Plumbing TRD Level 3 Sample Pages - 4

Duration: 3 hours
1 Commission a cold- and hot-water
Plumbing systems commissioning
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
check installation prior to testing and confirm that it is in accordance with
industry requirements
commission a boosted shower installation:
soundness test to Water Regulation requirements
performance test for correct pressure and flow
demonstrate customer hand-over procedures.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate performance testing
procedures on hot and cold supplies.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Supervise learner undertaking
commissioning procedures.
• Check a boosted shower installation
to establish whether it is installed inline with industry requirements.
• Carry out soundness testing of the
installation prior to commissioning.
• Performance test the installation and
make any necessary controls
• Hand-over the commissioned system
to the customer (tutor).
• Identify faults in pre-installed
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Manufacturers’ installation instructions – shower and pump
Hydraulic and performance test equipment
Electrical connections to the system must be already made and the appliance
operational (no electrical testing required)
Faulted installation or photographs of faulted installations
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical task:
COM-2 Boosted shower.
<Author query: I presume these references throughout the Practicals
are to tests etc from outside sources and not material provided on
the CD. (If my assumption is wrong, you will need to let me know and
will need to provide the correct cross reference.)>
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 3 hours
2 Commission a macerator WC
Plumbing systems commissioning
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
check installation prior to testing and confirm that it is in accordance with
industry requirements
commission a macerator WC installation:
performance test for removal of contents from WC pan
demonstrate customer hand-over procedures.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate appliance performance
testing procedures.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Supervise learner undertaking
commissioning procedures.
• Check a macerator WC installation to
establish whether it is installed in-line
with industry requirements.
• Performance test the installation and
confirm that it is working in-line with
manufacturer requirements.
• Hand-over the commissioned system
to the customer (tutor).
• Identify faults in pre-installed
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Manufacturers’ installation instructions – macerator WC
Electrical connections to the system must already be made and the appliance
operational (no electrical testing required)
Faulted installation or photographs of faulted installations
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical task:
COM-3 Macerator type WC.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 3 hours
3 Commission an above ground
sanitary pipework system
Plumbing systems commissioning
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
check installation prior to testing and confirm that it is in accordance with
industry requirements
commission an above ground discharge system:
setting appliance water levels
soundness test to BS requirements
performance test for trap seal loss
performance test for removal of contents from WC pan.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate system performance
testing procedures.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Supervise learner undertaking
commissioning procedures.
• Check an above ground sanitation
system to confirm whether it is
installed in-line with industry
• Carry out soundness testing of the
installation prior to commissioning.
• Performance test the installation and
make any necessary controls
• Hand-over the commissioned system
to the customer (tutor).
• Identify faults in pre-installed
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Air testing equipment and performance testing kit
British Standards
Operational above ground system comprising of bath, WC and basin
Faulted installation or photographs of faulted installations
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
4 of 32
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical task:
COM-1 Above ground sanitation system.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 5 hours
1 Install, commission and
Unvented hot-water systems
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out the installation, commissioning and decommissioning of unvented
hot water systems.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the function/malfunction
and positioning of unvented control
components using demonstration rig.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Carry out the installation of an
unvented cylinder including discharge
pipework (preferred).
• Undertake the precommissioning
inspection of a system.
• Commission and performance test an
unvented hot water storage system.
• Decommission an unvented hot water
storage system.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Performance testing equipment
Manufacturers’ instructions
An unvented system to install (not essential) or alternatively undertake work
on a pre-installed system
Unvented demonstration rig (e.g. Heatrae Sadia)
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical tasks:
GCHUV 1 to 5 Gas central heating and unvented systems installation
UV-3 Unvented system – decommissioning
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 3 hours
2 Service and diagnose faults
Unvented hot-water systems
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out a service procedure on an unvented hot water storage system
including the diagnosis and rectification of faults.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the:
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– pre-service checks and testing
procedure to be carried out on
unvented hot water systems
– service procedure on an unvented
– fault diagnosis procedures for a
range of common unvented faults.
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Carry out the pre-service checks and
tests on an unvented system, which
should incorporate installation defects
(or use photographs of defective
installations during process).
• Carry out a correct service procedure
to manufacturers’ instructions on an
unvented system.
• Diagnose and rectify at least two
faults on a pre-installed system.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Performance testing equipment
Manufacturers’ instructions
An unvented system with installation faults or use of photographs and an
installation with component faults (changed between learners)
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical tasks:
UV-1 Unvented system – service procedure
UV-2 Unvented system – fault diagnostics.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 4 hours
1 Tightness testing gas supply
Gas safety
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out initial inspection of a gas pipework system prior to tightness testing
undertake tightness testing of a system in:
new properties
existing properties
identify whether systems are acceptable to put into service following
tightness testing
make recommendation on remedial actions where deficiencies in pipework
system installations are identified.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the following:
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– pre-tightness testing checks on
system pipework
– tightness testing procedures on
new and existing gas pipework
• Supervise learner gas tightness
testing practice on pre-installed
• Carry out pre-testing inspection of
gas pipework system.
• Undertake tightness testing
procedures on new and existing
• Make recommendation on whether
the installation may be put into
• Identify deficiencies in gas pipework
systems including leaks and
undertake remedial action.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools and gas testing equipment
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A completed installation comprising meter and two or more gas appliances
and (preferably) a faulted installation or alternatively photographs of faulted
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Evaluated by:
gas appliance assessments.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 2 hours
2 Purging domestic gas supplies
Gas safety
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out a purge procedure to a gas pipework system to BS requirements.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the safe gas purging
procedure to a gas pipework system.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Supervise learner carrying out purge
procedures on a pre-installed system.
• Carry out the purge procedure in a
safe manner to BS requirements.
• Confirm that the purge procedure has
been successfully completed.
• Identify any remedial action
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools and gas testing equipment
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A completed installation comprising a meter and two or more gas appliances
Evaluated by:
gas appliance assessments.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 3 hours
3 Checking and adjusting gas
Gas safety
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
adjust gas pressures at range rated appliances
check gas pressures at fixed rated appliances
check standing and working pressure at gas meter and working pressures at
appliances to confirm correct gas pipe size
confirm appliance gas rates.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the correct procedure
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– confirming pressures at gas meter
with appliances operating/not
• Carry out pressure tests at meter and
– checking gas pressures at fixed
rated appliances
• Confirm readings against BS and
manufacturers’ requirements.
– checking and adjusting gas
pressures at range rated appliances
• Confirm the gas consumption rate of
– checking gas readings taken across
the system against the BS and
manufacturers’ requirements
• Confirm whether installation is
acceptable to be put into service.
– confirm the gas consumption rate
of appliances.
• Practise until fully prepared for
• Supervise learner carrying out purge
procedures on a pre-installed system.
Hand tools and gas testing equipment
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A completed installation comprising a meter and two or more appliances
(boiler and cooker or fire) – preferably faulted installation with under-sized
pipework section
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Evaluated by:
gas appliance assessments.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 3 hours
4 Checking ventilation requirements
Gas safety
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
identify the correct type of ventilators to be used with:
permanent ventilation to open-flued boilers
ventilation to boiler compartments
confirm that ventilators provided with a particular appliance meet BS
identify a range of ventilation faults.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Identify the ventilation requirements
for a range of appliance requirements
including permanent ventilation to
open flues and boiler compartments.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Demonstrate the procedures for
checking air vents to comply with BS
• Set the learner a range of tasks to
identify ventilation requirements and
confirm that ventilators are fit for
• Supervise learner activities.
• Identify the appliance ventilation
requirements for a given installation.
• Determine whether ventilator(s)
provided by the tutor are fit for
• Identify from existing installations a
range of ventilation faults.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A range of ventilators (including incorrect type of ventilator) and appliance
instructions used in a tutor-led exercise to determine whether the ventilation
provision is suitable for the appliance installation
Evaluated by:
gas appliance assessments.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 4 hours
5 Installing open-flued pipes
Gas safety
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
confirm that a given installation is suitable for an open-flue installation
determine appropriate open-flue materials for a given installation
demonstrate correct open-flue bracketing methods
assemble and joint open-flue materials.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the key procedures for
checking that an installation location
and appliance will be able to be
served by an open flue.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Identify the processes for establishing
the required flue for a particular
• Determine the suitability of an open
flue for a given installation location.
• Identify the correct flue materials and
components for an open-flue system.
• Demonstrate assembly and jointing of
open-flue system components.
• Measure, mark out and fix open-flue
• Supervise learner activities.
• Assemble and joint open-flue pipe
and fittings.
• Identify faults on defective open-flue
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
Predetermined tutor-developed exercise (workshop) specifying appliance and
flue locations
Location for marking out and fixing brackets
Flue pipe materials to permit jointing to take place
Predeveloped exercise using faulted installation or photographs to permit
learner to identify faults on systems
Evaluated by:
gas appliance assessments.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 3 hours
6 Installing room-sealed flues
Gas safety
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
confirm that a given installation is suitable for a room-sealed flue installation
determine an appropriate room-sealed flue kit for a given installation
assemble and joint room-sealed flue kits.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the key procedures for
checking that an installation location
and appliance will be able to be
served by an room-sealed flue.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Identify the processes for establishing
the required flue for a particular
• Demonstrate assembly and jointing of
room-sealed flue system
• Supervise learner activities.
• Determine the suitability of a roomsealed flue for a given installation
• Identify the correct flue kit for a
given appliance and installation
• Assemble and joint a room-sealed
flue kit.
• Identify faults on defective roomsealed flue kits.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
Predetermined tutor-developed exercise (workshop) specifying appliance and
flue locations
Room-sealed flue kit to permit jointing to take place
Predeveloped exercise using faulted installation or photographs to permit
learner to identify faults on systems
Evaluated by:
gas appliance assessments.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 4 hours
7 Inspection and testing flue systems
Gas safety
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out the pre-testing inspection of open- and room-sealed flues
test open- and room-sealed flues for correct performance.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the:
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– pre-inspection procedures to be
completed on an open- and roomsealed flue prior to testing
• flue testing procedure for openand room-sealed flues.
• Supervise learner activities.
• Carry out the pre-inspection checks
on open- and room-sealed flues
(preferably including faulted
installations or photographs).
• Test an open- and room-sealed flue.
• Confirm that flue systems are safe to
use (or not).
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Flue testing equipment
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
Operating open- and room-sealed flues (preferably including faults or
Evaluated by:
gas appliance assessments.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
16 of 32
Duration: 3 hours
8 Dealing with unsafe situations
Gas safety
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
apply the correct procedures for dealing with a range of unsafe gas
This session may be merged with the previous pipework testing
and flue testing sessions
<Author query: Do you want to be specific and give actual
references to sessions you are referring to (ie, 7 Inspecting and
testing flue systems)? It would make it very simple for someone
unfamiliar with the structure to find exactly what you are
referring to>
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the correct procedure
for dealing with systems and
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– immediately dangerous
– at risk
– not to standard.
• Identify the typical points to be
included on any report forms/warning
• Supervise learner activities.
• Identify and classify a variety of
unsafe gas situations (preferred
practical exercise but may be
undertaken using photographs).
• Demonstrate the procedures to be
taken to make the appliance safe
including the completion of any report
forms or warning labels.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Gas pipework and flue testing equipment
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
Preferred live faulted installations or photographs
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
17 of 32
Evaluated by:
gas appliance assessments.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 4 hours
1 Install, commission and
decommission gas cookers
Gas appliances
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out the installation, commissioning and decommissioning of domestic
gas cookers.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the key installation
features on an existing gas cooker
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Demonstrate the correct appliance
commissioning and decommissioning
• Carry out the installation of a
domestic gas cooker.
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Undertake the precommissioning
inspection of a gas cooker.
• Commission and performance test a
gas cooker.
• Decommission a gas cooker.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Gas test equipment
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A suitable installation location with pre-installed gas supply – learner to make
final connections and install appliance
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical tasks:
GAI-2 Gas cooker installation
GAD-4 Gas cooker – decommissioning.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 3 hours
2 Service and diagnose faults on gas
Gas appliances
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out a service procedure on a domestic gas cooker including the
diagnosis and rectification of faults.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the:
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– pre-service checks and testing
procedure to be carried out on
domestic gas cookers
– service procedure on a gas cooker
– fault diagnosis procedures for a
range of common cooker faults.
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Carry out the pre-service checks and
tests on gas cookers, which should
incorporate installation defects (or
use photographs of defective
installations during process).
• Carry out a correct service procedure
to manufacturers’ instructions on a
gas cooker.
• Diagnose and rectify at least two
faults on a pre-installed gas cooker.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Gas testing equipment
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A gas cooker with installation faults or use photographs and an installation
with component faults (changed between learners)
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical tasks:
GASM-4 Gas cooker – service procedure
GAFD-4 Gas cooker – fault diagnostics.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
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Duration: 4 hours
3 Install, commission and
decommission gas fires
Gas appliances
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out the installation, commissioning and decommissioning of domestic
gas fires.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the key installation
features on an existing gas fire
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Demonstrate the correct appliance
commissioning and decommissioning
• Carry out the installation of a
domestic gas fire.
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Undertake the precommissioning
inspection of a gas fire.
• Commission and performance test a
gas fire.
• Decommission a gas fire.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Gas test equipment – pipework and flue system
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A suitable installation location with pre-installed gas supply – learner to make
final connections and install appliance(s)
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical tasks:
GAI-1 Gas space heater installation
GAD-3 Gas space heater – decommissioning.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
21 of 32
Duration: 3 hours
4 Service and diagnose faults on gas
Gas appliances
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out a service procedure on a domestic gas fire including the diagnosis
and rectification of faults.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the:
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– pre-service checks and testing
procedure to be carried out on
domestic gas fires
– service procedure on a gas fire
– fault diagnosis procedures for a
range of common gas fire faults.
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Carry out the pre-service checks and
tests on gas fires, which should
incorporate installation defects (or
use photographs of defective
installations during process).
• Carry out a correct service procedure
to manufacturers’ instructions on a
gas fire.
• Diagnose and rectify at least two
faults on a pre-installed gas fire.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Gas testing equipment – pipework and flue testing
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A gas fire with installation faults or use of photographs and an installation
with component faults (changed between learners)
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical tasks:
GASM-3 Gas space heater – service procedure
GAFD-3 Gas space heater – fault diagnostics.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
22 of 32
Duration: 3 hours
5 Commission and decommission gas
water heaters
Gas appliances
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out the commissioning and decommissioning of domestic gas water
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the correct appliance
commissioning and decommissioning
procedures – including the necessary
precommissioning checks and tests.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Undertake the precommissioning
inspection of a gas water heater.
• Commission and performance test a
gas water heater.
• Decommission a gas water heater.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Gas test equipment – pipework and flue system
Water performance test equipment – pressure and flow
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A suitable pre-installed gas water heater
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical task:
GAD-2 Gas water heater – decommissioning.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
23 of 32
Duration: 3 hours
6 Service and diagnose faults on gas
water heaters
Gas appliances
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out a service procedure on a domestic gas water heater including the
diagnosis and rectification of faults.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the:
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– pre-service checks and testing
procedure to be carried out on
domestic gas water heaters
– service procedure on a gas water
– fault diagnosis procedures for a
range of common gas water heater
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Carry out the pre-service checks and
tests on gas water heaters, which
should incorporate installation defects
(or use photographs of defective
installations during process).
• Carry out a correct service procedure
to manufacturers’ instructions on a
gas water heater.
• Diagnose and rectify at least two
faults on a pre-installed gas water
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Gas testing equipment – pipework and flue testing
Water performance test equipment – pressure and flow
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A gas water heater with installation faults or use of photographs and an
installation with component faults (changed between learners)
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical tasks:
GASM-2 Gas water heater – service procedure
GAFD-2 Gas water heater – fault diagnostics.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
24 of 32
Duration: 6 hours
7 Install, commission and
decommission gas boilers
Gas appliances
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out the installation, commissioning and decommissioning of domestic
gas boilers.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the key installation
features for a gas boiler installation:
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– measuring and marking out for
– installation of mounting assembly
• Carry out the installation of a
domestic gas boiler:
– installation of flue assembly/flue
pipe connection
– measure and mark out location
– mounting the appliance
– install flue assembly
– making pipework connections.
– mount the appliance
– install boiler mountings
• Demonstrate the correct appliance
commissioning and decommissioning
• Undertake the precommissioning
inspection of a gas boiler.
– make final gas connection.
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Commission and performance test a
gas boiler.
• Decommission a gas boiler.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Gas test equipment – pipework and flue system
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
The installation is preferred to be carried out on one complete appliance,
however, where space does not permit, boiler measuring and marking out
may be undertaken on a fixed-wall surface, boiler assembly and mounting as
bench work, commissioning and decommissioning on a pre-installed
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical tasks:
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
25 of 32
GCHUV 1 to 5 Gas central heating and unvented systems installation
GAD-1 Gas boilers – decommissioning.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
26 of 32
Duration: 5 hours
8 Service and diagnose faults on gas
Gas appliances
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
carry out a service procedure on a domestic gas boiler including the diagnosis
and rectification of faults.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the:
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– pre-service checks and testing
procedure to be carried out on
domestic gas boilers
– service procedure on a gas boiler
– fault diagnosis procedures for a
range of common gas boiler faults.
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Carry out the pre-service checks and
tests on gas boilers, which should
incorporate installation defects (or
use photographs of defective
installations during process).
• Carry out a correct service procedure
to manufacturers’ instructions on a
gas boiler.
• Diagnose and rectify at least two
faults on a pre-installed gas boiler.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Gas testing equipment – pipework and flue testing
Electrical test equipment
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
British Standards, CORGI Manual and appliance manufacturers’ instructions
A gas boiler with installation faults or use photographs and an installation
with component faults (changed between learners)
Non-live electrical testing must be undertaken wherever possible
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical tasks:
GASM-1 Gas boilers – service procedure
GAFD-1 Gas boilers – fault diagnostics.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
27 of 32
Duration: 6 hours
1 Install controls and feed and vent
Central-heating systems
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
install typical fully pumped central-heating controls and domestic sealedsystem feed and vent apparatus.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the correct positioning
of control and feed and vent
components in systems using a
working system.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Demonstrate correct control
operation on a domestic system.
• Manually operate pre-installed control
systems to confirm operating
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Manufacturers’ instructions
Working sealed central-heating system and preferably controls
demonstrations boards
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical task:
GCHUV 1 to 5 Gas central heating and unvented systems installation.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
28 of 32
Duration: 8.5 hours
2 Wiring control systems
Central-heating systems
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
wire fully pumped central-heating systems (non-smartfit type).
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate correct cable and flex
termination procedures.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Identify wiring system components
and fixing techniques – trunking,
junction boxes etc.
• Demonstrate how to interpret the
wiring requirements for individual
components – cable size and type
(number of cores).
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Show that correct cable and flex
terminations can be made.
• Fit a section of mini trunking.
• Fix a section of cable and flex.
• Wire a fully pumped heating system,
– 2 x 2 port valve type
– mid position valve type.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Electrical test equipment
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
manufacturers’ instructions
Wiring of a controls rig preferred, any confirmation of correct conductors,
polarity etc. must be on a non-live basis
Controls not to be put into operation until testing has been completed
Connection to controls rig by 13 amp plug
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical task:
GCHUV 1 to 5 Gas central heating and unvented systems installation.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
29 of 32
Duration: 5 hours
3 Electrical testing of control systems
Central-heating systems
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
check and test electrical control systems.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the pre-testing checks
to be carried out on the control
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Demonstrate the range of electrical
checks and tests to be carried out to
BS 7671 requirements.
• Visually inspect an existing control
system installation to establish
whether it has been installed
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Carry out electrical safety checks and
tests on control systems (at least one
fault to be built into process).
• Confirm that the system operates
correctly and is safe to use.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Electrical test equipment
Resource materials, Plumbing NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3,
manufacturers’ instructions
Testing preferably carried out on a controls rig conductors, non-live testing of
system required
Controls not to be put into operation until testing has been completed
Connection to controls rig by 13 amp plug
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical task:
GCHUV 1 to 5 Gas central heating and unvented systems installation.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
30 of 32
Duration: 3 hours
4 Commissioning
Central-heating systems
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
commission a sealed gas central-heating system.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the range of
precommissioning checks to be
carried out on a central-heating
system to check the installation
against the specification.
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
• Carry out the commissioning
procedure for:
– gas pipework system
– system filling and soundness
– electrical safety checks and controls
• Carry out a visual check on system
prior to commissioning (preferably
including two faults or alternatively
using photographs).
• Commission the installation for:
– gas pipework system
– system filling and soundness
– gas boiler operation
– electrical safety checks and controls
– flue performance
– gas boiler operation
– thermostatic controls operation
– flue performance
– system balancing.
– thermostatic controls operation
• Supervise learner undertaking
– system balancing.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Gas test equipment – pipework and flue testing
Electrical test equipment
Digital thermometer
Manufacturers’ instructions
Commissioning carried out on a pre-installed system incorporating faults or
alternatively using photographs
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical task:
GCHUV 1 to 5 Gas central heating and unvented systems installation.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
31 of 32
Duration: 5 hours
5 Service and diagnose faults of
control components
Central-heating systems
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
service and diagnose faults on central-heating system control components.
Tutor activity
Learner activity
• Demonstrate the:
• Observe the demonstration, take
mental or written notes, ask
– pre-service checks and testing
procedure to be carried out on
controls systems
– service procedure on a controls
system (usually undertaken as part
of boiler service)
– fault diagnosis procedures for a
range of common control faults.
• Supervise learner undertaking
• Carry out the pre-service checks and
tests on controls systems, which
should incorporate installation defects
(or use photographs of defective
installations during process).
• Carry out a correct service procedure
to manufacturers’ instructions on the
controls system.
• Diagnose and rectify at least two
faults on a pre-installed system.
• Practise until fully prepared for
Hand tools
Electrical test equipment
Manufacturers’ instructions
A working control system with component faults (changed between learners)
Non-live electrical testing must be undertaken wherever possible
Evaluated by 6129 Scheme practical task:
CHFD-1 Central heating fault diagnostics.
Plumbing: NVQ and Technical Certificate Level 3 Tutor Resource Disk
32 of 32