Chapter 13

Chapter 21
Assessment of Fetal Well-Being
Resource Library
Prentice Hall Nursing Medialink DVD-ROM
Audio Glossary
NCLEX Review
Video: Through the Eyes of a Nurse—The Third Trimester
Companion Website
Additional NCLEX Review
Case Study: Client Undergoing Contraction Stress Test
Care Plan Activity:Monitoring Well-Being of a Slow-Developing Fetus
Applications: Fetal Assessment; Fetal Lung Maturity
Critical Thinking
Learning Objective 1
Describe the various psychologic responses to antenatal testing.
Concepts for Lecture
1. Psychologic Response to Testing
Routine part of care
Confirmation of viability
Psychologic preparation for attachment
Fear and anxiety
Learning Objective 2
Identify indications and interpret findings for ultrasound examinations performed in the first
Concepts for Lecture
1. First Trimester Ultrasound
Establish gestational age
Crown to rump length
Most accurate between 6 and 10 weeks
Nuchal translucency testing
Combined ultrasound and serum testing
Risk for chromosomal disorder
Screened between 11 weeks and 1 day and 16weeks and 7 days
Learning Objective 3
Describe the procedures used in the first trimester to confirm fetal viability.
Concepts for Lecture
1. First Trimester Viability Confirmation
Serial quantitative serum beta hCG testing
Learning Objective 4
Delineate the use of ultrasound in the second trimester to assess fetal life, number, presentation,
anatomy, age, and growth.
Concepts for Lecture
1. Second Trimester Ultrasound
Fetal life
Fetal number
Fetal presentation
Fetal anatomy
Gestational age
Amniotic fluid index
2. Second Trimester Ultrasound
Placental position
Learning Objective 5
Compare the indications and procedures for fetal movement awareness, the nonstress test,
vibroacoustic stimulation, the contraction stress test, biophysical profile, and amniotic fluid
Concepts for Lecture
1. Fetal Movement
Indirect measure of the fetal central nervous system (CNS)
Vigorous movement indicates fetal well-being
Decreased movement is associated with chronic oxygen compromise
2. Nonstress Test (NST)
Accelerations imply an intact CNS
Acceleration patterns are affected by gestational age
Accelerations must be 15 beats per minute above baseline, lasting 15
Reactive—two or more accelerations within 20minutes
Nonreactive—insufficient accelerations over 40minutes
3. Vibroacoustic Stimulation (VAS)
Application of sound and vibration to stimulate fetal movement
Used to facilitate NST
3. Contraction Stress Test (CST)
Evaluates uteroplacental function
Identifies intrauterine hypoxia
Observes FHR response to contractions
If compromised, FHR will decrease
3a Interpretation of CST
4 .Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)
Decreased uteroplacental perfusion results in oligohydramnios
AFI of five or less requires further evaluation
5. Biophysical Profile (BPP)
Fetal heart rate acceleration
Fetal breathing
Fetal movements
Fetal tone
Amniotic fluid volume
Learning Objective 6
Explain the purpose of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein testing and the implications of
abnormal values.
Concepts for Lecture
1. Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein
Component of quadruple check
Screening test for
Neural tube defects
Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
Trisomy 18
Performed between 15 and 22 weeks of gestation
Learning Objective 7
Contrast the use of amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling in detecting a fetus with a
chromosomal disorder.
Concepts for Lecture
1. Amniocentesis (Figure 21.19)
Used to detect genetic, metabolic, and DNA abnormalities
Can detect neural tube defects
Amniotic fluid obtained through needle aspiration
Complications include
Vaginal spotting and cramping
Mild fluid leaking
2. Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
Used to detect genetic, metabolic, and DNA abnormalities
Needle aspiration of chorionic villi from placenta
Earlier diagnosis than amniocentesis
Cannot detect neural tube defects
Pregnancy loss is twice as high as with amniocentesis
Potential for limb reduction
Learning Objective 8
Discuss fetal fibronectin and transvaginal measurement of cervical length as predictors of
preterm labor.
Concepts for Lecture
1. Predictors of Preterm Labor
Fetal fibronectin (fFN)
Presence between 20 and 34 weeks is predictor of preterm delivery
Cervical length and internal os
Measured by ultrasound
Shortened cervix and dilated internal os can predict preterm birth
False-positive common
Learning Objective 9
Discuss how the lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio of the amniotic fluid and phosphatidylglycerol
(PG) can be used to assess fetal lung maturity.
Concepts for Lecture
1. Fetal Lung Maturity
Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio
Ratio of 2 to 1 indicates fetal lung maturity
Phosphatidylglycerol (PG)
Presence indicates fetal lung maturity