ANNUAL PLAN - 2010 Week Months CLASS XII CHEMISTRY SYLLABUS COVERAGE WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 1. Solutions Type of solutions, vapour pressure of solution and Roults’ Law. Ideal solution, Non Ideal Solution February March April WEEK 4 Colligative Propertiess. Determination of molecular mass based on colligative properties-vapour pressure, eleveation in boiling point, depression in freezing point and osmotic pressure. Abnormal molecular masses and Van’t Hoff factors. 2. Nuclear Chemistry Radioactivity and the nature of radiation, Modes of Decay, Group Displacement law, Rate of radioactive disintegration, half-life period, average life, numerrical based on them. Nuclear stability,Artificial Transmutation (usiing H11 n10, He42), Nuclear fusion, Nuclear fission, Nuclear reactor, Application of Radioisotopes. Uses of C14, P35, I127, Co60, Determination of age of rocks and minerals Radiocarbon dating 3.Chemical Bonding Coordinate bond or dative covalent bond, e.g. formation of oxyacids of chlorine Hydrogen bonding- its essential requirement, examples of HF, water (ice), alcohol. Metallic bonding, Van derr Waals’ Forces, dipole effect and dipole moment.Hybridization and shapes of mocules (hybridization involving s and p orbitals only), sigma and pi bonds, shapes of simple molecules, e.g. Methane, ammonia, water based on the concepts of repulsion between electron pairs, pyramidal and planar molecules, examples of trigonal bipyramidal. 4.The Solid State Lattice structure and spacing (qualitative idea of the geometry is expected), crystalline and amorphous substances, characteristics of crystalline solids especially in regard to electrical properties, magnetic properties, and dielectric properties, unit cell and lattice points. Structure of NaCl as ionic crystal, Copper as metallic crystal, diamond and graphite as 5.Surface Chemistry Adsorption, colloidal solution, Emulsions. Catalysis including theories of mechanism of catalysis. 6.Chemical Kinetics Collision Theory The law of mass action Effect of concentration of reactants on rate of the reaction The rate constant Molecularity and order of reaction Meaning of the order of reaction Page 1 of 5 ANNUAL PLAN - 2010 May June CLASS XII CHEMISTRY Molecular orbital theory: explain simple molecules like hydrogen, oxygen nitrogen, bond orderr, predict if certain molecules can exist, paramagnetism of oxygen. atomic crystal. Electronic and atomic imperfections in solid including point defects. Meaning of molecularity Mechanism of reactions SN and SN2, E1 and E2 mechanisms are to be taught at this point Variation of the rate constant with temperature; Arrhenius equation K=Ae-EA/RT and related graphs 7.Phase Eqilibria Phase rule and phase diagram; solubility of gases in liquids; Qualitative explanation of Henrys’ law in terms of LeChatilier’s principle and the kinetic theory. Distribution of a solute between two solvents, Distribution law, Ether extration and its use use in organic chemistry (Explanation through numerical examples). Ionic product of water, pH of solutions and pH indicators, problems Common ion effect Salt hydrolysis Buffer solutions Solubility product and its application, simple numerical problems based on ionic equilibria. REVISION Solution of liquid in liquid (miscible and immiscible liquids), Methods of separation: use of fractional distillation, use of fractionalcrystallization, steam Distillation. Chromatography (principle), use of column chromatography, Thin layer chromatography, Paper chromatography, Gas chromatography as in analytical tool. 8.Ionic Equilibria Ostwald’s dilution law and its derivation; strengths of acids and bases based on their dissociation constants; Bronsted and Lewis concepts of acids and bases. MID TERM EXAMINATION Page 2 of 5 ANNUAL PLAN - 2010 CLASS XII CHEMISTRY Week WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 Months July 9. Electrochemistry Electrolytic conductance, Equivalent and molar conductivities, Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, (Definitins, units, numerical, graphs), Relationship between Faraday, Avogadro’s constant and charge on electron. MID TERM BREAK 10.Chemical Thermodynamics Introduction First law of thermodynamics and its mathematical statement Second law of thermodynamics Entropy, Free energy, Spontaniety of chemical change.ΔG=-2.303 RT logeK; reversible and irreversible changes,isobaric, isochoric. August Page 3 of 5 11.Co-ordination Compounds and Organometallics The chemistry of co-ordination Compounds; formation, physicochemical properties and nomenclature. Bonding and isomerism in co-ordination compounds, stability and application of co-ordination compounds and bonding; Organometallic compounds, classification, metal carbonylsstructure and bonding, Importance of organometallics, Wilkinson’s catalyst. Extraction, properties and uses of metals Cu/Sn/Pb (Reduction method/Pyrometallurgy) Ag (cyanide process) Galvanic cell, Electrode Potential and emf of Galvanic cell, Factors affecting electrode Potential, Nernst equation, electrochemical series and its explanation based on standard electrode potential 12.Isolation, Manufacture, Properties and uses of non metals: Si P Halogen (F/Br/I) ANNUAL PLAN - 2010 13.Preparation, properties, and uses of the following compounds: Na2S2O3.5H2O, AlCl3, Alums, CuSO4.5H2O, AgNO3, H2S, H2O2, O3, Silicates,Silicon carbide, HNO3, PCl5, H3PO4, CaOCl2 September October 20.Aromatic Componds (Benzene and its derivatives) Coal tar as important source of aromatic compounds; Preparation, properties and uses of benzene, resonance model of benzene Directive influence of substutuents in the benzene ring; Preparation, properties and uses of: Chlorobenzene, nitrobenzene, aniline, phenol, CLASS XII CHEMISTRY 14.Types of chemical reactions and their mechanism Homolytic and heterolytic fission Electrophiles and nucleophiles Inducive, mesomeric and electromeric effects Substitution, addition and elimination reaction Free radical and polar mechanism (in terms of fission of the bond and formation of new bonds) including SN1 and SN2 mechanism. 15.Isomerism Structural, geometrical and optical isomerism, optical activity and its measurement. Uses of isomerism. 21.Polymers and Polymerisation Addition and condensation polymerisation, classification of polymers- Natural and Synthetic polymers with stress on the general method of preparation of polythene, polystyrene, PVC, Teflon, Nylon 66, terylene Page 4 of 5 Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acid and Acid derivatives: General formula, structure, nomenclature preparatin, properties, uses with special reference to diethyl ether, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, formic acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, acetyl-chloride, acetamide, ethyl-acetate, aceticanhydride, urea(Wohler’s Synthesis) 16.Glycine Preparation from chloroacetic acid, physical and chemical properties, zwitter ions, effect of heat on glycine, formation of diketopiperazine 17.Oils, Fats, Soaps and Detergents Nature and general properties 18.Cyanides and Isocyanides Nitro compounds and amines: Nomenclature, genereal methods of preparation; correlation of their physical properties, their structure, chemical properties identification and uses; Inter conversion of primary, secondary and tertiary amines, quaternary ammonium salt from long chain amines. MODEL EXAMINATIONS ANNUAL PLAN - 2010 CLASS XII CHEMISTRY benzaldehydes and benzoic acid. November December COACHING CLASSES TRIAL PRACTICAL EXAMS BOARD EXAMINATIONS Page 5 of 5 PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS COACHING CLASSES