Gypsy A. Abbott, Ph.D. 3005 English Oaks Circle Birmingham, Alabama 35226 ------------------------------------------- Telephone (205) 335-2785 Facsimile (866) 383-7009 e-mail: PRESENT POSITION Professor School of Education University of Alabama at Birmingham ( CURRENT RESPONSIBILITIES Internal Evaluator: UAB ADVANCE grant funded through the National Science Foundation Internal Evaluator: McNair Scholars program funded by the U.S. Department of Education External Evaluator: Project EQUAL funded by the U.S. Department of Education Evaluator: UAB Science and Technology Honors Program Evaluator: University 101 program at UAB Evaluator: Supercomputing 2007, National Education Program Evaluator: Teragrid 2007, National Education Program UAB Quantitative Literacy Task force (Appointed by the Interim Associate Provost for Undergraduate Programs as School of Education representative) UAB Faculty Enrichment Task Force (Appointed by the Associate Provost Office for Faculty Development and Faculty Affairs as School of Education representative) Chair of Faculty Coordinating Committee for the UAB School of Education Teaching and scholarly activities in the School of Education RECENT FACULTY RESPONSIBILITIES Local Site Coordinator for the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association in November 2006 hosted by the UAB School of Education; Past President of this 6 state regional research association Chair of Faculty Development Committee - Developed and implement a mentoring program for junior faculty in the School of Education. All who participated have now been tenured before or in 2006 EDUCATION University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama Major: Educational Psychology Minor: Educational Research Ph.D. 1981 University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama M.A. 1973 Master of Arts in Counseling Birmingham Southern College Birmingham, Alabama Major: Mathematics Minor: English B.A. 1969 FACULTY APPOINTMENTS Professor School of Education Senior Research Scientist, Center for Educational Accountability University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor, School of Education Research Scientist-Center for Educational Accountability University of Alabama at Birmingham Director of Research and Evaluation, School of Education Coordinator, Measurement and Research Program Assistant Professor in Human Services in Education School of Education University of Alabama at Birmingham 1999 to present 1991-1999 1982 - 1991 Assistant Professor Counseling Department School of Education University of Montevallo Montevallo, Alabama 1981 - 1982 Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant The University of Alabama 1979 - 1981 High School Counselor Melbourne High School Melbourne, Florida 1973- 1977 Secondary Mathematics Teacher Cape May Court House New Jersey 1969- 1972 PROFESSIONAL HONORS Recipient of the Outstanding Award for Service to Digital Equity (March, 2006). International Society of Information Technology in Education. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Information Technology in Orlando, Florida. Recipient of the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (April, 2004). School of Education, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Recognized as the “Outstanding Contributor in Supercomputing” in the State of Alabama (2001). Award made by Alabama Supercomputing Program to Inspire [C]omputational Research in Education. Evaluation of the Alabama Supercomputing Program to Inspire Research in Education for Gender Equity. (July 2000). The ASPIRE program was recognized as a “Promising Program for Females in Math, Science, and Technology.” Recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, Gender Equity Expert Review Panel. Evaluation reports from over 100 programs were submitted and the ASPIRE program was 1 of 5 in the U.S. that was designated this recognition. Outstanding Evaluation Report for Instructional Research in 1991, American Educational Research Association, Division H (1991). Title: Longitudinal Assessment of Mathematics and Science Teaching: Grades K-3 Lyman Award for Outstanding Article in the American Journal of Pharmacy Education (1990). Title: A Reliable and Valid Instrument for Evaluation of Doctor of Pharmacy Student Performance in Clerkships. (with D. Beck) Outstanding Evaluation Report in 1981, American Educational Research Association, Division H (1981). (with J.E. McLean and B. Chissom) Title: Health through Science Program-Title IV-C Selected for inclusion in Outstanding Young Women in America, (1986). National Professional Leadership Award, Association for Humanistic Education and Development (A Division of the American Association for Counseling and Development) presented at the annual meeting, Washington, D.C. (1983). HONORS RECEIVED BY GRADUATE STUDENTS Grace Jepkemboi- recipient of a $20,000 International Fellowship AAUW to conduct doctoral dissertation data in Kenya Moayad Washesh-“ Outstanding Dissertation Award” (2006) Association for Health Promotion Professionals Susan Seay- “Outstanding Dissertation Award” (2006) Mid-South Educational Research Association GRADUATE STUDENT COMMITTEES Served as the research design/methodology committee member on over 70 doctoral and Masters committees in Early Childhood, Educational Leadership, Administration of Higher Education, Physical Therapy, Health Promotion, and Nursing at UAB as well as on doctoral committees at The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Department of Higher Education and Educational Psychology. COURSES TAUGHT EPR 363 - Foundations of Education II EPR 596 – Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods EPR 688 - Seminar on Current Issues: Measurement and Evaluation EPR 607 - Microcomputer Applications to Statistical Analysis EPR 608 - Statistical Methods and Action Research EPR 609 - Statistical Methods and Research in Education: Intermediate EPR 710 - Computer Applications and Advanced Statistical Methods EPR 793 - Doctoral Seminar in Research Evaluation and Design EPR 796 - Qualitative Research: Doctoral Seminar GRANTS AND CONTRACTS McNair Scholars at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (2004-2006). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Role: Internal Evaluator. Award Amount: $660,000. Project EQUAL (2002-2007). Funded by the Office of English Acquisition, U.S. Department of Education. Role: Assisted in writing the proposal and serves as Project Evaluator. Award Amount: $1,347,654. EdGrid Outreach (2003-2005). Addendum to a Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers for Technology (PT3) Shodor Educational Foundation. Funded by the U.S, Department of Education. Role: Principal Investigator. Award Amount: $65,000 New Teachers for New Students (2001-2005). Funded by the Office of Bilingual Education, U.S. Department of Education. Role: Assisted in writing the proposal and served as Project Evaluator. Amount: $644,143. Project ACCESS: A Training Program for Working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (2001-2005). Funded by the Office of Bilingual Education, U.S. Department of Education. Role: Assisted in writing and served as Project Evaluator. Award Amount: $555,690. GK-12 EdGrid Graduate Teaching Fellows Program (2001-2005). Funded by the National Science Foundation in collaboration with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, EOT-PACI. Role: PI for UAB and Co-PI for the collaborative grant. Amount of total award: $1,499,768; amount of sub-award: $355,000 EdGrid- Modeling and Visualization for Pre-service Teachers (2000-2004). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, in collaboration with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, EOT-PACI. Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $170,000. Learning in a New Kind of School [LINKS] (2000-2003). 21st Century Learning Communities Grant awarded to the Jefferson County board of Education. Funded by the U. S. Department of Education. Role: assisted in writing proposal and Project Evaluator. Award Amount: $1,999,000. Listed as 1 of top 10 proposals of the 3,500 submitted. (Letter received from U.S. Department of Education) Evaluation of the ASPIRE Program (1993-2000). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Subcontract with the University of Alabama at Huntsville Role: Evaluator. Award Amount: $120,000 per year during the seven-year funding period. Evaluation of Re-Creating Teacher Education Program (1998). Funded by the BellSouth Foundation. Role: Project Evaluator. Award Amount: $250,000. Evaluation of the Alabama Reading Initiative (1998). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Role: Assisted in writing and served as Principal Investigator in Year 1. Amount: $105,000. Use of Tactiles with the Visually Impaired at the Birmingham Museum of Art (1995). Funded by the Birmingham Museum of Art. Role: Principal Investigator/Evaluator. Amount: $3,000. Evaluation of the Mentally Tough Program, LGE Sports Science, Inc. (1995-1996). Role: Evaluator. Award Amount: $6,600. Renaissance Group. Achieving Gender Equity in Education (1995). Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Amount: $3,500. Evaluation of the Hands-On Science Project, Huntsville City and Madison County Schools (1993-1996). Funded by the National Science Foundation. Subcontract with the University of Alabama at Huntsville. Role: Assisted in writing and served as Project Evaluator. Award Amount: $600,000. Evaluation of the Hands-On Science Project, Decatur City and Scottsboro City Schools (19931995). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Subcontract with the University of Alabama at Huntsville Role: Evaluator. Award Amount: $$60,000 per year. Evaluation of the Hands-On Science Project, Decatur City and Scottsboro City Schools (19931995). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Subcontract with the University of Alabama at Huntsville Role: Evaluator. Award Amount: $60,000 per year. Longitudinal Assessment Project- K-3 Math and Science In-service Programs (1990-1991). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Conducted statewide assessment of the effects of summer inservice training on actual teaching practice. Role: Principal Investigator. Award Amount: $57,000. Successful Mathematics Teaching for the Middle Grades (1989). Funded by the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, administered by Southeastern Educational Laboratory Research Triangle Park, N.C. Role: Principal Investigator. Award Amount: $5,000. A Valid, Reliable and Cost Effective Mechanism for Evaluating Patient Presentations (1988). UpJohn Company. Role: Statistical Consultant. Amount: $1,720. Effective Mathematics Teaching: Remediation Strategies, Grades K-5 (1987). Funded by the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, administered by Southeastern Educational Laboratory Research Triangle Park, N.C. Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $14,750. Alabama Computer Competency Program: Phase 2 (1986). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Roles: Assisted in writing the proposal and served as Co-Principal Investigator, Instructional Consultant, Project Evaluator. Award Amount: $200,000. Effective Mathematics Teaching Project (1986). Funded by the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, administered by Southeastern Educational Laboratory Research Triangle Park, N.C. Role: Principal Investigator. Award Amount: $17,000. State-wide Child Care Training Project (1986). Member of joint committee of individuals representing UAB and the Jefferson County Child Development Council who wrote the proposal. Funded by Alabama State Department of Education. Roles: assisted in writing the proposal, project evaluator. Award Amount: $200,000. Remediation Strategies in Mathematics (1985). Funded by the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, administered by Southeastern Educational Laboratory Research Triangle Park, N.C. Role: Principal Investigator. Award Amount: $10,000. Alabama Teacher Computer Competency Program - Hands-on Component (1985). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Roles: participated in writing proposal and served as project evaluator. Award Amount: $22,000. Alabama State Computer Competency Program(1985). Proposal written by committee, 19841985. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Roles: participating in writing and implementation of the grant developed assessment instrument used for the 18,000 teachers in the state of Alabama, and project evaluator. Amount: $200,000. The Development and Implementation of a Three-Year Modern Technology Program for a Secondary School (1984). Contract with Midfield Board of Education, Midfield, Alabama. Program implemented in the 1984–1985 school year. Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $13,000. Improving Testing through the Use of the Microcomputer (1983). Funded by Title III School of Education, University of Alabama at Birmingham. (intramural) Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $2,700. Validation of Microcomputer Software (1983). Title III School of Education, University of Alabama at Birmingham. (intramural) Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $2,700. The Use of the Microcomputer in Math Remediation (1983). University of Alabama at Birmingham, Faculty Research Grant. Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $1,000. EVALUATION REPORTS Abbott, G. (2006). Evaluation of the UAB Science and Technology Honors Program. Abbott,G, (2006). Evaluation of University 101 at UAB. Abbott, G. & Littleton, R. (2006). Evaluation of Project EQUAL: Annual Report. Office of English Language Acquisition, U. S. Department of Education Abbott, G. & Littleton, R. (2005). Evaluation of New Teachers for New Students: Final Report. Office of English Language Acquisition, U. S. Department of Education. Abbott, G. & Littleton, R. (2005). Evaluation of Project ACCESS: Final Report. Office of English Language Acquisition, U. S. Department of Education. Abbott, G. & Littleton, R.(2005) Evaluation of the New Teachers for New Students Program: Final Report. Office of English Language Acquisition, U. S. Department of Education. Abbott, G. & Littleton, R. (2005). Evaluation of Project EQUAL: Annual Report. Office of English Language Acquisition, U. S. Department of Education. Abbott, G. & Littleton, R. (2005). Evaluation of the EdGrid: Graduate Teaching Fellows Program in Modeling and Visualization for K-12: Final Report Abbott, G. & Littleton, R. (2004). Evaluation of Project EQUAL: Annual Report. Office of English Language Acquisition, U. S. Department of Education. Abbott, G & Littleton, R. (2002) Biennial Report- Project ACCESS. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition. Abbott, G & Littleton, R. (2002). Biennial Report: New Teachers for New Students. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition. Abbott, G. (1995-2000). Evaluation of the Alabama Supercomputing Program to Inspire Research in Education. (Alabama K-12 Supercomputing Program). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Abbott, G. (1996). Evaluation of the Alabama Supercomputing Program to Inspire Research in Education for Gender Equity. Submitted to the Gender Equity Expert Review Panel for consideration as a Promising or Exemplary Program for Females, the U.S. Department of Education (1994-96). Selected as a Promising Program for Gender Equity. Multiple Authorship. (1999) Evaluation of the Alabama Reading Initiative. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Multiple Authorship. Abbott, G. & Hester, D. (1998-1999). Evaluation of Developing Educational Leaders for the 21st Century (1999). Funded by the BellSouth Foundation under the Re-Creating Colleges of Teacher Education Program. Award Amount: $250,000. Abbott, G. (1996). Evaluation of the Alabama Strategic Teaming for Advancing the Readiness of Teachers. Funded by the National Science Foundation. Award Amount: $200,000 Abbott, G. (1994). Evaluation of the Alabama High Performance Computation in Mathematics and Science (1994). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Abbott, G. (1993-1996) Evaluation of the Hands-On Science Project, Huntsville City and Madison County Schools (1993-1996). Funded by the National Science Foundation. Subcontract with the University of Alabama at Huntsville. Role: Assisted in writing and served as Project Evaluator. Award Amount: $600,000. Abbott, G. (1992-1995). Evaluation of the Hands-On Science Project for Scottsboro and Decatur City Schools. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Abbott, G. (1991). Longitudinal Assessment of Mathematics and Science Teaching: Grades K-3. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Named “Outstanding Evaluation Report in Instructional Research”AERA, Division H. Abbott, G. (1989).Evaluation of Successful Mathematics Teaching Workshop. Funded by the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, and administered by Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Abbott, G. (1989). Evaluation of Substance Abuse in Mountain Brook, AL School System. Abbott, G. (1986-87). Effective Mathematics Teaching Project Evaluation. Funded by the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, and administered by Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Abbott, G. (1986-87). Evaluation of the Alabama Computer Competency Program (1986-87). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. McLean, J., Chissom, B. & Abbott, G. (1980). Validation Report of the Health Through Science Project (Title IV-C) Muscogee County Schools, Columbus, GA. Later was validated by the Joint Dissemination Review Panel. Named “Outsanding Evaluation Report” (1981) by AERA, Division H. Multiple Authorship. (1980). Evaluation Report of the Greensboro ESAA Basic Skills Project, Greensboro Public Schools, Greensboro, N.C. SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES Books Abbott, G., Wilson, B.,Scott, K.,& Dorough. L. (1990). Successful Mathematics Teaching for the Middle Grades (1990). Funded by the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, administered by Southeastern Educational Laboratory Research Triangle Park, N.C. (with B. Wilson, K. Scott, & L. Dorough) Abbott, G. (1987). Effective Mathematics Teaching: Remedial Strategies, Grades K-5. Funded by the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement,and administered by Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC. Abbott, G. (1986). Effective Mathematics Teaching: A handbook for classroom teachers (1986). Sevgo Press: Tuscaloosa, AL. Book Chapters Abbott, G., Bievenue, L., Damarin, S., Kramarae, C., Strawn, & C. Sosa, T. Gender Equity in Education Handbook (Klein, S. ed., in press, March 2007) Lead Author for chapter titled “ Gender Equity in Use of Information, Instructional, and Educational Technology.” (Peer Reviewed) Burger, C.; Abbott, G. & Bievenue, L. (ed. Klein, S., in press, March 2007)). Gender Equity in Education Handbook Lead Author for chapter titled “Gender Equity in Science, Engineering, and Technology” (Peer Reviewed) Papalewis, R., Abbott, G., Brown, G., & Irby, B. (1996). Achieving Gender Equity in Education. In the Fifth Yearbook of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. Lancaster: Technomic Publishing. Monographs Clayton, G. Abbott (1990). Adolescents at Risk: A profile of suicidal adolescents. U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, administered by Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC. (funded) Clayton, G. Abbott, McEntire, E., & O’Sullivan, P. (1986). Effective remediation strategies in mathematics. Research Project No. 06-001. U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, administered by Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC. (funded) Abbott, G. A., & McEntire, E. (1985). Effective remedial strategies in mathematics. Occasional papers in educational policy analysis. Paper No. 4117A. U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, administered by Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC. (funded) Invited Papers/Presentations Abbott, G. (2000). Opportunities for Enhancing Equity in Classrooms through Use of Modeling and Visualization, Proceedings of the Workshop to Integrate Computer-based Modeling and Scientific Visualization in K-12 Teacher Education Programs, Arlington, VA. Abbott, G. (1998). Assessment in Computational Science. Supercomputing ’98. Orlando, FL. Abbott, G. (1994). Women and Science. Southeastern Association of the American Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA. Goldman, R. & Abbott, G. (1988). Sexual Abuse of the Mentally Retarded Presented at the Eighth International Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency. Dublin, Ireland. Abbott, G. (1988). Standards for Evaluating Testing Instruments: An examination of psychometric properties. Presented to the Alabama Association of Nurse Educators. Birmingham, AL. Articles in Refereed Journals International Fisher, J. E. & Abbott, G. (2005). A Computer Scientist Becomes a Teacher in the GK-12 Teaching Fellows Program: A Three-year Situated Case Study. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Intl. Conf. Annual (16th Annual Conf., March 1-5. Phoenix, AZ), XX. Gibbs, V.K., Watts, S., Abbott, G., & Bievenue, L. (2005). Use of Inquiry with Computer Models and Visualization in an Urban 8th Grade Science Class. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Intl. Conf. Annual (16th Annual Conf., March 1-5, Pheonix, AZ), XX. Jones, W., Watts, S, Abbott, G., & Bievenue, L. (2005). Computer Modeling and Visualization in A High School Marine Biology Classroom. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Intl. Conf. Annual (16th Annual Conf., March 1- 5, Phoenix, AZ), XX. Patterson, J, Collins, L. & Abbott, G. (2003). Teacher Resilience in Urban Schools. International Conference on Learning. London, UK. National Abbott, G., Aldridge, J., & Manning , M. (2005). Standardized Test Scores of Third Graders as Related to Class and Race. (Under review) Patterson, J., Collins, L., & G., Abbott (2004). A study of teacher resilience in urban schools. The Journal of Instructional Psychology, 31 (1), 3-12. Patterson, J., Dahle, K., Nix, M., Collins, L. & Abbott,G. (Fall, 2002) Mentoring minorities and females into higher education. Advancing Women in Leadership (advancing Abbott, G., Sapp, G., Hinckley, R., & Rowell, A. (1997). Examination of the Validity of the WISC-III with Urban Exceptional Students. Psychological Reports. Beck, D., & Clayton, G. Abbott (1991). A reliable and valid instrument for evaluation of doctor of pharmacy student performance in clerkships. American Journal of Pharmacy Education. Aldridge, J., & Clayton, G. Abbott (1990). Sources of Self-Esteem: Perceptions of Education Majors. College Student Journal. Clayton, G. Abbott, & Bruess, C. (1990). A comparison of the grades of education and noneducation majors from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in selected courses. The Professional Educator. XIII, 20-22. Aldridge, J., & Clayton, G. Abbott (1989). AIDS Education and Policies among Southern Baptist Church Leaders in the State of Texas. Psychological Reports, 64, 493-494. Aldridge, J., & Clayton, G. Abbott (1989). Perceptions of Education Majors Concerning 10 Reading Content Area Techniques. Perceptional and Motor Skills, 69, 573-574. Clayton, G. Abbott, & Ellison, K. J. (1989). Substance Abuse: Rural vs. Suburban Perspectives, Grades 10-12. Alabama Association for Counseling and Development, Spring, 29-36. Clayton, G. Abbott, & McEntire, E. (1988). Competencies of an Effective Mathematics Teacher, Focus, 10, 1, 37-46. Burton, K., & Clayton, G. Abbott (Fall, 1987). The effects of a summer remedial reading program for fourth and fifth graders utilizing computer-assisted instruction, Eastern Kentucky Review, 11, 26-45. Clayton, G. Abbott, Horns V., & Brown, T. (1987). Self-concept and anxiety in middle school students living in intact, single parent and blended families. Mid-South Educational Researcher, 15, 5. Aldridge, J. T., & Clayton, G. Abbott (1987). Elementary teacher’s cognitive and affective perceptions of exceptional children. Psychological Reports, 61, 91-94. Hartwig, S., Sapp, G., & Clayton, G. Abbott (1987). Comparison of the Stanford-Binet Fourth Edition, Psychological Reports, 60, 1215-1218. Gladding, S. T., & Clayton, G. Abbott (1986). The Gladding, Lewis, and Adkins Scale of Religiosity: Differences among a sample of Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and Nonaffiliates. Psychological Reports, 59, 995-998. Clayton, G. Abbott, Horns V., & Brown, T. (1986). Self-concept and anxiety in middle school students living in intact, single parent, and blended families. Middle School Research: Selected Studies, National Middle School Administration, 1-15. Clayton, G. Abbott, Sapp, G. L., O’Sullivan, P., & Hall, L. (1986). Should WAIS-R short forms be used with vocational rehabilitation clients? Alabama Association for Counseling and Development Journal, 13, 1, 13-18. Clayton, G. Abbott, Sapp, G. L., O’Sullivan, P., & Hall, L. (1986). Comparative validity of two WAIS-R short forms with vocational rehabilitation clients. Journal of Perceptual and Motor Skills, 63, 1303-1308. Abbott, G., & Horns, V. Winter (1986). Children’s differential perceptions of maternal and stepparental childrearing practices. Alabama Association for Counseling and Development Journal, 8, 2, 14-20. Breatnoch, E., Abbott, A., & Fazer, R. G. (1984). Reply to comments on “Dimensions of the normal human trachea-data from 808 patients age 10 to 80 years.” Journal of Roentenolgy, 143, 152-153. Frazer, R. G., Breatnoch, E., & Abbott, A. (1984). Dimensions of the normal human trachea data from 808 patients aged 10 to 80 years. Journal of Roentenology, 142, 903-906. Abbott, Anne Haigler (1981). A comparison of perceived parental behavior in normal and emotionally disturbed children. Capstone Journal of Education, II, 1, 62-63. Chissom, B., & Abbott, A. (1980). Evaluation of the eighth annual meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Mid-South Educational Researcher. Abbott, G. A. (1978). Individual counseling with high risk students: A practical approach. School Counselor. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings International Abbott, G., Morrell, C., Bracey, B., Bievenue, L. & Scripa, Rose (2006). Building Intellectual Capital in Information Technology in Young Women. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Intl. Conf. Annual (17th Annual Conf., March 5-9 Orlando, FL), XX. Fisher, J. E. & Abbott, G. (2005). A Computer Scientist Becomes a Teacher in the GK-12 Teaching Fellows Program: A Three-year Situated Case Study. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Intl. Conf. Annual (16th Annual Conf., March 1-5. Phoenix, AZ), XX. Gibbs, V.K., Watts, S., Abbott, G., & Bievenue, L. (2005). Use of Inquiry with Computer Models and Visualization in an Urban 8th Grade Science Class. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Intl. Conf. Annual (16th Annual Conf., March 1-5, Pheonix, AZ), XX. Jones, W., Watts, S, Abbott, G., & Bievenue, L. (2005). Computer Modeling and Visualization in A High School Marine Biology Classroom. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Intl. Conf. Annual (16th Annual Conf., March 1- 5, Phoenix, AZ), XX. Abbott, G. & Smith, T. (March, 2004). Use of Computer Modeling and Visualization for Pre-service Teachers. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. Intl. Conf.(15th Annual Conference). Atlanta, GA. Harnisch, D., Comstock, S., Moore, S., Bruce. B., Jakobsson, E., Abbott, G., & Gabric, K. (March, 2003). Scientists become Teachers. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, Intl. Conf.,( 14th Annual Conference) Albuquerque, NM. National Abbott, G., Aldridge, J., & Manning , M. (2005). Standardized Test Scores of Third Graders as Related to Class and Race. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Montreal, Canada. Abbott, G., Austin, J., Littleton, R., Luellen, D. (November, 2004). Evaluation of Project ACCESS: “I’m A Difference Maker!” A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association. Atlanta, GA. Austin, J., Abbott, G., Froning, L., Littleton, R., Wiggins, A. (November, 2004). Providing Assistance for Non-native Speakers of English: Teacher Education Programs Must Provide the Answers! A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association. Atlanta, GA. Patterson, J., Collins, L. & G. Abbott (2003, April). Resilient urban teachers: Why do they stay? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Elementary School Principals, Anaheim, CA. Klein, S., Fox, L. & Abbott, G. (2002, November). The Role of Evaluation in an Evidence-Based Education System in Advancing Gender Equity? A paper presented at the American Evaluation Association, Washington, D.C. Gentry, E., Abbott, G., & Fisher, J. (2002, November). Lessons Learned from Graduate Teaching Fellows Program (panel). Supercomputing 2002, Baltimore, MD. Patterson, J., Collins, L. & Abbott, G. (2002, November). Resilient urban teachers: why do they stay? Paper presented at the Biennial meeting of the Great Cities Universities, New Orleans, LA. Abbott, G. (1997) Evaluation of the ASPIRE Program. Paper presented at Supercomputing ’97. San Diego, CA. Sapp, G. L., Abbott, G., Hinckley, R., & Rowell, A. (1997). WISC-III and WISC-R scores of urban students: Divergent Outcomes. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists. Anaheim, CA. Abbott, G., & Fisherman, S. (1997). Ego Identity and Ego Harmony as a Prediction of Teaching Success. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA. Abbott, G., Ziebarth, J., & Sullivan, G. (1996). Girls and Computational Science. Paper presented at Supercomputing ‘96. Philadelphia, PA. Brown, G., Irby, B., Papalewis, R., & Abbott, G. (1996). Preparing Leaders to Address Gender Equity in Schools: A Research Study. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Summer Conference of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. Corpus Christi, TX. Brown, G., Irby, B., Papalewis, R., & Abbott, G. (1996). Gender Equity in Schools: A Research Study. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association’s Special Interest Group, Research on Women in Education, Fall Conference. San Jose, CA. Abbott, G., & O’Sullivan, P. (1996). Evaluation of the Hands-on Science Project. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York, N.Y. Abbott, G. (1995). The Evaluation of the Alabama ASPIRE Program. Paper presented at the Supercomputing ’95. San Diego, CA. Abbott, G., & Ziebarth, J. (1995). Girls and Supercomputing. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA. Abbott, G., & LaRivere, P. (1991). The Tenure Clock: Does it Stop? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. Beck, D., & Abbott, G. (1990). A Valid and Reliable Instrument for Evaluation of Doctor of Pharmacy Student Performance in Clerkship. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. Abbott, G., & McEntire, E. (1985). Remedial Mathematics: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Practice. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Research Council for Diagnostic and Prescriptive Mathematics. Austin, TX. Regional/State Abbott, G. Tucker, D. & Gould, M. (2006). The Implementation and Evaluation of the UAB Science and Technology Honors Program. Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Resesrach Association, Birmingham, AL. Abbott, G. (2006). Barriers for Young Women in Information Technology. Alabama Academy of Science. Troy State University, Troy, AL. Abbott, G. & Jones, W. (2006). Evaluation of the G-K12 Teaching Fellows Program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Alabama Academy of Science. Troy State University, Troy, AL. Abbott, G., Austin, J., Froning, L., & Littleton, R. (November, 2004). Unlocking the Keys to Success for LEP Students: New Teachers for New Students. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Gatlinburg, TN. Patterson, J., Collins, L. & Abbott, G. (2002, November). Resilient urban teachers: why do they stay? Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association, Chattanooga, TN. Abbott, G., Calhoun, C., & Greene, A. (1998). Professional development of mathematics teachers using everyday mathematics curriculum. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. McLean, J., Snyder, S., Earnest, J., & Abbott, G. (1996). Teachers’ Perceptions of the Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing. A symposium presented at the annual meeting of the MidSouth Educational Research Association. Tuscaloosa, AL. Abbott, G., & Elliot, G. (1994). Publishing in the Alabama Counseling Journal. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Counseling Association. Birmingham, AL. Clayton, G., Abbott, G., & McLean, J. (1991). Validation of an Attitude Toward Science and Mathematics Scale for Early Childhood Students. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Lexington, KY. Buckley, J., Clayton, M., Abbott, G., & Mayo, V. L. (1991). Site Based Management in the Birmingham Public Schools. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Lexington, KY. Abbott, G., & Wilson, B. (1989). Successful Mathematics Teaching for the Middle Grades. Paper presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Little Rock, AR. Abbott, G. (1989). Successful Mathematics Teaching for the Middle Grades. Paper presented at the Mississippi Department of Education and the Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory. Jackson, MS. Abbott, G., & Ellison, K. J. (1988). Substance Abuse: Urban vs. Rural Perspectives of Students in Grades 10-12. Paper presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Louisville, KY. Abbott, G., Eason, M., & Crane, S. (1988). Attitudes toward Mathematics and Computers as related to Mathematics Achievement. Paper presented at the Mid- South Educational Research Association. Louisville, KY. Abbott, G., Brewton, K., & Goldman, B. (1987). Effective Mathematics Teaching: Remediation Strategies in Grades K-5. Paper presented at the Regional Conference Sponsored by the Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory. Atlanta, GA. Abbott, G., Garlikov, P., & Vacca, A. (1987). The Use of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Mathematics for Ninth Grade Remedial Students. Paper presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Mobile, AL. Abbott, G., Wilson, B., & Burton, K. (1986). Alabama Computer Competency Program: A Symposium. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research. Memphis, TN. Abbott, G., Horns, V., & Brown, T. (1986). Family Structure and its Effects on the Self-Concept and Anxiety Level of Middle School Students. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Memphis, TN. Hartwig, S., Sapp, G., & Abbott, G. (1986). A Comparison of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Form L-M and the Standford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Memphis, TN. Abbott, G., O’Sullivan, P., Sapp, G., & Hall, L. (1986). Comparative Validity of Two WAIS-R Short Forms with Vocational Rehabilitation Clients. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Memphis, TN. Abbott, G., Garlikov, P., & Vacca, A. (1986). The Use of Computer Assisted Instruction as a Supplement in 8th Grade Mathematics Instruction. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Memphis, TN. Abbott, G., Horns, V., & Chalker, R. (1985). State and Trait Anxiety in Elementary, Middle and High School Children Living in Intact, Blended and Single Parent Families. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Biloxi, MS. Abbott, G., Connell, P., & Elliot, G. (1985). Cognitive and Personality Characteristics of High School Students as related to Mathematics Achievement. Paper presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Biloxi, MS. Abbott, G. & Burton, K. (1985). The Effects of A Summer Remedial Reading Program for Fourth and Fifth Graders Utilizing Computer-Assisted Instruction. Paper presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Biloxi, MS. Abbott, G. (1984). Use of Microcomputers in a Summer Remedial Math Program. Paper presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. Abbott, G., & Horns, V. (1984). Children’s Differential Perceptions of Maternal and StepParental Childrearing Practices. Paper presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. Abbott, G., & Horns, V. (1983). A Comparison of Perceived Parental Behavior in StepChildren as Compared to that of Children in Intact Homes. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Nashville, TN. Abbott, G., & Connell, P. (1983). The Use of the Microcomputer for Remediation of Mathematics Skills. This paper was submitted to the “Outstanding Paper” competition and received the “Runner-up Award for Outstanding Paper”. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Nashville, TN. Abbott, G., Connell, P., & McLean, J. (1982). Minimum Competency Testing: Inception through Remediation. Paper presented at the Alabama Personnel and Guidance Association. Mobile, AL. Retrospective Reports of Parental Childrearing Behavior: A Profile Analysis. Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Lexington, KY. McLean, J., Chissom, B, & Abbott, G. (1979-1980). Validation Report of the Health Through Science Project, Muscogee County School District, Columbus, Georgia. Paper presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. Lexington, KY. Evaluation Report of the 1978- 1979 Health Through Science Title IV-C Project. For Muscogee County School District, Columbus, Georgia. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. Multiple authorship. Evaluation Report of the 1978-79 Greensboro ESAA Basic Project, for Greensboro Public Schools, Greensboro. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. Multiple authorship. Evaluation Report of the 1978-79 Communication Activities Skills Project (CASP). For Richmond County School District. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Meeting of MidSouth Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. Multiple authorship. Abbott,G. & Newby, L. B. (1979). An Innovative Program Evaluation: Description of the Project. Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Little Rock, AR. Videotaped Presentations (wrote script and edited) Abbott, G. & Attias, S. (2000). ASPIRE to Excellence: The Alabama Supercomputing Program to Inspire computational Research in Education. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program, administered by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education Middle School Mathematics: Motivation (1989). Executive Producer. Funded by Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC. Middle School Mathematics: Time Management (1989). Executive Producer. Funded by Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC. Middle School Mathematics: Model Lesson Utilizing Problem-solving Skills (1989). Executive Producer. Funded by Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC. Effective Mathematics Teaching (1987). Executive Producer. Wrote script and supervised production. Funded by Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC. Computers: Classroom Management (1986). Assisted in writing script and participated in production. Funded by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. (with S. Crane and D. Williamson). PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS AND POSITIONS American Educational Research Association (1982-present) Professors of Educational Research, Special Interest Group, Secretary-Treasurer, 1996-1998, 1999-2001. Research on Women in Education, a Special Interest Group, Member at Large, 19951996. Treasurer, 1993-1995. Hosted the annual meeting of RWE in Birmingham, AL, 1995. Mid-South Educational Research Association: Member (1978 to present) Past President 1992 President 1991 President-Elect 1990 Secretary Treasurer 1987-1990 Kappa Delta Pi (Educational Honorary) American Evaluation Association, 2000 to present, Member Teachers of English as a Second Language, 2000 to present, Member Member of National Advisory Committee for the Education Program for Supercomputing ‘95 and Supercomputing; ’96, 1995-96 Alabama Counseling Association, Co-Editor of Alabama State ACA journal, 1993-1995; member 1982-to present