China Study Guide(2)


China Study Guide

Define the basic principles and founders of each religion:

Buddhism- Siddhartha Gautama founded this religion. To lead a moral life, be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and to develop wisdom and understandings.

Confucianism- Confucius was the founder of this religion. having excellent character, loyalty, virtue, and always positive.

Daoism-Laozi is the founder of this religion. Oneness we are one with nature, dynamic balance there is always balance, Cyclical growth there is endless cycles in nature, harmonious action weakness produces strength. it was formed off of the original Confucianism. What is the difference between Confucianism and


Know the following for each dynasty:

Dates, founders, capital, rise, achievements, fall





Period of Disunion-it ws formed off of the original


Know the following people and why they were important:

Know the following terms and their importance (not just their definition):

What was the effect of isolationism?

(section 4)

What goods were exchanged on the Silk Road? Why was the Silk Road important?

Other important facts you would like to have during the test?

Empress Wu-

Ghenghis Khan-

Kublai Khan-

Zheng He-

Marco Polo-

Civil-Service Exams-


Great Wall-

Paper Money-


Gun Powder-

Grand Canal-

Forbidden City-


Wood block printing allowed Chinese to(copy and print text or drawing’s very quickly in large quantities)

The Chinese kept the silk an porcelain making process a secret, which gave them control over the trade(True)

Buddhism first gained it’s popularity during the tang dynasty(false)

Which best characterizes Genghis Khan’s expedition? (Bloody attacks)

What was the primary result of Zheng He’s voyage?(china could demonstrate how powerful it was)

During the period of disunion, what often happened when different cultures came into contact with each other?(The cultures blended to form a new culture)

Why do historians view the Tang dynasty as the golden age of Chinese civilization?(it was a period of great expansion as well as artistic, legal, and cultural achievements.)

Who was the founder of the Ming dynasty?(Chu Yuan-Chang)

The capital of the Tang dynasty and the largest city in the world at that time was (Changan)

Why did so many people turn to Buddhism in the period of Disunion?(they took comfort in the Buddhist teaching that people can escape suffering through a cycle of rebirth)

Many Chinese were attracted to Buddhism because it offered(a way to escape suffering and achieve piece)

In what way do Confucianism and Buddhism differ?(Confucianism stresses ethical behavior and Buddhist stresses a spiritual outlook that promises escape from suffering)

What I the lasting achievement of Yuan Chiens Sui Dynasty?(This dynasty reunified China, ending the period of disunion)

What effect did opening the pacific ports to foreign traders have on china?(It expanded trading tremendously, creating a very strong economy in China)

Why did the use of paper money become popular during the Song dynasty?(paper money weighed less and was easier to use)

What did Europeans learn from Marco Polo?(China was a highly civilized country)

Like the Sui dynasty, the Song dynasty (reunified China, ending the period of conflict between separate kingdoms)

In what way did the forbidden city reflect the status of the Ming dynasty?(the large complex was a symbol of china’s glory)

The civil service system helped ensure that (talented, intelligent, people became scholor-officials)

Neo-Confucianism emphasized proper behavior and spiritual matters.(true)

How did most people be come scholar-officials in the Song dynasty?(by studying for years to pass a very difficult series of examinations)

Why did the Chinese keep silk and porcelain making process secret?(only the Chinese knew how to make silk and porcelain, giving them control of the trade)

What is porcelain?(a thin, beautiful form of pottery))

China didn’t make the wheel

The Grand Canal was built to (transport rice and other foods from the south to the north)

Confucius taught that people should follow 2 basic principles in their lives. What are they?(the concern for others and following appropriate customs and beliefs)

Yuan rulers banned all foreign trade.(false)

Which of the following did not contribute to the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty? ( a rebellion within the Mongol army weakened the Yuan leadership)

Chinese merchants exported all the fooling goods except(gold)

Of the following, which is the most accurate statement about the Ming dynasty?( it was one of the most stable and prosperous times in Chinese history)

Zheng He’s voyages were important because(they served as a clear sign of china’s power)

All of the following were methods Kublai Khan used to keep control over the Chinese except

(making the Chinese people pay very high taxes)

Civil service examinations tested a students knowledge of (Confucianism)

Buddhism differed from Confucianism by stressing spiritual matters)

Mongol rulers forced the Chinese to accept Mongol religion(false)

All of the following were important to Chinese exports except (gold)

How did Neo-Confucianism differ from Confucianism (it emphasized spiritual matters) what effect did the policy of isolation have on china?(china fell behind in technology achievements and in military power.)

Which leader ruled over the largest empire in world history?(Genghis khan)

Which of the following did the song dynasty adopt as its official policy?(Confucianism)

Of the following descriptions, which most accurately portrays city life in the Tang and Song dynasties?(Cities were a lively place with a mix of cultures)

What effect did having a bureaucracy of scholar-officials have on the song dynasty?(it created stability and an efficient government)

Which of the following correctly shows the order of dynasties in china?(the Sui, Tang, Song)
