SAN DIEGO MESA COLLEGE HEALTH AND LIFESTYLES 101 SUMMER SESSION JUNE 2 – JULY 3, 2008 SUBJECT AREA AND COURSE NUMBER: HEALTH EDUCATION 101 COURSE TITLE: HEALTH & LIFESTYLES UNITS: 3 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course studies aspects of mental, emotional and physical health. Emphasis is placed on knowledge for development of attitudes, understanding and practice of a preventive lifestyle for healthy living and optimal wellness. Specific instructional areas include: chronic diseases, physical activity, nutrition, weight management, birth control methods, human sexuality, alcohol, tobacco and illicit chemical use, stress and factors that contribute to wellness and longevity. Experience in personal health assessment and the changing of health behaviors is stressed. This course satisfies the State of California Health Education Requirement for teaching a credential. Transfer credit: CSU, UC PREREQUISITE: None COREQUISITE: None ADVISORY: Successful completion of English 51 and English 56, with a grade of “C” or better. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:: 1. Identify present health conditions that may develop into chronic diseases and modify them as necessary. 2. Design an aerobic target heart rate exercise, which lasts for thirty minutes or more. 3. Analyze daily diet for balance of essential nutrients. 4. Design and implement an appropriate dietary regimen to meet weight and activity needs. 5. Evaluate appropriate birth control methods and understand how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 6. Identify symptoms of the leading STDs. 7. Understand the consequences of illicit drug, alcohol and tobacco use. 8. Identify health consequences of stress and implement stress management techniques. 9. Identify the factors contributing to wellness and longevity. COURSE CONTENT AND SCOPE: A. OUTLINE OF TOPICS TO BE ADDRESSED IN THE COURSE The scope of this course is to provide opportunities to the student for selfassessment of their health and lifestyle. The information presented is designed to help the student modify existing negative lifestyle, maladaptive behavior and to reinforce existing positive health habits. Emphasis will be on helping the student evolve positive and constructive lifestyle habits, knowledge and behavior leading to improved health and wellness. 1) Orientation/ or Introduction a. The meaning of health and lifestyle. b. Assessing potentials for optimal health and wellbeing. c. Health care providers and services. 2) Essential Components of Optimal Health and Well-being a. Emotional and spiritual well-being b. Sociocultural well- being c. Stress management d. Physical activity e. Nutrition f. Weight management 3) Potential Health Problems a. b. c. Alcohol use and alcoholism Tobacco use Illicit drug use and prescription drug abuse 4) Chronic Diseases a. Cancer b. Cardiovascular disease c. Infectious diseases other than STD’s 5. Lifestyle Issues a. Human sexuality and relationships b. Birth control, pregnancy and childbirth c. Sexually transmitted diseases. B. REQUIRED READINGS Students are required to read the assigned college level materials, which will include the textbook. It may also include supplemental reading assignments from health articles in certain periodicals, newspapers and medical journals, as well as web sites. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS: This course is offered as a technology mediated instruction class. All material will be delivered via the Internet. The instructor will be available to students via e-mail at or telephone at (619) 388-2614. You can also contact me using the e-mail tool provide through webct. It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course by the established deadline. Failure to do so will result in a grade of “F.” Students are advised that many problems can occur with technology and that they should anticipate such problems and allow sufficient time to rectify them in order to complete work on time. For the purposes of this online course, students are expected to have adequate computer skills to be able to manage the technology. Students should check into the site at least once each day. You are responsible for checking to determine if the instructor has posted any changes, assignments or requirements on this site. THERE WILL BE NO OPPORTUNITIES FOR EXTRA CREDIT, NOR MISSED EXAMINATIONS OR ASSIGNMENTS. BEHAVIOR AND STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT Students are expected to respect and obey standards of conduct as found in Policy 3100, 3100.1 and 3100.2. Since this is a technology mediated instruction course, all printed materials will follow the same guidelines as is written in theses polices. Please be aware that you will be expected to write all your postings using correct grammar and punctuation. During online bulletin board discussions, students must follow rules of etiquette that would be appropriate during an in-person discussion. You may not insult, denigrate, ridicule or otherwise undermine another person’s postings or comments. Please note that sarcasm is a derogatory form of communication and will not be tolerated. ACCOMMODATION OF DISABILITY: Every effort has been made to insure that the course, and the way it is presented, meets the needs of all students. Students with disabilities who need academic accommodations should contact the DSPS office at San Diego Mesa College and notify the professor immediately. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: This class will be conducted in accordance with the college student code of conduct and basic standards for academic honesty. Violations of standards of academic honesty will be reported to the school dean for appropriate action. You must know the material before you enter the test and challenges to the time limits will not be accepted. It is imperative that you understand this rule. You must be able to read and process quickly to complete the test within the allotted time. EVALUATION: Evaluation will be based on test scores. Please allow sufficient time to allow for technology problems and failure, both on the part of the student’s server and machines and on the part of the college server and machines. There will not be any opportunity for make-up tests. This course requires that you be able to manage your time effectively and insure that you complete your responsibilities according to the timeline. EXAM Exam 1 (1,2,3,15) Exam 2 (9,10,11,12) Exam 3 (4,5,6,13) Exam 4 (7,8) Exam 5 (14,16,17) # of questions 50 50 50 30 50 TIMELIMITS 50 minutes 50 minutes 50 minutes 40 minutes 50 minutes TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE 230 POINTS 230-207 206-184 183-161 160-138 137-below A B C D F COURSE CALENDAR: THE CALENDAR IS THE KEY!!!! CHECK IT EVERY DAY. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW REGARDING WHEN THE EXAMS ARE AVAILABLE WILL BE POSTED. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY NOT MINE!!!! DISCUSSION BOARD: The discussion board will be used to help students with questions before exams. Students are encouraged to help each other with answers to questions. The instructor will be checking the board to help clear up any questions before exams. Please check calendar for dates and times for pre exam discussion boards. Please note that there will be no pre exam discussion board before Exam 4. It only covers two chapters. TEXT: Core Concepts in Health, Brief 10th Edition Update by Insel and Roth Published by McGraw Hill, 2008 ISBN# 978-007-352964-8 INSTRUCTOR: Mike Sanchez Office I209 (619) 388-2614 Use E-Mail provided by WEB CT THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS FOR MISSED EXAMS. FAMILY EMERGENCIES, UNEXPECTED BUSINESS TRIPS OR CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND YOUR CONTROL, COMPUTER PROBLEMS, ETC….THE ANSWER IS THE SAME ….NO! PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR SPECIAL TREATMENT. ANY TECHNICAL/COMPUTER/SOFTWARE PROBLEMS ARE TO BE REFERRED TO