April 2011 Volume 85 Issue 8 Held at YMCA Garden Heights Center, March 8, 2011 Many thanks go out to a few Junior League ladies who volunteered on a Thursday night to promote healthy choices. This Kids in the Kitchen event helped 20+ children ranging in age from 6 to 12 who attend the YMCA Garden Heights after-school youth program. The activities presented during this event allowed participants to recognize proper portion sizes, identify food groups on the food pyramid, increase heart-rate by jumping rope, and create a healthy peanut butter and banana wrap snack. Thank you Kelly Hetz, Lisa Slusarz, Christy Carucci, Kristi Leighton-Ferguson (and her devoted helpers, Charlie and Emily) for making this event possible. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ERIE, INC. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday, April 21, 2010 JLE Headquarters, 208 E. Bayfront Pkwy 6:30 p.m. Social 7:00 p.m. Guest Speaker 7:30 p.m. Business Meeting Collecting used shoes for the City Mission and gently used or new books (or gift cards for books) for the Nurse-Family Partnership. 1 It’s been exciting to see so many contributions to our first JLE Annual Fund, The Power of 85. It warms my heart to see so many honoring fellow Leaguers and their commitment to women’s leadership and community service. It proves to me that the work we’re doing right now as Actives builds a foundation for a lifetime of service and that no matter where our volunteerism takes us, our fellow League sisters are watching proudly, remembering always the years they served beside us in the League. We received an Annual Fund contribution recently from Sustainer Emeritus Sally Lund. She’s chosen to give in honor of her husband of fifty-eight years, David H. Lund. She writes, “I joined the League in 1957. My beloved husband helped me over the years of my League career. I served as Ways & Means Chair for 2 years, Christmas Dance for 2 years, the Drama group chairman for 2 years and player for 6 years, worked on the Follies for 2 years, as well as Follies Chair, worked on the Golf Day Fund Drive, served as Treasurer 1970-72, and served on the Board for 6 years. My husband worked on most every fundraiser, every production of the follies, and every Golf Day.” Sally reminds me that the women in the League aren’t the only ones helping to build a better Erie. Just as often, the husbands (and families) are coming home from work early, getting donations from their businesses, advising on project management or business practices, helping us with technology, and tucking in the little ones while we’re away at meetings. And sometimes when the League is hauling, landscaping, doing big printing or publishing jobs, their hands are literally doing the work. Thank you husbands, significant others, parents, teenagers, and families of League members- we really couldn’t do this without you. Sincerely, 2 Making New Beginnings Possible April’s Helping Hands Opportunity The CIC Committee is pleased to announce this April’s Helping Hands Opportunity-- helping first time mothers connect with their child through reading. The Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) fosters long-term success for first-time moms, their babies, and society. Making regular visits from pregnancy until the child reaches age two, the NFP at the Erie County Department of Health provides education and services to first-time moms—helping to ensure each child has the healthiest possible beginnings. One aspect of their program is to help moms understand the importance of reading to health development and parent-child bonding by providing reading instruction and books to the mother. With over 100 women in the 2-year program (and a waiting list!), books are in great demand and short supply. We are asking members to bring a gently used or new book(s), or a gift certificate in any denomination to Barnes & Noble, Target, or Wal-Mart to the April GMM. If you aren’t sure what books would be appropriate, the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh provides book lists for young ones (babies-Pre-K) and older children: http://www.carnegielibrary.org/kids/books/ Lists are provided by grade, award winners and genre. Thanks to Erin Eighmy for providing this great resource! If you have questions about this Helping Hands opportunity, please contact Kelly Kidd at gerba-daisy@hotmail.com ~Kelly Kidd -CIC AJLI is pleased to announce that Lilly Pulitzer has signed on as an AJLI Annual Conference sponsor. In honor of this new relationship, Lilly Pulitzer has designed a Junior League "Murfee" scarf! Order the exclusive Junior League Murfee scarf online at AJLI.org or at lillypulitzer.com. The scarf will also be sold at the AJLI Boutique during Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Lilly Pulitzer’s headquarters city. 3 YMCA Garden Heights Center, March 8,2011 Lisa Slusarz poses with two children before making Peanut Butter and Jelly Burritos! Kristy Ferguson brings her children, Charlie and Emily, to learn the value of volunteering. Kelly Hetz talks about the Food Guide Pyramid. Kristy Ferguson and daughter, Emily, man the healthy portions station. Christy Carucci demonstrates the importance of moving at the jump rope station. 4 Michele Polon Michele was chosen as March’s Active of the Month because she has done an outstanding job as the Donations and Volunteer Coordinator for the 80’s Rewind Dance & Casino Night. Thank you for everything you do, Michele! You’re THE busiest woman we know and still find the time for volunteering! Get ready to fulfill those CIC hours! Sign up to volunteer for any of these events using the JLE Google Docs account or contact Christy Carucci at christycarucci@hotmail.com. Flathead Prevention Booth at Hamot’s Stork Fair Hamot’s Heart Institute and Women’s Center Saturday, April 9th (2 shifts) 10:30-1:00 and/or 1:00-3:30 Kids In The Kitchen Booth Erie Reading Council Celebrate Earth Day event at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center 301 Peninsula Drive Erie, PA 16505 Saturday, April 23rd (2 shifts)10:30am-1:00pm and/or 1:00-3:30pm 5 Kids In The Kitchen at JFK Center All Girl Pajama Jam Party 2021 East 20th Street Erie, PA 16510 Friday, April 15th 6:30-8:30pm Kids In The Kitchen at Sisters of Saint Joseph 425 West 18th Street Erie, PA 16502 Thursday, April 28th 3:00-5:00pm JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ERIE, INC. General Membership Meeting Thursday, March 17, 2011 Headquarters 6:30 p.m.: Placement Meeting with Advisors 7:00 p.m.: Business Meeting 7:30 p.m.: Placement Meetings with Advisors I. The business meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Kelly Hetz. Past President Liz Sharp was recognized as being in attendance. II. Approval of Minutes (Kelly Hetz): The minutes for the February 17, 2011 GMM meeting were circulated via newsletter for review. The minutes were approved as circulated. III. Approval of Treasurer’s Report (Sara Temple for Lisa Grassi): The report for 2/2/11 thru 3/2/11 was circulated via Seat Sheet. The report as approved will be filed subject to audit. The Erie Bank beginning checking and savings balance as of 2/2/11 was $85,506.91. The Year-to-Date Income from 6/1/10 to present was $27,700.78. The Year-to-Date expenses from 6/1/10 to present were $29,258.26. The Erie Bank checking balance ending 3/2/11 was $24,337.64. The Erie Bank savings balance ending 3/2/11 was $63,829.30. Lisa can provide more detailed reports upon member request - email Lisa at TGIIIL@aol.com. Also presented was the proposed 2011-2012 Budget. Changes for next year include: $2,000 for new technology expenses for projector and laptop purchase, $1,000 income increase in Active dues, $1,080 increase in HQ expenses due to storage unit, and $100 increase in accountant’s fees. BOD to present budget and remain flexible for member input, however members won’t be voting on the proposed budget. IV. Secretary’s Report (Andrea Simons-Snedden): Secretary’s report circulated via seat sheet indicated there are 53 Actives and 94 Sustainers (should be 121 total Sustainers), for a total of 174 members. Status change requests were as follows: Linda Majewski and Liz Sharp to Sustainer, Catherine Woofter to Sustainer Non-Resident, Fran Buseck to Sustainer Emeritus. Resignations include Christine English (effective 1/1/11), Lucia Pearson Doyle, Christine Lashinger, Kelly Kidd (effective 6/1/11). Redbooks: Anyone who didn’t receive one (or a binder/inserts for those who don’t have them) should contact Andrea Simons-Snedden or Kristi Ferguson. Dues: Dues are now past due, and are $120.00 for Actives. Please give your dues payments to Andrea Simons-Snedden at the meeting, or mail to HQ (attention Recording Secretary). V. Community Impact Council (Christy Carucci): KITK events: JFK Center Slumber Party 4/15, Earth Day at TREC 4/23, and Sisters of St. Joseph 4/28. Hamot Stork Fair (BGR) is on 4/9. Sign up for any of these events using the JLE GoogleDocs website or contact Christy Carucci at christycarucci@hotmail.com. Username for GoogleDocs is jlemember@gmail.com, password is password1!. Book Drive for New Mothers is next Month. New Members Project includes the author visit and shoe drive next month. Members are asked to bring shoes and books to the April GMM. New Members may look into having a shoe drive at the library as well. CIC is recording member’s CIC hours on GoogleDocs and will be passing it around at the April GMM for verification. Sixteen members attended the Second Harvest volunteer opportunity. VI. Fundraising Council (Catherine Fox): Council is requesting unwanted (won’t get back) Xmas lights for 80’s Rewind – bring to dance set-up. Coffee house donation still needed to complete baskets-see Michele Polon, Nicole Caldwell, or Patty Graziano. Members can still give a $10 lotto ticket in lieu of payment for their dance ticket-see Catherine. Dance tickets must be paid for in advance. Table reservations to be made ASAP through 80srewind@juniorleagueoferie.com . Members are asked to consider volunteering to help with dance teardown – contact Catherine or Michele. Questions about anything can be directed to Catherine at 450-6593 or fundraising@juniorleagueoferie.com. VII. Membership Council (Sara Temple): Nominees for March AOM: Michele Polon for taking hold of and running with raffle basket project, Katie Hirsch and Cindy Christiansen – first active to contribute to Annual Appeal, and Maureen Shriven for stepping up to a leadership position. Membership is asking members to start thinking of/turning in names of ladies for Membership to invite to the 2011-2012 New Member Open House. Please add names to the “May 2011 New Member Open House Invitees” spreadsheet on GoogleDocs. The 2011-2012 slate was announced. JLE Wear catalog is on GoogleDocs – if interested email stemple@eeaustin.com. 6 VIII. Communications Council (Seat Sheet): February newsletter deadline is 3/18/11. Articles go to newsletter@juniorleagueoferie.com, questions to Lisa Slusarz at lisa.slusarz@gmail.com or 504-9547. Updates to JLE homepage are underway. Look for the new “like us” on Facebook as well as additional fundraising buttons and links. IX. Unfinished Business: AOM is Michele Polon. Amanda Sissem was presented a speaker’s gift for the coordination of her Saturday grant writing training on January 22nd. X. New Business: None. XI. Correspondence: Received a Save the Date for the Purse and Pearl Luncheon on Tuesday, May 24 th; Donate a purse with a “pearl” (note) of wisdom in it for job seekers; $30 per person. Received a thank-you note from Second Harvest Food Bank for the volunteers. Sally Lund, whose husband recently passed away, wanted the League to know how supportive her husband was of the time and effort she put into the JLE. Mrs. Lund wishes us the same support from our own husbands (or significant others), and hopes that we show our appreciation while we have them in our lives. XII. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Andrea Simons-Snedden JLE Recording Secretary From the Treasurer: If you are interested in receiving the monthly financials or a check request form, please contact Lisa Grassi,Treasurer, at tgiiil@aol.com or 814-746-1029. Thank you. Hats Off to.... All Fundraising Committee Members for all their 80s Rewind planning! You make all of our jobs so much fun— It is an honor to represent the League when everybody’s talking about our awesome event! Sean Madras, husband of (A) Janene Madras and Bill Temple, husband of (A) Sara Temple. These outstanding League husbands gave an incredible amount of time helping with set-up, shifts, and clean up of the 80s Rewind. Becky Obradovic, Nicole Caldwell, Nicole Buzzard, Catherine Fox, Amanda Sissem, Holly Murphy, Emily Wachter, Tricia Ackerman, and Andrea Snedden for planning on attending AJLI Annual Conference in Philadelphia May 12-14 Newsletter Alert Please note the new email address to submit articles for The Pier is newsletter@juniorleagueoferie.com Thank you! 7 With Its Eye on the 21st Century the AJLI Board Recommends a Dues Increase Increase Would Be Association’s First in 10 Years According the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index Inflation Calculator, since 2002, the year of the last AJLI dues increase, the cost of living has ballooned by 21 percent. This means that the current rate of Association dues, $35, which has remained unchanged since 2002, is actually worth only $27.50 in today’s dollars. feed and read to children, were one of the only games in town,” said Beekman. “There weren’t 50 other nonprofits doing good work in the community that were vying for the same intelligent and thoughtful women to help them.” Beekman adds, “Today, the landscape is populated with many organizations with good causes that are competing for women who have even less time on their hands because they now work for a living while also managing their households. We’ve got to be truthful with ourselves and admit that our organization can do even more to recognize that women’s lives have changed and be more adaptive to those changes in aspects of membership, in how Leagues run and in the nature of our community work.” What to do? As any CEO, CFO, fundraiser or household budgeteer knows, you can only cut and reorganize for so long. That is true at AJLI where the year 2012-13 represents the “tipping point” where basic services, not to mention the big plans on the horizon, are in jeopardy. For this reason, the AJLI Board is recommending an $8 increase in the per capita annual dues rate paid by its member Leagues. The $8 amounts to 67 cents per member per month, and would be the first increase since the 2001-02 League year. It would go into effect as a $4 increase in 2012-13 and as the full $8 in 2013-14. Susan Danish, AJLI’s Executive Director who just returned from the Winter Leadership Conference in New Orleans—and before that, the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) bi-annual conference in Singapore where she gave presentations on organizational transformation and scenario planning—is enthused by the opportunities the future holds for The Junior League Movement. “We aspire to be nothing less than what our legacy demands: the most sought-after sisterhood of empowered and qualified female community and civic leaders creating community impact modern society has ever seen,” said Delly Beekman, President of the AJLI Board and an Active member for the last 33 years in The Junior League of Monmouth County, New Jersey. “Back in 1901, when Mary Harriman got things going, that’s how the organization was known, and we should work together to ensure that our presence is strong in our second century.” “We’ve got an unbelievable opportunity ahead of us,” said Danish. “Not only do we have an untapped pool of qualified women who share our values to recruit from—15 million according to our research—but we also know that the need for the skilled leaders we can provide, which is already great, is on the rise.” AJLI’s future plans have been part of a thorough, thoughtful and purposeful planning process. Each step along the way has been documented and is available for every League member to review in the Member Area of the AJLI website. The process has acknowledged changes all of us are seeing in the nonprofit sector and in women’s increasingly busy lives, and in view of those changes has addressed membership satisfaction, recruitment and retention; Sustainer roles and engagement; League governance structures; and ways to ensure greater impact in the community. The process also has addressed many new ways that AJLI can meet the needs of its member Leagues and their individual League members to help create an organization that is even more meaningful in the 21st century. Danish, a Harvard Business School grad who serves on the board of The National Human Services Assembly, an association of the largest health and human services nonprofits in the United States and who has held executive posts at several Fortune 500 companies, is somewhat of an expert on transformational change. Not only has she guided AJLI’s strategic planning process over the past few years, but she would describe her “sweet spot” in business as “helping an organization get to its next stage,” whether that organization auctioned art, sold hosiery or inspired women to be entrepreneurs, as she did at Christies, Calvin Klein Hosiery or the Center for Women’s Leadership at Babson College, respectively. “We know that we need a more diverse array of funding sources and that’s why we have formed a Diversified Fund Development Task Force to create the plan,” she said. “But the fact remains that “Back in 1901, the visionary Mary Harriman and her fellow socially conscious debutantes who were venturing into the settlements to help the sick, and 8 practically since the Association was founded, we have derived our primary and greatest source of revenue from the dues our member-Leagues pay us, and cultivating broader sources of revenue—which we absolutely need to do and are doing—is not something that happens overnight.” meet virtually, but plans also include in-person meetings, as the budget permits. ▪ Providing faster, better, real time answers to League members’ questions through the development of a one-stop “Help Desk.” That new system went “live” on February 14 along with a new tracking system that will allow AJLI to monitor the nature of questions most commonly asked and provide a more robust FAQ section on the AJLI website. The current three-year Strategic Plan, reflecting the years of dialogue, deliberation and League-wide leader/member feedback, lays out the robust array of initiatives AJLI intends to implement as part of its transformation. These initiatives, some of which are already underway, include: ▪ Expanding The Junior Leagues’ Kids in the Kitchen childhood obesity initiative and addressing other emerging issues that resonate with the collective Junior League community. ▪ Providing cutting-edge learning and development opportunities for all League members. AJLI will offer a curriculum not only for League leaders, as has been its emphasis to date, but for every member. Topics will range from how to run meetings, risk management, and other topics already offered to League leaders in person at AJLI conferences, to topics like how to start a nonprofit, how to create a women’s giving circle, how to run for elected office, and reports on important issues of interest to League members, like childhood obesity, early childhood education, juvenile justice, cyber crimes, human trafficking and more. This bold new curriculum will be offered through in-person conferences, webinars and self-paced online modules. The curriculum is in development and the webinar portion will go live in 2011-2012. In developing and delivering this new curriculum, AJLI plans to tap into the vast reservoir of Junior League Sustainers to share their expertise in addition to using its own staff and many of the trainers familiar to League leaders from their conference attendance. The plan for in-person conferences includes transforming the 2014 Annual Conference into one large conference that we hope many Junior League members will want to attend. ▪ Positioning The Junior League as the undisputed thought leader in the area of women’s community and civic leadership development and a key influencer in the nonprofit sector. This work will begin with a survey, based on one developed by a team of Junior League members working with AJLI, to capture what Junior League members are involved in today. The survey results will be available on the AJLI website in the secure Member Area, and individual League information will be available to each League. This information will help AJLI better tell the story of the impact Junior League membership can have on women’s lives and on the communities where they live, and will be a powerful networking tool for Junior League members. The survey will be tested and fielded during the course of 2011. ▪ Supporting an intentional diversified fund development program that benefits not only AJLI but also member Leagues through re-granting or national sponsors. ▪ Creating the innovations that truly address the membership, governance and community impact opportunities and issues many Leagues currently face. At this writing, 79 Junior Leagues have stepped forward to participate in multi-year Action Learning Teams, and 13 Junior League volunteers, both Active and Sustainer members, were selected to guide these teams through their learning. The teams are addressing topics including new member programs, individualized member paths within the League, mentoring, Sustainer member involvement, the nominating process, governance versus management in Leagues and how to streamline the work as well as what is entailed in creating issuebased community impact. Their efforts will be the basis for new, proven “best practices” available for all Leagues. The coaches met on February 11-12 and the teams convene in March. These teams will “Change, especially change that is intended to be as transformative as we hope this phase will be for The Junior League,” said Beekman, “may seem daunting at first. But we need to remember that all of the changes are grounded in our Mission and Vision and are intended to ensure a bright future for all Junior Leagues and all members in Leagues that reflect state of the art practices in tune with the 21st century.” At AJLI’s Annual Conference in May in Philadelphia, the dues increase will be up for further discussion among the delegates and a vote. “I can’t imagine Mary Harriman not seeing the wisdom of this recommendation,” said Beekman. To see an informational video on the AJLI dues increase proposal, visit The Members section of ajli.org. If this motion passes at AJLI Annual Conference next month, JLE would likely also propose in 2012-13 an $8 increase of JLE dues to account for this AJLI per capita increase. This would affect Actives & Sustainers. 9 A GIANT 80’s THANK YOU! The 3rd Annual 80’S REWIND was a great success! I wanted to include a quick personal thank you to my team, you have been great to work with and I am so proud of the event that we pulled off! THANK YOU to Nicole Caldwell, Emily WachTer, Michele Polon, Patty Graziano, Nichole Klemm, Kathryn Proper, Mary Marz, Maureen Schraven, Aileen Baxter and Leigh Ann Orton. You guys really did a fantastic job and should be applauded for your fundraising efforts this year! We still have lots to do, but the night would not have happened without you 10 and it is appreciated! More 80’S REWIND thank yous and follow up to come! Stay tuned! Thank you to our 2011 80s Rewind Sponsors: GOLD Raven Sound Marinelli Photography SILVER Erie Bank Good Health Rejuvenation Erie Insurance Ambridge Rose Salon & Spa FRIENDS OF JLE Burton Funeral Home Country Fair Erie Family Law Group Erie GE Federal Credit Union Executive Personal Fitness M-80’s Thirst n Howl Rabe Environmental Systems 11 Special Thanks to: Small Business Alternatives PRO Waste Services, Inc. Ken Bickel, Esq. –Vendetti & Vendetti THANK YOU BASKET SPONSORS! A la Carte Alburn Florist Anderson Landscaping Arrowhead Wine Cellars Allen Stoneware Gallery Ambridge Rose Spa Beachbody Coach – Karen Bojarski Bed Bath & Beyond Bella Salon & Day Spa Best Fitness Buffalo Bills Campbell Pottery Celebrate Home – Pam Hartleb Christy Carucci Colony Pub & Grill Coventina Day Spa Curves for Women—West 38thSt Dahlkemper’s Jewelry Connection Dance Vibe Designs by Patricia L Eastway Lanes Elite Nails & Tanning Erie BayHawks Erie Beer Erie Otters Erie Philharmonic Erie Seawolves Erie Zoo Executive Personal Fitness ExpERIEnce Children’s Museum Fairchild’s Fine Jewelry & Gifts Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc. Family First Sports Park Ferrier’s True Valu Hardware Gannon University Good Health Rejuvenation Green Tree Solutions HairCutz Hampton Inn Harley Davidson of Erie Hertel & Brown Physical Therapy Hite Electric Jennifer Eberlein—Golf Pro Kinetic Massage Therapy Kim Turner Massage Therapy Kimberley Womack – Maya Wraps Kristi Ferguson Lia Sophia Jewelry Make it Fabulous/Summerhouse Café Mazza Wine Shop/South Shore Winery Mike ‘n Dangelos Moe’s Southwest Grill North American Gallery Orchard Ponds Golf Course Patty Graziano Peninsula Pups Doggie Daycare Pennbriar Penn Shore Vineyards Pepsi Beverages Company Pittsburgh Pirates Pittsburgh Steelers Planet Fitness Pufferbelly Restaurant Rosebud Floral Shop & Café Salon H2O Sal’s Hair Salon SandCille Demi Spa & Treatment Studio Sassy Designs by Bonnie D Scolio Fruit Baskets Shannon Jude Silpada – Gail Root Sprint Super Suppers Texas Roadhouse The Cultured Pearl The Eighmy Edge The House of Potter Thirty One Gifts – Catherine Fox (Consultant) Waldameer Park & Water World Wegmans Wildtree – Kelly Hetz YMCA – Eastside Thank you to the Erie Community for your AWESOME support! Please remember to support these important local businesses & tell them you saw their name at the Junior League 80s Rewind! 12 The Nominating Committee proudly announces the proposed slate for the 2011-2012 Board of Directors!! President ~ Tricia Ackerman President Elect ~ Catherine Fox Treasurer ~ Sara Temple Treasurer Elect ~ Andrea Snedden Recording Secretary ~ Kristi Ferguson Corresponding Secretary ~ Patty Graziano VP of Community Impact ~ Becky Obradovic VP of Fund Development ~ Emily Wachter Nicole Caldwell VP of Communications ~ Jean Nielsen VP of Membership ~ Megan Howard ABSENTEE BALLOT ___ I approve the slate for the 2011-2012 Board of Directors. ___ I do not approve the slate for the 2011-2012 Board of Directors. Signed______________________________________ Date_______________________________________ Absentee ballots must be received no later than noon on April 21. Please mail to: Junior League of Erie, Inc., Attn: JLE Secretary 208 East Bayfront Parkway, Suite 202, Erie, PA 16507 If you will not be present to vote at April’s GM meeting, please print & mail in an absentee ballot. A Message from the VP of Membership Help the Junior League of Erie grow! Do you know someone who would be a great addition to our organization? We are collecting names for our May 26th Prospective Member Open House. Please go to GoogleDocs and find “May 2011 New Member Open House Invitee List” and submit names. Invitations will be sent out soon! Thank you – Sara Temple Missing your JLE Nametag? We’re getting ready to order nametags for all the New Members...do you need one, too? The first one is free; replacements are a small fee! Let Sara Temple know by the April GMM. 13 (Also available at www.juniorleagueoferie.com) Thursday, April 7 Board Meeting, 6:30 pm, Headquarters Saturday, April 9 Baby Go Round Booth, Hamot Stork Fair, 10:30 am- 3:30 pm Friday, April 15 KITK at JFK Center, All Girl Pajama Jam, 2021 East 20th St, 6:30 – 8:30 pm Thursday, April 21 New Member Project & Author Visit: 11 am Blasco Library, 2pm ExpERIEnce Museum Thursday, April 21 General Membership Meeting & Training, 6:30pm, Headquarters Friday, April 22 Newsletter Deadline – email articles to newsletter@juniorleagueoferie.com Saturday, April 23 KITK at Earth Day, TREC, 301 Peninsula Dr, 10:30 am- 3:30 pm Thursday, April 28 KITK, Sisters St. Joseph, 425 West 18th Street, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Thursday, May 5 Joint Board Meeting (Old & New Board), 6:30 pm, Location TBA Thursday, May 19 May Dinner Meeting - General Membership Meeting, Location TBA Saturday, May 21 Barnes & Noble Field Trip, Sisters of St. Joseph, 10 am – 2 pm Thursday, May 26 New Member Open House, 6:30pm – 8:00pm ‘Like’ Us on Facebook! Stay Connected Get Meeting Reminders Photo Albums Learn About the Association Watch AJLI Videos Make sure you Like both the Junior League of Erie & Junior League pages; One is ours, the other is AJLI’s. THE MERCY CENTER FOR WOMEN Presents the Fourth Annual Purse & Pearl Luncheon Benefiting Dress for Success Erie Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 Bayfront Convention Center 10:30 Shopping 12:00 Luncheon Donate a purse and pearl(note) of wisdom! For tickets, call 456-0733 Or visit www.dressforsuccess.org/erie 14 The Power of 85 Annual Fund Contributors With great appreciation, we recognize the following League members for their generous support of the Junior League of Erie “The Power of 85” Annual Fund: Helene Becker Carol Lee Restifo ........................ In Memory of Ruth Burton Gayle & Donald Wright............... In Memory of Ruth Burton Susan H. Hagen ..........................In Memory of Ruth Burton Cathy Marin Cindy Christiansen Kelly Hetz .................................... In Memory of Melissa Talasky & Laura Klopfer-Wright Kendra Zacks Linda & John Majewski Andrea & John Snedden Joanne & Denis Krill............... In Honor of the Provisional Class of 2000 Jane Rayburg............................ In Honor of All Past Presidents Darby Scalise.......................... In Memory of Ruth Burton & Ann Brew Carolyn Patton.......................... In Memory of Ruth Burton & Ann Brew Sally Lund................................... In Memory of her husband, David Lund *Reflects donations received before March 17, 2011 Donations to the Annual Fund may still be made at any time. Send check to: Junior League of Erie, ATTN: Annual Fund, 208 E. Bayfront Pkwy, Ste. 202, Erie, PA 16507. Redbooks Anyone who didn’t receive one (or binder/inserts for those who don’t have them) should contact Andrea Simons-Snedden or Kristi Ferguson. Dues Dues are now past due, and are $120.00 for Actives and $80 for Sustainers. Please give your dues payments to Andrea Simons-Snedden at a meeting, or mail to Headquarters (attention Recording Secretary). Junior League of Erie, Inc. Andrea Simons-Snedden, Recording Secretary 208 East Bayfront Highway, Suite 202 Erie, PA 16507 secretary@juniorleagueoferie.com 15 THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ERIE, INC. APRIL MEMBERSHIP LIST Actives Actives NR Actives On Leave TOTAL ACTIVES Sustainers Sustainers NR Sustainer Emeritus TOTAL SUSTAINERS TOTAL MEMBERSHIP 50 2 1 53 94 7 20 121 174 Please make these corrections to your Red Book or clip this section and add it to your Red Book binder. Address Changes: (S) Teresa Brugger 5243 Wolf Run Village Lane Erie, PA 16505 (S) Catherine Woofter 4140 Aberdeen Circle Viera, FL 32955 Email Address Change: (S) Debbie Figaski – swim1528@aol.com (S) Laura Petrella – rplp@roadrunner.com (S) Beverly Tomkins Metcalf – bevmetcalf@gmail.com (S) Carolyn Lee Sawdey Restifo – jdrestifo@gmail.com Phone Number Changes: (S) Barbara Scott – (H) 814-397-2113 Please submit any changes to your contact information as soon as possible to: Junior League of Erie, Inc. Andrea Simons-Snedden, Recording Secretary 208 East Bayfront Highway, Suite 202 Erie, PA 16507 secretary@juniorleagueoferie.com 16