Syllabus - EKFC English 9

English 9 A and B
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. DeRuiter
Voicemail: 698-9292 ext. 41201
Class Website:
Subscribe to Reminders:
Team 2 Website:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EKFC Mission Statement
The East Kentwood Freshman Campus, through a collaborative learning environment, will develop
the characteristics of adaptability, integrity, and perseverance in all students for the purpose of
becoming successful, productive citizens.
Course Description
English 9 is a two semester survey course designed to review language, vocabulary, and introduce
students to the study of all areas of literature that will be further explored in grades 10 and 11. Writing is
used throughout the course. Semester A focuses on fiction, including William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy
of Romeo and Juliet, whereas Semester B focuses on nonfiction, poetry, research paper, and speech.
For a detailed list of the English 9 curriculum standards, please visit:
Course Materials
Textbook: Holt Elements of Literature, 3rd course (2009)
Online access:
Username: frosh19
Password: a8y6a
Daily Materials Needed
 Pen and/or Pencil
 3 Ring Binder with 5 sections (not folder!)
 Planner
 Independent reading book for SSR (silent sustained reading)
Classroom Expectations
 Respect yourself, your peers, and your teacher
 Always put forth your best effort
 Participate in class
 Listen when others are speaking
 Ask for help
 Be polite
 Be on time
 Clean up after yourself
After School Availability
 I am available by appointment for after school help Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Please provide 24 hours notice for after school help.
English 9 A and B
English 9 A and B
Course Syllabus
 See the student handbook for the grading scale
 Assignment categories and weights are as follows:
 Reading: 40%
 Writing: 40%
 Language, Speaking and Listening: 20%
Final Exam: worth 20% of the final grade (per student handbook)
English 9A Final Exam Components
*Elements of Fiction Assessment
*The Odyssey Essay
*Romeo and Juliet Essay
* Elements of Drama/Romeo and Juliet/Vocabulary/Grammar
English 9B Final Exam Components and Weights
* Nonfiction Assessment—weight 1
*Research Paper—weight 6
*Speech—weight 2
*Timed Persuasive Essay—weight 2
*Poetry/Grammar/Vocabulary Assessment—weight 2
Extra credit is available at certain times during the semester. See the extra credit folder
in the classroom for more details.
Late Work Policy
 Late work is only accepted within 1 week of the due date.
o Any late assignment will be 50% off and will only be accepted until 1 week after
the due date!
o Assignments not submitted at the start of class will be considered late!
 For attendance details, please refer to the tardy/absence policy in the student handbook.
If you miss a day of school, you will have one day for each day absent to get missing
work completed and turned in. Make-up work is your responsibility.
Homework, major projects, and tests assigned PRIOR TO THE ABSENCE will be due or
made-up on the day of return unless other arrangements are agreed upon.
Students will get 5 passes (for the restroom/locker) each semester. Students will receive
1 extra credit point for any unused passes at the end of the semester.
English 9 A and B
English 9 A and B
Course Syllabus
Parents/Guardians: Please sign below and give this portion to your student so he/she can return
it to me. Please keep the other portion for your records.
Student Name (Print): __________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________
Phone Number (Circle: Home or Cell): ___________________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________
English 9 A and B