Legal Action cumulative index for 2003 SUBJECT INDEX The index is up to date to November 2003. In each entry, the final reference gives the month and relevant page (eg, 1-22 means that the item is in January on page 22). * denotes a topic dealt with at length ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Commission for Judicial Appointments 8-6* County courts 2-6 Criminal Justice Bill 10-3 Department for Constitutional Affairs 7-4, 8-6* role of 10-3, 10-4 Employment tribunal procedure 5-18 adjournments 5-18 applications 11-18 costs 2-7, 5-19 discrimination claims 2-7, 11-23 procedure 5-18 reserve judgments 5-19 Task Force 2-7 time limits 5-20 upper age limits 11-23 Housing tribunals 3-9*, 11-14 Immigration appeals 4-5, 4-46 Information technology 3-4 Land, valuation and housing tribunals, proposal for amalgamating 4-5 Lord Chancellor, abolition of 7-4, 8-6, 10-3, 10-4 Lord Chancellor’s Department chairman of, appointment of 3-4 human rights 5-3 reviews of 2-4 select committee 3-4, 4-5, 5-3, 5-4 separation of powers 5-3, 5-4 Magistrates information technology 3-4 Ministry of Justice 7-4, 7-6 Modernisation of the court system 2-30 National Audit Office magistrates’ courts, information technology in 3-4 Supreme Court, proposal for 7-4, 8-6, 10-4 Tribunals service model procedure rules 6-4 proposals for a unified 4-4 CHILDREN Abduction, parties to the convention on 8-33 Abuse 4-33 perpetrators of, identity of 10-17 sexual 3-18 Accountability 10-12, 10-15 Adoption 1-26 Adoption and Children Act 2002 4-32*, 4-46, 10-12* agencies 11-35 foreign 7-34 immigration 8-17 inter-country 3-32, 6-33, 8-33 leave 1-31, 5-17 pay 1-31 services 8-33 support 4-33, 10-12 Wales, services in 6-34 Advocacy services 4-32, 4-34 Anti-social offences 1-35 Appeals 6-33 Care access to records 1-26 Care Standards Tribunal 10-31 fair trials 4-35 family life, right to respect for 1-26, 4-35, 10-16 parent’s rights during proceedings 10-16* proceedings 1-26, 10-16* protection and 10-14 unborn children 10-16 Carers, support for 10-12 Chief Inspector of Schools 6-33 Child support 4-46 Children Act proceedings advocacy services 4-32 good practice guidance 10-14 report 2002 10-15 separate representation 4-32 Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service 10-15 Children’s guardians 3-32 Children’s Rights Commissioner, creation of 10-14 Climbié, inquiry into the death of Victoria 4-33, 10-12 Commission for Social Care Inspection, setting up of 10-15 Delivery of services 10-12 Detention 1-14 Director of Children’s Services, creation of role of 10-12 Disability discrimination, schools and 11-32 Fair trials 4-35 Family life, right to 1-26 adoption 1-26 care proceedings 1-26, 4-35, 10-16 Green paper 10-12 Guardians ad litem, replacement of 3-32 Guardians, delay in appointing 11-28 Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill 10-15 Housing 1-23, 4-32, 8-32, 10-13 Immigration 8-17 Integration 10-12 Intervention, early 10-12 Jobseeker’s allowance 8-13 Laming Inquiry 4-33, 10-12 Legislation 1-33, 10-12* Local authorities care 1-26, 4-35 fair trials 4-35 family life, right to respect for 4-35 sexual abuse 3-18 Young Offender Institutions 4-36 Maintenance 3-33 Officers of the service 3-32 Parents, supporting 10-12 Policy 10-12* Protection, effective 10-12, 10-14, 10-15 Public law protocol 10-13 Sexual abuse 3-18 Schools, disability discrimination and 11-32 Social security 3-33, 10-31 Support 3-32, 3-34 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, implementation of 4-35, 10-14 Workforce reform 10-12, 10-15 Young Offender Institutions 4-36 Youth justice policy 10-15 CIVIL LAW AND PROCEDURE Alternative dispute resolution 7-10, 7-14 Appeals 4-46 Asbestos, damages for 5-5, 8-5 Bundles 7-14 Case management 2-30, 7-9, 7-13 Civil Procedure Rules updating, 7-8, 7-12*, 10-31 Conditional fee agreements 2-31 Costs 2-29, 2-31, 7-11, 7-12, 7-14 fixed 2-30 full costs recovery 1-4, 2-6 pre-emptive 5-16 security for 2-38 Court fees 2-6, 2-29, 7-12 Damages asbestos exposure 5-5, 8-5 litigation, effectiveness of 9-4 Disclosure pre-action 7-12 Disposal hearings 2-29 Electronic filing 2-29 Evidence expert 2-30, 7-10 new 5-16 Expert evidence 2-30, 7-10, 7-13 Fair trials 2-31 defamation 1-26 legal aid 1-26 Fast track 7-9 Homelessness appeals 2-29 Human rights 7-8 Intellectual property 2-38, 7-12 Issue of proceedings 2-30 Judicial review 5-16 Legal aid 2-38 costs increases, 2-6 defamation 1-26 fair trials 1-26 Legislation Courts Bill 1-33 Listing questionnaires 2-29 Mental disabilities, capacity and 7-13 Multi-track 7-9 Offers to settle 2-31, 7-10, 7-14 On-line claims 2-29 Payments into court 4-46, 7-12 Periodical payments 2-30 Practice directions 7-12 Pre-action protocols 2-30, 7-9, 7-12, 10-13 Sanctions 7-10, 7-13 Service 2-30, 7-10, 7-13 Similar fact evidence 9-15 Small claims 2-6, 2-29, 2-30, 7-9 Statements of case 2-29 Striking out 7-10 Woolf reforms 7-8* aims of 7-8 Human Rights Act 1998 7-8 research on impact of 7-8 CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE Access to legal advice 10-18 Affray 2-19 Anti-Social Behaviour Bill 9-3* Anti-social behaviour orders 1-33, 2-18*, 4-25, 6-29 Appeals lenient sentences 10-31 proceeds of crime 3-32 Arrestable offences 2-20 Assaults on police 8-24, 9-15, 9-18, 9-20 Asylum-seekers terrorists 3-34 Bad character evidence 1-7*, 2-3, 3-4 Bladed articles 9-18 Breach of the peace 7-24, 9-20 Burden of proof bladed articles 9-18 reverse 5-27, 9-18 Children anti-social offences 1-35 Community sentences 3-34 Council tax default 4-16 Counterfeiting 5-27 Criminal contracts 9-4, 11-4 Criminal Justice Bill 1-4, 1-7*, 1-33, 1-35, 2-3, 7-5, 10-18 administration of justice 10-3 civil liberties 1-7*, 3-4 double jeopardy 6-5 juries 6-5 meeting on, 2-5, 6-5 Criminal Justice Service 8-5 Criminal records 7-34 Curfew orders 8-34 Death penalty 1-35 Detention time limits 1-4 Double jeopardy 1-7*, 1-35, 6-5 Electronic monitoring 8-34 Evidence identification 2-20 rules of 2-3 Experts, 2-3 Extradition 1-33 Fair trials 2-3 interpreters, provision of 1-25 silence, right to 1-25 False imprisonment 9-16 Football matches, racialist chanting at 9-18 Forfeiture orders, enforcement of overseas 1-31 Fraud 1-7*, 5-6* Hearsay 2-3, 3-4 Identification evidence 2-20 Innocence, presumption of 9-18 Intent 9-20 Jury trials complex fraud 1-7* composition of juries 5-7 Criminal Justice Bill 6-5 false imprisonment 9-16 malicious prosecution 9-16 pressure on 9-15 reform 1-7*, 5-6* right to 9-16 trial management 5-8 verdicts, reconsideration of 9-15 Legal aid consultations 10-18 cutting 9-4 police stations, at 11-4 Legislation anti-social behaviour orders 1-33 Crime (International Co-operation) Bill 1-33 Criminal Justice Bill 1-4, 1-7*, 1-33, 1-35, 2-3 designated territories 1-31 Extradition Bill 1-33 forfeiture orders, enforcement of overseas 1-31 sex offender orders 1-33 Life imprisonment, Home Secretary fixing the tariff for 5-27 Magistrates night sittings, 2-4 reform 1-33 sentencing 1-4 Malicious prosecution 9-16 Miscarriages of justice 3-34 compensation for 9-6* Northumbria School of Law, services offered by 9-6* Northern Ireland male rape 7-34 PACE codes 1-4 Persistent offenders 1-34 Police stations, legal aid at 11-4 Presumption of innocence 9-18 Previous convictions 1-4, 2-3 Proceeds of crime 3-32, 4-46 Public order 9-18* Racialist chanting 9-18 Rape 1-35, 7-34 Recklessness 9-20 Referral orders 8-33 Restorative justice 9-5 Retrospectivity 5-26 Self-harm, carrying bladed article for 9-18 Self-incrimination, privilege against 5-26 Sentencing determinate 6-11 human rights 1-35 indeterminate 1-10 interpreters, provision of 1-25 lenient, appeals against 10-31 magistrates 1-4 rape 1-35 Serious Fraud Office 5-6* Sex offender orders 1-33 Silence, right to 1-25 access to legal advice 10-18 adverse inferences 10-18 no comment interviews 10-19 Stop and search monitoring of 1-4 PACE code 1-4 race discrimination 1-4 Striking out 7-13 Terrorism asylum-seekers 3-34 freedom of expression 5-28 video recording of interviews 6-33 Verdicts 9-15 Victims 2-3 Video recording of interviews 6-33 Witnesses 1-33 disclosure of names and addresses of 1-4 pre-trial interviews 6-34 Young Offender Institutions 4-36 Youth justice policy 10-14 DISCRIMINATION Age 2-22, 8-8* Appointments 2-26 Assessors, role of 9-16 Asylum-seekers 7-32 Burden of proof 2-21, 8-20, 11-20 Civil partnerships, registration of 1-35 Comparators 8-18 Conference 6-5 Constructive dismissal 8-23 Damages 2-23, 3-21* accelerated receipt 3-22 aggravated 3-23 disability discrimination 8-22, 8-23 future prospects 3-22 injury to feelings 3-22, 3-23 interest 3-24 loss of a chance 3-21 loss of earnings 3-21 mitigation 3-21 pensions, loss of 3-22 race discrimination 3.21*, 11-21 Disability 2-24, 8-33 acts of discrimination 11-20 blind and partially sighted persons 5-18 constructive dismissal 8-23 damages 8-22, 8-23 deduced effects 8-23 Disability Rights Commission 9-12, 10-9* education 3-12, 9-10 employment agencies 8-22 justification 5-21 police 5-21 progressive conditions 8-23, 11-21 psychological conditions 5-20, 11-22 reasonable adjustments 5-21 schools 11-32 service providers 8-23 sick pay 8-23 single equality body, proposals for 10-9* small employer exception 8-22 special educational needs 3-12, 9-10, 9-12 Employment agencies, disability discrimination and 8-22 Employment Equality Regulations 2003 8-24 Employment tribunal fair trials 8-22 time limits and 5-20, 9-33 unrepresented applicants 8-22 Equal Opportunities Commission 10-10* Equal pay 5-18, 5-21, 5-30*, 9-33 comparators 11-22 time limits 11-19 European Convention cases widows’ and widowers’ benefits 1-28 European Union law, 2-7, 2-21, 5-18, 8-33, 11-19 Exclusions from school 3-12 Fair trials 8-22 Gender reassignment 2-26, 2-27*, 8-24, 11-21 Genuine occupational requirements 2-22 Harassment 2-21, 8-8, 8-19, 8-20, 11-20 Housing 5-34, 9-27 Indirect 2-23 damages for 3-24 International law, compliance with 10-5 Judicial titles 1-35 Justification 5-21 Legislation complexity of 10-11* Employment Equality Regulations 2003 8-24 proposed 5-18 Less favourable treatment 8-18 Maternity 11-21 Partnerships, two person 8-21 Police 5-20, 8-18, 8-24, 8-33, 11-19 Positive action 8-22 Possession proceedings 4-8* Post-employment 8-20, 11-20 Post-traumatic stress disorder 9-12 Pregnancy 11-21 Promotion 8-8 Race assessors, role of 9-16 Commission for Racial Equality 10-8* Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (UN) 10-5 damages 3-21*, 11-21 European Union law 8-33, 11-19 harassment 8-20 indirect 10-11 international law, compliance with 10-5 police 5-20, 8-27 possession proceedings 4-8* public order 9-18 racialist chanting 9-18 religion 2-7 stop and search 1-4 third parties, liability for 8-19 Recruitment and selection 8-8 Redundancy pay 8-8 Religion or belief 2-7, 2-21, 8-33, 11-19 Remedies 5-21 Retirement age 8-8 Roma people 7-32 Schools 11-32 Secure tenancies 5-34 Service providers, disability discrimination and 8-23 Sex 2-7, 2-23, 2-25, 2-27, 5-20 comparators 8-18 damages, for 3-21* Equal Opportunities Commission 10-10* harassment 11-20 indirect 10-11 maternity 11-21 partnerships, two person 8-21 police 5-20, 8-18, 8-33, 11-19 positive action 8-22 pregnancy 11-21 sexual orientation 8-19 third parties, liability for 8-19 vicarious liability 11-19 Sexual harassment 8-19 Sexual orientation 2-7, 2-21, 8-19, 8-33, 9-27, 11-19, 11-20 Sick pay 8-2 Single Equality Commission, proposals for 1-33, 10-6, 10-8*, 10-11* Commission for Racial Equality 10-8* consultation document 10-8 Disability Rights Commission 10-9* Equal Opportunities Commission 10-10 institutional arrangements 10-8 Small employer exception 8-22 Social security 8-12 Social services 3-20 Third parties, liability for 8-19 Time limits 5-20, 8-20, 9-33 Trade union rights 11-23 Training reports 6-34 Transsexuals 2-26, 2-27*, 8-24, 11-21 Unrepresented applicants 8-22 Vicarious liability 11-19, 11-20 Victimisation 8-8 Widows’ and widowers’ benefits 1-28, 2-12 EDUCATION Access to higher education 9-10 Admissions 3-10, 9-10, 9-12 appeals 3-10, 3-14 co-ordination of arrangements 3-10 fair trials 9-12 faith schools 3-10 removal from the register 9-12 Attendance, failure to secure 9-13 Bullying negligence 3-15 special educational needs 3-15 Community legal education 4-6* Damages for loss of schooling 9-14 Disability discrimination 3-12, 9-10 Disability Rights Commission 9-12 Dyslexia, failure to diagnose 9-13 Exclusions 3-10*, 3-16 damages for loss of schooling 9-14 discrimination 3-12 fair trials 9-10 fixed-term 3-10 guidance 3-11 Independent Appeal Panel 3-10, 9-10 industrial action by teachers 9-13 lunchtime 3-10 permanent 3-10 post-exclusion provisions 9-11 Pupil Referral Units 3-11 re-instatement 3-10, 3-12, 3-16, 9-13 re-integration 9-13 statistics 9-10 uniforms 9-12 Higher education access to 9-10 post-traumatic stress disorder, students with 9-12 re-grading 9-13 University Visitor 9-13 Industrial action by teachers 9-13 Legal services 4-6* Loss of opportunity, damages for 11-22 Loss of schooling, damages for 9-14 Negligence dyslexia, failure to diagnose 9-13 funding 9-10 Office of Fair Access 9-10 Post-traumatic stress disorder 9-12 Prohibition from teaching or working with children 6-33 Public Referral Units 3-11 Schools, registration of independent 10-31 Special educational needs 3-12* bullying 3-15 codes of practice 3-13 conciliation 3-13 disability discrimination 3-12, 9-10, 9-12 family life, right to respect for 3-14 funding 3-13, 9-11 negligence 3-15 planning 3-13 procedure 3-14 SENDIST 3-13 statements, specificity in 3-13 Uniforms 9-12 University Visitor 9-13 Waiting lists 9-10 EMPLOYMENT see also DISCRIMINATION ACAS arbitration scheme 11-23 Adoption leave 1-31, 5-17 Adoption pay 1-31 Age discrimination 8-8* Age limits for claims 11-23 Annual leave 5-22, 11-22 Arbitration 5-18 Association, freedom of collective bargaining 1-27 Asylum-seekers 1-17 CAFCASS 10-15 Children’s services 10-12, 10-15 Collective bargaining 1-27 Compensation, increase in 1-31 Conduct dismissals 5-23 Continuity of employment 5-22 Damages future loss of earnings, for 11-24 increase in 5-18 injury to feelings, for 11-23 loss of opportunity 11-22 unfair dismissal 11-23 Deductions 5-22 Disability discrimination 5-18, 5-20 Discipline 11-17* Discrimination 5-18, 5-20 Dismissal 11-17* Dispute resolution 10-4 Employee status 11-24 Employment Act 2002 5-17 Employment agency workers 11-24 Equal pay 5-18, 5-21, 5-30* arrears 5-32 comparators 5-30 equal pay 5-32 questionnaires 5-30* reasons for lower pay 5-31 reviews 5-30 terms and conditions 5-31 Equal treatment 5-18 European Union law 3-32, 5-18, 5-21, 8-33, 11-19 Flexible working 3-32, 5-18 Future loss of earnings, damages for 11-24 Grievance procedure 11-18 Gross misconduct dismissals 11-17 Health and safety 1-33 Harassment 8-8, 11-20 Holiday pay 5-22, 11-22 Injury to feelings, damages for 11-23 Legislation adoption leave 1-31 compensation, increase in 1-31 National Minimum Wage (Enforcement Notices) Bill 1-33 parental leave 1-31 paternity leave 1-31 statutory adoption and paternity pay 1-31 Maternity leave 5-17 Mental health 4-5 National minimum wage 1-33, 9-33, 11-19 Monitoring at work, code of practice on 11-19 Parental leave 1-31 Paternity leave 1-31, 5-17 Paternity pay 1-31 Promotion 8-8 Recruitment and selection 8-8 Redundancy pay 8-8 Register deletion orders 11-20 Restrictive reporting orders 11-20 Settlements 5-22 Statutory adoption pay 5-18 Statutory maternity pay 5-17 Statutory paternity pay 5-18 Trade unions discrimination 11-23 duties, time off for 7-34 Transfers of undertakings 11-25 Tribunal, see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Unfair dismissal 5-22, 8-8, 11-23 Victimisation 8-8 Working time 3-32, 5-22, 8-33 ENVIRONMENT Access to information 7-17 Environmental court, proposal for 7-18 Environmental impact assessments 7-18 Europe 7-15, 7-16 Fair trials 7-16 Freedom of expression 7-17 Habitats 7-15* Noise 7-17 Nuisance 7-17 Planning 7-16, 7-18 Precautionary principle 7-16 Private life and family life, right to respect for 7-17 Risk 7-16 EUROPEAN UNION LAW Discrimination 2-7, 2-21, 5-21, 8-33 Environment 7-15, 7-17 Equal treatment in employment 5-18 Habitats 7-15 Precautionary principle 7-16 Race discrimination 8-33 Working time 3-32, 8-33 FAMILY Domestic violence 5-33 Family Advice and Information Network pilot 1-3, 5-5 Immigration family visitors 4-5, 5-36 Legislation maintenance 1-31 Maintenance reciprocal enforcement 1-31 recovery abroad 1-31 GOVERNMENT Lobbying 1-6 HEALTH Accountability 6-17* Clinical governance 6-19 Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health 6-18 Complaints 6-20* Consultation over reorganisation of health service 5-14 Human Rights Act 1998 6-19* Inquests 6-19* Inquiries 6-19* Legislation Patients’ Protection Bill 1-33 Local authority overview 6-18 Long term care, funding for 4-30* National Health Service accountability 6-17* reform 6-17* structure, summary of the 6-17 Nurses’ agencies 11-35 Patient and public involvement 6-18 Patients’ forums 6-18 Professional bodies, complaints to 6-20 Quality control 6-19 Reviews 6-20* Scrutiny committees 6-18 HOUSING Adverse possession 8-30, 9-27 Advice 1-9, 4-8 Allocation 1-20, 2-32*, 2-35, 2-38, 3-28, 4-25, 9-28 judicial review 11-15 medical transfers 10-23 Anti-social behaviour 3-28, 4-25, 6-29 assured tenancies 7-27 bill 5-33, 10-22 committal 11-14 consultation on 7-25 injunctions 2-36, 11-14 orders 2-36, 8-30 possession orders 8-30, 9-25 Appeals 1-23, 2-29, 5-35, 10-24 Assessment of resources 5-36 Assignment, consent to 9-25 Assured shorthold tenancies 5-35, 7-25, 9-26, 10-24 Assured tenancies 1-20, 2-36 anti-social behaviour 7-27 public sector 6-30 rent arrears 5-34 rent increases 4-25, 10-23 Asylum-seekers 1-19, 3-31, 3-34, 4-28, 6-16 dispersal 9-25 human rights 9-5 Beneficial interests 4-22 Caravan sites 1-22 Carbon monoxide poisoning, experts and 11-11 Charging orders 4-23 Charters for tenants 11-14 Children 1-23, 4-32, 8-32 parents and 10-13 Choice-based lettings 7-25 Committal for breach of injunctions 11-14 Commonhold 9-33, 11-32 Community Legal Service 1-7* Compensation 3-28, 3-31 Consumer credit 4-21 Contributions 4-22 Conveyancing 1-20 County court fees 5-33 Damages home, right to respect for the 3-17, 3-18 Dampness 11-11 Decent homes targets 11-9 Deception, tenancy obtained by 9-25 Defective premises 11-11 Demolition, right to buy and 4-25 Demonstrations 9-27 Deportation 9-25 Deposits National Tenancy Deposit Scheme 8-30 private rented sector, adjudication scheme for 4-4 Disabled persons damages 3-17, 3-18 home, right to respect for the 3-17, 3-18 possession claims 6-31 right to buy 9-26 Scotland 9-26 Discrimination 4-8*, 5-29, 5-34, 9-25, 11-16 Disrepair protocol 6-29, 8-5 Distress 9-33 Domestic violence 5-33 Eligibility 5-33 Empty homes 1-34, 7-25 European Convention on Human Rights 5-34 Evictions 2-37, 3-29, 3-30, 6-31 harassment 8-31 private sector 8-31 Scotland, social housing in 8-30 Experts 11-11 Extended leases 7-27 Fair tenancy agreements 7-25 Fair trials 9-26 Family life, right to respect for 5-27 Flats, management of 4-26 Forfeiture 9-27 Grants 1-32, 11-32 Gypsies caravan sites 1-22 Harassment 3-29, 3-30, 4-28, 8-31, 11-15 Home loss payments 9-25 Home, right to respect for the asylum-seekers 3-31 damages 3-17, 3-18, 5-27 harassment 4-28 possession claims 8-30, 10-22 public sector 8-30 residential care home, closure of 3-17 residential care, removal from 1-26 succession 3-29 Homelessness 2-38, 4-27, 5-33 appeals 1-23, 5-35, 6-32, 10-24 asylum-seekers 4-28, 6-16, 9-5 caravans 4-27 compensation 2-37 definition 5-35, 9-28 delay in decisions on 11-30 eligibility 2-37 emergencies 8-32 full duty accommodation 11-16 Homelessness Bill 1-20 intentional 3-30, 4-27, 6-32, 9-28, 10-24 interim accommodation 11-16 internal reviews 3-8* local authorities 4-25 local connection 4-28, 5-35, 7-27 overcrowding 1-23 priority need 3-30, 4-27, 8-30, 8-31 prisoners 9-28 rent, non-payment of 8-32 reviews 1-23, 4-25, 6-32, 7-25, 8-32, 9-28, 10-24 Scotland 6-29 statistics 2-35, 10-22 strategy 7-25, 11-14 substance abuse 6-34 suitability of accommodation 3-30, 4-28, 9-28 temporary accommodation 7-25, 8-30, 8-32 time limits 8-32 vulnerable persons 4-27, 8-32 Housing associations rent arrears 7-25 Housing benefit 3-33, 5-34, 6-25* Housing Bill 5-33, 6-29, 10-22 Housing Tribunals 2-35 Improvements 11-9 Income 11-32 Injunctions 1-21, 3-28, 11-14 Insolvency 4-23 Introductory tenancies 4-26 Land registration 9-33 Land tribunals 3-9*, 11-14 Law Commission 11-14 Leasehold enfranchisement 4-26, 10-22 Legislation Housing Bill 2002 1-20 relocation grants 1-32 renewal grants 1-32 service charges 1-22 Local Government Ombudsman 5-33, 8-30 Long leases 1-22, 4-26, 6-31, 7-27, 9-27 Misrepresentation 4-21 Mortgage possession proceedings 4-21, 4-26 National assistance 5-36, 6-33, 11-32 National Tenancy Deposit Scheme 8-30 Negligence 4-22 Northern Ireland 5-33 Occupiers’ liability 11-10 Option to purchase 4-22 Overstayers, children of 8-32 Owner occupiers 4-21* consultation papers 4-24 Possession 2-35 advice and assistance 4-8 anti-social behaviour 8-30, 9-25 arrears 4-8 assignment, consent to 9-25 assured shorthold tenancies 10-24 consent orders 10-23 county court fees 5-33 deception, tenancy obtained by 9-25 deportation 9-25 disabled persons 6-31 drugs 4-26, 6-30 home, right to respect for the 8-30, 10-22 fair trials 9-26 harassment 11-15 introductory tenancies 4-26 mortgage possession proceedings 4-21, 4-26 new tenancies 7-26 notices 10-24 offences, convictions for violent 3-29 oppression 11-15 peaceful enjoyment of possessions 3-29 private tenancies 9-26 public sector 6-30, 8-30, 9-25 race discrimination 4-8* right to buy 11-15 secure tenants 3-28, 8-30, 9-25, 10-22 social landlords 3-28, 4-25 sub-tenants 6-31 surrender by the operation of law 9-25 suspension 5-34 transfer of housing stock 6-30 warrants 9-25, 11-15 Pre-action protocol 6-29, 8-5 Preferences 2-33 Priority need categories 2-35 Prisoners 9-28 Private life, right to respect for 5-27 Private sector 6-31 assured shorthold tenancies 10-24 assured tenancies 1-21 eviction 6-31, 8-31 harassment 8-31 long leases 6-31 possession 9-26 same sex partners 11-16 succession 1-22, 7-26, 11-16 Property and Valuation Tribunal 11-14 Protests 9-27 Public sector 6-29* allocation 5-33 anti-social behaviour injunctions 5-33 assured tenants 6-30 discrimination 5-34 European Convention on Human Rights 5-34 eviction 8-30 home, right to respect for the 8-30 injunctions 1-21 management 5-33 possession claims 6-30, 8-30, 9-25 rent arrears 9-25 rent increases 1-20 right to buy 1-21 Scotland, eviction in 8-30 secure tenancies 1-20, 5-34, 6-29*, 7-25, 8-30, 9-25 suitable alternative accommodation 1-22 tolerated trespassers 7-25 Qualifying purposes 2-32 Quiet enjoyment, covenant for 11-10 Race discrimination 4-8* Re-entry 9-27 Reform 11-14 Register 2-33 Rent arrears 5-34, 7-25, 9-25 assured shorthold tenancies 9-26 assured tenancies 4-25, 10-23 distress 9-33 fair rent assessments 9-27 homelessness 8-32 housing association arrears 7-25 housing benefit 5-34 increases 4-25, 5-34, 10-23 landlords, change of 11-10 remedies 11-12 repairs, set off for 11-10 Repairs 11-9* booklet on 11-9 carbon monoxide poisoning, experts and 11-11 civil proceedings 11-9 compensation claims 11-9, 11-10, 11-11, 11-12 conditional fee arrangements 11-9 dampness 11-11 defective premises 11-11 flats, management of 4-26 funding claims 11-9 improvements or 11-9 landlords, change of 11-10 making good 11-13 occupiers’ liability 11-10 pre-action protocol 6-29, 8-5, 11-9 quiet enjoyment , covenant for 11-10 rent, set off for 11-10 self-help 11-12 stock, state of the housing 11-9 tenants, identity of 11-10 Residential care charges, disposal of assets to avoid 3-18 closure of 3-17 home, right to respect for the 1-26 national assistance 6-33 Resources, disregarding 6-33 Resulting trusts 4-22 Right to buy 3-28, 5-33 demolition and 4-25 disabled persons 9-26 harassment 11-15 possession orders 11-15 relatives, disputes between 9-26 rural areas 6-33, 7-34 Scotland 9-26 Sale 4-22 Same sex partners, succession and 5-29, 9-25, 11-16 Scotland disabled persons 9-26 eviction from social housing 8-30 homelessness 6-29 right to buy 9-26 Secure tenancies 2-35, 3-28, 6-29 death of tenants 6-29 human rights 10-22 possession claims 10-22 sub-tenancies 4-25 tolerated trespassers 7-25 Self-help 11-12 Sentencing 1-35 Service charges 4-26 contributions 9-33 long leases 1-22, 7-27, 9-27 set-off 1-22, 9-27 Sexual orientation 5-29, 9-25, 11-16 Social landlords possession 3-28, 4-25 Standards 1-33 Stock, state of the housing 11-9 Sub-tenancies secure tenancies 4-25 Succession home, right to respect for the 3-29 public sector 1-22, 5-29, 7-26 sexual orientation 5-29, 9-25, 11-16 unmarried couples 9-25 Temporary accommodation 7-25 Time limits 4-23 Trespassers camping 8-31 protests 9-27 secure tenancies 7-25 tolerated 7-25 Tribunals, reforming 3-9*, 11-14 Unacceptable behaviour 2-32 Undue influence 4-21 Unmarried couples, succession and 9-25 Valuation tribunals 3-9* Wales, allocation in 4-25 Warrant suspension 7-26 HUMAN RIGHTS Access to legal advice, delaying 5-26 Admissions to school 9-12 Adoption family life, right to respect for 1-26, 7-23 information on birth, right to 7-23 Arrest 8-24 Association, freedom of 1-28 collective bargaining 1-27 Asylum-seekers 3-31, 5-26, 6-16 destitution 11-5 family life, right to respect for 6-17, 7-32 homelessness 9-5 inhuman or degrading treatment 4-29, 5-25, 11-5 support, refusal of 9-5 Audit Commission report 11-4 Auditors, certificates of surcharge by 7-22 Awards 10-4 Breach of the peace 7-24, 9-20 Burden of proof, reverse 5-27 Chancel repairs 11-26 Children 1-26, 4-35, 10-16 CCTV 7-23 Counterfeiting 5-27 Culture of 10-6 Damages asylum-seekers 6-17 home, right to respect for the 3-17, 3-18, 5-27 housing 5-27 Death penalty 7-20 Defamation fair trials 1-26 legal aid 1-26 Delay Employment tribunal hearings, length of 7-22 Demonstrations 7-24 Detention access to legal advice 5-26 asylum-seekers 5-26 discrimination 5-28 foreign nationals, detention without trial of 5-28 liberty and security, right to 7-21 mental disabilities, persons with 7-21 remand 7-22 Disabled persons 9-29 Disciplinary hearings 1-25 Discrimination 1-28, 2-27* detention without trial of foreign nationals 5-28 exclusions from school 3-12 fair trials 8-22 housing 5-34 sexual orientation 5-29 widows’ benefits 1-28 Employment tribunal hearings discrimination 8-22 length of 7-22 unrepresented applicants 8-22 Environment 7-16, 7-17 European Convention cases 1-24* association, freedom of 1-27 children 1-26, 4-35 discrimination 1-28 fair trials 1-25, 4-35, 7-16, 7-22 family life, right to 1-26, 3-14, 4-35, 7-17, 7-23 freedom of assembly and association 7-24 freedom of expression 7-17 housing 5-34 inhuman or degrading treatment 7-20 liberty and security, right to 1-24, 7-21 life, right to 1-24, 7-19 private life, right to 1-26, 7-17, 7-23 property rights 1-28 special educational needs 3-14 thought, conscience and religion 1-27 torture 7-20 European Court of Human Rights delay 7-19 Grand Chamber, referral to 7-19 individual application, right of 7-19 reform 7-19 striking out 7-19 European Human Rights Advocacy Centre 5-5 Exclusions from school 3-12, 9-10 Extradition inhuman or degrading treatment 7-20 terrorists 7-20 Fair trials 1-25, 2-31, 7-22 access to legal advice, delaying 5-26 auditors, certificates of surcharge by 7-22 care, 4-35 death penalty 7-20 delay 7-22 employment tribunal hearings, length of 7-22 environment 7-16 evidence, rules of 2-3 housing benefit 5-11, 6-27 Independent Appeal Panel 9-10 interpreters, provision of 1-25 judicial review 5-11 legal aid for defamation 1-26 planning 7-16 police 8-26 possession 9-26 prisoners, discipline and 1-25 school admissions 9-12 school exclusions 9-10 search warrants 8-25 social security 8-11 silence, right to 1-25 Family life, right to 1-26 access to records 1-26 adoption 1-26, 7-23 asylum-seekers 6-17, 7-32 care proceedings 1-26, 4-35, 10-16 damages, level of 5-27 environment 7-17 housing 5-27 judicial review 11-27 special educational needs 3-14 Freedom of assembly and association 5-28 breach of the peace 7-24 demonstrations 7-24 shopping malls, campaigners in 7-24 Freedom of expression 5-28, 7-17, 11-27 Gender reassignment 1-26 Home, right to respect for the asylum-seekers 3-31 damages 3-17, 3-18, 5-27 disabled persons 9-29 local authority housing 5-27 parliamentary privilege 7-23 possession claims 8-30, 10-22 residential care homes, closure of 3-17, 9-29 residential care, removal from 1-27 succession 3-29 Housing benefit 5-11 home, right to respect for the 8-30 local authority 5-27, 8-30 possession claims 8-30, 9-26 sexual orientation 5-29 Human rights commission, proposals for 4-4, 10-5, 10-6* Human rights lawyer of the year 1-5 Inhuman and degrading treatment asylum-seekers 4-29, 5-25, 11-5 death penalty 7-20 extradition of terrorist suspects 7-20 medical treatment in prisons 7-20 prisoners 6-13 Inhuman or degrading treatment 7-20 Inquests 6-19*, 9-21, 9-23 Inquiries 6-19* Joint Committee on Human Rights 10-6* Judicial review 11-27 Liberty and security, right to 1-24, 7-21 detention of people with mental disabilities 7-21 Mental Health Review Tribunal 1-24 recall of convicted murderers 7-21 remand 7-22 terrorist suspects 1-35 Life imprisonment, Home Secretary fixing the tariff for 5-27 Life, right to 1-24, 7-19 Chechen conflict, killing of civilians during 7-19 compensation 1-24 inquests 9-23 murder investigations 1-24 Local authority housing 5-27, 8-30 Lord Chancellor, role of 5-3 Medical treatment in prison 7-20 Mental health 6-23 detention 7-21 liberty and security, right to 7-21 untreatable psychopathic disorder 7-21 Paris Principles 10-6 Parliamentary privilege 7-23 Parochial church councils, public bodies as 11-26 Peaceful enjoyment of possessions possession orders 3-29 Planning fair trials 7-16 Prisoners inhuman or degrading treatment 6-12, 7-20 medical treatment 7-20 recall of convicted murderers 7-21 remand 7-22 Private life, right to respect for 1-26, 7-23 CCTV 7-23 damages, level of 5-27 environment 7-17 gender reassignment 1-26 housing 5-27 mental health 6-23 nearest relatives 6-23 search warrants 8-25 Property rights 1-28 houses, destruction of 1-28 tips, waiters’ 1-28 Public bodies 10-7, 11-4, 11-26 Recall of convicted murderers 7-21 Residential care homes charges for, avoiding 3-18 closure of 3-17, 9-29 deprivation of property 5-11 removal from 1-27 Retrospectivity 5-26 Russia 5-5 Search warrants 8-26 Self-incrimination, privilege against 5-26 Sexual orientation, discrimination on grounds of 5-29 Shopping malls, campaigners in 7-24 Silence, right to 1-25 Social security 8-11 Special educational needs 3-14 State retirement pensions 2-12 Succession to tenancies 3-29 Terrorism 1-35, 5-28 arrest 8-24 extradition 7-20 inhuman or degrading treatment 7-20 Thought, conscience and religion armed forces 1-27 asylum-seekers 4-29 Torture 7-20 Transsexuals 2-27* Widows’ and widowers’ benefits 1-28, 2-12 Woolf reforms 7-8 IMMIGRATION Adoption 8-17 Advice and services 2-38 Appeals 4-5, 4-46, 5-4, 5-36, 5-37, 6-33 asylum-seekers 1-6, 1-17, 1-32, 7-28, 7-33, 9-34 Harmondsworth pilot 7-28 permission 8-18 reasons 11-30 Asylum-seekers 1-35 accommodation centres 1-16, 6-15 appeals 1-6, 1-17, 1-32, 7-28, 7-33, 9-34 applications 1-33 arrival, meaning of on 6-15 community care 1-18, 6-14, 6-15, 6-17 conscientious objectors 7-31 credibility 7-33 damages claims 6-17, 7-30 designated states 5-37, 9-34 destitution 11-5 detention, automatic 5-26 discrimination 7-32 dispersal 1-17, 6-16, 9-25 education, grants for 1-35 employment 1-17 enquiries, failure to co-operate with 6-14 family life, right to respect for 6-17, 7-32 harassment 3-34 hard cases support 6-15 Home Office influence on 6-5 homelessness 4-28, 6-16, 9-5 housing 1-19, 3-31, 3-34, 6-16, 9-25 human rights 7-30, 9-5 income support 8-13 induction centres 1-16, 6-15 information about rights, duty to provide 11-30 inhuman or degrading treatment 4-29, 5-25, 6-16, 11-5 interim support 6-16 interviews, taping 7-30 judicial review 5-12 late claims 1-16, 6-14 legal aid 7-3, 10-5 legitimate expectations 11-28 lobbying 1-6 national insurance numbers 1-16 National Asylum Support Service 11-5, 11-30 port of arrival, exceptions to requirement to make claims at 1-34 post-traumatic stress disorder 7-32, 7-33 protection areas, deportation to 3-34 racial violence 7-32 Refugee Convention, application of 4-29 resources 6-15 Sangatte 1-35 scarring 7-32 social security 1-17, 4-46 statistics 3-26 statutory review 1-6 support 1-16*, 2-5, 2-38, 3-25, 4-46, 5-12, 5-25, 5-37, 6-14*, 7-29, 9-5 tax credits 6-15 terrorists 3-34 thought, conscience and religion, freedom of 4-29 Carriers’ liability 1-32, 1-35 Children of overstayers 8-32 Citizenship right to 7-33 tests 3-34 Cohabitees 8-18 Conscientious objectors 7-31 Damages 7-30 Deportation 7-33 Destitution 11-5 Detention automatic 5-26 Devolved powers 3-26 Document fees 7-34 Domestic violence 8-18 Employment document fees 11-32 Economic migration 3-25 European Economic Area 5-37 Family life, right to respect for 6-17, 7-32 Family visits definition of family members for 5-36 visa applications 4-5, 7-5 Fast track system 5-4 Funded caseworkers 1-3 Funding 3-27 Harmondsworth appeal pilot 7-28 Health checks 3-34 HIV tests 1-35 Home, right to respect for the 3-31 Human rights, damages for breaches of 7-30 Identity, certificates of 3-26 Income support 8-13 Inhuman or degrading treatment 11-5 Innovators 8-17 Judicial review 3-27, 5-12 Leave to enter 8-17 Leave to remain 8-17, 9-34 fee charging for 8-4, 9-33 Legal aid 7-3 cuts in 10-5 reform 7-28 Legal services 1-3 Legal Services Commission devolved powers and 3-26 funding review committee 3-27 judicial review 3-27 Legislation 7-28*, 8-34 appeals 1-32 carriers’ liability 1-32 Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 1-16, 1-17 Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 1-6, 1-16*, 3-25, 6-14*, 6-33 transit visas 1-32 Lobbying 1-6 Lord Chancellor’s Department 4-5 Migrant workers, highly skilled 8-17 Nationality processing on grounds of 1-34 Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 6-14*, 6-33, 9-34 Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner 8-18 Overstayers, children of 8-32 Passenger transit visas 6-33 Policy 7-28* Reasons 11-30 Residence 8-17 Rules statements of changes to 3-25 Special Immigration Appeals Commission 6-33 Statutory review 5-24 Students 7-33 Substantial links 7-32 Tax credits 5-37, 6-15 Temporary accommodation 2-38 Terrorists 3-34 Travel assistance 2-3 Travel bans 3-32, 4-46 Travel entitlement 3-26 Visas 1-32, 6-33 Working, illegal 3-25 INQUESTS Coroners 9-21* Counsel 9-23 Death certificates 9-21 Families, accessibility to 9-24 Fundamental Review report 9-21* Human rights 6-19*, 9-21, 9-23 Investigative powers 9-21 Juries 9-23 Legal aid 9-24 Life, right to 9-23 Media 9-23 Outcomes/conclusions 9-22 Overseas deaths 9-24 Pathologists 9-24 Post-mortems 9-24 Public 9-22 Publicity 9-23 Recommendations 9-24 Self-incrimination 9-23 Suicide 9-24 Tissue and organ retention 9-24 Unrepresented persons 9-24 LEGAL AID see also LEGAL SERVICES Access to Justice Act 1999, impact of 3-6 Anti-social behaviour orders 1-32 Asylum-seekers 7-3, 10-5 Civil proceedings 2-7, 2-38 Community Legal Service 1-3, 4-44, 5-37 Contracts 6-4 Cost of provision of 4-3 Costs assessment 7-34 increases in 2-6, 7-3 recovery of defence 5-37 Crisis in 4-3 Criminal consultations 10-18 contracts 9-4 police stations, at 11-4 Criminal Defence Service 4-44, 5-37, 7-3 Defamation 1-26 Eligibility limits 4-44 Fair trials defamation 1-26 Gaps in provision 1-3 Housing disrepair claims 11-9 Immigration 7-3, 7-28 cuts in 10-5 Inquests 9-24 Law Society consultation on 3-5 Legal Aid Board 6-6* Legal Services Commission 3-6 challenges facing 6-7 contracts 6-4 development and priorities 6-6* external regulation 6-7 Legal Aid Board and 6-6* Legislation anti-social behaviour orders 1-32 sex offender orders 1-32 Not for profit sector 1-3 Police stations, in 11-4 Quality 7-3 Reform 1-3 Private practice 1-3, 1-5 Restructuring 1-3 Rules, statement of changes of Immigration 8-17* Sex offender orders 1-32 SENDIST, funding for 3-13 Social exclusion 7-3 Solicitors, training grants for 9-5 Special educational needs 3-13 Spouses 8-17 Training grants 9-5 LEGAL PROFESSION Awards 5-5 Barristers’ salaries 1-34 Claims assessors in personal injury 1-5 Clementi review 11-3, 11-5 Complaints against solicitors 11-5 Court dress 6-34 Human rights lawyer of the year 1-5 Inquests 9-23 Judiciary appointments to 5-3, 7-4, 8-6, 10-3, 10-4 background to 1-35 titles 1-35 Legal Services Complaints Commissioner, creation of 11-5 Northumbria School of Law, services offered by 9-6* Obituary 1-5 Plain language charter 4-5 Pro bono work at the College of Law 9-8* Queen’s Counsel role of 8-7 selection of 1-5, 11-4 Solicitors complaints against 11-5 fees 3-33 legal aid training grants 9-5 practicing certificates 3-33 Training grants 9-5 LEGAL SERVICES see also LEGAL AID Advice seeking 6-3 Advice services 8-3 Association of London Government 6-8* Citizens Advice Bureau (Royal Courts of Justice) 6-4 Commission 1-3 Community legal education 4-6* Community Legal Service 6-34, 8-3 conference on the future of 11-5, 11-6* contracting 1-5 delivery 11-6 eligibility limits 4-44 Family Advice and Information Service 11-6 housing advice 1-7* law centres 3-3 partnerships 1-9*, 11-6 planning provision 11-7 quality assurance 11-6 referral networks 11-6 structure of 1-3 Competition, review of 9-4 Conditional fees 7-34, 11-7 Connexions Service 8-3 Consumer Direct Service 8-3 Criminal Defence Service costs of 8-4 eligibility limits 4-44 social security 11-35 Delivery 1-3, 1-5, 8-5, 11-6 Department of Constitutional Affairs review of 9-4 Devon Law Bus 5-10 E-mail advice service 5-4 Family 1-3 Family Advice and Information Service 11-6 Funding 4-6 advantages of 3-6 future 11-7 law centres, 3-3, 3-5, 6-8* legal expenses insurance 11-7 Gaps in provision 1-3 Immigration 1-3, 3-26 Internet 4-7 Law centres Association of London Government (ALG) 6-8 community legal education 4-6 Community Legal Service 3-3 funding, cuts in 3-3, 3-5, 6-8* Legal Services Commission 11-8 London law centres’ campaign against cuts 6-8* Ontario law clinics 11-8 role of 3-3 Law schools pro bono work 9-8* Legal expenses insurance 11-7 Legal Services Commission annual report 8-4 chief executive, appointment of 7-6* Corporate Plan 8-3 Home Office and 7-6 immigration 3-26 improvements 7-7 integrated approach 7-6 law centres 11-8 not for profit sector 7-6 role of 7-6*, 10-4 Legal Services Ombudsman, funding of 11-35 Liberty e-mail advice service 5-4 Miscarriages of justice 9-6* Neighbourhood law firms 4-6 Northumbria School of Law, services offered by 9-6* Not for profit sector 1-3, 7-6 Ontario law clinics 11-8* Pro bono work at the College of Law 9-8* Quality assurance 11-6 Reviews of service delivery 3-6*, 11-6 Rural communities, in 5-9*, 11-4, 11-7 Social exclusion 11-6 Social security 11-35 Take up 2-5 Third Age Service 8-3 Unmet needs 5-9* Voluntary sector 8-3 LOCAL AUTHORITIES Committal 4-16 Council tax default 4-16* Housing 5-33 Local Government Ombudsman 5-33 Maladministration, suicide linked to 4-17 Set off 4-18 MEDIA Internet, availability of rights information and 4-7 MENTAL HEALTH Aftercare 6-23 Care plans, discharge without 1-35 Conditional discharge 6-22 Court of Protection Rules 9-34 Employment 4-5 Damages 6-24 Hospital managers 6-22 Housing benefit 6-26 Liberty and security, right to 1-24 Local authority’s inherent jurisdiction 6-24 Medical treatment 6-22 Mental Health Review Tribunal 1-24 delay, damages for 6-24 jurisdiction 10-31 procedure 6-23 regions 10-31 Mental incapacity Bill 9-30, 11-5 inherent jurisdiction and 6-24 Nearest relatives 6-23 Prisoners 6-11, 6-23 Private life, right to respect for 6-23 PERSONAL INJURY Asbestos miners in South Africa 5-5, 8-5 Claims assessors 1-5, 7-5 Medical negligence 1-34 PLANNING Environment 7-16, 7-18 Errors of fact 5-15 Fair trials 7-16 Judicial review 5-13 Material considerations 5-15 Waste incineration 7-18 POLICE Access to legal advice 10-18, 10-19 Adverse inferences from silence 10-18 Arrest assault during 9-18 damages 8-24 reasonable grounds for suspicion and 8-24, 9-18 Assault 8-24, 9-15, 9-18, 9-20 Breach of the peace 10-21 Cautions 4-12, 10-21 Civilian officers, designated 10-18 Codes of practice 4-10, 5-36 Complaints 5-16 Confidentiality 9-16 Corruption 9-16 Criminal Justice Bill 10-18 Custody records 4-11 Damages arrest 8-24 exemplary 9-17 Detention 4-11, 8-25 conditions 4-11 remote reviews of 11-32 vulnerable persons 4-11 Disability discrimination 5-21 Disclosure confidentiality 9-16 informant’s identity 9-14 interviews 9-16 pre-action 8-25 Discrimination disability 5-21 race 5-20, 8-27 sex 5-20, 8-33, 11-19 Drug testing 4-11 Entry, powers of 4-10 Escaping suspects 8-27 Evidence of malpractice 9-14 Fair trials 8-26 False imprisonment 8-24 Human rights 8-24 Identification 4-13*, 9-14, 10-20* Informant’s identity, disclosing 9-14 Interviews 4-13, 4-15 confidentiality of 9-16 visual recording of 11-32 Judicial review 5-13, 5-16 Legal advice, right to 4-11 Legal aid 11-4 consultations and 10-18 Legal professional privilege 8-26 Legislation reform 1-32, 2-38 Malpractice similar fact evidence and 9-14 Malicious prosecution 8-28 Misfeasance in public office 8-28 Negligence 8-26 No comment interviews 10-19 PACE codes, review of 4-10 Police station practice 4-10*, 10-18* Private life, right to respect for 8-26 Questioning 4-11 Race discrimination 5-20, 8-27, 9-16 Searches 2-38, 4-10 Seizure 4-11 Sex discrimination 5-20, 8-33, 11-19 Silence, right to adverse inferences 10-18 fair trials 10-18 no comment interviews 10-19 legal advice 10-18 Similar fact evidence 9-14 Stop and search 4-10 Tape recording 4-15 Terrorism 8-24 Undercover operations 10-21 Vicarious liability 9-15, 11-19 Young Community Legal Service Partnerships 7-4 PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE Costs housing benefit 6-28 judicial review 6-28 Judicial review 6-28 PRISONERS Adjudication 1-13 Cash, access to 6-14 Categorisation 1-14 Children 1-13 Conditions 1-12, 1-35, 6-12 Determinate sentences 6-11* Discipline 1-12, 6-12 fair trials 1-25 Disclosure of reports on 11-31 Fair trials 1-25 High security cells 6-13 Home Secretary, powers of 6-11 Homelessness 9-28 Inhuman and degrading treatment 6-13 Legal visits 6-14 Legislation short-term licence, release on 1-32 Legitimate expectations 11-29 Licence age restrictions 8-34 conditions 6-12* release on short-term 1-32, 8-34 Lifers 1-10, 6-10* Medical care 6-12* Mental disabilities 6-11, 6-23 Mother and baby units 6-12 Parole 1-10, 6-10* delay in review 6-10 Protected Witness Units 1-15 Recall to custody 1-11, 11-31 Sentences determinate 6-11* extended 6-11 life 1-10, 6-10* Smoking in cells 6-13 Transfers 6-13 Visits 1-14 PUBLIC LAW Administrative decision-making 5-11, 11-27 Asylum-seekers information about rights, duty to provide 11-30 legitimate expectations 11-28 Refugee Convention and 11-28 refusal of support to 5-12 Chancel repairs 11-26 Children bans from working with 5-16 guardians, delay in appointing 11-28 protocol 10-13 Costs 11-31 pre-emptive 5-16 Delay by public bodies 11-28, 11-30 Evidence 5-16 Fact sensitive decisions, review of 11-27 Fair trials 5-11 Fairness 11-29 Freedom of expression 11-27 Health services, consultation on reorganisation of 5-14 Homelessness decisions, delay in 11-30 Housing benefit 5-11 Immigration 11-27, 11-30 Indemnities 11-28 Internees, payment to 5-12 Judicial deference 11-27 Judicial review 5-11 cross-examination in 11-31 permission 5-17, 11-31 public authorities and 11-26 Legitimate expectations 5-13, 11-28 Libel 11-28 Parochial Church Councils, public bodies as 11-26 Planning 5-12 Police complaints 5-16 police authority’s joint committee, membership of 5-14 termination of secondment and 5-13 Prisoners disclosure of reports on 11-31 legitimate expectations of 11-29 recall on licence 11-31 Proportionality 5-12, 11-27 Public law protocol 10-13 Reasons 11-30 Remedies, alternative 5-16 Residential accommodation 5-11 Tax postponement of payment of disputed 11-31 relief, withdrawal of 5-13 SOCIAL SECURITY Accommodation, provision of 10-31 Adjournments, reasons for 8-11 Administration 8-9, 9-34 Alcoholism 8-14 Appeals 2-11, 2-12, 8-11 exclusion of rights 8-12 grounds 8-14 pension credits 10-27 Armed forces 6-33 Asylum-seekers 1-17, 4-46, 8-13 Attendance allowance 10-31 Autism 8-14 Back to work bonus 8-34 Benefit uprating 4-42 Bereavement 1-34, 8-14 Capital 8-13 Carer’s allowance 6-25, 8-14 Causation 8-11 Children 10-31 child benefit 2-16, 9-34 child maintenance 3-33 child tax credit 4-38, 5-38, 6-25, 9-34, 10-31 responsibility for 8-13 working tax credit 10-31 Costs 6-28 Councillor’s allowance 10-31 Council tax benefit 3-33, 10-31, 11-35 Councillor’s allowance 8-14 Criminal Defence Service 11-35 Defective claims 8-9 Defective decisions, correcting 8-12 Delay 6-28, 8-15 Disability living allowance 2-14, 2-16, 8-9, 8-14 accommodation and 10-31 care component 8-15 Disclosure of overpayments 8-10 Discrimination 8-12 widows’ and widowers’ benefits 1-28 Examining medical practitioners and tribunals 8-12, 8-14 Employment Retention and Advancement Scheme 11-35 Fair trials 8-11 Forfeiture 8-14 Funeral expenses 4-46, 8-34 Guardian’s allowances 9-34 Home responsibilities protection 9-34 Hospital in-patients 6-34, 8-9 Housing benefit 3-33, 6-25*, 10-31 costs 6-28 delay 6-28 fair hearings 5-11, 6-27 housing costs 11-35 judicial review 6-28 late claims, good cause for 6-25 long leases 6-25 mental disabilities 6-26 overpayments, recovery of 6-26*, 6-28 rent officers 11-32 restricted rents 6-26 state pension credit 11-35 tenancy arrangements 6-25 Housing costs 8-15 Immigration 5-37 Incapacity benefit 2-14, 2-17, 6-33, 8-9, 10-31, 11-35 Income 8-13 Income-related benefits 5-38 Income support 2-13, 2-14, 8-9, 8-13, 8-14, 11-35 Industrial injuries benefit 2-14, 2-17, 8-15 Invalid care allowance 2-15, 2-17, 8-9 carer’s allowance, change of name to 6-25 Jobcentre Plus interviews 9-34 Jobseeker’s allowance 2-15, 4-46, 8-15 date of cessation of benefit 8-13 defective claims 8-9 employment zones 11-35 tax credits 5-38 term-time workers 2-13 Judicial review 6-28 Late claims 6-26 Legislation earnings, computation of 1-33 Maternity allowance 5-38 Maternity expenses 8-34 Means-tested benefits 8-13 Mobility 8-14 National assistance personal requirements, sums for 5-36 National insurance contributions 9-34 intermediaries 9-34 numbers 8-9 Overlapping benefits 3-33, 8-9 Overpayments 2-11, 6-26*, 6-28, 8-10 Parent run-on 8-34 Partners 9-34 Pension credits 6-25, 10-25*, 10-31 administration 10-27 appeals 10-27 assessed income period 10-27 calculation rules 10-25 claims 10-27 council tax benefit 11-35 eligibility 10-25 guarantee credit 10-25 housing benefit 11-35 income support 11-35 other benefits, effect on 10-27 savings credit 10-25 take up implications 10-28 Personal requirements, sums for 5-36 Poverty 1-33 London, in 1-35 Rent officers 11-32 Residence 5-38 Residential allowance, removal of 6-34 Residential care homes, closure of 3-17 Set-off 8-11 Social Exclusion Unit 1-34 Social Fund 2-14, 8-15, 8-34 Social Security Appeal Tribunal 2-11 Social Security Commissioner decisions 8-14 State pension credits 5-38, 8-34, 9-34 State retirement pensions 2-12, 2-15, 8-15, 9-34 Statutory adoption pay and leave 6-25 Statutory paternity pay and leave 6-25, 6-33 Students 8-34 Supersession 8-9, 8-14 Survivor’s benefits 2-15 Tax credits 2-15, 4-38*, 4-46, 5-37, 5-38 Test cases 2-12 Third party deductions 11-35 Unemployability supplement 10-31 Unemployment, voluntary 8-15 Up-rating 5-37 Widows’ and widowers’ benefits 1-28, 2-12 Winter Fuel Payment 9-34 Workers’ compensation 5-38 Work-focused interviews 11-35 Working families’ tax credit 8-11 Working tax credit 4-38, 5-38, 6-25, 9-34, 10-31 SOCIAL SERVICES Adoption services 6-34 After-care 9-31 Asylum-seekers 1-18 Care homes 8-34 Carers short-term breaks, vouchers for 6-34 Commission for Social Care Inspection, setting up of 10-15 Community care plans 9-34 Complaints procedures 3-18 Continuing NHS care 9-32 Day care homes, closure of 9-29 Delayed discharges 6-34 Direct payments 9-32 Discrimination 3-20 Health and Social Care Act 2001 10-31 Home, right to respect for the 3-17, 3-18, 9-29 Hospitals, delay in discharge from 3-20, 9-32 Human rights home, right to respect for the 3-17, 3-18 residential care homes, closure of 3-17 Independence, schemes to promote 3-19 Legislation Community Care (Delayed Discharges, etc) Bill 1-33 Local authorities sexual abuse 3-18 Long-term care funding 9-29, 9-30 Maladministration 9-29 Manual lifting policies 9-29 Mental Incapacity Bill 9-30 Nursing care, free 9-32 Nursing standards 3-20 Residential homes adult placements 9-34 closure of 9-29 deregistration of 9-29 Sexual abuse 3-18 Standards 3-20 User independent trusts 3-19 Wales adoption 6-34 TORT Negligence bullying 3-15 special educational needs 3-15 Special educational needs 3-15 CASES LIST Cases reported and summarised in articles are listed, with the court or tribunal. The subject area of the case is indicated by the margin reference. SUBJECT KEY ch children cc community care cr crime di discrimination ed education em employment en environment ho housing hu human rights im immigration in inquests la legal aid lo local authorities mh mental health po police pp practice and procedure pr prisoners pu public law ss social security tr travellers COURT KEY CA CCt ChD CoCt CS DC EAT ECtHR ECJ ET FD HC (NI) HL IAT LT PC QBD QBD (AC) QBD (CC) QBD (TCC) SCCO ShCt Court of Appeal county court Chancery Division coroner’s court Court of Session Divisional Court Employment Appeal Tribunal European Court of Human Rights European Court of Justice Employment Tribunal Family Division High Court Northern Ireland House of Lords Immigration Appeals Tribunal Lands Tribunal Privy Council Queen’s Bench Division Administrative Court Commercial Court Technology and Construction Court Supreme Court Costs Office Sheriff Court A cr A v DPP, QBD (AC) 9-20 ed A v Headteacher and Governors of the Lord Grey School, QBD (AC) 9-14 hu A v UK, ECtHR 7-23 hu A and others v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 5-26, 5-28 pp AB and others v Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, QBD (AC) 7-14 ho Aberdeen CC v Molina, ShCt 9–25 hu Acar v Turkey, ECtHR 7-19 im Adam v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-33 po Ahmed v Governing Body of Oxford University, CA, 9-16 pp Ahmed v Powell, SCCO 7-14 po Akenzua and another v (1) Secretary of State for the Home Department (2) Commissioner of the Police for the Metropolis, CA 8-28 ho Akhtar and Naeem v Manchester CC, CCt 4-28 ho Akram v Adam, CA 1-22 im Ala v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 7-32 ho Al-Ameri v Kensington & Chelsea RLBC; Osmani v Harrow LBC, CA 4-28, 6-16 ho Al-Ameri v Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, CCt 1-19 ho Alamo Housing Co-operative Ltd v Meredith and others, CA 6-31 ho Alderson v Beetham Organisation Ltd, CA 11-11 hu Allan v UK, ECtHR 1-25 po Al-Fayed v The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, QBD (AC) 8-24 en Alpharma Inc v Council, ECJ 7-16 pp Anderton v Clwyd, CA 2-30 ho Anufrijeva v Southwark LBC, QBD (AC) 2-37, 3-18 hu Appleby and others v UK, ECtHR 7-24 pp Arsenal Football Club v Elite Sports Distribution Ltd, ChD 7-13 pu Association of British Civilians Internees – Far Eastern Region v Secretary of State for Defence, CA 5-12, 5-14 pu Aston Cantlow and Wilmcote with Billesley Parochial Church Council v Wallbank, HL 11-26 pp Austen v Oxfordshire County Council, QBD 2-30 ho Azam v Ahmed, CCt 11-13 B pp Bank of England v Henry Butcher & Co, CA 7-14 ed Barnfather v Islington LBC and Secretary of State for Education and Skills, QBD (AC) 9-13 ho Barclays Bank plc v Acorn, ChD 4-21 ss Barber v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, QBD (AC) 2-16 em Barker and others v Home Office, EAT 5-19 ho Barnet LBC v Hurley, ChD 8-30 em Barton v Investec Henderson Crosthwaite Securities Ltd, EAT 11-20 hu Beckles v UK, ECtHR 1-25 ho Begum (Runa) v Tower Hamlets LBC, HL 4-28, 5-11 pr Benjamin and Wilson v UK, ECtHR 1-10, 1-24, 6-23 em Bentwood Bros (Manchester) Ltd v Shepherd, CA 11-24 en Berkeley v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, HL 7-18 cc Bernard v Enfield, QBD (AC) 3-17 ho Bibi v Ahmed and Nessa, CCt 7-25 ho BIH Housing Association v Pavis, CCt 3-29 ed Bradford-Smart v West Sussex CC, CA 3-15 pp Brawley Marczynski, CA 2-31 pp Brazil v Brazil, CA 2-31 ho Bristol & West plc v Bartlett; Paragon Finance plc v Banks; Halifax plc v Grant, CA 4-24 im Britton v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-33 ho Broadwick Financial Services Ltd v Spencer, CA 4-21 ho Bromley LBC v Smith, QBD (AC) 8-30 po Brooks v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and others, CA 8-27 ho Buggs v Buggs, ChD 9-26 hu Bullerwell v UK, ECtHR 7-22 ho Burkeman v GE Capital Europe Ltd, QBD (AC) 11-12 di Burton v Higham t/a Ace Appointments, EAT 8-22 di Buxton v Investec Henderson Crosthwaite Securities, EAT 8-20 C ch C v Bury MBC, FD 4-36 ed C v (1) Secretary of State for DFES and (2) IAP of Redbridge LBC 9-10 pp Cable and Wireless plc v IBM, QBD (CC) 2-30 pp Cairnstores v Aktiebolaget Hassle, CA 2-30 ss Carpenter v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, CA 8-11 ss Carson and Reynolds v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, CA 8-12 di Catherall v Michelin Tyre Ltd, EAT 8-23 ed CB v (1) Merton LBC (2) SEN Tribunal, QBD (AC) 3-14 im Cenir v Entry Clearance, CA 7-32 pp Charles v NTL Group Ltd, CA 7-14 di Chief Constable of Bedfordshire Police v Liversidge, CA 5-20 ed Chittock v Woodbridge School, CA 3-16 hu Ciccariello v Italy, ECtHR 3-29 ho Clarks v Coutts & Co, CA 4-23 di Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd v Shergill, EAT 5-21 hu Collins (Katie) v UK, ECtHR 1-27 pp Colt Telecom Group plc, Re, ChD 7-13 cr Cooper v DPP, QBD (AC) 9-20 hu Cotlet v Romania, ECtHR 7-19 di CPS v Clarke, EAT 2-26 pp Crosbie v Munroe, CA 7-14 em Curr v Marks & Spencer plc, CA 5-22 hu Cuscani v UK, ECtHR 1-25 D di ho ho ho ho ho en ho ho ho hu cr ho em pr em ho pp E ed hu ho im hu pp di ho pp pp en im pr Dave v Robinska, EAT 8-21 Davidson v Dundee CC, LT 9-26 Day v Coltrane, CA 5-34 Deakin v Corbett and Halifax plc, CA 4-22 Delson v Lambeth LBC, CA 4-25 Demirtas v Islington LBC, CCt 4-27 Dennis v Ministry of Defence, QBD (AC) 7-17 Donnelly v Northern Ireland Housing Executive, HC (NI) 4-28 Donnolly v NIHE, HC (NI) 11-15 Dorival v Simmons, CCt 8-31 DP and JC v UK, ECtHR 1-26 DPP v Stoke on Trent Magistrates’ Court (re Ratcliffe) QBD (AC) 9-18 Driver v Yorke, ChD 9-26 Dudley Bower Building Service Ltd v Lowe and others, EAT 11-25 Duggan v Governor of Full Sutton Prison and another, ChD 6-14 Dunnachie v Kingston Upon Hull City Council; Williams v Southampton Institute; Dawson v Stonham Housing Association Ltd, EAT 11-23 Dunn and another v Bradford MDC, CA 11-11 Dyson v Hoover (No 2), ChD 2-31 E v Oxfordshire CC, QBD (AC) 2-14 E and others v UK, ECtHR 1-26, 3-18 Eden v West & Co, CA 11-10 Edore (Blessing) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-32, 11-27 Edwards (Martin) v UK, ECtHR 1-25 Edwards v Pirelli Cables 7-12 EFTA Surveillance Authority v Kingdom of Norway, EAT 8-22 Ekwuru v City of Westminster, CA 6-32, 10-24 English v Clipson, CCt 2-31 English v Emery Reimbold, CA 2-31 Essa v Laing Ltd, EAT 11-21 European Roma Rights Centre and others v Immigration Officer, Prague and Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-32 Ezeh and Connors v UK, ECtHR 1-12, 1-25 F ed Faulkner v Enfield LBC and Lea Valley High School 3-16 pp Fay v Chief Constable of Bedfordshire, QBD (AC) 7-13 ho FCH Housing & Care v Smith, CCt 11-13 ss Ferguson v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, CA 8-13 hu Finucane v UK, ECtHR 1-24 po Folan v R, CA 10-21 ho Forsyth v South Ayrshire Council, LT 9-26 ho Francis v Kensington & Chelsea RLBC, CA 5-35 em Franks v Reuters Ltd and another; CA 11-24 ho Freeguard v Royal Bank of Scotland plc, ChD 4-22 di Fry v MOD, EAT 8-22 G ch G (Care: Challenge to Local Authority’s Decision), Re, FD 10-16 pp Garry v Gwillim, CA 2-31 em Gee v Shell UK Ltd, CA 5-19 ho Ghaznavi v Kensington & Chelsea LBC, CCt 4-27 ho Gibson v Paddington Churches HA, CLCJC 11-16 ho Gibson Investments Ltd v Chesterton plc, ChD 11-9 ho Gilje v Charlegrove Securities Ltd, QBD (AC) 7-27 em Glendale Managed Services v Graham and others, CA 11-26 ho Gloucestershire HA v Phelps, CCt 5-35 di Godfrey and others v Concargo and others and the Secretary of State, EAT 2-24 ho Goldmile Properties Ltd v Lechouritis, CA 11-10 ho Goodman v Carlton, CA 4-22 pp Godwin v Swindon BC, CA 2-30 hu Goodwin (Christine) v UK, ECtHR 1-26, 2-26 en Guerra v Italy, ECtHR 7-16 im Gurung v and Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-32 H po em ho ho ho ho pu pp ho ho di ho pp di di ho ho pp ho ss pp ho H v DPP, CA 10-21 Hackney LBC v Adams, EAT 11-23 Hackney LBC v Ampratum, CCt 9-25 Hackney LBC v Frimpomaah, ChD 9-25 Hackney LBC v Sareen, CA 5-35 Hackney LBC v Side by Side (Kids) Ltd, QBD (AC) 10-23 Haggis v DDP, QBD (AC) 11-31 Halloran v Delaney, CA 2-31 Hammond v Osborn, CA 4-22 Hampshire Waste Services Ltd v Persons Unknown, ChD 9-27 Hardman v Mallon t/a Orchard Lodge Nursing Home, EAT 2-25 Harrow LBC v Qazi, HL 10-22 Helical Bar plc v Armchair Passenger Transport Ltd, QBD (AC) 7-13 Hendricks v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, CA 5-20, 8-20 Hepburn v Chief Constable of Thames Valley, CA, 8-25 Higgs v Brighton & Hove City Council, CCt 4-27 Higgs v Brighton & Hove City Council, CA 8-31 Higgs v Camden & Islington Health Authority, QBD (AC) 7-14 Hijazi v Kensington & Chelsea RLBC, CA 6-32 Hinchy v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, CA 8-10 Home Office v Dorgan, CA 2-30 Howard de Walden Estates v London Rent Assessment Committee, QBD (AC) 9-27 ss Howker v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Social Security Advisory Committee, CA 2-17 hu Hutchinson Reid v UK, HL 7-21 I hu I v UK, ECtHR 1-26 po Igwemma v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, CA 9-15 pp Intel Corporation v VIA Technologies Inc, ChD 7-13 ho Islington LBC v Davis, CCt 7-26 J pp James v Bally Gibson & Co, CA 7-13 di Jarrett v Chief Constable of West Midlands Police, CA 8-25 ho Jiggins v Brisley and others, ChD 9-26 di Jones v 3M Health Care, CA 2-25 pp Jones v University of Warwick, CA 7-13 hu Jordan (Stephen) (No 2) v UK, ECtHR 7-22 K po K v DPP, QBD (AC) 10-20 po K v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA, 8-26 im Kanyenkiko v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-33 ho Karner v Austria, ECtHR 11-16 ed Kearn-Price v Kent CC, CA 3-16 ed Keating v Mayor and Burgesses of Bromley LBC, QBD (AC) 9-13 hu Kennedy v CPS, QBD (AC) 5-26 ho Kensington and Chelsea RLBC v O’Sullivan, CCt 1-20 hu Kensington and Chelsea RLBC v O’Sullivan, CA 5-34 im Khan v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-32 hu Khashiyev v Russia and Akayeva v Russia, Isayeva v Russia, Yusupova v Russia and Bazayeva v Russia; Isayeva v Russia, ECtHR 7-19 pp Khlaban v Beard, CA 7-13 em Kingston Upon Hull City Council v Dunnachie (No 3); HSBC Bank plc v Drage, EAT 11-24 di Kirton v Tetrosyl Ltd, CA 8-23, 11-21 ho Knight v Vale Royal BC, CA 9-28 ho Knowsley Housing Trust v Revell; Helena Housing Ltd v Curtis, CS 6-30 ho Knowsley HT v Keating, CCt 7-27 po Kuddus v Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary, HL 9-17 im Kutchouk v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-32 L ed L v Governors of J School, HL 9-13 ch L (Care: Assessment: Fair Trial), Re, FD 4-35 pp Lakah Group v Al Jazeera Satellite Channel, QBD (AC) 7-13 ss Latifi v Colherne Court Freehold, QBD 4-27 em Lawrence and others v Regent Office Care Ltd and others, ECJ 5-21 pp Layland v Fairview New Homes plc, ChD 2-30 pp Leicester Circuits Ltd v Coates Brothers plc, CA 7-14 ed Liennard v Slough BC, QBD (AC) 3-15 em List Design Group Ltd v Douglas and others; List Design Group Ltd v Catley, EAT 5-22 ho Liverpool HAT v Pettit, CCt 4-25 ho London & Quadrant Housing Trust v Ison, CCt 11-15 pp Long Eaton Plant Hire v Nelsons, SCCO 2-31 en Lopez Ostra v Spain, ECtHR 7-17 hu Lucas v UK, ECtHR 7-24 M im M v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-33 ch M (Care Proceedings: Judicial Review), Re, QBD (AC) 10-16 di Macdonald v Advocate General for Scotland; Pearce v Governing Body of Mayfield School, HL 8-19, 11-20, 11-21 ho MacKenzie v Aberdeen CC, CCt 11-11 hu Mamatkulov and Abdurasulovic v Turkey, ECtHR 7-19, 7-20 ho Manchester City Council v Finn, CA 2-35 ho Manchester City Council v Lee, CA 11-14 en Marcic (Peter) v Thames Water Utilities Limited, CA 7-17 em Marshalls Clay Products v Caulfield and others; Pearce v Huw Howatson Ltd; Clarke v Frank Staddon Ltd; Sutton v Potting Construction Ltd; Hoy v Hanlin Construction, EAT 11-22 po Marsh v Clare (Chief Constable of Lancashire Constabulary, CA 9-16 hu Martin v UK, ECtHR 7-23 pp Masterman-Lister v (1) Brutton & Co (2) Jewell/ Home Counties Dairies, CA 7-13 po Masters v Chief Constable of Sussex, CA 8-28 hu Mastromatteo v Italy, ECtHR 1-24 po Matin v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, CA 8-28 ho Maunder Taylor v Blaquiere, CA 1-22 cr McCann v Chief Constable of Manchester, DC 2-18 ho McCreanney v McCreanney, ChD 9-26 ho McDonald v Fernandez, CA 10-24 pr McGlinchey v UK, ECtHR 6-12, 7-20 en Mckenna (Nora) and others v British Aluminium Ltd, ChD 7-17 ho McKenzie v McKenzie, ChD 9-26 ho McKinnon v e.surv Ltd (formerly known as GA Valuation & Survey Ltd), ChD 4-22 ho McNair v Oldham MBC, CCt 11-11 po McNally v Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police, CA 9-14 di McNicol v Balfour Beatty Rail Maintenance Ltd, CA 5-20 ho Medina HA v Case, CA 2-36 ed Meherali v Hampshire CC, QBD (AC) 3-15 ho Mendoza v Ghaidan, CA 1-22, 5-28, 5-29 pp Merpro Group Ltd v Dynamic Processing Solutions, ChD 7-13 ho Metropolitan Properties Co Ltd v Wilson, ChD 4-26, 11-12 hu MG v UK, ECtHR 1-26 ho Middlesbrough BC v Turnbull, CA 11-14 pp Mitchell v James, CA 2-31 hu Mitchell and Holloway v UK, ECtHR 7-22 ho Mohammadi v Anston Investments Ltd and Shellpoint Trustees Ltd, CA 9-27 ho Mohamud v Lambeth LBC 3-31 cr Molloy v DDP, QBD (AC) 2-20 ho Money v Westholme Investments Ltd, CA 6-31 ss Morrell v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, CA 8-11 po Morrison v Chief Constable of West Midlands Police, CA 9-15 cr Mossop v DPP, QBD (AC) 9-18 hu Mouisel v France, ECtHR 7-20 ho Mount Cook Land Ltd v Rosen, CCt 7-27 ho Mountney v Treharne, CA 4-23 im Mungu v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-33 ho Musa v Islington LBC, CCt 11-12 N ho Nation v Collie, CCt 2-37 ho National Westminster Bank plc v Amin, ChD 4-21 pp hu hu ho ho ho ho ho ho ho pp Neave v Neave, CA 7-14 Nee v Ireland, ECtHR 7-19 Nerva and others v UK, ECtHR 1-28 New Haverford Partnership v Stroot, 11-13 Newham LBC v Jones, CA 1-21 Newham LBC v Neal, CA 8-30 North Devon Homes Ltd v Brazier, QBD 6-31 North Herts DC v Carthy, CA 3-28 Northampton BC v Connors, QBD (AC) 8-31 Nottingham CC v Thames, CA 3-29 Nutrinova v Arnold SUHR, ChD 7-13 O ch O and N: Re B, Re, HL 10-17 hu Obasa v UK, ECtHR 7-22 po O’Brien v Chief Constable of South Wales Police, CA 9-14 hu Öcalan v Turkey, ECtHR 7-20 hu Odièvre v France, ECtHR 7-23 hu O’Driscoll v Secretary of State for the Home Department and Metropolitan Police Commissioner, QBD (AC) 5-28 ho O’Hara v UK, ECtHR 8-24 ho Okuneye v Newham LBC, CA 6-32 ho Olokunboro v Croydon LBC, CCt 2-37 hu Öneryildiz v Turkey, ECtHR 1-24, 1-28 ho Opeyokun v Lewisham LBC, CCt 11-16 pp Orford v Rasmi Electronics Ltd, CA 2-31 ho Osborn & Co Ltd v Dior, CA 3-29 ho Osmani v Harrow LBC, CCt 1-19 P ed P v NASUWT, HL 9-13 hu P, C and S v UK, ECtHR 1-26, 4-36 ho Paddington Churches HA v Nazli Aydin, CCt 11-15 pp P&O NedLloyd BV Ltd v Utaniko; East West Corporation v DKBS 1912, CA 7-14 ho Park Lane Properties (Leeds) Ltd v Northern Rent Assessment Committee, QBD (AC) 9-26 pu Patel v Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, QBD (AC) 5-15 hu Peck v UK, ECtHR 7-23 hu Pektas v Turkey, ECtHR 1-27 po Perry v UK, ECtHR 10-20 ho Perth and Kinross Council v Gillies, ShCt 6-30 pp Petford v Saw, CCt 2-30 po Phillips v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, CA 9-16 ho Plymouth CC v Walker, CCt 7-26 hu Poltoratskiy v Ukraine, ECtHR 7-21 hu Porter (Shirley) v UK, ECtHR 7-22 di Power v Panasonic UK Ltd, EAT 2-24 pp Premier Profiles Ltd v Tioxide Europe Ltd, QBD (AC) 7-13 pu Pumahaven Ltd v Williams (Inspector of Taxes), CA 11-31 ho Purbrick v Hackney LBC, ChD 9-27 pp Purdue v Devon Fire and Rescue Service, CA 7-14 di Purves v Joydisc Ltd, ShCt 8-24 Q ho Quinton v East Herts DC, CCt 4-27 R cr R v Bown, CA 9-19 ho R v C and B, CA 10-20 cr R v Crown Court at Manchester ex p McCann and others, HL 2-18 en R v Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Derbyshire County Council ex p Langton and others, QBD (AC) 7-16 en R v English Nature and Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ex p Aggregate Industries UK Ltd, QBD (AC) 7-16 cc R v Flounders and Alton, CA 2-19 cr R v Giles, CA 9-18 po R v H, CA 10-21 ed R v Head Teacher of St George’s Catholic School and others ex p DR; R v Governing Body of Kingsmead School and others ex p AM, CA 3-16, 11-29 lo R v Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court ex p Uchendu, QBD (AC) 4-19 po R v Hill (Barbara), CA 10-20 im R v (HM) Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-32 po R v Howell, CA 10-19 po R v Knight, CA 10-19 po R v Lewis, CA 10-20 pr R v Lichniak and Pyrah, HL 1-10 hu R v Lyons, Parnes, Ronson and Saunders, HL 5-26 lo R v Maidstone Justices ex p Martyn, QBD (AC) 4-20 cr R v Matthews, CA 9-18 ed R v Newham LBC ex p K, QBD (AC) 3-15 po R v Rajkuma, CA 10-21 ed R v Secretary of State for Education and Skills ex p IPSEA Ltd, CA 3-13 di R v Secretary of State for Employment ex p Seymour-Smith and Perez, ECJ 2-24 en R v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions ex p Alconbury Developments Ltd and others, HL 7-16 ss R v Secretary of State for the Home Department and Secretary of State for Social Security ex p Anufrijeva, HL 8-13, 11-29 po R v Ungvari, CA 10-20 lo R v Warley Justices ex p Taylor, QBD (AC) 4-20 pp R and R, CA 2-30 cc R (A and B, X and Y) v East Sussex CC, QBD (AC) 9-29 ss R (Agneroh) v Lambeth LBC, QBD (AC) 1-19 im R (Agolli) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 1-18 im R (Ali Gashi) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC), 7-32 lo R (Allen) v Wirrall Justices, QBD (AC) 4-20 im R (Amirthanathan) v and Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 7-32 pr R (Anderson) v Home Secretary, HL 1-10, 5-27 im R (Ay) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 7-32 mh R (B) v Ashworth Hospital Authority, CA 6-22 ho R (B) v Southwark LBC, QBD (AC) 9-28 ho R (Bantamagbari) v Westminster CC, QBD (AC) 7-27, 11-30 pr R (Barnsley) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 1-13 pu R (Beer) v Hampshire Farmers Markets Limited, QBD (AC) 5-12, 11-27 hu R (Bernard) v Enfield LBC, QBD (AC) 5-25, 5-27 ho R (Bibi) v Newham LBC, QBD (AC) 9-28 im R (Blackwood) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 1-18, 3-31, 6-16 pu R (Bloggs) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 11-29 hu R (Bloggs 61) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 1-15 en R (Bown) v Secretary of State for Transport, QBD (AC) 7-15 ho R (C) v Lewisham LBC, CA 8-32 pu R (Camacho and Scutiero) v Haringey LBC and others, QBD (AC) 11-30 pu R (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) v Prime Minister and others, QBD (AC) 5-16 pr R (Canaan) v Governor of HMP Full Sutton and Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-14 ss R (Carson) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, QBD (AC) 2-12 pr R (Cawser) v Secretary of the State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-11 pr R (CD and AD) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-12 cr R (Chief Constable of West Midlands Police) v Birmingham Magistrates’ Court, QBD (AC) 2-18 lo R (Clark-Darby) v Highbury Magistrates’ Court, QBD (AC) 4-18 pr R (Clough) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-11 ho R (Cole) v Enfield LBC, QBD (AC) 8-32 pu R (Comninos) v Bedford BC and others, QBD (AC) 11-28, 11-30 cc R (Cowl) v Plymouth City Council, CA 3-17 po R (Cronin) v Sheffield Magistrates’ Court, CA 8-25 po R (Cruickshank) v Chief Constable of Kent, CA 8-29 pu R (Cumpsty) v Rent Service, QBD (AC) 5-11, 6-26 pr R (D) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-11, 6-24 im R (Dabrowski and others) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-33 ho R (Daley) v Kingston-upon-Thames RLBC, QBD (AC) 6-32 pr R (DF) v Chief Constable of Norfolk and Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 1-15 cc R (Dudley, Whitbread and others) v East Sussex Council, QBD (AC) 9-30 ho R (Forbes) v Lambeth LBC, QBD (AC) 4-26 mh R (Frederick T-T) v The Hospital Managers of the Park Royal Centre, CA 6-22 ho R (Gangera) v Hounslow LBC, QBD (AC) 6-29 im R (Gautam) v Adjudicator, QBD (AC) 7-32 im R (Gezer) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-17, 7-32 pr R (Gibson) v Governor of HMP Garth, QBD (AC) 1-13 pr R (Gilbert) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-13 ho R (Giles) v Fareham BC, QBD (AC) 2-35 pr R (Giles) v Parole Board, CA 1-11 pu R (Goodman) v Lewisham LBC, CA 11-27 cc R (Haggerty) v St Helens Council, QBD (AC) 9-29 pu R (Haile) v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, CA 5-16 im R (Harrison) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-33 im R (Hetoja) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 1-18 pr R (Hirst) v Parole Board, QBD (AC) 1-12 pr R (Hoogstraten) v Governor of HMP Belmarsh, QBD (AC) 1-14 pr R (Howard League) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 1-14, 4-36 ho R (Ibrahim) v Redbridge LBC, QBD (AC) 2-35 ed R (Jemchi) v Visitor of Brunel University, QBD (AC) 9-13, 11-29 im R (K) v Lambeth LBC, QBD (AC) 6-17 pr R (KB and others) v Mental Health Review Tribunal and Secretary of State for Health, QBD (AC) 6-10, 6-24 ed R (K and S) v Admissions Appeal of Cardiff CC, QBD (AC) 9-12 pu R (Kides) v South Cambridgeshire DC, CA 5-15 ed R (KW) v (1) SEN Tribunal (2) Rochdale MBC, QBD (AC) 9-11 ss R (Larusai) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, QBD (AC) 8-11 ho R (Latif) v Social Security Commissioners and others, CA 6-25 en R (Lebus and others) v South Cambridgeshire DC, QBD (AC) 7-18 ho R (Lester) v London Rent Assessment Committee, QBD (AC) 1-21 ho R (Lester) v London Rent Assessment Committee, CA 5-34 ho R (Lindsay) v Lambeth LBC, CA 9-28 pu R (Lord) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 11-31 ho R (M) v Barking & Dagenham LBC and Westminster CC, QBD (AC) 1-23 pu R (M) v Bromley LBC, CA 5-16 ho R (M) v Islington LBC, QBD (AC) 8-32 im R (M) v Islington LBC and Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 7-32 mh R (M) v Secretary of State for Health, QBD (AC) 6-23 im R (M) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 1-18 ho R (Maali) v Lambeth LBC, QBD (AC) 10-23 cc R (Madden) v Bury MBC, QBD (AC) 3-17 im R (Mambakasa) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-17 im R (Mapah) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 7-30 pu R (Maureen Smith) v East Kent Hospital NHS Trust and Kent and Medway Health Authority, QBD (AC) 5-14 ho R (Mays) v Brent LBC, QBD (AC) 1-20, 5-34 ho R (McAuley and Stewart) v Highland Council, CS 10-24 pr R (Middleton) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-10 po R (Miller Gardener solicitors) v Minshull Street Crown Court, QBD (AC) 8-26 pu R (Molinaro) v Kensington & Chelsea RLBC, QBD (AC) 5-13 ed R (M-P) v Barking and Dagenham LBC and Barking Abbey Comprehensive School, QBD (AC) 9-12 pr R (Murray) v Parole Board and Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-10 mh R (N) v Dr M and others, CA 6-22, 11-31 im R (N) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 7-30 pr R (Ntow) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-13 ho R (O’Byrne) v Secretary of State for Environment, Transport and Regions, HL 1-21 ho R (O’Donaghue) v Brighton and Hove City Council, QBD (AC) 4-27 ho R (O’Donaghue) v Brighton and Hove City Council, CA 5-35 pu R (Opoku) v Principal of Southwark College, QBD (AC) 5-17 pr R (P) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 1-14 po R (Paul de Costa and another) v Thames Magistrates’ Court and Customs and Excise Commissioners, QBD (AC) 8-26 ho R (Price) v Carmarthenshire CC, QBD (AC) 3-30 pu R (ProLife Alliance) v BBC, HL 11-27 pu R (Q and others) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 5-12, 5-25, 6-16, 7-29 pu R (R and others) v CAFCASS, QBD (AC) 11-28 ho R (Reiner) v Hackney LBC, CA 6-28 pr R (Rodgers) v Governor of HMP Brixton and another, QBD (AC) 6-12 pr R (Rogers) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 1-13 pu R (Roma Rights Centre and others) v Immigration Officer at Prague Airport, CA 11-28 po R (Rottman) v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, HL 8-26 pu R (Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead) v Dewar and others, QBD (AC) 5-14 mh R (S) v Mental Health Review Tribunal and the Department of Health, QBD (AC) 6-23 mh R (S) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-23 pr R (S) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 6-12 pr R (S) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and Parole Board, QBD (AC) 1-12 hu R (Saadi and others) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, HL 5-26 pu R (Salih and Rahmani) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 11-30 im R (Satu) v Hackney LBC, QBD (AC) 1-18 im R (Satu) v Hackney LBC, CA 6-16 im R (Secretary of State for the Home Department) v Chief Asylum Support Adjudicator, QBD (AC) 6-16 im R (Secretary of State for the Home Department) v Chief Asylum Support Adjudicator (Dogan, interested party), QBD (AC) 1-18 ho R (Sederati) v Enfield LBC, QBD (AC) 1-23 pr R (Sim) v Parole Board and Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-11 ho R (Sleith) v Camden LBC, QBD (AC) 1-20 ho R (Sleith) v Camden LBC, CA 5-33 ho R (Smith) v Barking and Dagenham LBC, QBD (AC) 1-22 pu R (Smith) v Parole Board, CA 11-31 pr R (Spence) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-11 im R (Szoma) v Southwark LBC, QBD (AC) 6-16 im R (T and another) v Secretary of State for Health and Secretary of State for the Home Department), QBD (AC) 1-18 im R (Taylan Soylemez) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 7-32 ho R (Taylor) v Commission for Local Administration, QBD (AC) 6-32 ho R (Taylor) v Commission for Local Administration in England, CA 9-28 pu R (Thompson and another) v Fletcher (Inspector of Taxes), QBD (AC) 5-13 pu R (Tofik) v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, CA 11-30 pu R (Tucker) v Director-General of the National Crime Squad, CA 5-13 lo R (Turton) v Sheffield Magistrates’ Court and Sheffield City Council, CA 4-18 pr R (Uttley) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, QBD (AC) 6-12 en R (Vetterlein) v Hampshire County Council, QBD (AC) 7-18 mh R (W) v Doncaster MBC, QBD (AC) 6-23 ho R (Wakie) v Haringey LBC, QBD (AC) 11-15 pr R (West) v Parole Board, CA 1-11 pu R (Wilkinson) v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire, QBD (AC) 5-16 pr R (Wilkinson) v The Home Secretary, QBD (AC) 1-14 lo R (Williams) v Pontefract Magistrates’ Court and Wakefield DC, QBD (AC) 4-18 ho R (Yeter) v Enfield LBC, QBD (AC) 1-23 ho R (Zaher) v Westminster CC, QBD (AC) 3-31 ss Ramsden v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, CA 8-16 di Relaxion Group plc v Rhys-Harper; D’Souza v London Borough of Lambeth; Jones v 3M Health Care Ltd, HL 8-20 em Rhys-Harper v Relaxion Group plc; D’Souza v Lambeth LBC; Jones v 3M Healthcare Ltd; Kirker v British Sugar plc; Angel v New Possibilities NHS Trust; Bond v Hackney Citizens Advice Bureau, HL 11-20 ho Ridgehill HA v Chapman and Field, CCt, 10-23 ho Riverside HA v Barlow, CCt 3-29 pp Robert v Momentum Services Ltd, CA 7-13 di Robertson v Bexley Community Centre t/a Leisure Link, CA 8-20 em Robertson and others v Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, ET 5-22 ed Robinson v St Helens MBC, CA 3-15 pr Rogers v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 6-12 ho Rosati v Italy, ECtHR 9-26 di Rowden v Dutton Gregory Solicitors, EAT 2-25 po Rowe v Fryers and others, CA 9-16 ed Rowe v Kingston upon Hull CC and another, CA 9-13 ho Royal Bank of Scotland plc v Etridge (No 2), HL 4-21 em Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust v Howard, EAT 5-22 di Rutherford and Bentley v Town Circle Ltd (t/a Harvest) (in liquidation) and the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, EAT 2-23 ss Rydqvist v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, CA 2-11 S ed S v Brent LBC and others, CA 3-16 hu S v Havering LBC, CA 5-27 mh S (Adult Patient) (Inherent Jurisdiction: Family Life), Re, FD 6-24 ho Sabah Mohamoud v Greenwich LBC, CCt 1-23 em Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd v Hitt, CA 5-23 ho Sam-Yorke v Ali Jawad, CCt 3-29, 3-30 ed School Admission Appeals Panel for Hounslow LBC v The Mayor and Burgesses of Hounslow LBC, CA 3-14 ho Scott v Thomson, CS 6-31 ho Scottish Equitable plc v Thompson, CA 4-24 cc Secretary of State for Health v PR of Christopher Beeson, CA 3-18, 5-11 mh Secretary of State for the Home Department v Mental Health Review Tribunal and PH (interested party), CA 6-22 em Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Rutherford, Bentley and Harvest Town Circle Ltd (in liquidation), EAT 11-23 ss Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Adams, CA 8-9 ho Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Chiltern DC, CA 6-27 ss Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Hourigan, CA 2-13 ss Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Nelligan, CA 8-16 ss Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v v Whalley, CA 8-16 ho Seine International SA v Park Lane Holdings Inc, 11-12 im Sepet and Bulbul v Secretary of State for the Home Department, HL 7-31 di Shamoon v Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, HL 5-20, 8-18 ho Sharp v Brent LBC, CA 6-29 pp Sharratt v London Central Bus Co, SCCO 7-14 ho Shire v Birmingham CC, CCt 3-30 im Sivakaran v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-32 ho Smith v Muscat, CA 11-10 ho Smith v Spaul, CA 4-26, 11-10 em South Ayrshire Council v Milligan, ET 11-22 ho South Tottenham Land Securities Ltd v Skilleter, CCt 7-26 mh South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust v W, QBD (AC) 6-22 di Southwark LBC v Afolabi, CA 8-20 ho Southwark LBC v Erekin, ChD 9-25 pp SPE International v Professional Preparation Contractors Ltd, ChD 2-31 ho Stafford BC v Haynes, CA 3-28 ho State Bank of New South Wales v Carey Harrison III, CA 4-21 hu Steel (Helen) v Morris (David), ECtHR 1-26 ho Stephenson v Southwark LBC, CCt 3-29 ho Stonebridge HAT v Gabbidon, QBD (AC) 1-21 pp Stringer v Copley, CCt 2-31 ho Sula v Islington LBC, CCt 3-30 di Sunderland CC v Newsome, EAT 8-22 di Surrey Police v Marshall, EAT 5-21 ho Swindon BC v Aston, QBD (AC) 2-36 T ed T v SEN Tribunal and Wiltshire CC, QBD (AC) 3-14 ho Tai Cymdogaeth Cyfngedig v Griffiths, CCt 2-36 im Tasyurdu v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-32 ho Taylor v Blaquiere, CA 11-10 pp Taylor v Anderson, CA 7-13 hu Taylor-Sabori v UK, ECtHR 1-25 pp Three Rivers DC v Bank of England, CA 2-30 pp Three Rivers DC v Bank of England, HL 7-13 pp Times Newspapers v Burstein, CA 2-31 pp Transco plc v Griggs, CA 7-14 di Tuck v Fish Brothers, ET 5-21 U ho UCB Corporate Services Ltd v Williams, ChD 4-22 im Ullah v Special Adjudicator; Do v SSHD, CA 4-29 ho United Bank v Akhter, ChD 4-21 V pr Van der Ven v The Netherlands, ECtHR 6-13 po Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester, HL 8-27 em Vento v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police (No 2), CA 5-21 ho Villaruel v Richmond-upon-Thames LBC, CCt 3-31 ho Villatte v 38 Cleveland Square Management Ltd, CA 4-26 em Virgin Net Ltd v Harper, EAT 11-22 ho Vukelic v Hammersmith & Fulham LBC, QBD (TCC) 11-13 ho Vye v English Churches Housing Group, CCt, 11-11 W hu pp ho ed hu pp po ho ho ho Waite v UK, ECtHR 7-21 Wallis v Valentine Times, CA 2-30 Wandsworth LBC v Bankole, CCt 6-30 Wandsworth LBC v (1) K (2) Special Needs Disability Tribunal, QBD (AC) 9-11 Wardle v UK, ECtHR 7-22 Watson v North Tyneside 7-13 Weir v Bettison (Chief Constable of Merseyside Police, CA 9-15 Wells v Pickering, ChD 4-23 West Bromwich Building Society v Crammer, ChD 4-24 West Hampstead Management Co Ltd v Pearl Property Ltd, CA 4-26 cc Westminster City Council v National Asylum Support Service, HL 1-18 ho Westfield HA v Delin, CCt 5-34 im White v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-33 ho Whitehead v Household Mortgage Corporation plc, CA 4-23 em Wiebke Busch v Klinikum Neustadt GmbH & Co Betriebs-KG, ECJ 11-21 pp Wilkey v BBC, CA 2-30 pp Williams v Devon County Council, CA 7-14 cr Williamson v Chief Constable of West Midlands Police, CA 9-20, 10-21 hu Willis v UK, ECtHR 1-28, 2-12 hu Wilson and NUJ and others v UK, ECtHR 1-27 ss Wood v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, CA 8-9 di Woodrup v Southwark LBC, CA 8-23, 11-22 ho Woolfson v Gibbons, QBD (TCC) 11-13 ho Workspace 5 Ltd v (1) Edozie (2) Contact Securities Ltd, CA 11-12 pp Worth v McKenna 2-31 X di X v Stevens, EAT 8-24, 11-21 Y pp Yenula Properties v Naidu, ChD 2-30 ho Youziel v Andrews, CCt 3-30 Z di Zaiwalla & Co v Walia, EAT 2-23 im Zhou v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-33 im ZL and VL v Secretary of State for the Home Department, CA 7-33 STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS LIST Orders, rules and regulations referred to or summarised in articles or the legislation updater are listed. The SI No is given after the title and year. ACAS (Flexible Working) Arbitration Scheme (England and Wales) Order 2003, 694, 5-18 Access to Justice Act 1999 (Commencement No 10) Order 2003, 1241, 7-37 Access to Justice Act 1999 (Commencement No 11) Order 2003, 2571, 11-35 Access to Justice Act 1999 (Solicitors’ Practising Certificates) Order 2002, 3235, 3-33 Adoption Agencies (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 2555, 11-35 Adoption (Amendment) Rules 2003, 183, 5-36 Adoption and Children Act 2002 (Commencement No 2) Order 2003, 288, 4-46 Adoption and Children Act 2002 (Commencement No 3) Order 2003, 366, 5-36 Adoption (Bringing Children into the United Kingdom) Regulations 2003, 1173, 6-33 Adoption (Intercountry Aspects) Act 1999 (Commencement No 8) Order 2003, 189, 5-36 Adoption (Intercountry Aspects) Act 1999 (Commencement No 9) Order 2003, 362, 5-36 Adoption of Children from Overseas (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1634, 8-33 Adoption Support Services (Local Authorities) (England) Regulations 2003, 1348, 8-33 Allocation of Housing (England) Regulations 2002, 3264, 2-38, 3-28 Allocation of Housing (Wales) Regulations 2003, 239, 4-25 Assured Tenancies and Agricultural Occupancies (Forms) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003, 260, 4-25 Asylum (Designated States) Order 2003, 970, 5-37 Asylum (Designated States) (No 2) Order 2003, 1919, 9-34 Asylum Support (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 241, 4-46 Asylum Support (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2002, 2619, 1-17, 5-37 Asylum Support (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2003, 755, 5-37 Asylum Support (Amendment) (No 3) Regulations 2002, 3110, 2-38, 6-14 Asylum Support Appeals (Procedure) (Amendment) Rules 2003, 1735, 9-34 Care Homes (Adult Placements) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1845, 9-34 Care Homes (Amendment No 2) Regulations 2003, 1703, 8-34 Care Standards Act 2000 (Commencement No 12) (Wales) Order 2003, 2528, 11-35 Care Standards Act 2000 (Domiciliary Care Agencies and Nurses Agencies) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003, 2323, 11-35 Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 (Commencement No 2) (England) Order 2003, 1183, 6-34, 7-37 Carers and Disabled Children (Vouchers) (England) Regulations 2003, 1216, 6-34 Carriers’ Liability (Clandestine Entrants) (Level of Penalty: Code of Practice) Order 2002, 2816, 1-32 Carriers’ Liability Regulations 2002, 2817, 1-32 Child Abduction and Custody (Parties to Conventions) (Amendment) order 2003, 1518, 8-33 Child Benefit and Guardian’s Allowance (Administration) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1945, 9-34 Child Benefit and Guardian’s Allowance (Decisions and Appeals) Regulations 2003, 916, 5-38 Child Support (Applications: Prescribed Date) Regulations 2003, 194, 3-32 Child Support (Decisions and Appeals) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 129, 3-32 Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Act 2000 (Commencement No 12) Order 2003, 192, 4-46 Child Tax Credit (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 738, 5-38 Children Act 1989 and the Care Standards Act 2000 (Miscellaneous Regulations) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002, 2622, 1-33 Children Act 1989, Section 17(12) Regulations 2003, 2077, 10-31 Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2002, 3220, 3-32 Civil Legal Aid (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1312, 7-34 Civil Legal Aid (General) (Amendment No 2) Regulations 2002, 3033, 2-38 Civil Procedure (Amendment No 2) Rules 2002, 3219, 2-38 Civil Procedure (Amendment No 2) Rules 2003, 1242, 7-37 Civil Procedure (Amendment No 3) Rules 2003, 1329, 7-37 Civil Procedure (Amendment No 4) Rules 2003, 2113, 10-31 Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2002, 2058, 2-29 Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2003, 364, 4-46, 5-24 Civil Procedure (Modification of Enactments) Order 2003, 490, 4-46 Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 (Commencement No 2 and Savings) (England) Order 2003, 1986, 9-33 Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 (Commencement No 3) Order 2003, 2377, 11-32 Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc) Act (Qualifying Services) (England) Regulations 2003, 1196, 6-34 Community Care Plans (Disapplication) (England) Order 2003, 1716, 9-34 Community Legal Service (Costs) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 649, 5-37 Community Legal Service (Financial) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 650, 4-44, 5-37 Community Legal Service (Funding) (Amendment) Order 2003, 651, 5-37 Community Legal Service (Funding) (Amendment No 2) Order 2003, 851, 5-37 Conditional Fee Agreements (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003, 1240, 7-34 County Court Fees (Amendment) Order 2003, 648, 5-33 Court Funds (Amendment) Rules 2003, 375, 4-46 Court of Protection (Amendment) Rules 2003, 1733, 9-34 Criminal Defence Service (General) (No 2) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 644, 4-45, 5-37 Criminal Defence Service (General) (No 2) (Amendment No 2) Regulations 2002, 2785, 1-32 Criminal Defence Service (General) (No 2) (Amendment No 2 ) Regulations 2003, 2378, 11-32 Criminal Defence Service (Recovery of Defence Costs Orders) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 643, 5-37 Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Designated Countries and Territories) (Amendment) (No 2) Order 2002, 2844, 1-31 Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Reviews of Sentencing) Order 2003, 2267, 10-31 Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 (Commencement No 8) Order 2002, 3032, 2-38 Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990 (Enforcement of Overseas Forfeiture Orders) (Amendment) (No 2) Order 2002, 2845, 1-31 Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2003, 1247, 7-34 Crown Court (Amendment) Rules 2002, 2783, 1-33 Crown Court (Amendment) (No 3) Rules 2003, 1664, 8-34 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1673, 2-21, 8-33, 11-20 Disability Discrimination (Blind and Partially Sighted Persons) Regulations 2003, 712, 5-18 Disability Discrimination (Prescribed Periods for Accessibility Strategies and Plans for Schools) (Wales) Regulations 2003, 2531, 11-32 Distress for Rent (Amendment) Rules 2003, 1858, 9-33 Education (Prohibition from Teaching or Working with Children) Regulations 2003, 1184, 6-33 Education (Pupil Exclusions and Appeals) (Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2002, 3178, 3-10 Education (Pupil Exclusions and Appeals) (Pupil Referral Units) (England) Regulations 2002, 3179, 3-11 Education (Pupil Referral Units) (Appeal against Permanent Exclusion) (England) Regulations 2002, 2550, 3-11 Employment Act 2002 (Commencement No 3 and Transitional and Saving Provisions) Order 2002, 2866, 1-31 Employment Act 2002 (Commencement No 4 and Transitional and Saving Provisions) Order 2003, 1190, 7-34, 11-19 Employment Act 2002 (Commencement No 5) Order, 1666, 8-33 Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, 1660, 2-21, 8-33, 11-19 Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, 1661, 2-21, 8-33, 11-19 Employment Protection Code of Practice (Time Off) Order 2003, 1191, 7-34 Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) (No 2) Order 2002, 2927, 1-31, 5-18 Employment Zones Regulations 2003, 2438, 11-35 Equal Pay (Amendment) Regulations 2003 (draft), 2-21, 5-30 Equal Pay Act 1970 (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1656, 9-33, 11-19 Equal Pay (Questions and Replies) Order 2003, 722, 5-18, 5-30 Fines (Deductions from Income Support) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1360, 7-37 Flexible Working (Eligibility, Complaints and Remedies) Regulations 2002, 3236, 3-32, 5-18 Flexible Working (Procedural Requirements) Regulations 2002, 3207, 3-32, 5-18 Health and Social Care Act 2001 (Commencement No 5) (Wales) Order 2003, 939, 6-34 Health and Social Care Act 2001 (Commencement No 13) (England) Order 2003, 2245, 10-31 Homelessness Act 2002 (Commencement No 3) (England) Order 2002, 3114, 2-32, 2-38 Homelessness Act 2002 (Commencement) (Wales) Order 2002, 1736, 2-32 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (General) Amendment Regulations 2003, 48, 3-33, 6-25 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (General) Amendment (No 2) Regulations 2003, 308, 6-25 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (State Pension Credit) (Abolition of Benefit Periods) Amendment Regulations 2003, 1338, 7-37 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (State Pension Credit and Miscellaneous Amendments) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 2526, 11-35 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (State Pension Credit and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003, 2275, 10-31 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (State Pension Credit) Regulations 2003, 325, 6-25 Housing Benefit (General) Amendment Regulations 2003, 363, 6-25 Housing Benefit (General) (Local Housing Allowance) Amendment Regulations 2203, 2399, 11-35 Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003, 2504, 11-32 Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002, 2798, 1-32 Housing Renewal Grants (Prescribed Forms and Particulars) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002, 2799, 1-32 Housing (Right to Acquire and Right to Buy) (Designated Rural Areas and Designated Regions) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2003, 1147, 7-34 Housing (Right to Buy) (Designated Rural Areas and Designated Region) (England) Order 2003, 1105, 6-33 Housing (Right to Buy) (Limits on Discount) (Amendment) Order 2003, 498, 5-33 Housing (Right to Buy) (Limits on Discount) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2003, 803, 5-33 Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Commencement No 11) Order 2002, 2815, 1-32 Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Commencement No 12) Order 2003, 2, 3-33 Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Commencement No 14) Order 2003, 1469, 8-34 Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Commencement No 15) Order 2003, 1862, 9-34 Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Part V Exemption: Relevant Employers) Order 2002, 3025, 2-38 Immigration and Asylum Appeals (One-Stop Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations 2002, 2731, 1-32 Immigration and Asylum Appeals (Procedure) Rules 2003, 652, 5-37 Immigration Appeals (Family Visitor) Regulations 2003, 518, 5-36 Immigration Control (Charges) (Basic Service) Regulations 2003, 1502, 8-34 Immigration (Designation of Travel Bans) (Amendment) Order 2003, 236, 4-46 Immigration (Designation of Travel Bans) (Amendment No 3) Order 2002, 3018, 3-32 Immigration Employment Document (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1277, 7-34 Immigration Employment Document (Fees) (Amendment No 2) Regulations 2003, 2447, 11-32 Immigration (European Economic Area) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 549, 5-37 Immigration (Leave to Remain) (Fees) Regulations 2003, 1711, 9-33 Immigration (Leave to Remain) (Prescribed Forms and Procedures) Regulations 2003, 1712, 9-34 Immigration (Passenger Transit Visa) Order 2003, 1185, 6-33 Immigration (Provision of Physical Data) Regulations 2003, 1747, 9-34 Immigration (Swiss Free Movement of Persons) (No 3) Regulations 2002, 1241, 3-25 Immigration (Transit Visa) (Amendment No 2) Order 2002, 2758, 1-32 Income-related Benefits and Jobseekers’ Allowance (Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 770, 5-38 Income Support (General) Amendment Regulations 2003, 2379, 11-35 Intercountry Adoption (Hague Convention) Regulations 2003, 118, 3-32, 5-36 Jobseeker’s Allowance (Amendment) Regulations 2002, 3072, 3-33 Land Registration Act 2002 (Commencement No 4) Order 2003, 1725, 9-33 Land Registration Act 2002 (Transitional Provisions) Order 2003, 1953, 9-33 Land Registration Rules 2003, 1417, 9-33 Leasehold Reform (Collective Enfranchisement and Lease Renewal) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003, 1990, 9-33 Leasehold Reform (Enfranchisement and Extension) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003, 1989, 9-33 Local Authority Adoption Service and Miscellaneous Amendments (Wales) Regulations 2003, 710, 6-34 Magistrates’ Courts (Anti-Social Behaviour Orders) Rules 2002, 2784, 1-33 Magistrates’ Courts (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2003, 1236, 7-37 Magistrates’ Courts (Sex Offender Orders) Rules 2002, 2782, 1-33 Maternity and Parental Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2002, 2789, 1-31, 5-17 Mental Health Review Tribunals (Regions) Order Order 2003, 2251, 10-31 National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003, 627, 5-36 National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) (No 2) (England) Regulations 2003, 2343, 11-32 National Assistance (Residential Accommodation) (Additional Payments, Relevant Contributions and Assessment of Resources) (Wales) Regulations 2003, 931, 6-33 National Assistance (Residential Accommodation) (Disregarding of Resources) (Wales) Regulations 2003, 969, 6-33 National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) (England) Regulations 2003, 628, 5-36 National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) (Wales) Regulations 2003, 892, 5-36 National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999 (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1923, 11-19 Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Commencement No 1) Order 2002, 2811, 1-16, 1-32 Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Commencement No 2) Order 2003, 1, 3-33 Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Commencement No 3) Order 2003, 249, 4-46 Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Commencement No 4) Order 2003, 754, 5-24, 8-18 Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Commencement No 4) (Amendment) (No 2) Order 2003, 1339, 7-34 Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Commencement No 4) (Amendment of Transitional Provisions) Order 2003, 1040, 6-33 Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Commencement No 5) Order 2003, 1747, 9-34 National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999 (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1923, 9-33 Northern Ireland (Housing) Order 2003, 412, 5-33 Paternity and Adoption Leave Regulations 2002, 2788, 1-31, 5-17 Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 116, 3-33 Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Amendment No 2) Regulations 2003, 137, 3-33 Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Amendment No 4) Regulations 2003, 1418, 7-34 Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Welsh Language) Records 2003, 117, 3-33 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Codes of Practice) (Code E) Order 2003, 705, 5-36 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Codes of Practice) (Codes B to E) (No 2) Order 2003, 362, 5-36 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Codes of Practice) (Modifications to Codes C and D) (Certain Police Areas) Order 2003, 704, 5-36 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Codes of Practice) (Statutory Powers of Stop and Search) Order 2002, 3075, 1-4, 2-38 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Remote Reviews of Detention) (Specified Police Stations) Regulations 2003, 2397, 11-32 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Visual Recording of Interviews) (Certain Police Areas) (Revocation) Order 2003, 2463, 11-32 Police Reform Act 2002 (Commencement No 3) Order 2002, 2750, 1-32 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Appeals under Part 2) Order 2003, 82, 3-32 Proceeds of Crime 2002 (Commencement No 4, Transitional Provisions and Savings) Order 2003, 120, 4-46 Proceeds of Crime 2002 (Commencement No 5, Transitional Provisions, Savings and Amendment) Order 2003, 333, 4-46 Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults and Care Standards Tribunal (Amendment No 2) Regulations 2003, 1060, 6-33 Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults and Care Standards Tribunal (Amendment No 3) Regulations 2003, 2043, 10-31 Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment of Referral Conditions) Regulations 2003, 1605, 8-33 Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003 (draft), 2-21 Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1626, 11-19 Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders (Hague Convention Countries) (Variation) Order 2002, 2838, 1-31 Recovery Abroad of Maintenance (Convention Countries) Order 2002, 2839, 1-31 Referral Orders (Amendment of Referral Conditions) Regulations 2003, 1605, 8-33 Registration of Foreign Adoptions Regulations 2003, 1255, 7-34 Regulatory Reform (Assured Periodic Tenancies) (Rent Increases) Order 2003, 259, 4-25 Regulatory Reform (Housing Management Agreements) Order 2003, 940, 5-33 Regulatory Reforms (Schemes under s129 of the Housing Act 1988) (England) Order 2003, 986, 5-33 Release of Short-Term Prisoners on Licence (Amendment of Requisite Period) Order 2002, 2933, 1-32 Release of Short-Term Prisoners on Licence (Amendment of Requisite Period) Order 2003 1602, 8-34 Release of Short-Term Prisoners on Licence (Repeal of Age Restriction) Order 2003, 1691, 8-34 Relocation Grants (Forms of Application) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002, 2800, 1-32 Rent Officers (Housing Benefit Functions) (Local Housing Allowance) Amendment Order 2003, 2398, 11-32 Service Charges (Consultation Requirements) (England) Regulations 2003, 1987, 9-33 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1657, 8-33, 11-19 Social Fund Maternity and Funeral Expenses (General) Amendment (No 2) Regulations 2003, 1570, 8-34 Social Fund Maternity and Funeral Expenses (General) Amendment Regulations 2003, 471, 4-46 Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1737, 9-34 Social Security Amendment (Carer’s Allowance) Regulations 2002, 2497, 6-25 Social Security Amendment (Students and IncomeRelated Benefits) Regulations 2003, 1701, 8-34 Social Security and Child Support (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003, 1050, 6-25, 6-33 Social Security and Child Support (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No 2) Regulations 2003, 1189, 6-34 Social Security (Back to Work Bonus and Lone Parent Run-on) (Amendment and Revocation) Regulations 2003, 1589, 8-34 Social Security Benefit (Computation of Earnings) (Amendment) Regulations 2002, 2823, 1-33 Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order 2003, 526, 4-42, 5-37, 5-38 Social Security Benefits Up-rating Regulations 2003, 601, 5-37 Social Security (Child Maintenance Premium and Miscellaneous Amendments) Amendment Regulations 2003, 231, 3-33 Social Security (Claims and Payments and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003, 1632, 8-34 Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment No 4) Regulations 2003, 1337, 7-37 Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment No 6) Regulations 2003, 2340, 11-35 Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 (Modification of Section 4A) Order 2003, 1874, 9-34 Social Security Contributions (Decisions and Appeals) (Amendment ) Regulations 2002, 3120, 3-33 Social Security (Hospital In-Patients and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003, 1195, 6-34, 8-9 Social Security (Incapacity Benefit) (Her Majesty’s Forces) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1068, 6-33 Social Security (Incapacity Benefit Work-focused Interviews) Regulations 2003, 2439, 11-35 Social Security (Incapacity) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003, 2262, 10-31 Social Security (Jobcentre Plus Interviews for Partners) Regulations, 2003, 1886, 9-34 Social Security (Maternity Allowance) (Earnings) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 659, 5-38 Social Security (Overlapping Benefits) Amendment Regulations 2003, 136, 3-33 Social Security (Paternity and Adoption) Amendment Regulations 2002, 2689, 6-25 Social Security Pensions (Home Responsibilities) Amendment Regulations 2003, 1767, 9-34 Social Security (Removal of Residential Allowance and Miscellaneous) Regulations 2003, 1121, 6-34 Social Security (Third Party Deductions and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003, 2325, 11-35 Social Security (Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit) (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2003, 455, 4-46, 6-25 Social Security (Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit) (Consequential Amendments) (No 2) Regulations 2003, 937, 5-38 Social Security (Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit) (Consequential Amendments) (No 3 Regulations 2003, 1731, 9-34 Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (General Provisions and Disability Claims Procedure) Regulations 2002, 1985, 3-13 Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Procedure) Rules 2003, 1034, 6-33 State Pension Credit Act 2002 (Commencement No 4) Order 2003, 966, 5-38 State Pension Credit Act 2002 (Commencement No 5) and Appointed Day Order 2003, 1766, 9-34 State Pension Credit (Decisions and Appeals Amendments) Regulations 2003, 1581, 8-34 State Pension Credit (Transitional and Miscellaneous Amendment Regulations) 2003, 2274, 10-31 Statutory Paternity Pay (Adoption) and Statutory Adoption Pay (Adoptions from Overseas) (Administration) Regulations 2003, 1192, 7-37 Statutory Paternity Pay (Adoption) and Statutory Adoption Pay (Adoptions from Overseas) (No 2) Regulations 2003, 1194, 7-37 Statutory Paternity Pay (Adoption) and Statutory Adoption Pay (Adoptions from Overseas) (Persons Abroad and Mariners) Regulations 2003, 1193, 7-37 Statutory Paternity Pay (Adoption) and Statutory Adoption Pay (Adoptions from Overseas) Regulations 2003, 500, 6-33 Statutory Paternity Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay (Administration) Regulations 2002, 2820, 1-31 Statutory Paternity Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay (General) Regulations 2002, 2822, 1-31 Statutory Paternity Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay (Persons Abroad and Mariners) Regulations 2002, 2821, 1-31 Statutory Paternity Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay (Weekly Rates) Regulations 2002, 2818, 1-31 Tax Credits Act 2002 (Commencement No 3 and Transitional Provisions and Savings) Order 2003, 938, 5-38 Tax Credits Act 2002 (Commencement No 4 and Transitional Provisions and Savings) Order 2003, 962, 5-38 Tax Credits (Claims and Notifications and Payments by the Board) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 723, 5-38 Tax Credits (Definition and Calculation of Income) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 732, 5-38 Tax Credits (Immigration) Regulations 2003, 653, 5-37, 6-15 Tax Credits (Official Error) Regulations 2003, 691, 5-38 Tax Credits (Residence) Regulations 2003, 654, 5-38 Terrorism Act 2000 (Code of Practice on Video Recording of Interviews) (Northern Ireland) Order 2003, 1100, 6-33 Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999 (Commencement No 16) Order 2003, 738, 5-38 Withholding and Withdrawal of Support (Travel Assistance and Temporary Accommodation) Regulations 2002, 3078, 2-38 Working Tax Credit (Entitlement and Maximum Rate) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 701, 5-38 Working Tax Credit (Payment by Employers) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 715, 5-38 Working Time (Amendment) Regulations 2002, 3128, 3-32 Working Time (Amendment) Regulations 2003, 1684, 8-33 Workmen’s Compensation (Supplementation) (Amendment) Scheme 2003, 656, 5-38