Land Test Study Guide Windbreaks: SOIL What is soil and what is it made of? Inorganic Fertilizer vs. Organic Fertilizers, 3 types: Farmers Markets: Describe each soil layer. PESTICIDES Pests: Soil Texture What are the three different sizes of soil particles? What do pesticides do and what are some different types? What is porosity and permeability? DDT and its effects: Describe loam soil. Who is Rachel Carson? FARMING What is high input farming? Organophosphates, Malathion: What are the pros and cons of high input farming? Pros Cons State the pros and cons of Pesticides and their use: Pros What is sustainable/low input agriculture? Cons What are the pros and cons of sustainable/low input agriculture? Pros Describe Pesticide regulation: Cons What is integrated pest management? Describe organic farming. Pesticide Alternatives: Describe the characteristics of the Green Revolution. Genetically Modified Organisms, usage, pros, & cons: Farming Techniques/Products Terracing: Contour Farming: WASTE DISPOSAL Solid Waste: Mining and industry waste: Strip Cropping: Municipal Solid waste: Surface Mining Reclamation and Control Act: Disposal options Open Dump, Ocean Dumping, Landfills, Exporting, Incineration: FORESTS Types of Forest: Trash as energy? Wuuut? Management Types: What’s integrated waste management? How is it beneficial? Harvesting Techniques: MINING What are minerals, and why are they used? Surface Fires: What are ores? How are mineral deposits found? Crown Fires: Surface Mining Ground Fires: Open Pit Mining: Protecting forests from fires: Dredging: Health Forest initiative: Area strip mining: LAND AGENCIES -Study Your Jigsaw Activity!!! Mountain Top Removal: -NPS, NFS, Wilderness Areas, Wildlife Refuges, Marine Sanctuaries, BLM Cyanide Heap Leaching: Subsurface Mining Environmental Damage from mining: