Business Professionals

Business Professionals
Semester I
CRT Study Guide
1. What is the top margin of a block business letter? 2 inches
2. What is typed 2 inches down in a block business letter? Date
3. Define Letterhead. Heading that includes contact information of an individual or company.
4. What does the label feature allow you to create? File folders, name cards, badges
5. What is a template? A document that contains a predefined page layout, fonts, pictures, etc. may be used as structure
for a new document
6. What is a resume? A summary of your background and qualifications used to gain employment
7. What feature allows you to create mass-produced letters, envelopes, mailing labels, and other documents?
Mail Merge
8. What information does an address block contain?
Title, first name, last name, company address, city, state, zip
9. What two documents are needed for a mail merge?
Main document and data source
10. What does “Re” in a memo heading mean?
In reference to
11. What is a memo/memorandum used for?
Inter office communication
12. Correspondence sent from a company to an individual or another company is called?
Block business letter
13. What is the default setting for spacing before and after a paragraph in Microsoft Word 2007?
Before is 0 and after is 10
14. Can you change a bulleted list to a numbered list? Yes
15. What feature allows you to organize information into columns and rows? Table
16. How do you manually change column width and row height? Dragging Vertical and Horizontal table lines
17. Does Word set columns in a table to spread out evenly between margins? Yes
18. How do you divide the space of a single cell into a specified number of cells? Split
19. What table feature can you use to quickly change the look of a table to include a variety of boarders, colors, shading,
and text alignments? Table Styles
20. What are the grey vertical tick markers that appear on the ruler? Tab Markers
21. Tab stops are left aligned and set every ______.5______ inch.
22. What feature can you use to rearrange data in a table so that it is presented in alphabetic or numeric order?Sort
23. Basic _calculations___ can be performed when numbers are in table cells using built-in formulas.
24. The inside address on a letter is the same as the __delivery__ address on an envelope.
25. What are the parts of a function formula? =(function name) range
26. What is an agenda? A list of things to review at a meeting
27. What are minutes of a meeting? Summary of topics discussed at a meeting
28. What is an itinerary? Details of travel arrangements and schedules
29. Is it okay to use business letterhead to send out personal business? NO
30. Where is the subject line of business letter keyed? Double spaced below salutation
31. What are reference initials? The initials of the typist if other than the writer of the letter
32. What feature easily allows you to change one case to another? (i.e. upper case to lower) Change case
33. In Word 2007, what is the default font name and size? Calibri 11
34. What size font would be appropriate for business documents? 12
35. How are block personal letters aligned? left
36. Can existing templates be customized? yes
37. What is a leader tab? A series of dotted, dashed, or solid lines that connects one column to another
38. Can you create tab stops within a table? Yes
39. Can text be converted to a table? Yes
40. What is an enclosure notation? A notation on a letter when something in addition to the letter is included in the
41. What are the parts of a memo? To, From, Date, Subject
42. What are the necessary parts of a business letter? Date, Inside address, salutation, complimentary close, writers name,
reference initials if other than writer
43. What are the optional parts of a business letter? Enclosure, attachment, copy
44. What is the top margin of the first page of a business letter? What is the top margin of page two of a business
letter? 2 inches,
1 inch
45. What should appear at the top of page 2 of a business letter? Addressee’s name and page number