Grade 9 Academic Science ECOLOGY – DEFINITIONS #1 The following terms are definitions from the ECOLOGY unit. You are asked to match the definition with the term AND write a sentence that uses the term in context to demonstrate your understanding of the term. All terms are found in the textbook Science: Perspectives 9 on pages 24-152. Match the term to the definition AND use the term in a sentence that shows its meaning. Use your textbook to find the terms and their definitions. Example TERM Competition TERM DEFINITION Two individuals seek the same resource YOUR ANSWER EXAMPLE IN A SENTENCE Foxes and coyotes BOTH fed on a common prey such as a rabbit. They COMPETE for the prey. DEFINITION Carnivore 1. No longer exists on Earth Habitat 2. All the living organisms, from all the populations, that live in the same ecosystem Abiotic Factors 3. Organism that obtains its energy by consuming other organisms Food Chain 4. Organism that makes its own energy-rich food using the Sun’s energy Limiting Factor 5. The range of abiotic conditions within which a species can survive Biodiversity 6. Two individuals benefit from each other Community 7. A place where an organism lives Mutualism 8. Variety of species in an ecosystem Invasive Species 9. Feeding relationships among species in an ecosystem Bioaccumulation 10. Concentration of a substance, such as a pesticide, in the body of an organism Producer 11. Non-living characteristics of an ecosystem Secondary Consumer 12. A non-native species that has a negative impact on the natural environment Carrying Capacity 13. A carnivore that preys on primary consumers Extinct 14. Any factor that restricts the size of a population or where it can live Tolerance Range 15. Maximum population size of a species that a given ecosystem can sustain EXAMPLE IN A SENTENCE Grade 9 Academic Science ECOLOGY – Definitions 1 - Answers ANSWERS TERM YOUR ANSWER DEFINITION Carnivore 3 1. No longer exists on Earth Habitat 7 2. All the living organisms, from all the populations, that live in the same ecosystem Abiotic Factors 11 3. Organism that obtains its energy by consuming other organisms Food Chain 9 4. Organism that makes its own energy-rich food using the Sun’s energy Limiting Factor 14 5. The range of abiotic conditions within which a species can survive Biodiversity 8 6. Two individuals benefit from each other Community 2 7. A place where an organism lives Mutualism 6 8. Variety of species in an ecosystem Invasive Species 12 9. Feeding relationships among species in an ecosystem Bioaccumulation 10 10. Concentration of a substance, such as a pesticide, in the body of an organism Producer 4 11. Non-living characteristics of an ecosystem Secondary Consumer 13 12. A non-native species that has a negative impact on the natural environment Carrying Capacity 15 13. A carnivore that preys on primary consumers Extinct 1 14. Any factor that restricts the size of a population or where it can live Tolerance Range 5 15. Maximum population size of a species that a given ecosystem can sustain EXAMPLE IN A SENTENCE Grade 9 Academic Science - Biology Ecology – Definitions #2 The following assignment is listing of ECOLOGY definitions. This information will help you prepare for the exam. The following terms are definitions from the ECOLOGY unit. You are asked to match the definition with the term AND write a sentence that uses the term in context to demonstrate your understanding of the term. All terms are found in the textbook Science: Perspectives 9 on pages 24-152. Term Your Answer Definition Atmosphere 1. Living things, their remains and the features (e.g., nests) associated with their behaviour Population 2. All the living organisms in an area and their non-living environment Biotic Factors 3. The series of processes that moves water through the environment Sustainable Ecosystem 4. The process in which the Sun’s energy is converted into chemical energy Photosynthesis 5. The thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth Biosphere 6. A representation of the feeding relationships within a community Lithosphere 7. The zone in, on and around the Earth were life can exist Food Web 8. Energy that travels through empty space Ecological Niche 9. All the members of the same species that live in the same ecosystem Water Cycle 10. The process by which sugar and oxygen are converted into carbon dioxide, water and energy to provide energy for the cell Cellular Respiration 11. The non-living characteristics of an ecosystem Ecosystem 12. The function a species serves in its ecosystem including where it lives, what it eats and how it behaves Abiotic Factors 13. An ecosystem that maintains relatively constant biotic and abiotic features forever Hydrosphere 14. Rocky outer shell of the Earth Radiant Energy 15. The water on, above and below the Earth’s surface. It includes oceans, lakes, groundwater, rivers, streams, ice, clouds and water vapour in the sky Your Sentence ECOLOGY DEFINITIONS #2 ANSWERS All terms are found in the textbook Science: Perspectives 9. Term Your Answer Definition Atmosphere 5 1. Living things, their remains and the features (e.g., nests) associated with their behaviour Population 9 2. All the living organisms in an area and their non-living environment Biotic Factors 1 3. The series of processes that moves water through the environment Sustainable Ecosystem 13 4. The process in which the Sun’s energy is converted into chemical energy Photosynthesis 4 5. The thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth Biosphere 7 6. A representation of the feeding relationships within a community Lithosphere 14 7. The zone in, on and around the Earth were life can exist Food Web 6 8. Energy that travels through empty space Ecological Niche 12 9. All the members of the same species that live in the same ecosystem Water Cycle 3 10. The process by which sugar and oxygen are converted into carbon dioxide, water and energy to provide energy for the cell Cellular Respiration 10 11. The non-living characteristics of an ecosystem Ecosystem 2 12. The function a species serves in its ecosystem including where it lives, what it eats and how it behaves Abiotic Factors 11 13. An ecosystem that maintains relatively constant biotic and abiotic features forever Hydrosphere 15 14. Rocky outer shell of the Earth Radiant Energy 8 15. The water on, above and below the Earth’s surface. It includes oceans, lakes, groundwater, rivers, streams, ice, clouds and water vapour in the sky Your Sentence Grade 9 Academic Science - Biology Ecology – Definitions #3 The following assignment is listing of ECOLOGY definitions. This information will help you prepare for the exam. The following terms are definitions from the ECOLOGY unit. You are asked to match the definition with the term AND write a sentence that uses the term in context to demonstrate your understanding of the term. All terms are found in the textbook Science: Perspectives 9 on pages 24-152. Term Your Answer Definition Succession 1. One individual feeds on another Competition 2. The land area drained by a particular river or lake; also called a drainage basin Watershed 3. No longer existing on Earth Biodiversity 4. Likely to become endangered if no action is taken Extinct 5. The state of an ecosystem in which the biotic and abiotic features remain relatively constant over a long period of time Parasitism 6. The variety of species in an ecosystem Commensalism 7. One individual benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed Extirpated 8. The series of processes that moves carbon compounds throughout the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere Biogeochemical Cycles 9. No longer exists in the wild in a specific area Threatened 10. The observed changes over time in an ecosystem following a disturbance Carbon Cycle 11. Two individuals seek the same resource Predation 12. Large geographical regions defined by climate with a set of specific biotic and abiotic features Endangered 13. Movement of matter through the biotic and abiotic parts of the environment Equilibrium 14. In immediate danger of becoming extirpated or extinct Biome 15. One individual lives on or in a host organism and feeds on it Your Sentence Ecology – Definitions #3 ANSWERS All terms are found in the textbook Science: Perspectives 9 on pages 22-165. Term Your Answer Definition Succession 10 1. One individual feeds on another Competition 11 2. The land area drained by a particular river or lake; also called a drainage basin Watershed 2 3. No longer existing on Earth Biodiversity 6 4. Likely to become endangered if no action is taken Extinct 3 5. The state of an ecosystem in which the biotic and abiotic features remain relatively constant over a long period of time Parasitism 15 6. The variety of species in an ecosystem Commensalism 7 7. One individual benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed Extirpated 9 8. The series of processes that moves carbon compounds throughout the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere Biogeochemical Cycles 13 9. No longer exists in the wild in a specific area Threatened 4 10. The observed changes over time in an ecosystem following a disturbance Carbon Cycle 8 11. Two individuals seek the same resource Predation 1 12. Large geographical regions defined by climate with a set of specific biotic and abiotic features Endangered 14 13. Movement of matter through the biotic and abiotic parts of the environment Equilibrium 5 14. In immediate danger of becoming extirpated or extinct Biome 12 15. One individual lives on or in a host organism and feeds on it Your Sentence