dionysius, Mar Joseph. Life History of Mar Joseph Dionysius. Kottayam: M.P.Varky, 1909. 144p. 22000406 AM 922.11 ELI, . Visudha Moron Elias Moonamante 38th Dukrono 1970 (mal). Kottayam: Edessa Press, 1970. 16p. 22000606 AM 922.11 GEE,1 Thomas, Kudassanadu T K. Kalam Cheytha Geevarthese Ii Catholica Bava Thirumanasile Kabaradakavum Vilapayatrayum. Devalokam: Catholicate Press, 1964. 15p. 22000293 AM 922.11 GEE,D Peter, P V. Daivathe Darshicha Mahacharyan: H.H Geevarghese II (mal). Thiruvalla: Chitra Press, 1965. 16p.22000180 AM 922.11 GEE,P Mani, Dr A P. Prakasa Gopuram: Baselius Memorial Lectures. Kottayam: Baselius College, 1981. 45p. 22001221 AM 922.11 GEE,Z Zachariah, Dn T G. H.H Geevarghese II Catholica Bava Thirumanasile Sachithra Jeevacharithram Samgraham . Kottayam: Basil Publications, 1962. 138p. 22000026 AM 922.11 GRE,1 Abraham, E J. Mar Gregoriosu Methrapolitha Athava Parumala Kochuthirumeni(mal).Kottayam: Author, 2000. 130p.22000389 AM 922.11 GRE,P John Cor Episcopa, Very Rev. Parumala Kochuthirumaniyude Jeeva Charithram. Vettickel: St.Thomas Diara, 1973. 20p. 22000925 AM 922.11 ITT,K Kakkasery, Peter M. Oru Kedavilaku. Kunnamkulam: Syrian Christian Book Depot, 1959. 40p. 22000618 AM 922.11 JOS,K Jose, Fr P M. Kalam Chaitha Achan. Kunnamkulam: St.Gregorios Orthodox Church, 1983. 64p. 22000934 AM 922.11 KOR Koruthu, P C. Chithravedi: Msrs. E.J.John, M.A.Chacko, O.M Cherian, M.A.Varki, K.K Lukose. Pulikeezhu: Kerala Publishing Company, 1945. 74p. 22001014 AM 922.11 KUC Kuriakose Ramban, Very Rev M C. Vaideeka Rajatha Jubile Souvenir. Pathamuttom: Sleebapally, 1955. 75p. 22002727 AM 922.11 KUR,S Ninan, N G. Sabhakku Vendi Jeevitham Samarpicha Oru Vaidika Sreshtan Fr.N.G.Kuriakose.Tiruvalla:Bethany Printing House,1969.247p.22000051 AM 922.11 MAN,P Manappallil, Fr Thomas. Punnyaslokanaya H.H Geevarghese I I Catholica Bava Thirumanasile Jeevithaswadanam (mal).Tiruvalla: Bethany Printing House, 1964. 58p. 22000380 AM 922.11 MAR .Indiayude Marthomma(Bound Volume)and Mar Thomasleehayude Simhasanam By Konattu Abraham Malpan.Kottayam:Baselius College,0000.26p. 22000377 AM 922.11 MON,1 Kurien, N G. Makudamanikyam Athava Shudimathiyaya Oru Grahanayika (mal). Pathanamthitta: Golden Press, 1941. 141p.22000528 AM 922.11 MON,V . Visudha Monicayude Jeevacharithram (mal). Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala Chirstava Sahitya Samithy, 1950. 49p.22000385 AM 922.11 OST,V Varkey, P P. Mar Patros Osthathiose. Kottayam: K.V. Mammen, 1963. 122p. 22000568 AM 922.11 PAL,A Pallichira, Rev Dr Philip. Autobiography (mal). Kottayam: Good Hope Printers, 1967. 48p. 22000348 AM 922.11 PAM Geevarghese, Fr P P. Pampady Thirumeni ; Oru Leghu Jeevacharithram (mal). Kottayam: Good Hope Printers, 1965. 36p.22000199 AM 922.11 PAM,1 Mammen, K V. Thaborile Thapasavariyan ( Pampady Thirumeni). Mananam: Kottackal Publishers, 1974. 70p. 22000953 AM 922.11 PAM,2 Korah,M K. Pampady Thirumeniyude Pavana Smaranakke. Kottayam: Author, 1966. 15p.22001212 AM 922.11 PAR,P Paret, Z M. Parumala Punnyavalan (mal). Manganam: Jacob Mathew, 1965. 300p. 22000768 AM 922.11 PUN Kora, Dr T C. Malankara Sabha Navikaranathinta Munnodikal: Punnathra Mar Dionysius & Thazhathachen. Kottayam: Author,1984.106p.22000302 AM 922.11 SAD David, K V. Supresiddha Sadu Sundara Sihnghinte Prarambha Jeevacharitram. Kunnamkulam: M.M Varghese, 2000. 11p.22000951 AM 922.11 SEM, Ramban, Punnoose. Mar Semaoosan Desthuneyude Sreshtatha. Cottayom: Mar Thomas Press, 1906. 119p. 22000097 AM 922.11 THO . Palampadom P.T. Thomas Vakkeel . Kottayam: Daily News Press, 1955. 692p 22000017 AM 922.11 VAR,M Varkey, M P. Mar Gregorios Methrapolitha (mal).. Kottayam: Manorama Publishing House, 1903. 56p. 22000717 AM 922.11 VAT Kurian, K C. Kalam Cheitha Vattasseril Mar Divnnasiyos Methrapolitha Thirumanasile Vilpathram. Kottayam: OTS, 1934. 22p. 22000619 AM 922.11 YUS Paret, Fr. Rektha Sakshiyaya Yustiniyan. Kottayam: S.P. Press, 0000. 18p. 22000947 AM 922.2 COO . Mathews Mar Coorilos Vaanalum. Kunnamkulam: Malabar Independent Church, 1977. xvi p. 22000725 AM 922.2 GEO,F George, Fr M V. Fr. C.E. George (life History). Manganam: Christavashram Press, 1966. 80p. 22000053 AM 922.2 IVA Thomas Injackalody, Fr. Arch Bishop Mar Ivanios Part I. Pattam: St. Mary`s, 1957. 453p.22001131 AM 922.2 JOS,M Joseph,M O. Mathutharakan. Alapuzha: B.K.M. Press, 1947. 110p. 22000505 AM 922.2 KAK Kakkacherry, Rev Fr Peter. Oru Kedavilakke: Rev. Fr. Varghese Kakkassery. Kunnamkulam: Syrian Christian Book Depot, 1956.66p. 22002775 AM 922.2 PAM Geevarghese, Fr P P. Pambady Thirumany; Oru Legu Jeeva Charithram.Pamapdy: Mar Kuriakose Dayara,1965.36p. 22002774 AM 922.2 PHI Kuriakose, Fr M C. Bathelile Thamara: Puthencavu Thirumeni. Pathamuttom: Sleebapally, 1951. 16p. 22001272 AM 922.2 PUL,M Varkey, M P. Malanakara Edavakayude Mar Divannasious Mathrapolitha. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1901. 144p. 22002771 AM 922.2 SEV,V Severios Metropolitan, Valakuzhy Joseph Mar. Jeevacharithra Samkshepam valakuzhy Joseph Mar Severios Metropolitan. Mallappally: V.O. Varghese, 1957. 118p 22000025 AM 922.2 SIM Kuriakose Ramban, Vanchithattil. Parisudha Shamavoon Keeppa Jeevacharithram (bound Volume). Paravur: S.P. Press, 1948.138p 22000015 AM 922.2 VAL,M Valerian,Fr C D. Malankara Sabhamathavinte Oru Veerasanthanam OR Chavara Kuriakose Eliyasachen jeevacharithram). Mannanam:Ouseph P. Mudrayalam,1939.416p. 22000042 AM 922.2 VAR,P Varghese, Chitramezhuth K M. Punyavalanaya Shavariyar st.Francis Xavior. Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 1955. 125p. 22000045 AM 922.2 VIS . Visudhanmarude Jeevacharithram (mal). Mannanam: St Joseph Press, 1923. 451p. 22000511 AM 922.2 YAK,S Valiyayakob Kathanar, Cheriyamadathil. Smaranaparampara (mal). P.A: C.J. Skariah, 1941.77p.22000108 AM 922.2 CHE,P Cheppadu, Vanchiyil Philipose Ramban. Author, 1969. 247p. 22000001 Poorvakala Smaranakal. Cheppad: AM 922.22 VIS . Visuddanmarude Jeevacharithram. Mannanam: St.Josephs Printing House, 1923. 75p. 22001205 AM 922.23 WES . John Wesliyude Jeevacharithram (mal). Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala Chirstava Sahitya Samithy, 1949. 62p.22000594 AM 922.3 ABR, Koshy, K M. Bishop Dr Abraham Marthoma (jeevacharithra Samgraham). Tiruvalla: T.A.M. Press, 1949. 117p.22000479 AM 922.3 MUL,B Mulloor, George. Bhakthasiromaniyaya George Mullar. Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala Chirstava Sahitya Samithy, 1950. 90p. 22000475 AM 922.4 BOO,G . General William Booth (mal). Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala Chirstava Sahitya Samithy, 1948. 90p. 22000388 AM 922.4 SPU,L Spurgen,C H. Life of C.H.Spurgeon.Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala Chirstava Sahitya Samithy, 1951. 63p.22000387 AM 922.7 GEE . Shutha Mar Geevarghese Sahadhayude Prasedha Porattathinue Munpe Nadannittulla Oru Cheriya Kadha. Kottayam: Author, 0000.16p. 22002769 AM 922.8 ABR 22002768 Abraham, P T. Pathriyarkesu Bhava. Kottayam: Author, 0000. 18p. AM 922.8 ALE 16p.22002766 . Vankadathu Alexandrayose Kathanar. Alexandrya: Author, 1967. AM 922.8 CAR Carpentar, Minni Lensa. William Booth. Kottayam: Malayalam Religious Tract Society, 1945. 141p. 22002765 AM 922.8 GEE Geevarghese, Rev Fr M C. Albhutha Kannyaka. Thiruvalla: M.G.M Press, 1946. 89p. 22001243 AM 922.8 MAL Geevarghese, K V. Pareshutha Mar Yoohanon Ber Malkkayude Chrithram. Thiruvalla: Marthoma Publication Socity, 1948. 22p. 22002760 AM 922.8 WAL Mamman, K V. Thadakathile Thapodhanan: Bishop Valsh. Kottayam: Nalathara Printers, 1983. 142p. 22002759 AM 922.81 DIO Pulikottile, Fr Jose. Pulikottile Joseph Mar Dhivannasious Onnaman Malanakara Methropolithan. Kunnamkulam: Author,1991. 69p. 22002758 AM 922.81 GEE . Kalam Chaitha Moran Mar Baselious Geevarghese I Catholica Bhava Thirumanasilla Jeeva Charithra Samkeshapam( VALLIKATUBAVA). Kottayam: Author, 0000. 22002757 AM 922.81 THO Koshy, K E. Marthomasleehayude Charithram. Tiruvalla: M.G.M. Press, 1954. 58p. 22002756 AM 923 POS.Posthynal Bodhipicha Samadhanam.Boston:Author,0000.25-40p.22002753 AM 923.2 NEH,K Divakarakurupe, Kaithakattu N. Bharathadeepam (nehru Jeevacharithram) Bound Volume). Cochin: Government of Travancore, 1953.76p. 22000425 AM 923.2 SID . Siddharoopam. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 0000. 132p.22000931 AM 928 TAG,S Sreedharan Pilla, P. Sree Ravindranatha Tagore (bounded vOlume). Trivandrum: Sridhara Printing House, 1953.57p.22000426 AM 954 AYY,B Ayyappan, M. Bharathapashama (mal). Kozhikode: Mathrubhumi Printing & Publishing, 1962. 156p. 22000224 AM 954.83 PAD Manon, K P Padmanabha. Cochi Rajiya Charithram. Thrissur:Bharathavilasam, 1911. 572p. 22002780 AM 954.812 GUN, Gundart, Dr. History of Malabar or Kerala Pashama (mal). Kottayam: Vidyarthi Mithram Press, 1959. 181p. 22000474 AM 954.812 KUN, Kunjan Pillai, Prof Elamkulam P N. Keralam Anchum Aarum Noottandukalil (mal). Kottayam: Sahithyapravarthaka Co-Operative Society, 1961. 204p. 22000530 AM 954.812 KUN, Kunjanpilla, Elamkulam P N. Chila Kerala Charithra Prasnangal . Kottayam: National Book Stall, 1956. 142p.22000291 AM 954.812 KVM, K V M, . Keralam Videsiyarude Dristhyiyil (mal). Kozhikode: P.K.Brothers, 1958. 117p. 22000126 AM 954.812 RAM, Raman Menon, Puthezath. Shakthan Thampuran (mal). Kozhikode: Mathrubhumi Printing & Publishing, 1958. 614p. 22000211 AM 954.812 BAL, Balakrishnapilla, A.Pracheena Kerala Charithra Gaveshanam. Kozhikode:K.R.Brothers,1957.113p 22000006 AM 954.81203 FE Felix, P. Kerala Directory. Changanacherry: Kerala Directory,1956. 502p. 22000808 AM 954.83 MAT Mateer, Rev S. Short History of Travancore for Use in Schools. Cottayam: C.M.S Press, 1887. 39p. 22000706 AM 956 MAT Mathai, Thomas T. Malar Vadiyayitheernna Marubhumi. Kalamassery: Suvisesha Viplavam Publications, 1981. 164p. 22002922 AM 956 MUH. 38p.22000648 Muhammadsahib, A. Palastine Prashnam. Trivandrum: Bharat Press, 1946. AM 956.94 PHI,H Philoxenos, Rt Rev Daniel Mar. History of the Old Testament (mal).Pathanamthitta: Malankara Sunday School, 1959. 65p. 22000044 AM 958.05 SAT . Sathya Sabhakahalam (mal) Periodical. St.Paul: Catholicate Digst, 1958. 30p. 22000350 AM 986 VET . Swayam Samsarikkunna Nagna Satyangal: Vettical Dayara. Vettickel: St.Thomas Diara, 1976. 16p. 22000986 AM 992.8 AHA Kollamparampil, Rev Jacob. Mar Ahatthalla Geveshenangalude Velichathil. Kottayam: Catholic Mission Press, 0000. 18p. 22000692 AM,1901.10.0S M . Malankara Edavakapathrika . Kottayam: OTS, 1901. 20p.22002175 AM-1 FEN,A Fenn, Joseph. Ajnanakutharam (mal): An Axe to Cut Down Ignorance. Kottayam: Malayalam Religious Tract Society, 1905. 174p. 22000265 AM-1 RAG,M Raghava Variyar, . Sree Mathamgaleela: on Elephant Treatment. Ottapalam: Kerala Deshabhimani, 1908. 89p. 22000177 AM-1 THO .Thomas,C R. Srishtavum Srishtiyum.Kottayam:Author,1966.22p.22000649 AM-1, 922 DIO . Tharakan, Puthencavu Matthan. Sabha Bhasuran. Patanamthitta: Asian Book Stall, 1984. 26p. 22000671 AM -1 KAR,A Karikkottuchira, J. Asthiyum Snehikkum. Puthupally: Jawahar Press, 0000. 44p. 22000891 AM-2 JOH,S. John, N K. Savanum (play). Trivandrum: Author, 1969. 40p.22000658 AM-2 SAN,P Sanakarathil,Mathew A V.Vikada Thanujacharitham Athava Nanadoshakkaranaya Puthrante Katha. Thiruvalla: National Printing House, 1923.121p. 254p. 22000894 AM-2 JOH,S John,N K. Savanum.Trivandrum:Author,1969.40p. 22007915 AM -3 KUM 1972. 50p. Kumarakam, Joyan. Vayalile Lilly. Kottayam: Orthodox Church Book House, 22000641 AM-3 KUM,P Kumarakom, Joyan. Ponpuzhayum Ponnonavum. Kottayam: Auhtor, 1970.32p. 22007923 AS 020 CHA . Chaukhambha Samskritha Vangya. Varanasi: Prakash Books, 2000. 192p. 22002001 AS 294.5 PRS Pradyumnasuris, Acarya. Mulasuddhiprakarana Also Called Sthanakani. Ahmedabad: Prakrit Text Society, 1971. 250p.22002124 AT 220 HOL . Holy Bible: in Tamil. Madras: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1892. 1470p. 22000751 AT 220.2 CON . Concordance to the Tamil New Testament. Palamcottah: Madras Religious Tract and Book Society, 1878. 1060p.22002184 AT 220.7 BIB . Old Testament and the New Testament. Madras: Madras Auxiliary Bible Society, 1880. 1470p. 22002193 AT 220.7 BOW Bower, Rev Henry. Biblical and Theological Dictionary. Madras: Religious Tract and Book Society, 1889. 560p.22002194 AT 264.3 DIO,T Dionysius, H G Zachariah Mar. Thaksa Holy Qurbana in Tamil. Kottayam: M.O.C Publications, 1982. 81p. 22000841 AT 400 TAM. Tamil Grammer Book. Pondichery: Author, 0000. 240p. 22001103 AT-221.7 OLD . Old & New Testaments in Tamil; With References, Contents of the Chapters and Chronology, from the English. Madras: Madras Auxiliary Bible Society, 1860. 1000p. 22002843 AT-232 RHE Rhenius,Rev C T E. Summary of a Body of Divinity(tamil). Madras: Tract and Book Society, 1852. 335p. 22002885 AX 281.63.D PAR . Parumala Seminariyum Swethukkalum Niranam Bhadrasanathinu Mathram Udamapettathenu Thelivukal(mal). Kottayam: Parumala Seminary, 1971. 28p. 22001161 AX-281.63 JAL. Vallakkalil, George. Parumala Seminary. Mavelikkara: Author, 1977. 70p. 22000670 AZ 280.1.04 KER Mathew, K A. K.C.C Silver Jubilee Souvenir. Tiruvalla: K.C.C, 1965. 83p. 22002437 H.1963.04 NIL . Edavaka Sandesam: Nilackel Convention 1963. Puthuppally: Nilackel Church, 1963. 23p. 22007891 Z.1936.07 STU . Syrian Student Coference: Religious Addresses. Kottayam: M.G.O.C.S.M, 1936. 69p. 22007966 Z.1956.07 STD . Syrian Student Conference 26th & 28th Coference Addresses. Kottayam: C.M.S Press, 1936. 69p. 22001273