
About Jones Soda
As of August 1st, 2000, Urban Juice and Soda Company Ltd. officially changed
its name to Jones Soda Co ("JONES"). The story of the Company began in
1987, when Company founder and president, Peter van Stolk, recognized the
potential of emerging "alternative" products in the beverage industry.
The company's start in the beverage world was not as a manufacturer of
its own brand, but as a distributor in western Canada of other successful
lines, including Just Pik't Juices, Arizona Iced Tea and Thomas Kemper
sodas. By 1994, Jones was firmly established as a full line beverage
distributor in western Canada, with a reputation for picking winners.
Jones Soda Flavors
Utilizing its experience and knowledge gained in the distribution industry,
JONES decided to create and distribute its own brands. In 1995, JONES
created two brands of its own: WAZU Natural Spring water, launched in
April 1995 and Jones Soda, launched with six flavors in January 1996.
Jones Soda has been recognized and awarded for its unique packaging
that features constantly changing labels that are generated and submitted
by its consumers. In 2000, Jones Soda Co. launched its own version of an
energy drink, named WhoopAss. The following year, in 2001, Jones Soda
Co. launched 6 flavors of Jones Juice. See Jones Flavor Evolution for more
Distribution of Jones Soda began with what we call our "alternative
distribution strategy." Jones Soda Co. placed it own coolers, bearing their
signature flames, in some truly unique venues, such as skate, surf and
snowboarding shops, tattoo and piercing parlors, as well as in individual
fashion stores and national retail clothing and music stores. Following the
execution of the alternative distribution strategy, Jones began an up and
down the street "attack" of the marketplace; this time placing product in
convenience and food stores. Finally, the Company has now begun to
achieve larger chain store listings with companies such as Starbucks,
Panera Bread, Barnes & Noble, Safeway, Target, Cost Plus, Meijers, WinnDixies stores, Albertson's, and 7-Eleven stores.
Jones Soda has also incorporated unique marketing initiatives in its
strategy. Jones Pro Riders and Jones Emerging Riders, including extreme
pro athletes BMXer Mat Hoffman, X-Game Gold Medallist Bucky Lasek and
Surf Legend Benji Weatherley, can be found promoting Jones and sporting
the Jones logo at extreme sporting events across the country. The Jones
RVs on both the East and West coasts, travel throughout cities in North
America handing out soda and talking to the people on the street.
Jones Soda has always been about the consumer and interacting with the
consumer. From the ever changing photos on our labels to the company's
websites, and, and the recent
MyJones Independent Music site,, Jones Soda has
created a cult following and is a passion not only among soda drinkers but
with its employees, directors and shareholders.
Run with the little guy... create some change.
Milestones: 2003
11/03 Jones Soda Co. creates a new flavor of soda,
Turkey and Gravy Jones Soda, just in time for
Thanksgiving. Due to a high volume of
requests for the sale of this flavor, it is sold on
Jones Soda Co.'s website and sells out in two
hours. Procees from the sale of Turkey and
Gravy Jones Soda were donated to Toys for
11/03 Six flavors of Jones Soda will be available for
sale in all 201 Cost Plus stores throughout the
United States.
09/03 Jones Soda Co. launches its line of Sugar Free
Jones Sodas. The initial launch includes two
flavors, Sugar-Free Root Beer and Sugar-Free
Black Cherry. Sugar-Free Ginger Ale and
Sugar-Free Cream Soda are soon added to the
06/03 Jones Soda Co. sells out of 5,000 limited
edition Hot Wheels Collector Packs on its
website in less than one day.
06/03 Jones Soda Co. teams up with Panera Bread,
selling six flavors of Jones Soda and three
flavors of Jones Naturals in over 500 Panera
Bread bakery-cafes. Photos on the bottles of
Jones Soda and Jones Naturals sold at Panera
Bread bakery-cafes are submitted by Panera
5/03 Pro Vert Skater Bucky Lasek is signed as a
Jones Soda Co. sponsored athlete.
5/03 Jones Soda Co. teams up with Hot Wheels to
create a one of a kind, collector's edition Hot
Wheel, designed after our original orange RV.
4/03 Monster Garage teams up with Jones Soda Co.
to convert the original orange Jones RV into a
mobile skatepark with the help of Tony Hawk
and Rick Thorne. The show is broadcast on
the Discovery Channel.
4/03 Barnes and Noble signs a three year contract
with Jones Soda Co. to place Jones Naturals in
their Barnes & Noble Cafes across the United
Sodas | Naturals | Energy | Organics | Cans | Lip Balm | Popsicles |
Lip Balm
The Jones Soda Locator will tell you which
major chain stores carry Jones Soda products
in your state or province.
Did you know about the Jones Soda Store?
Did you know you can buy all kinds of crazy stuff there?
See also our Limited Editions from Jones Soda
(including the curiously flavored Holiday Packs)
Product Planning & Development Project
CONGRATULATIONS! You and your partners are new marketing development
managers for Jones Soda Company. You were assembled with the hope of improving
the general business condition of one of their major product lines. Your task will be to
develop a NEW product design for one of the following product lines: Naturals,
Organics, Energy, Soda, Cans, Lip Balm, Soda Pops, Candy or Limited Editions. You
and your partners will present your new product development and ask for permission to
launch your new product with a 30-40 minute formal presentation to the Jones Soda
Company Board of Directors.
Product Name ___________________________________________________________
Product Description _______________________________________________________
Team Member Names & Job Titles___________________________________________
Describe in detail what took place during Step 1: Generating Ideas.
Describe in detail what took place during Step 2: Screening Ideas.
Create a prototype of your NEW product. Describe in detail what took place during
Step 3: Prototype Development.
Ensure your NEW product patent has been approved by the TGIC (The Guy n
Charge. . . and that would be Mr. McCauley!) Explain the type of patent your NEW
product received and its value to the company.
Explain the TANGIBLE product features and customer benefits.
Explain the GENERIC product features.
Explain the EXTENDED product features.
Explain in detail who the target market is for the NEW product. Use demographic,
psychographic and behavioral information as your rationale for the target market.
Explain in detail the geographic area in which the NEW product will be launched.
Identify all the competitors of the NEW product. Explain why and how they
compete with the NEW product.
Explain how your product is positioned. (Price & Quality, Features & Benefits,
Unique Characteristics, Relation to Competition, or Relation to Other Products in a
Explain how the competition is positioned. (Price & Quality, Features & Benefits,
Unique Characteristics, Relation to Competition, or Relation to Other Products in a
Explain the positioning statement for the NEW product; provide rationale!
Develop the NEW product’s brand name, brand mark or trade character. Ensure the
NEW product’s brand name, brand mark or trade character has been trademarked or
registered by the TGIC.
Explain the importance of trademarks or registering the NEW product and its value
to the company.
Explain why the brand name, brand mark or trade character will be effective and
what message it will send to the target market.
Explain the type of brand the NEW product is…national, private, or generic, and its
value to the company.
Explain the branding strategies used in developing the NEW product (brand
extension, brand licensing, co-branding, mixed brands) and its value to the
Develop a realistic package for the NEW product.
Explain how the package utilizes the functions of packaging and explain the
package’s value to the company and the target market.
 Promoting & Selling the Product
 Defining Product Identity
 Providing Information
 Meeting Customer Needs
 Ensuring Safe Use
 Protecting the Product
Explain how the package utilizes Environmental and/or Cause packaging. Explain its
value to the company and the target market.
Explain the form of the NEW product’s package. (skin, blister, aerosol, flexible,
shrink wrap, multi, aseptic, dispensing)
Explain the 7 pieces of information on the NEW product’s label and the value to the
company and the target market.
 Product Illustration
 Product Guarantee
 Dates
 Storage Information
 Weight Statements
 Manufacturer’s Name and Address
 Universal Product Code
Explain the total cost of the NEW product prototype. Prototype cost ______
Explain in detail the Pricing Concept that was used to create the channel member
price and the MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price) price of the NEW product.
 Demand-Oriented Pricing
 Cost-Oriented Pricing…markup or cost-plus
 Competition-Oriented Pricing
If Cost-Oriented Pricing concept was used…
 Explain in detail the factors that influenced the cost of the NEW product being
mass-produced. Mass produced cost ________per unit
 Cost of raw materials
 Cost of labor
If Demand-Oriented or Competition-Oriented concept was used…
 Explain in detail the factors that influenced the price of the NEW product to
channel members. Channel Member price ________per unit
 Cost & Expenses
 Competition
 Supply & Demand
 Government Regulations…(price fixing, price discrimination)
 PLC…(skimming, penetration)
Explain in detail any pricing techniques that were used to come up with the MSRP.
 Psychological…odd, even, prestige
 Discounts…quantity, discounts
Explain in detail the channel of distribution the NEW product will take. Explain its
value to the company and the target market.
Explain in detail each channel member’s responsibilities in the NEW products
channel of distribution.
Explain in detail the NEW product’s level of intensity. Explain its value to the
company and to the target market.
Explain in detail the type of retailer in which the NEW product will be placed.
Explain its value to the company and to the target market.
Explain why your TEAM believes this NEW product will be a HUGE success for the
Explain why the board of directors (YOUR BOSS) should approve this NEW product
and how it will benefit the company and the target market. Your TEAM needs to
SELL the board of directors on this NEW product.
50% You will present your ideas to the board of directors.
Your presentation should involve ALL members of the group.
Your TEAM will receive the same score for the presentation.
Everyone MUST be professionally dressed to present to the
board of directors.
30% This will be evaluated by ME! Your TEAM will receive the
same score. The score is based on how realistic the prototype is,
what need the prototype satisfies in the market, the quality of
workmanship, realistic packaging, and realistic branding.
Peer Score…
10% This will be your chance to evaluate your TEAM members
based on how they contributed to the overall success of the
project. The scores will be averaged to determine each
member’s score.
10% You must work with your group and stay on task during class
work time. Each day that you have class time to work on your
project, you must DEMONSTRATE that you are working. (I should
not have to ask you to start working or ask what you are doing!
Make sure you look like you are working.) Attendance does impact
this part of your project grade. It is up to the group to ensure that
all students participate. This score will be given on an individual
Presentation Evaluation
Presenter’s Names ______________________________________________________
Product Name _________________________________________________________
0= did not cover, 1=improvement needed, 2=acceptable, 3=very good, 4=outstanding
Whenever possible please add comments on the bottom and back of the evaluation to
aid your classmates as future marketers. Without feedback it is hard to know what and
how to improve and what strengths should to be retained.
 Introduced TEAM members (names & titles)
 Stated purpose of presentation
 Overview of presentation
 Established ground rules of presentation
 Company background…financial situation and team challenge
 Introduction of NEW product
Part 1
New Product Development
 Described in detail what took place during Step 1: Generating Ideas.
 Described in detail what took place during Step 2: Screening Ideas.
 Described in detail what tool place during Step 3: Prototype Development.
 Explained the type of patent your NEW product received and its value to the
 Explained the TANGIBLE product features and customer benefits.
 Explained the GENERIC product features.
 Explained the EXTENDED product features.
Part 2
Market Segmentation
 Explained in detail who the target market is for the NEW product. Used
demographic, psychographic and behavioral information as rationale for the target
 Explained in detail the geographic area in which the NEW product
will be launched.
Part 3
 Identified all the competitors of the NEW product. Explained why and how they
compete with they NEW product.
Explained how the product is positioned. (Price & Quality, Features & Benefits,
Unique Characteristics, Relation to Competition, or Relation to Other Products in a
Explained how the competition is positioned. (Price & Quality, Features & Benefits,
Unique Characteristics, Relation to Competition, or Relation to Other Products in a
Explained the positioning statement for the NEW product.
Part 4
 Explained the NEW product’s brand name, brand mark or trade character.
 Explained the importance of trade marking or registering the NEW product and the
its value to the company.
 Explained why the brand name, brand mark or trade character will be effective and
what message it will send to the target market.
 Explained the type of brand the NEW product is…national, private, or generic, and
its value to the company.
 Explained any branding strategies that were used in developing the NEW product
(brand extension, brand licensing, co-branding, mixed brands) and its value to the
Part 5
 Explained how the package utilizes the functions of packaging and the package’s
value to the company and the target market.
 Promoting & Selling the Product
 Defining Product Identity
 Providing Information
 Meeting Customer Needs
 Ensuring Safe Use
 Protecting the Product
 Explained how the package utilizes Environmental and Cause packaging. Explain its
value to the company and the target market.
 Explained the form of the NEW product’s package. (skin, blister, aerosol, flexible,
shrink wrap, multi, aseptic, dispensing)
Part 6
 Explained the 7 pieces of information on the NEW product’s label and the value to
the company and the target market.
 Product Illustration
 Product Guarantee
 Dates
 Storage Information
 Weight Statements
 Manufacturer’s Name and Address
 Universal Product Code
Part 7
 Explain the total cost of the NEW product prototype. Prototype cost ______
 Explain in detail the Pricing Concept that was used to create the channel member
price and the MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price) price of the NEW product.
 Demand-Oriented Pricing
 Cost-Oriented Pricing…markup or cost-plus
 Competition-Oriented Pricing
 If Cost-Oriented Pricing concept was used…
 Explain in detail the factors that influenced the cost of the NEW product being
mass-produced. Mass produced cost ________per unit
 Cost of raw materials
 Cost of labor
 If Demand-Oriented or Competition-Oriented concept was used…
 Explain in detail the factors that influenced the price of the NEW product to
channel members. Channel Member price ________per unit
 Cost & Expenses
 Competition
 Supply & Demand
 Government Regulations…(price fixing, price discrimination)
 PLC…(skimming, penetration)
 Explain in detail any pricing techniques that were used to come up with the MSRP.
________________MSRP per unit
 Psychological…odd, even, prestige
 Discounts…quantity, discounts
Part 8
 Explained in detail the channel of distribution the NEW product will take. Explained
its value to the company and the target market.
 Explained in detail each channel member’s responsibilities in the NEW product’s
channel of distribution.
 Explained in detail the NEW product’s level of intensity. Explained its value to the
company and to the target market.
 Explained the good classification of the NEW product.
 Explained in detail the type of retailer in which the NEW product will be placed.
Explained its value to the company and to the target market.
Part 9
Rationale…Asking for the sale
 Explained why your TEAM believes this NEW product will be a HUGE success for the
Explained why the board of directors (YOUR BOSS) should approve this NEW
product and how it will benefit the company and the target market and why it
should be launched. Your TEAM SOLD the board of directors on this NEW product.
Asked for the board’s approval.
Part 10
 Eye contact with everyone vs. reading off note cards
 Voice---projected to back of room so everyone could hear
 Display of enthusiasm and energy (you are excited about your NEW product)
 Presented as a TEAM not as separate individuals
Part 11
Visual Aids
 Professional visual aids, large so everyone can read
 Professional prototype
 Professional handouts