Nancy S. Jones EDUCATION INSTITUTES Oral Roberts University Tulsa, Oklahoma May 1979 Graduate BS Business/Education California State University, Fullerton Fullerton, California August 1987 Graduate MA Communications/Advertising University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA Community College Leadership McNeese State University Lake Charles, LA MBA AACC Workforce Development Institute Presentations 3 years California Community College Association of Occupational Educators Member 10 years, Presentations 8 years Coastline Community College Leadership Development Institute 1 year Community College Leadership Development Institute (CCLDI) 1 year Statewide Academic Senate Accreditation Institute Presentations 1 year Statewide Academic Senate Curriculum Institute 1 year Statewide Academic Senate Leadership Institute 2 years Statewide Academic Senate Vocational Leadership Institute Member 4 years, Presentations 7 years University of California Curriculum Integration Institute 1 year CREDENTIALS California Community College-Life Business and Industrial Management CCT Communications and Related Technology INDUSTRY CERTS Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE), Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist (MCTS), Certified Novell Engineer (CNE), Certified Novell Instructor (CNI), Cisco Certified Network Cisco Cert. Network Administrator (CCNA), Cisco Certified Academy Instructor (CCAI), CompTia Security + Oracle Academy Instructor-SQL STATEWIDE Chancellor’s Business/CIS Statewide Advisory Committee, Exec Committee 7 years COMMITTEES Chancellor’s Economic and Work Force Development Advisory Committee 1 year Chancellor’s Technical and Telecommunications Advisory Committee 3 years Los Angeles/Orange County Workforce Development Leadership (LOWDL) 2 years Statewide Academic Senate C-ID Project CS/CIS Facilitator 2 years Statewide Academic Senate Technology Committee 2 years Statewide Academic Senate Occupational Education Committee 5 years Statewide Career Pathways, Steering/Exec Committee/Faculty Coordinator 6 years DISTRICT/ COLLEGE COMMITTEE Academic Senate 15 years (President 6 years) Accreditation Standard Co-Chair Standards 1, 3 and 4, for 3 Accreditation Cycles College Council 6 years College Grant Team 9 years Curriculum Committee 15 years Department Chair Committee 14 years District Budget Advisory Committee 2 years District Chancellor’s Cabinet 6 years District Vision 20/20 Strategic Planning Steering Committee 1 year Diversity Committee 2 years Educational Master Plan Co-Chair 1 year Equivalency Committee 15 years Management Team 6 years Mentor-Asian/Pacific Islander Title III Grant 1 year Mission, Plan and Budget Committee-Co-Chair/Member 12 years Mission/Institutional Effectiveness 1 year ADMIN. COASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Dean of Business and CTE TEACHING COASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Fountain Valley, California Full-Time Professor Computer Networking 15.5 years Part-Time Faculty Computer/Networking 2.75 Years Department Chair-Program Coordinator 12.5 Years June 2012-Present October 1994-June 2012 DUTIES: Develop Curriculum, Certificates and AA degrees; Co-Chaired Accreditation Standards for three Accreditation Self Studies; Provide Leadership to the Statewide Career Pathways Project (SB 70 Grant); Create Course Schedules; Complete Faculty/Administrative Evaluations; Participated in College/District Hiring Committees; Coordinate Advisory Committees, Coordinate College-Wide Articulation Events; Statewide Business/CIS Curriculum Development, Developed Staff Development Training, Textbook and Scheduling Needs; Counsel Students on Program, Communicate with faculty and staff, Install/Setup Computer Labs, Work with Local ROPs on Curriculum Development and Articulation, Wrote Three Program Reviews; Reviewed Student Grievances; Served on District Policy Development Workgroups; Developed Grants in Conjunction with Grant Team for funded State, Federal and Private Grants; Provide Oversight for College/District Budgets as Member/Co-Chairs of Budget Committees SUBJECTS TAUGHT: Introduction to Computers, MCSE Curriculum (V3.5-2003), MCTS Curriculum (2008-Sharepoint), Network+, Security+, CNE Curriculum (2.2-6.5), Oracle SQL and Network +, Modalities used: on-site, online, and hybrid. COASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Fountain Valley, California Academic Senate President July 2001-June 2003 July 2005-June 2007 July 2009-June 2011 DUTIES: Represent Faculty in all Academic and Professional Matters at the College, District, State and National Levels; Conducted Academic Senate Meetings; Report to District Board of Trustees; Work with Faculty, Managers and Staff to resolve Academic Issues; Promote Communication and Focused Discussions on Students; Chair, Co-Chair or member of 26 Participatory Governance Committees CENTRAL COUNTY REGIONAL OCCUPATION PROGRAM ORANGE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Orange, California Full-Time Instructor, Computer Apps/Networking February 1986-January 1996 DUTIES: Write Course Outlines for State Approval, Develop Course Curriculum, Participate in Tech Prep Marketing Committee, Integrated Curriculum Committee and Miscellaneous Internal Committees. SUBJECTS TAUGHT: Clerical, Computer Applications, Novell Networking, Computer Operations, and Business Communications. SANTA ANA COLLEGE SANTIAGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Santa Ana, California Part-Time Instructor, Computer and Society January 1989-May 1994 DUTIES: Develop Curriculum Materials SUBJECTS TAUGHT: Computer and Society (CIS 100) COORDINATOR ORANGE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT EL MODENA HIGH SCHOOL, COMPUTER ACADEMY Full-Time Faculty Coordinator August 1990-June 1992 DUTIES: Prepare, Monitor, and Execute Budget, Coordinate Mentor Program, Arrange Field Trips, Prepare Administrative Reports. SUBJECTS TAUGHT: Computer Applications, Business Math, Yearbook