Wisconsin Department of Corrections Page 1 of 2
Request for Bid (RFB) Number: KK-2613A
For: Anger Management with Impulse Control Group Services in Burlington, Elkhorn, and Kenosha, WI
Bid Due Date: November 4, 2010 at 3:00PM
Addendum I Dated October 22, 2010
RFB # KK-2613A
Bidder Questions
What is the maximum dollar amount set aside for this program?
Answer: As detailed in Section 3.4 Method of Award of the bid document, the contract(s) is awarded based on the lowest net unit price and extended total for each location from a responsive, responsible bidder meeting bid specifications and requirements. A maximum dollar amount for this program does not exist; however, increasing or decreasing the number of cycles in a city (location) is dependant upon DCC’s overall budget for this region.
Since program participants are referred by the DOC, can you provide an estimated number of potential participants for each city?
Answer: The following response is based on every participant/offender attending group and successfully discharging. Based on a maximum of 12 participants in each group, Kenosha will potentially serve 96 unique participants (two groups per week x 16 group sessions; eight cycles per year).
This number will likely be higher as some offenders will be unsuccessfully discharged and the open slot will be filled with another referral.
Elkhorn and Burlington will each potentially serve at least 48 unique offenders.
If referral demand and financial resources exist, we will request the provider to facilitate additional cycles to alleviate waiting lists.
Regarding program participants from special populations, who is responsible for providing additional resources, such as interpreter services, physical adaptive devices, special education support, etc., that may be required?
Answer: The target population identified in Section 1.1.3 of the bid document may include special populations however those offenders will only be referred if they can be accommodated within the requirements of the program. For example, offenders will have an understanding of English, but there may be offenders that need assistance in completing homework or similar areas. Any offender with no English and/or significant special needs will be accommodated by DOC through alternate means.
This does not alleviate the program from complying with Section 8.12,
For further information concerning this addendum contact:
Kathy Kaeding, Purchasing Agent
Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Purchasing Services Section email kathy.kaeding@wisconsin.gov
telephone 608-240-5587
Wisconsin Department of Corrections Page 2 of 2
Request for Bid (RFB) Number: KK-2613A
For: Anger Management with Impulse Control Group Services in Burlington, Elkhorn, and Kenosha, WI
Bid Due Date: November 4, 2010 at 3:00PM
considering submission of a bid on KK-2613A ( anger management, kenosha, burlington, elkhorn, etc. ).......in previous bids, i was able to request the previous contract payment amts per group...is that possible in this case...if so, what were they? thank you.........i know from past, it might be a different amount for the particular area so would like for all three, if possible....
Answer: Our costs had been the following for the locations listed:
Kenosha $96.83/group
Burlington $96.83/group
Elkhorn $92.48/group
I have a few question in reference to the above Bid. a.
Does DCC require a specific location (ie;building) to provide service or is this done in -- house, etc..?
Answer: Services are to be provided at the contractor's facility in any one, two or all three locations per the requirements of Section 4.1 of the bid document. No DOC sites are available. b.
Also, can this be achieved-via- purchase of service order?
Answer: Awarded services will be contracted via State of Wisconsin purchase order based upon the results of competition on this bid.
Further, is a complete bid packet necessary or something along The
"line"of a commodity version?
Answer: In order to be considered for an award, bidders must submit a complete bid response addressing all areas listed in Section 9.0 of the bid document.
At last what is FOB delivery?
Answer: FOB stands for 'freight on board'. In this situation it relates to all services being provided at awarded contractors facility with all costs related to said service included in the per group cost quoted in your bid response.
For further information concerning this addendum contact:
Kathy Kaeding, Purchasing Agent
Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Purchasing Services Section email kathy.kaeding@wisconsin.gov
telephone 608-240-5587