Experiment For Finding The Germination Rate Of Different Seeds Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to find the germination rate of eleven seeds at room temperature with 2 tsp of water supply in each Petri-dish. Apparatus: 3 Sterilized Petri-dishes 3 filter papers 25 Mung Beans, 25 Green Lentils, 25 Buck Wheat, 25 Red Clover, 25 Alfa Alfa, 25 Soft Wheat, 25 Oil Seed Radish, 25 Black Mustard, 25 China Rose Radish, 25 Adzuki, 25 Sun Flower Seeds. 6 tsp tap water (obtained from Hamilton, Ontario) 1 Box Procedure: I divided each sterilized Petri-dish into four quadrants with a permanent marker on the outside of the base of the dish and tagged the name of the seeds in each quadrant. Then I placed one filter paper per dish and placed 25 seeds in corresponding quadrant (Dish 1: 25 Mung Beans, 25 Green Lentils, 25 Buck Wheat, 25 Red Clover; Dish 2: 25 Alfa Alfa, 25 Soft Wheat, 25 Oil Seed Radish, 25 Black Mustard; Dish 3: 25 China Rose Radish, 25 Adzuki, 25 Sun Flower Seeds). Then I distributed 2tsp of water in each dish, put the lid on and wrote the date and time on the lid. I then placed these Petri-dishes in a card board box and placed the box in a drawer. Then everyday (at the same time I began the experiment) I took the count of the seed that were germinated. I also observed for the moles and presence of water. Observation: The germination rates for each seed for 5 day period are given in Table 1 in terms of number of seeds germinated and the percentage of seeds germinated. Seed Name Mung Bean Green Lentil Buck Weat Red clover Alfa Alfa Soft Wheat Oil Seed Radish Black Mustard China Rose Radish Adzuki Day1 (no) 9 12 3 7 6 15 13 9 7 0 Day1 (%) 36 48 12 28 24 60 52 36 28 0 Day 2 (no) 19 23 6 11 10 22 18 17 18 6 Day 2 (%) 76 92 24 44 40 88 72 68 72 24 Day 3 (no) 23 25 17 11 12 25 22 22 23 17 Day 3 (%) 92 100 68 44 48 100 88 88 92 68 Day 4 (no) 25 25 19 12 14 25 23 22 25 23 Day 4 (%) 100 100 76 48 56 100 92 88 100 92 Day 5 (no) 25 25 22 16 17 25 24 22 25 23 Day 5 (%) 100 100 88 64 68 100 96 88 100 92 Sunflower 3 12 8 32 19 76 21 84 21 84 Table 1: The germination rate of 11 seeds for over 5 day period in counts and percentage. I also accounted for the formation of moles in these seeds. Table 2 illustrate these data. Seed Name Mung Bean Green Lentil Buck Weat Red clover Alfa Alfa Soft Wheat Oil Seed Radish Black Mustard China Rose Radish Adzuki Sunflower Day1 (no) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Day1 (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Day2 (no) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 Day2 (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 4 Day3 (no) 1 0 3 0 0 5 6 13 1 0 3 Day 3 (%) 4 0 12 0 0 20 24 52 4 0 12 Day 4 (no) 3 0 5 1 0 6 17 22 2 0 16 Day4 (%) 12 0 20 4 0 24 68 88 8 0 64 Day5 (no) 4 0 8 2 0 9 20 25 5 0 21 Table 2: The rate at which seed show the evidence of mold as a function of days. I also noticed that Dish 1 and Dish 3 ran out of water very fast. By day four the seeds (the small parts such as roots and leaves that came out of seed) that were in Dish 1 and 3 started dehydration. On day 5, the dehydration of these seeds were very visible and the smaller seeds started dying. Discussion: In this experiment we kept the temperature constant at room temperature by placing the dishes in a box and keeping them at the same spot in the room. I plotted a graph of germination rate as a function of days to have a clear understanding about the germination rate [figure 1] Day 5 (%) 16 0 32 8 0 36 80 100 20 0 84 A Graph Of Germination Rate Vs Days 120 100 Mung Bean Germination Rate (%) Green Lentil 80 Buck Weat Red clover 60 Alfa Alfa Soft Wheat Oil Seed Radish 40 Black Mustard China Rose Radish 20 Adzuki Sunflower 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -20 Days Figure 1: A graph of germination rate of 11 seeds as a function of days. From this graph we can see that pretty much all the seed germinated well with an exceptionally good germination rate for green lentils and soft wheat though out all days. We can also see that the green lentils, soft wheat, mung bean and china rose radish reaches 100% germination by forth day. The Adzuki had a very slow growth rate in the beginning but, by the end of forth day it reached 92%. Alfa Alfa and red clover had a pretty slow and steady growth rate through out the five days. From these observations, in terms of fast germination rate, we can see that green lentils, soft wheat and mung bean would be better choice. The other concern I had when I was doing this experiment was the molds that appeared in the seeds. So, I accounted for these molds and plotted a graph to see the sensitivity of these seeds for molds. A Graph Of Mold Rate Vs Days 120 Mung Bean Mold Rate (%) 100 Green Lentil Buck Weat 80 Red clover Alfa Alfa 60 Soft Wheat 40 Oil Seed Radish Black Mustard 20 China Rose Radish Adzuki 0 -20 0 2 4 6 Sunflower Days Figure 2: A graph that shows the rate at which the seeds were infected with mold as a function of days From this graph we can see that sunflower was the one to get mold in first place. The black mustard, sunflower and oil seed radish were affected a lot by molds. We can also see that Adzuki, Green Lentils, and Alfa Alfa are very resistant for mold. In analyzing the reason for the mold, the Petri-dish was not contaminated because they were sterilized. The other possibilities of contamination would be that of the water, seed or air. The distribution of water and air contamination would be equal for all the seed since we used the same spoon, water and air. If the contamination was from seed, then it would be isolated for each seed however, most of the seed were in contact with each other. We noticed that green lentils and alfa alfa did not get mold although they were in contact with another seed that already had mole in these 5 day period. This shows that these seeds are pretty resistant for mold. Therefore, if we were to choose a seed that is most resistance for mold it would be one of Adzuki, Green Lentils or Alfa Alfa. I also noticed a difference in the water level in all three dishes. By 4th day dish 1 and 3 were dried out of water and even on 5th day the dish 3 still had water vapor (drops) in the dish. If we noticed the seed content in all these three dishes we can see that dish 1 and 3 had large seed while dish 2 had smaller seed. I also noticed on day 4 that the slot just above Red clover (a small seed) in dish 1 has small water drops in the lid. This shows that the water consumption is higher for larger seed compared to that of smaller seeds. Conclusion: In terms of fast germination rate, green lentils, mung bean and soft weat are our best choice. However, in terms of mold resistivity, Adzuki, Green Lentils and Alfa Alfa would be our better choice. In terms of water consumption any smaller seeds would work well. Considering all these I would choose Green Lentils to do my experiment on effect of radiation on seed germination.