JHolmes 2015 To Today’s Target W23 Week of: January 26-30 Word of Week: GDP and GDP per capita Target: I can explain why gender Monday roles are different in Egypt between Egypt: WGS boys and girls. Magazine Gender Roles Discussion – GOVGV9-10/ECON E11-14/GEO- G3Cooperation and G10 Econ. -HW: Cooperation/ Conflict and Economy Tuesday Saudi Arabia Mapping and Charts for WGS Magazine Target: I can identify the four countries located on the Arabian Peninsula. Name:________________________ Prove it! Prove it! GOVGV9-10/ECON E11-14/GEO- G3G10 HW: Finish Saudi Arabia Map Wednesday Continue Saudi Arabia “Black Gold” Economy- Natural Resources and “Black Gold” and Government “Islamic Law” HW: Finish Econ and Government Thursday Saudi Arabia: Culture Gender Roles and “Islamic Law” related to Religion of Islam HW: Finish Culture and Geography – Land of Saudi Arabia. Target: The region of southwest Asia including the Arabian desert on the Arabian Peninsula are too dry and arid for agriculture, however is an area rich in resources. Identify this resource and why it could cause conflict. Friday Saudi Arabia: Chromebooks Computers for Saudi Arabia research HW: Saudi Arabia Target: I can complete my Second country of my WGS Magazine Project, Saudi Arabia! Prove it! GOVGV9-10/ECON E11-14/GEO- G3G10 Target: Much of the region of northern Africa and Saudi Arabia are Muslim following the religion of Islam. Please identify the 5 Pillars of Islam. GOVGV9-10/ECON E11-14/GEO- G3G10 Prove it! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. GOVGV9-10/ECON E11-14/GEO- G3G10 Prove it! Egypt and Saudi Arabia in my Portfolio by Monday 2/3/14 Completed! Quiz Mon. W.O.W- Words of the Week GDP- Gross Domestic Product- the measure of goods and services provided by a country each year. The GDP of Sauid Arabi is high due to their large supply of Identify the GDP of Egypt: Create your own sentence below using the word GDP. “black gold” or crude oil. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Per Capita GDP- The average income of the people (per person) in a country. The GDP per capita can be used to compare the wealth of families between countries, however other factors must be taken into your consideration. Identify the GDP per Capita Explain why the GDP of Saudi Arabia is so high. of Saudi Arabia. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________