The Great Gatsby Soundtrack Assignment—Rubric Group Grade (WEIGHTED MINOR GRADE) Completion (10 points each—40 points possible) 1. Presence title & cover (for example, collage, hand-drawn, or photographic) 2. Track list, with both song titles & artists’ names, on the inside cover _____________ 3. Thematic statement present on the cover 4. Presence of correct citations in paragraph Quality (60 points possible) 1 = poor 2 = fair 3 = average 4 = good 5 = superior a. Title connects to overall concept 1 2 3 4 5 x1= points x2= points b. Cover purposefully connects to overall concept & thematic statement 1 2 3 4 5 c. Cover’s drawn or generated image is colorful, neat, and reinforces the concept/theme 1 d. 2 3 4 5 x2= points Thematic statement accurately and concisely captures pair/group soundtrack’s intended message (one that is evident in the novel as well) 1 2 3 4 5 x2= points e. Selected music lyrically matches the tone and/or meaning of the group’s identified thematic concept 1 f. 2 3 4 5 x3= points Selected music is lyrically cohesive, demonstrates quality in delivery, and contributes to the soundtrack’s intended message—including an additional track used beyond the 4 required 1 2 3 4 5 x2= TOTAL = points Name Period WRITTEN WORK (300 WORDS) – MAJOR GRADE For your required 4 songs, you were asked to explain of how the song’s tone/message matched the thematic concept that your group chose following the directions below: 1. How does the song—or what specific part of it, lyrically—match your chosen thematic concept? In what way(s) does this song reveal that same concept/motif? 2. Be sure to use at least two (2) pieces of embedded textual evidence each from The Great Gatsby and the related song lyrics for concise support in your analysis. 3. Correctly cite each quote. Your lyrics should be cited by artist’s last name and line number. Your Gatsby quotes should be cited by the author’s last name and page number. Be sure these are CORRECT internal citations. 4. Make an insightful connection between the novel, your song and society. How does your thematic statement apply to the world today? Spend at least three or four sentences explaining this. NOTE: Your name should be on your individual analysis paragraph. ANALYSIS PARAGRAPH SUPERIOR: 91-100 ADEQUATE: 80-90 FAIR: 70-79 POOR: 50-69 ___ contains thoughtful topic sentence that supports the thematic statement ___exceptionally well organized paragraph. ___includes specific, appropriate, and well-integrated examples of two quotes from The Great Gatsby and the song that are clearly and thoughtfully described and cited. ___all examples are connected directly to the thematic statement through thoughtful analytical elaboration. ___the novel and song are connected to society in in-depth and insightful explanation. ___contains clear topic sentence that supports the thematic statement, ___ adequately organized paragraph. ___ integrated examples of two quotes from The Great Gatsby and the song that are adequately explained and cited. ___all examples are connected to the thematic statement, but insight and depth of thought may be lacking. ___the novel and song are connected to society in an adequate explanation. ___topic sentence may lack specificity, but is present. ___ somewhat organized paragraph. ___ examples of at least one quote from The Great Gatsby and the song, but noticeable errors in integration are present and/or description may be insufficient. ___all examples are somewhat explained, but a connection to the thematic statement may be insufficient and/or flawed. ___the connection to society may be superficial and explain only the novel or song but is present. ___lacks sufficient topic sentence that support the thematic statement. ___ very poorly organized paragraph ___ lacks specific quotes from either The Great Gatsby or the song ___explanation is not present or inaccurate, and there is little or no connection to the thematic statement. ___the connection to society is absent. TOTAL = _____/100