Definitions and Methodology

Agricultural holding (holding) — a production unit which has a single management, both technically
and economically, the main activity of which is agriculture and where
1) there is at least one hectare of agricultural or forest land or at least 0.3 hectare of fish
ponds or
2) there is less than one hectare of agricultural or forest land or less than 0.3 hectare of fish
ponds or there is no agricultural or forest land or fish ponds and where agricultural
products are produced mainly (more than one-half) for sale.
Holdings are divided into operating and non-operating holdings:
operating holding — holding where agricultural products are produced
non-operating holding — holding where agricultural products are not produced. Agricultural land
is unutilised and there are no farm animals.
Agricultural land — agricultural land utilised in the reference year, i.e. land under crops which are
grown and harvested (field crops, greenhouse crops, fruit trees and berries, nurseries, permanent
grassland, kitchen gardens and fallow). The agricultural land unutilised in the reference year is
Unutilised agricultural land — land which is temporarily no longer farmed, for economic, social or
other reasons; arable land is uncultivated (not being cultivated for years). The permanent grassland
is not mowed and pastured. In case of need this land can be utilised with the usual methods used
in holdings.
Agricultural products — cereals, legumes, potatoes, fodder roots, linseed, flax fibre, plants used for
seasoning and herbs, vegetables, vegetable plants, flowers, ornamental plants, fruits, berries, young
plants of trees and bushes, (excl. young plants of forest trees grown on wooded land), livestock and
poultry, meat, milk, eggs, wool, hide, honey and wax.
Arable land — sown area of cereals and legumes, potatoes, fodder roots, industrial crops, open-field
vegetables, open-field flowers and ornamental plants, forage crops and greenhouse crops, growing
area of hay and fodder root seeds and fallow land.
Capacity of sheds — number of places for animals and poultry in buildings built for keeping livestock.
Capacity of storage — maximum possible amount of agricultural products and material in storages.
Cow shed — shed built or converted for keeping dairy cattle.
Cattle shed of combined use — shed built or converted for keeping young and fattening cattle and
dairy cattle.
Covered manure pit — manure pit protected from precipitation.
Dung spreader — dung spreaders and liquid manure spreaders of any type.
Farrow and sows’ pigsty — pigsty built or converted for keeping covered sows and sows with
Flour mills — mill equipment for producing flour, groats and barley.
Fodder machines — mowers, rake tedders, silage cutters, balers, hay bale presses and plastic
Fruit and berry storage — storage built or converted for preserving fruit and berries.
Grain cleaners and sorters — grain and hay seed sorters.
Grain dryer — any type of dryers (incl. portable dryers). Drying capacity of dryers in 24 hours has
been indicated.
Grain storage — storage built or converted for storing grain.
Harvesting machines — combine harvesters, potato spinners and potato combine harvesters.
Hay barn — storage built or converted for storing hay.
Holder of the holding — the person on whose account and in whose name the holding is operated
and who is legally and economically responsible for the holding:
legal person — public or private economic unit; general partnership, limited partnership, private
limited company, public limited company, commercial association, non-profit organisations
natural person, sole holder — the holder of holding which is not legal person and not linked to
any holdings of other holders
natural persons, partners — two or more natural persons owning, renting or managing together
their individual holdings as if they were one holding.
Joint ownership — tractors, machinery or equipment jointly owned by two or more holdings.
Machine storehouse — garage, shed, etc. for storing tractors, combines, machines and equipment.
Manure pit — manure pit or cistern on the ground or in the cavity (excl. plots on the earth where
manure is placed).
Milking machines — milking machines and apparatus of any type.
Permanent grassland — land other than rough grazing, not included in the crop rotation system,
used for the permanent production (five years or longer) of green forage crops, whether sown or selfseeded and whether used for grazing or for harvesting as hay or silage.
Pigsty for fattening pigs — pigsty built or converted for breeding fattening pigs.
Pigsty of combined use — pigsty built or converted for keeping fattening pigs and sows with piglets.
Potato, vegetable and forage root crop storage — storage built or converted for storing and
preserving potatoes, vegetables and forage root crops.
Refrigerators — refrigerators and coolers for preserving fruit and vegetables, meat and dairy
Repair shop — workshop installed for repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment.
Shed for young and fattening cattle — shed built or converted for breeding and fattening young and
fattening cattle.
Shed of combined use — shed built or converted for keeping any kind of livestock and poultry.
Soil cultivation machines — ploughs, cultivators, other soil cultivation machines (harrows, disc
harrows, etc).
Sowers — grain sowers of any type.
Tractors — tractors with at least two axles, incl. tractors for transportation of mechanisms. Tractors
used in the last 12 months only for forestry and fishing works, construction, ditch-digging or road
building are excluded.
Use of machinery and equipment belonging to others — leased tractors, machinery and
equipment, which have not been completely paid for to leasing firms, are also included here.