commonwealth college program with penn state dubois

DuBois Area School District
DuBois Area High School
425 Orient Avenue
DuBois, PA 15801
Phone: 814-371-8111
Fax: 814-371-3928
I hereby request permission for my son/daughter to be enrolled in the Dual Enrollment program through the
DuBois Area High School at Penn State DuBois.
_____ , __________,
(Student Name)
wishes to take the following course:
(Course Name)
Check one: _____This course is being taken for enrichment (for all Juniors; Seniors - optional).
______This course is being taken “in lieu of” (Seniors only).
(Seniors - “In lieu of” eligibility based on grade 11 PSSA results received in the summer between the Junior and Senior
year. Must be Proficient or Advanced in college subject area. Example – to take an English class in lieu of a high school
English class, student must be Proficient or Advanced in both Reading and Writing. To take a math or science class in lieu
of a high school math or science class, student must be Proficient or Advanced in math or science respectively. Check
with your Guidance Counselor once your PSSA results are received to see if you are eligible for “in lieu of” or if you can
only take the English/math/science class for enrichment. If you are not eligible to take the class “in lieu of”, you may still
take the college class for enrichment, but the corresponding high school class must also be taken and passed to
I give my permission to Penn State DuBois to release my grade(s) for any course(s) I take through the Dual Enrollment
program. I understand that dual enrollment courses taken “in lieu of” high school graduation requirements will be added
to my high school transcript. I have read, understand, and agree to the rules listed above, and I have read, understand,
and agree to the Requirements, Procedures, and Notes listed on the back side of this form. I understand that, if enrolled,
this means my son/daughter will be leaving the High School campus unsupervised on the days and times listed on his/her
high school schedule (shown as “Campus Class”). I also understand that I am solely responsible for all costs associated
with my son/daughter enrolling in and taking classes at Penn State DuBois.
(Student Signature)
(Parent/Guardian Signature)
Return this completed form to your child’s Guidance Counselor. For more information, call your child’s
Guidance Counselor at 371-8111:
Pennington (Last names A-D);
McClelland (Last names E-K);
Drahushak (Last names L-R);
Chelgren (Last names S-Z);
Guidance Counselor Recommendation:
Student QPA: ___________ (on a 4.0 scale)
[2.8 required]
If student will be a Senior, provide his/her PSSA results:
[a minimum score of Proficient required in the intended subject area of study]
 Proficient
 Advanced
If student will be a Junior, provide one of the following:
 Proficient
 Advanced
__/____ PSAT Math_____, CR_______, Writ______
 Proficient
 Advanced
__/____ SAT
(Guidance Counselor Signature)
Math_____, CR_______, Writ______
Revised 04/04/11
Students must be at least a Junior with a 2.8 QPA or higher.
Students must be carrying grades of “C” or better in their current high school courses to enroll in campus
Students wishing to take a math or English course must take an on-line Placement Exam through Penn State
DuBois and are “placed” into the appropriate class level by Penn State DuBois based on the results of the exam.
PSU credits earned from this program are valid at any Penn State location and may be transferred to another
institution. It is recommended that students contact their intended institution to check transferability.
Juniors may take 1 class the Fall of their Junior year, and 1 class the Spring of their Junior year. Seniors may
take up to 2 classes during the Summer between their Junior and Senior Year, as well as 2 classes each semester
of their Senior year.
Students take each course at a 50% tuition reduction.
Students must receive a “C” or better in each college course to continue with this program.
Juniors may only take classes for enrichment. Seniors may elect to take classes for enrichment or “in lieu of”.
Interested students should see their Guidance Counselor to determine if they are eligible to enroll in Dual
Enrollment, to secure this form, and to obtain their Guidance Counselor’s recommendations concerning
appropriate courses to pursue. Possible courses are posted on-line at
Parent/guardian must sign this form giving approval.
Students return to their Guidance Counselor for the Guidance Counselor to complete the “Guidance Counselor
Recommendation” section of this form and to obtain an official copy of their transcript. Juniors also need a copy
of one of the following standardized test scores: PSAT or SAT.
Students call (814) 375-4720 to schedule an appointment to meet with a Penn State DuBois Admissions
Counselor. The Admissions Counselor will review the student’s information, discuss his/her future plans,
recommend courses to meet those plans, schedule the Placement Exam if needed, and schedule a course(s).
After the course(s) have been scheduled at Penn State DuBois, the student should return to his/her Guidance
Counselor to notify her of the class(es) scheduled and the days and times of the class(es). The Guidance
Counselor will then adjust the student’s high school schedule, if necessary, to allow the student time to go to
Penn State DuBois to take the class. “Campus class” will appear on the student’s high school schedule to
accommodate the Penn State DuBois class(es). This means the student will be leaving the High School campus
unsupervised on the days and times listed on his/her high school schedule. If needed, it is the parent/guardian’s
responsibility to provide transportation to and from Penn State DuBois.
After the course is completed, it is the student’s responsibility to provide a report to his/her Guidance Counselor
of the course grade earned. This report may be printed from the student’s Penn State eLion account
(, or the student may obtain an unofficial transcript from the Penn State DuBois Registrar’s
office. The student gives this report to their Guidance Counselor, and the Guidance Counselor adds this class(es)
to the student’s high school report card and transcript. This is necessary to receive high school credit for
“in lieu of courses”.
Please note how high school grades are awarded for Penn State DuBois classes:
Penn State DuBois class grade:
High School report card grade and grade listed
on High School transcript:
Students in sports are cautioned to make sure that they are taking and passing a minimum of 4 credits at all
times. A college course counts as 1 high school credit. High school courses may count as .25 credits, .5 credits,
or 1 credit. Students are advised to be sure they know how many credits each high school course they are taking
is worth. At the beginning of each 9 weeks, students in sports must total their credits to ensure they are meeting
the minimum of 4 courses. Students needing more courses to meet sports requirements should see their
Guidance Counselor. Students who took a Dual Enrollment class in the fall can continue to count that course in
the spring (although a Dual Enrollment course is held for only 1 semester, it counts for the entire year as a
course [1 credit each 9 weeks]).
Students are also required to be “engaged in learning” a minimum of 4 courses a day. When taking a Dual
Enrollment course, the Dual Enrollment course counts as 1 course. The student then needs 3 additional high
school courses each day to meet this requirement. This requirement is effective each nine weeks. If a student
takes a Dual Enrollment course in the fall, but does not take a Dual Enrollment course in the spring, the fall Dual
Enrollment course does not count as a course for which the student is “engaged in learning” in the spring.
Therefore, the student must add courses if needed to total the 4 required courses per day per 9 weeks.