SAMPLE READING FIRST SCHEDULES These sample schedules, selected from Georgia’s Reading First schools, illustrate the range of possibilities available to educators as they seek to implement Reading First within their own instructional contexts. The schedules are organized by grade level. At each grade, examples of self-contained and push-in approaches are provided. In addition, some of the schedules are for individual teachers while others show how the activities of several teachers at the same grade level are coordinated. Kindergarten Daily Schedule This kindergarten teacher has the support of a paraprofessional for small-group time. Notice that differentiated instruction occurs during workshop time. Also notice that there are three read-alouds each day. 7:308:10 8:108:40 8:409:30 9:309:50 9:5010:00 10:0010:15 10:1511:00 11:0011:15 11:1512:15 12:1512:45 12:451:10 1:102:00 2:002:20 2:202:50 Arrival, Breakfast, Attendance Math Calendar Math Lesson Core Read-aloud: comprehension strategies; oral comprehension; print-book awareness, story discussion, story selection vocabulary (RED) Snack and Bathroom break Vocabulary: pre-teaching, functional definitions, sentence usage, correlates with red section (BLUE) Whole Group Phonics (GREEN) Warming up, phonological and phonemic awareness, alphabetic knowledge, pre-decodable and decodable books, poem read-aloud Writing/Grammar (BLUE) Word analysis, writing process strategies, grammar, usage, mechanics Workshops Includes: independent reading, listening center, working with letters and words, computer Every 15 minutes groups rotate to the next center until completing all activities (Teacher works with a group, paraprofessional works with a group and other group works on independent activities) Lunch Read-aloud Handwriting/other language activities Rotation: M-Computer, T-Media Center, W-Phys. Ed., Th-Phys. Ed, F-Art Recess Science/Social Studies – Theme related read-aloud Intervention 2:503:00 Summarize, pack up backpacks, clean up Kindergarten Instructional Schedule To facilitate work with a push-in teacher, this kindergarten teacher begins the day with small group work and then conducts traditional starting activities. Also notice that the use of centers allows for intervention time with the teacher. Time 9:00-9:45 Instruction Small Groups: (Two teachers and one paraprofessional) -Small group reading -Core activities (wordless picture books, alphabet review, etc.) -Practice books -Leveled Readers 9:45-10:45 Whole Group: -Opening Routine: Morning Message and Calendar -Letter of the Day -Read-Alouds -Phonemic Awareness activities -Fluency -Big Book 10:45-11:20 Centers: -Computers -Listening Center -LeapFrog -Intensive work with teacher -Writing Center -Magnetic letters, Reading Rods -Reading Center Kindergarten Schedule This kindergarten teacher has the support of a paraprofessional. Notice that all children have time for whole group, needs-based groups, and intervention. Notice that specials are blocked to allow collaborative planning time. 7:30 – 8:10 8:108:20 8:20 – 10:45 8:20 – 9:00 9:00 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:45 10:45 – 11:20 11:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 12:45 12:45 – 1:15 1:15 – 1:45 1:45 – 2:00 2:00 – 2:15 2:15 – 2:45 2:45 – 3:00 Arrival, breakfast, attendance, morning work &/or journals News Reading First Whole Group/Core Calendar, morning message, read-aloud, phonemic awareness, phonics, high frequency words Needs-based groups (three group rotation – teacher-led group, parapro-led group, independent group) – high frequency words, phonics library, initial sound activities, leveled reading, word pattern boards, revisit literature, journals Whole Group/Core vocabulary development, practice book, summarize, review Specials (Art, Music, PE, Lab) Cooperative planning time with kindergarten teachers Lunch Recess Health/ SS/ Science (Theme related) Math Centers Three-Group Rotation (teacher-led group, parapro-led group, independent group) – hands-on activities, math-related computer games, manipulatives, practice book Whole-Group/Reading Summarize & review Reading Intervention Groups initial sounds fluency, phonemic awareness, phonics, etc. Snack/ Rest time Dismissal Kindergarten Schedule Notice here how a group of 5 kindergarten teachers have shared push-in resources. Wholeand small-group time is different for different classrooms and matched to the degree of needs of the children. Transition time is built in for adults who move from room to room. K Teacher 1 8:15-9:05 50 minutes Small Group 3 Adults 9:05-10:00 55 minutes Small Group 2 Adults 10:00-10:40 40 minutes Whole Group Total Whole Group 40 minutes Total Small Group 95 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes K Teacher 2 8:15-9:15 60 minutes Small Group 3 Adults 9:15-9:55 40 minutes Whole Group K Teacher 3 8:15-10:00 105 minutes Whole Group 10:00-10:45 45 minutes Small Group 3 Adults 10:00-10:45 45 minutes Small Group 3 Adults Total Whole Group 40 minutes Total Small Group 105 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes Total Whole Group 105 minutes Total Small Group 45 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes K Teacher 4 8:15-9:00 45 minutes Whole Group K Teacher 5 8:15-9:10 45 minutes Whole Group 9:00-9:55 55 minutes Small Group 2 Adults 9:55-10:30 35 minutes Whole Group 9:10-10:00 50 minutes Small Group 3 Adults 10:00-10:30 30 minutes Whole Group Total Whole Group 80 minutes Total Small Group 55 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes 12:00-12:30 30 minutes Whole Group Total Whole Group 105 minutes Total Small Group 50 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes Kindergarten Schedule Notice that these three kindergarten teachers stagger their small-group needs-based time so that they can share one push-in teacher. The teacher, the specialist, and the paraprofessional each teach different parts of the literacy diet, with children rotating through each of three stations. Class A and Class B 8:25 Whole Group – Phonemic Awareness 10:00 Phonics Fluency (poems, chants, songs, nursery rhymes, re-reads) Shared Literature Rich read-alouds -Vocabulary -Comprehension Shared Writing Class C 8:25 – Whole Group 9:15 Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency (poems, chants, songs, nursery rhymes, re-reads) 9:15 – 10:00 10:00 Small Group Rotations 10:00 – Needs-Based – 10:45 Instruction 10:45 Group 1 (Teacher) ISF and PA Group 2 (EIP Teacher) Phonics and decoding Group 3 (Parapro) LNF Dictation of letters and sounds Small Group Rotations Needs-Based Instruction Group 1 (Teacher) ISF and PA Group 2 (EIP Teacher) Phonics and decoding Group 3 (Parapro) LNF Dictation of letters and sounds Shared Literature Rich Read-alouds -Vocabulary -Comprehension Shared Wriring Class D and Class E 8:30 – Small Group 9:15 Rotations/NeedsBased Instruction Group 1 (Teacher) ISF and PA Group 2 (EIP Teacher) Phonics and decoding Group 3 (Parapro) LNF Dictation of letters and sounds 9:15 – Whole Group 10:45 Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency (poems, chants, songs, nursery rhymes, rereads) Shared Literature Rich read-alouds -Vocabulary -Comprehension Shared Writing Kindergarten Schedule This kindergarten teacher uses both a paraprofessional and a student to monitor structured activities during needs-based time. During that hour, children move through four stations, all but one monitored by an adult. If children need intensive intervention, they get that during social studies time. 8:00 – 8:30 8:30 – 9:30 9:30 – 10:15 10:15 – 11:05 11:17 11:47 11:50 – 12:20 12;20 – 12:30 12:30 – 1:10 1:10 – 2:00 2:00 – 2:15 2:15 – 2:25 2;25 – 2:35 2:35 2:45 Morning Procedures, Attendance, Sign-in, write date, letter preview, and Alphafriend song Literacy/Reading Centers Teacher-led Small Group: Oral language activities, phonics, vocabulary, reading Paraprofessional: Practice page and Phonics center Student Helper: Writing and Listening center Independent Group: Book center and various others depending on theme The Daily News, Daily phonemic awareness, read-aloud, reading comprehension activities, word work, letter reinforcement activities Saxon Math Lunch Guided Recess Bathroom and water LAMP (library, art, music, PE) Social Studies, Science, Health, Center, Individual Interventions Snack, bathroom, pack Journals Review time Car Dismissal Bus Dismissal Kindergarten Schedule Notice that this teacher has taken the core reading series and divided the time into two segments each day, one part taught by the teacher and the other taught by the paraprofessional. Both teach at the same time, maximizing student engagement. There are two separate small-group rotations, one including an independent literacy center and one with the support of a specialist who pushes in to provide intervention. 8:30 – 9:15 9:15 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:45 10:55 – 11:25 Teacher Group 1 Phonemic Awareness Phonics Comprehension Group 2 Phonemic Awareness Phonics Comprehension Target Group (small-group rotation) Small Groups – Needs-based Paraprofessional Group 2 Fluency Vocabulary Group 1 Fluency Vocabulary Target Group (small-group rotation) Small Groups – Needs-based Literacy Centers Intervention (EIP teacher) Small Groups – Needsbased Kindergarten Schedule These kindergarten teachers have the support of paraprofessionals who work with students to develop automaticity in basic skills. Notice that they use literacy work stations to keep their group sizes small. Time All Kindergarten Classes 8:10-9:00 (50 min.) Whole Group Instruction Morning Message Phonemic Awareness Read-Aloud/Shared Lit. Phonics Small Group Instruction (Teacher) Phonics Skills Phonemic Awareness Pre-decodable Books Independent Readers Approximate Time 10 min. 15 min. 10 min. 15 min, Dimension Vocab., phonics, fluency Phonemic Awareness Vocab., Comprehension Phonics Small Group Instruction (Paraprofessional)) Fluency Sight words Letter Naming Fluency Letter sounds Literacy Work Stations Listening Reading Corner ABC/Word Study Computer Big Books Writing Retelling Whole Group Instruction Read-Aloud Choral Reading Circle Time/Wrap-up Approximate Time 15 min. 10 min. 15 min. Dimension Vocabulary, phonics Fluency Oral language, vocabulary 9:00-9:45 (45 min.) (15 min. rotations) 9:45-10:25 (40 min.) Total = 135 min. First-Grade Schedule This first-grade teacher works alone. Notice that simple literacy centers are used to allow 20 minutes of needs-based instruction for each child each day. Time 8:10-9:10 9:10-10:10 Class A, B, C Whole Group Oral Vocabulary Shared Literature Phonemic Awareness Phonics,/Spelling High Frequency Word Review Fluency (reading of poems, charts, songs) Small Group Needs-Based Instruction (3 groups, 20 min. each) Teacher Decoding and Phonics Dictation of letters and sounds Core story Leveled Readers Fluency Literacy Centers -Reading (Fluency) -Listening -Making words -Writing -Computer 10:10-10:30 Whole Group Read-aloud for Vocabulary and Comprehension strategies First-Grade Schedule This first-grade teacher works alone. Notice the number of read-alouds and the plan for diversification by genre; also notice the use of center activities to facilitate flexible groups for differentiated instruction. 8:00-8:10 8:10-9:30 8:10-8:12 8:12-8:25 8:25-8:40 Attendance, Lunch choices Language Arts Warming up Activity Phonemic Awareness – oral bending, segmentation daily Phonics – Introduction of sound/spelling card, sound/spelling story, sound/spelling drill, blending, developing oral language 8:40-8:55 Dictation and spelling – word building, etc. 8:55-9:05 Decodable Book 9:05-9:15 Comprehension – oral comprehension, etc. (RED) 9:15-9:25 Vocabulary – Word analysis (BLUE) 9:25-9:30 (Read-aloud #1 – poem or short story) 9:30-10:30 WorkshopIncludes: independent reading, listening station, word works, writing, word wall, computer (Every 15 minutes the groups rotate to their next center until completing all 4 centers) Exception: when individuals are pulled to work with the teacher 10:30Math Lesson 11:15 11:15Lunch 11:45 11:45Math Meeting 12:10 Read-aloud #2 – chapter book 12:00-1:00 Rotation 1:00-1:30 Social Studies/Science through literature (Read-aloud #3 – fiction/nonfiction) 1;30-2:00 Center activities (intervention, remediation, enrichment – based on individual needs) 2:00-2:30 Writing – Complete core reading lesson Blue section on writing process strategies/English language conventions 2:30-2:50 Recess 2:50-3:00 Read-aloud #4 – newspaper/magazine/tradebook First-Grade Schedule This first-grade teacher differentiates for students by using literacy work stations to facilitate small groups. The focus of small-group time is development of automaticity and is linked directly to DIBELS indicators. Time 8:55-9:55 (60 min,) First Grade Teachers Whole Group Instruction Shared Literature Phonemic Awareness Phonics/Spelling 9:55-10:45 (50 min.) Small Group Instruction (Teacher) 15 minute groups Phonics skills – LNF, NWF Phonemic Awareness – PSF Basal Story Decodable books Leveled Readers Sight Words 10:45-11:10 Whole Group (25 min.) Instruction Read Aloud Choral Reading Total = 135 min. Time Dimension 20 min. 15 min. Vocabulary/Comprehension Phonemic Awareness 25 min. Phonics/Decoding Literacy Work Stations (2-3 students to a station) Listening Reading Corner ABC/Word Study Retelling Writing Big Books Computer 20 min. Vocabulary, phonics 5-10 min. Fluency First-Grade Schedule Notice that this first grade teacher has the support of a special educator who works with all students for 15 minutes on basic skills. Students also work in literacy centers. Time First Grade Teacher Time Dimension 8:55-9:55 (60 min.) Whole Group Instruction Shared Literature Phonemic Awareness Phonics/ Spelling Approximate Time 20 min. 15 min. 25 min. Dimension Comprehension, vocabulary Phonemic Awareness Phonics/ Decoding 9:55-10:45 (50 min.) Small Group Instruction (Teacher) Basal story Leveled Readers Sight Words Small Group Instruction (Special Ed. Teacher) Phonics Skills – LNF, NWF Phonemic Awareness Decodable Readers Approximate Time 20 min. 5-10 min. Literacy Work Stations (2-3 students per station) Listening Reading Corner ABC/Word Study Computer Big Books Writing Retelling Dimension Vocabulary, phonics Fluency (15 min. rotations) 10:45-11:10 (25 min.) Whole Group Instruction Read-Aloud Choral Reading Total = 135 min. First-Grade Schedule These five first-grade teachers share two push-in specialists, so they stagger their needsbased instruction. 1 Teacher 1 8:30-9:15 45 minutes Whole Group 9:15-10:00 45 minutes Small Group 3 Adults 10:15-11:00 45 minutes Whole Group 1 Teacher 2 8:30-10:00 90 minutes Whole Group 1 Teacher 3 8:30-9:00 30 minutes Whole Group 9:30-10:05 35 minutes Whole Group 10:00-10:45 45 minutes Small Group 3 Adults Total Whole Group 90 minutes Total Small Group 45 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes Total Whole Group 90 minutes Total Small Group 45 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes 10:05-11:00 55 minutes Small Group 2 Adults 11:00-11:20 20 minutes Whole Group Total Whole Group 85 minutes Total Small Group 55 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes 1 Teacher 4 8:45-9:30 45 minutes Whole Group 9:30-10:05 35 minutes Small Group 2 Adults 10:05-11:00 55 minutes Small Group 1 Adult 1 Teacher 5 8:15-9:00 45 minutes Whole Group 9:30-10:05 35 minutes Small Group 2 Adults 10:05-11:00 55 minutes Small Group 1 Adult Total Whole Group 45 minutes Total Small Group 90 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes Total Whole Group 45 minutes Total Small Group 90 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes First-Grade Schedule In this school, three classes provide needs-based instruction in flexible groups, with only one adult, while two have push-in support. Those teachers have more at-risk children. Both use simple literacy centers. Time 8:15 – 9:00 9:00 – 10:00 Class A, B, and C Whole Group Phonemic Awareness Shared Literature -Vocabulary -Comprehension Phonics/Spelling Fluency (re-reads, poems, charts) Flexible Grouping Small group differentiated instruction (Teacher pulls needsbased groups from heterogeneously grouped Literacy Centers) Time 8:15 – 9:15 9:15 – 10:00 Group 1 – Teacher -Leveled Readers -Independent Readers Pupils’ Editions -Vocabulary -Comprehension -Fluency Literacy Centers 1. Reading 2. Listening 3. Word Study 4. Writing 5. Computer 10:00 – Whole Group 10:30 Read-alouds (rich literature) -Vocabulary -Comprehension Strategies Class D and E Whole Group Phonemic Awareness Shared Literature -Vocabulary -Comprehension Phonics/Spelling Fluency (re-reads, poems, charts) Small Group Rotations Needs-based Instruction Group 2 (EIP or Sp. Ed Teacher) Phonics and decoding Decodable Readers 10:00 – 10:30 Group 3 Literacy Centers 1. Reading 2. Listening 3. Word Study 4. Writing 5. Computer Whole Group Read-alouds (rich literature) -Vocabulary -Comprehension Strategies First-Grade Schedule In order to accommodate the intervention schedule, this teacher has one small-group rotation in the morning, with the help of a paraprofessional, and another in the afternoon, with the help of both a paraprofessional and a specialist. 8:30 – 9:15 9:15 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:45 12:20 - 12:50 Teacher Group 1 Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Group 2 Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Target Group (small-group rotation) Small Groups – Needs-based Paraprofessional Group 2 Fluency Vocabulary Group 1 Fluency Vocabulary Target Group (small-group rotation) Small Groups – Needs-based Literacy Centers Intervention (Small Groups – Needs-based) Second-Grade Schedule These second-grade teachers balance whole-group time with needs-based time by using literacy centers. Groups can be formed and re-formed based on assessments. Time 8:109:10 9:1010:10 Class A, B, C, and D Whole Group Core Shared Literature -Comprehension Strategies/Skills Vocabulary/High Frequency Words Phonics/Spelling Fluency (Re-reads, poems, charts) Flexible Grouping Small group differentiated instruction (Teacher pulls needs-based groups from heterogeneously grouped Literacy Centers) Literacy Centers Reading Center Fluency Center Listening Center Writing Word Study Computer 11:3011:45 Whole Group Read-alouds (rich literature) -Vocabulary -Comprehension Second-Grade Schedule This second grade teacher works alone, teaches reading in the afternoon, and makes use of the web. Notice that comprehension strategies are part of both whole-group and small-group time. 10:50-12:30 70 min. – includes 30 min. for lunch 12:30-1:35 65 min. 1:35-2:15 45 min. Whole Group Core 30 min. – Comprehension Strategies 15 min. – Vocabulary 25 min. – Fluency Small Group Rotation 15 min. – Phonics/Decoding 15 min. – Vocabulary 15 min. – Comprehension Strategies 20 min. – Fluency Intensive Intervention Literacy Centers Phonics/Decoding Writing Workshop Teacher Core Instructional Manual/ Materials Website – Teacher Core Instructional Manual/ Materials Website – Teacher Intervention Materials Second-Grade Schedule Notice the use of literacy work stations so that children can practice and reinforce their literacy skills while the teacher works with small groups. That structure allows her to provide differentiated instruction, with more work with phonics and decodable books for those students who need it, and more work with grade-level materials for those who do not need additional phonics. Time 8:25-9:25 (60 min,) 9:25-10:25 (60 min.) Second Grade Teachers Whole Group Instruction Time Dimension Shared Literature Phonics/Spelling Choral Reading Sight Words 20 min. 15 min. 15 min. 10 min. Vocabulary/Comprehension Phonics Fluency Fluency Small Group Instruction (Teacher) Phonics skills Basal story Decodable books Leveled Readers Literacy Work Stations (2-3 students to a station) Listening Reading Corner ABC/Word Study Retelling Writing Big Books Computer 10:25-10:40 Whole Group (15 min.) Instruction Read Aloud Total = 135 min. 15 min. Vocabulary/comprehension Second-Grade Schedule These teachers have different whole-group and small-group times. Teachers with more atrisk children have more support from push-in specialists. 2 Teacher 1 8:15-9:00 45 minutes Whole Group 9:50-10:30 40 minutes Whole Group 10:30-11:20 50 minutes Small Group 3 Adults Total Whole Group 85 minutes Total Small Group 50 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes 2 Teacher 2 8:15-9:00 45 minutes Whole Group 2 Teacher 3 8:15-9:05 50 minutes Whole Group 9:00-9:55 55 minutes Small Group 1 Adult 9:55-10:35 40 minutes Small Group 2 Adults 9:05-9:50 45 minutes Small Group 2 Adults 9:50-10:05 15 minutes Small Group 1Adult 10:05-10:30 25 minutes Whole Group Total Whole Group 45 minutes Total Small Group 95 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes Total Whole Group 75 minutes Total Small Group 60 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes 2 Teacher 4 8:20-9:05 45 minutes Small Group 2 Adults 9:05-9:35 30 minutes Small Group 1 Adult 9:35-10:35 60 minutes Whole Group Total Whole Group 60 minutes Total Small Group 75 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes 2 Teacher 5 8:20-9:15 40 minutes Whole Group 9:50-10:30 40 minutes Whole Group 10:30-11:25 55 minutes Small Group 1 Adult Total Whole Group 80 minutes Total Small Group 55 minutes TOTAL TIME 135 minutes Second-Grade Schedule Time 8:109:10 Class A, B, C, and D Whole Group Core Shared Literature – Comprehension Strategies/ Skills Vocabulary/High Frequency Words Phonics/Spelling Fluency (Re-reads, poems, charts) Time 8:109:10 Class E Whole Group Core Shared Literature Comprehension Strategies/ Skills Vocabulary/High Frequency Words Phonics/Spelling Fluency (Re-reads, poems, charts) 9:1010:10 Flexible Grouping Small group differentiated instruction (Teacher pulls needs-based groups from heterogeneously grouped Literacy Centers) 9:1010:10 Small Group Rotations Needs-Based Instruction Group 1 – Teacher Leveled Readers Independent Readers Pupils’ Editions Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Literacy Centers 1. Reading Center 2. Fluency Center 3. Listening Center 4. Writing 5. Word Study 11:30- Whole Group 11:45 Read-Alouds (Rich Literature) Vocabulary Comprehension Group 2 (Sp. Ed. Teacher) Phonics and Decoding 11:3011:45 Group 3 Literacy Centers 1. Reading Center 2. Fluency Center 3. Listening Center 4. Writing 5. Word Study Whole Group Read-Alouds (Rich Literature) Vocabulary Second-Grade Schedule Notice that this second-grade teacher has carefully specified both the materials and many of the instructional strategies that will be used in wholegroup and needs-based time. This teacher has the assistance of a special educator. Time 8:25-9:25 9:25-10:25 (60 min.) Time Dimension Whole Group Instruction Shared literature Phonics/Spelling Choral Reading Sight Words Small Group Instruction (Teacher) Basal Story Leveled Readers 20 min. 15 min. 15 min. 10 min. Small Group Instruction (Sp. Ed. Teacher) Phonics Skills Sight words Decodable books Vocabulary/Comprehension Phonics Fluency Fluency Literacy Work Stations (2 students to a station) Listening Reading Corner ABC/Word Study Retelling Writing Big Books Computer 10:25-10:40 Whole Group (15 min.) Instruction Read Aloud Total = 135 min. 15 min. Vocabulary/Comprehension Third-Grade Schedule This third-grade teacher begins the day with comprehension strategy instruction and makes time for needs-based work by using both cooperative and independent activities. Notice that there are two blocks for science and social studies. 7:45-8:15 Morning Work/Write down homework Interventions (Buddy Reading) 8:10-8:20 Announcements 8:20-9:20 Whole Group -Strategy Focus -Comprehension Skill -Word Work (spelling, structural analysis, phonics, vocabulary) -Writing and Language (Grammar and Writing) 9:20Leveled Readers Needs-based Groups 10:20 -Reading Group 1 -Literacy Centers Group 2 (Fluency, Partner reading, Comprehension, Listening, Phonics, Writing, Computers) -Independent Work Group 3 (Silent Reading, Skill review) 10:20Whole Group 11:00 -Teacher Read-aloud (Comprehension, Vocabulary, Strategy Focus) -Writer’s Workshop 11:00Lunch 11:30 11:30Restroom Break 11:35 11:35Recess 11:55 11:55Water and Restroom 12:00 12:00Math 1:15 1:15-1:35 Science/Social Studies 1:35-1:40 Transition for specials 1:40-2:25 Specials (Art, Music, PE, and Lab) 2:25-2:30 Restroom 2:30-2:50 Science/Social Studies (Dismissal) Third-Grade Schedule These third-grade teachers have created time for differentiation by using centers. Notice that one center involves writing about reading, an activity perfect for third graders and very simple to plan. Time Class A, B, and C 11:10-11:30 Whole Group Read-aloud (rich literature) -Vocabulary -Comprehension 11:30-11:40 Whole Group Grammar (Core) 12:15-1:00 Whole Group Core Shared Literature -Comprehension Strategies/Skills Vocabulary Spelling/Decoding/Word Study 1:00-2:00 Small Group Rotations Needs-Based Instruction Group 1 - Core Reading with Teacher Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency Group 2 Writing about Reading Word Study Group 3 Listening Fluency (Buddy Reading, Whisper Phones, Retelling) Computer Third-Grade Schedule This third-grade teacher has the help of a special educator. Notice the strategies used to monitor independent reading while students work in the listening center. Time Class E 11:10-11:30 Whole Group Read Aloud (rich literature) -Vocabulary -Comprehension 11:30-11:40 Whole Group 12:15-1:00 1:00-2:00 Grammar (Core) Whole Group Core Shared Literature -Comprehension Strategies/Skills Vocabulary Spelling/Decoding/Word Study Small Group Rotations Needs-Based Instruction Group 1 Core Reading with Teacher -Comprehension -Vocabulary -Fluency Group 2 With Sp. Ed. Teacher Writing about Reading Working with Words Group 3 Listening Fluency (Buddy Reading, Whisper Phones, Retelling) Third-Grade Schedule During needs-based time, this teacher differentiates using the core materials – students reading at grade level can work with the core story and students reading below grade level can use the leveled readers that come with the core. Time 9:0010:00 (60 min,) Third Grade Teachers Whole Group Instruction Read Aloud Core Story Phonics/Decoding Spelling 10:0011:00 (60 min.) Small Group Instruction (Teacher) 15-20 minutes each group Core Story Leveled Readers 11:0011:15 (15 min.) Whole Group Instruction Choral Reading 135 min. Time Dimension 15 min. 30 min. 15 min. 15 min. on first day of week Small Group Instruction (Sp. Ed. Teacher) Vocabulary/Comprehension Vocabulary/Comprehension Phonics Phonics Skills Sight words Decodable books 15 min. Literacy Work Stations (2-3 students to a station) Listening Reading Corner Working with Words Retelling Writing Poetry Computer Fluency Third-Grade Schedule Notice that this teacher builds in more time for fluency and comprehension. Needs-based small groups focus on fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary rather than decoding. Time 7:30-8:15 Monday Morning Work Tuesday Morning Work Wednesday Morning Work Thursday Morning Work Friday Morning Work Fluency Reading Journals Word of the Day/DOL Fluency Reading Journals Word of the Day/DOL Fluency Reading Journals Word of the Day/DOL Fluency Reading Journals Word of the Day/DOL Fluency Reading Journals Word of the Day/DOL Word Work Word Work Word Work Word Work Word Work Vocabulary (10 min.) Spelling (10 min) Vocabulary (10 min.) Spelling (10 min) Vocabulary (10 min.) Spelling (10 min) Vocabulary (10 min.) Spelling (10 min) Vocabulary (10 min.) Spelling (10 min) Read-aloud Fluency (10 min.) Core Instruction Read-aloud Fluency (10 min.) Core Instruction Read-aloud Fluency (10 min.) Core Instruction Read-aloud Fluency (10 min.) Core Instruction *Comprehension -Vocabulary -Fluency *Comprehension -Vocabulary -Fluency *Comprehension -Vocabulary -Fluency *Comprehension -Vocabulary -Fluency 9:30-10:30 Small Groups (Teacher/Parapro, and Literacy Centers) Fluency (30 min.) Vocabulary (30 min.) Comp. (30 min.) Small Groups (Teacher/Parapro, and Literacy Centers) Fluency (30 min.) Vocabulary (30 min.) Comp. (30 min.) Small Groups (Teacher/Parapro, and Literacy Centers) Fluency (30 min.) Vocabulary (30 min.) Comp. (30 min.) Small Groups (Teacher/Parapro, and Literacy Centers) Fluency (30 min.) Vocabulary (30 min.) Comp. (30 min.) Small Groups (Teacher/Parapro, and Literacy Centers) Fluency (30 min.) Vocabulary (30 min.) Comp. (30 min.) 10:30-10:55 Grammar/Writer’s Workshop Specials Lunch Math Social Studies/Science Sustained Silent Reading/Buddy Reading Dismissal Grammar/Writer’s Workshop Specials Lunch Math Social Studies/Science Sustained Silent Reading/Buddy Reading Dismissal Grammar/Writer’s Workshop Specials Lunch Math Social Studies/Science Sustained Silent Reading/Buddy Reading Dismissal Grammar/Writer’s Workshop Specials Lunch Math Social Studies/Science Sustained Silent Reading/Buddy Reading Dismissal 8:15-9:20 Read-aloud Fluency (10 min.) Core Instruction *Comprehension -Vocabulary 10:55-11:30 12:00-12:30 12:30-1:30 1:30-2:00 1:55-2:25 2:30 Grammar/Writer’s Workshop Specials Lunch Math Social Studies/Science Sustained Silent Reading/Buddy Reading Dismissal