1 Study-guide for Exam I- on Chapters 1-3 Lifespan Development Lillian McMaster, Ph.D. Chapter 1. I. Recurring themes in Development a. Nature versus Nurture b. Continuity versus Discontinuity c. Universal versus Context specific development d. The Bio-psycho-social framework-describe e. What are some biological forces in development? f. What are some psychological forces in development? g. What are some sociocultural forces in development? h. How do all of these interact? i. What are life-cycle forces/ II. Developmental Theories a. Psychodynamic Theory b. Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory c. Behaviorism-Skinner 1 2 d. Describe operant conditioning e. Social learning theory-Bandura f. Cognitive Developmental Theory-Piaget g. Ecological and systems approach-Bronfenbrenner’s theory-systems h. Competence-environmental press theory i. Life span Perspective and selective optimization with compensation i. Describe Baltes’ 4 problems that arise as we age 1. Biological loss 2. Increase in culture 3. Decrease in cultural efficiency 4. Lack of cultural support v. Selective optimization with compensation-how you address the 4 problems listed above 1. What is elective selection? 2. What is loss-based selection? 3. Describe compensation 2 3 4. Describe optimization j. Life course perspective 1. Timing of life events-describe 2. Synchronization of individual transitions-describe 3. Discuss the earlier life events Chapter 2. Heredity, prenatal development and birth I. The mechanisms of Heredity a. Chromosomes b. DNA c. 23 pairs-what does the 23rd pair tell? d. Genes e. Genotype f. Phenotype g. Alleles h. Homozygous i. Heterozygous j. Dominant genes k. Recessive genes l. Incomplete dominance II. Behavior genetic a. Behavior genetics- 3 4 c. Twin studies i. identical twins-monozygotic ii. fraternal twins-dizygotic iii. why study twins? III. Genetic disorders a. inherited disorders b. PKU c. Huntington’s disease d. abnormal chromosomes i. Down’s syndrome ii. Klinefelter’s syndrome ii. Turner’s syndrome IV. Genes and environmental interactions a. reaction range b. passive gene-environment relation c. evocative gene-environment relation d. active gene-environment relation e. niche picking 4 5 f. nonshared influences III. from conception to birth a. Period of the Zygote b. List some things that happen during this period i. Implantation ii. germ disc iii. placenta c. The period of the embryo i. amniotic fluid d. period of the fetus i. age of viability ii. discuss some of the things that happen during this period of developmental IV. Influences on Prenatal Development a. general risk factors i. nutrition ii. stress iii. mother’s age b. Teratogens i. drugs 5 6 ii. fetal alcohol syndrome iii. diseases iv. environmental hazards 1. lead 2. mercury 3. PCB’s 4. X-rays 5. look at page 70 in your text to see what is affected during each month of prenatal development v. How teratogens influence prenatal development-discuss each below 1. depends on the genotype of the organism 2. impact changes over the course of prenatal development 3. each teratogen affects a specific aspect(s) of development 4. depends on dosage 5. damage may not be evident at birth V. Prenatal diagnosis and Treatment a. Genetic counseling b. who should get genetic counseling c. prenatal diagnosis i. ultrasound ii. amniocentesis iii. chorionic villus sampling 6 7 iv. fetal medicine VI. Labor and Delivery a. Stages of labor i. Stage one ii. stage 2 iii. stage 3 b. approaches to child birth i. natural childbirth ii. cesarean section iii. home delivery vs. hospital delivery VII. Birth Complications a. Cephalopelvic disproportion b. irregular position c. preclampsia d. prolapsed umbilical cord e. low birth weight f. very low birth weight g. extremely low birth weight h. infant mortality Chapter 3 Physical Development in Infancy and Early Childhood I. The newborn a. the newborn’s reflexes i. moro ii. rooting 7 8 iii. sucking b. assessing the newborn i. apgar scale ii. Neonatal behavioral Assessment Scale c. New born States i. alert inactivity ii. waking activity iii. crying iv. sleeping 1. REM 2. non REM 3. Sudden Infant death Syndrome II. Temperament a. what is temperament? b. emotionality c. Activity d.. sociability e. hereditary and environmental contributions to temperament-describe briefly f. stability of temperament 8 9 III. Physical development a. growth of the body b. you are what you eat! c. what foods are good when? d. Some rules to follow when you are feeding your child e. Malnutrition V. Early motor skills a. Locomotion b. posture and balance c. stepping d. perceptual factors i. Differentiation ii. integration e. beyond walking g. fine motor skills i. reaching and grabbing ii. handedness VI. Perception 9 10 a. smell and taste b. touch and pain c. hearing d. seeing i. visual acuity ii. color iii. depth perception iv. retinal disparity v. perceiving objects e. integrating sensory Information i. intersensory redundancy VII. Self awareness a. origins of self concept b. theory of mind 10