NAME ___________________________________ PERIOD _____ DATE _________ Reading Guide: Bone May Reveal a New Human Group (NY Times, 3/24/10) This short article describes the discovery of a new fossil which may represent a near relative of modern humans. Make note of the importance of evidence in trying to establish whether the fossil is a new species. Evidence is a critical element of all scientific work. 1. What is the evidence that the DNA isolated from the bone fragment may be a new human species? 2. Why are Krause and Paabo hesitant to call the fossil evidence of a new human species? 3. Using the diagram, how would you describe the degree of relationship among Homo erectus, modern humans, Neanderthals, and the Denisova hominin? 4. What new evidence is Paabo looking for before he concludes that the Denisova hominin is a new species? 5. What other evidence found in 2004 challenges the three migration hypothesis? 6. What is the hypothesis for the success of modern humans compared to our near relatives? 7. What future steps are scientists taking to confirm whether the Denisova fossil is truly a new species of hominins? Question for research: What is a hominin?