approval of minutes - Hayden School District

May 13, 2015
President Hoza called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. in the Board Meeting Room. Roll call was taken and the
following Board members were present: Fralick, Fulton, Hoza and Nereson. Administrative members present were
Linsacum, Parrott, Sweetser, Vader and Zabel.
The group recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
On a motion by Fulton, seconded by Nereson, it was resolved to approve the agenda as amended.
Remove: Early Graduation Discussion and Approval of Early Graduation Requests.
Add the following:
Discussion Item - Concurrent Enrollment
Action Item – Approve Capital Projects for FY15-16
Personnel – Approve Longevity Plan and Approve Superintendent’s Contract
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 4 to 0.
April 7, 2015 ~ Special Meeting
April 15, 2015 ~ Regular Meeting
April 22, 2015 ~ Special Meeting
April 30, 2015 ~ Special Meeting
May 6, 2015 ~ Special Meeting
On a motion by Nereson, seconded by Fralick, it was resolved to approve the minutes as amended.
Amend May 6, 2015 Minutes - Personnel Item: Hire Phil Kasper as Superintendent.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 4 to 0.
Student Council ~ Millie Delaney, student council president, informed the board that student council is winding
down for the year. She noted that today was the last day of classes for seniors. Updates on the student council
elections were given. The board thanked Ms. Delaney for coming.
Teacher Input ~ There was none.
Public Input ~ There was none.
~ Mr. Frentress entered the meeting at 6:11 p.m.
BOCES Board Report ~ Mr. Hoza informed the board that the last BOCES meeting was held in North Park. He
commented that it was the last meeting for outgoing executive director, Amy Bollinger and the first meeting for the
new executive director, Paul McCarty. Mr. Hoza stated that Mr. McCarty had spent several days touring the
BOCES schools and had a chance to visit our school on Friday. He also informed the board that the preschool and
special education agreements were approved by the BOCES Board. The Steamboat Springs School District has
opted to take over and operate their preschool program and all funding from the state will go through the school
district. Mr. Hoza noted that SOROCO is also having discussions about taking over their preschool as well. If
SOROCO pulls their preschool that will only leave Hayden and North Park operating through the BOCES for
preschool services. Mr. Hoza stated that the BOCES Board will be having conversations regarding the number of
schools that need to participate in a program to make it run efficiently. He said Hayden has signed their agreement
and are committed for next year. Information on the hiring of the innovation coaches as well as the specialized staff
case load was shared. The BOCES FY16 Budget was also approved. Mrs. Fralick asked if the funds for the first
part of the grant had been raised. Mr. Hoza replied that they had, but there is still a chunk that needs to be raised.
Mr. Hoza asked if the board was comfortable with him asking the Babson-Carpenter Foundation for support. The
board said they were. Mr. Hoza informed the board that BOCES approved a step increase for employees; however
they did not include a cost of living increase. He noted that so far, Hayden is the only district to approve a step
increase as well as a 1% cost of living increase. The next BOCES meeting will be held in Steamboat.
Key Government Lease Agreement ~ Mr. Antyr, IT Director, informed the board that the lease agreement with Key
Government is specifically for the installation of a wireless access point in preparation for the one to one laptop
conversion. He further explained that we have two options for additional funding. He stated that the Education
Fund Board has agreed to give us $60,000 for the project. He said the other source would come from the E-rate
refund the district receives and would be another $50,000. Mr. Antyr said he personally feels comfortable signing
off on the agreement and moving forward. Mr. Hoza asked if there were any updates that have already taken place.
Mr. Antyr replied that there have been some and it should help out quite a bit with the upgrade as well as the
expense. Mrs. Linsacum commented that she wanted to make sure the board was aware that the lease was a five
year agreement and that Education Fund Board may not grant us the $60,000 each year. Mr. Antyr noted that he did
present it as a five year project to the Education Fund Board and told them we would be coming back for the
funding for the next four years. Mr. Fulton asked for clarification on the funding. Mr. Antyr explained that the
project total comes to approximately $302,000 over five year period. He said we currently have $110,000 for the
project from the EFB and E-rate monies for this year leaving us with a balance of approximately $190,000. He said
we will continue to go to the Education Fund Board for the next four years for $60,000. Mr. Hoza asked about the
timing of the E-rate credit. Mrs. Linsacum explained that we usually get the credit on our CenturyLink bill. Further
discussion was held. Clarification was made by Mr. Antyr that the contractor for the project is Venture
Technologies; however the financing would be done through Key Government Leasing. Mrs. Nereson asked for
clarification on the date of the invoice. Mr. Antyr stated he has requested a new invoice be sent after negotiations.
Further information was shared on the project.
Summer Maintenance Projects ~ Mr. Wilkie shared an updated 2015 Summer Projects List with the board. He
went over each of the items and described a little about each project. Mr. Wilkie informed the board of the top six
priorities on the list and noted that if we did all of those projects the total cost would be around $30,000. Mrs.
Nereson asked if these items were included in the budget. Mrs. Linsacum replied that they weren’t and these would
all come out of the Capital Projects Fund. Mr. Hoza commented that there is a specific amount that we need to
spend out of the Capital Projects Fund. Mr. Wilkie said it was usually around $30,000 to $40,000. Mr. Wilkie
recommended that the board walk around the district to prioritize the needs of the district. Discussion ensued. Mr.
Hoza asked if the windows had all been replaced at the elementary. Mr. Wilkie said they had. Mr. Hoza asked for
details on the condition of the windows at the secondary school. Mr. Wilkie said they are just old and worn out;
however they are still secure. Discussion was held regarding the bids and how they were obtained.
Rhonda Sweetser, elementary principal, shared information with the board regarding the Literacy Night that was
held on April 16th. Mrs. Sweetser also informed the board that all testing is done and went fairly well. A band
concert was held on the 28th with great attendance. All of the end of the year testing has been completed and will be
Hayden School District
Board of Education Minutes
May 13, 2015
used to determine which students qualify for summer school. Kindergarten Roundup was held and went very well
with 27 students currently signed up for next year. The transition for 5th grade students to middle school was held
today. Interviews for the 3rd and 4th grade teaching positions were held and there were several excellent applicants
to choose from. Updates on upcoming activities and dates were shared. Mr. Hoza shared information from Beth
Melton of BOCES regarding summer reading and the fallback students have. Mrs. Sweetser said that’s part of the
reason they changed the schedule for the elementary summer school. Further details were shared on the elementary
summer school program.
Mrs. Gina Zabel, secondary principal, informed the board that prom went exceptionally well and the students that
attended were great. She also noted that Registration Night was a success and they were able to survey the students
regarding interest in concurrent enrollment. All testing and make-up testing has been completed. Mrs. Zabel also
informed the board that a grant application has been submitted for a program that should help increase our ACT
scores as well as provide training in the counseling programs so that we are in alignment with ASCA standards.
Information was shared on the Academic Awards Night which was held on Monday night. Information was also
shared on three new recipients to our “Wall of Frame”. Those inducted were Larry Johnson, Michelle Ozbun and
Scott Vair. Updates on the many activities were given. Mrs. Zabel shared information on the process of early
graduation requests. She stated that according to our policy manual the principal has the authority to determine
whether or not students can graduate early. Mrs. Nereson asked if the requests that were discussed at last month’s
meeting were granted. Mrs. Zabel stated that Ms. Rau, the high school counselor, doesn’t think it’s a done deal for
any of them. Discussion ensued. Mrs. Zabel shared the following information; High School Graduation will be
held on Sunday at 2:00 p.m. in the high school gym. Middle School Promotion will be held on Wednesday, May 20th
at 7:00 p.m.
Ms. Vader informed the board that the Sheriff’s Department will be hosting a School Safety Task Force Conference
to make sure that everyone is on the same page in case of an emergency. A conference call including all key players
will be held on Friday to prepare for the meeting with the commissioners. Ms. Vader shared a letter from Robert
Hammond, Commissioner of Education that stated he was retiring the end of June. He also shared information
regarding assessments, the legislative session and the upcoming State Board of Education Meeting. Discussion was
also held on the recently passed legislation allowing schools to now be sued by parents or family members if there is
harassment or an assault at the school. Ms. Vader explained that she had Mrs. Linsacum call our insurance company
to see if the new law would affect our insurance rates. The insurance company said that as of this time it would not.
Mr. Hoza clarified the possibilities of lawsuit potential of schools and daycares. Ms. Vader said we did receive
some good news and will be receiving a $257.00 increase per student next year. Discussion ensued.
Concurrent Enrollment ~ Julie Hoff with Colorado Northwestern Community College shared some background
information regarding her credentials. She also shared a Concurrent Enrollment handout with the board. She stated
that with concurrent enrollment high school students can take college courses while in high school. Ms. Hoff further
explained how the results of the ACT Test as well as the Accuplacer Test are used to see what kind of classes a
student may be ready for. She stated that the reason for entry requirements is that they don’t want to put a student in
a course that they may not succeed in. Information on the billing process of the courses was also shared. Ms. Hoff
stated that student’s get the college credit at no cost to them unless they get below a C and then they have to pay for
the course. She also explained that teachers of the college courses are required to have a master’s degree in the
subject area or a masters with 18 years of experience in that subject area. Further explanations were given on the
courses as well as the teachers of those courses. Mr. Hoza asked if there is someone in the community that has the
credentials would they be eligible to teach. Ms. Hoff replied that they would be eligible and CNCC would pay the
teacher to come to the high school to teach the course. Further information was shared. Ms. Rau, high school
counselor, commented that we had concurrent classes for a while and then went to the Advanced Placement classes.
However, she noted that the AP scores were under what was needed for college credit. She said that she is hoping
Hayden School District
Board of Education Minutes
May 13, 2015
that with concurrent enrollment it would keep the rigor of the class high as well as give them college credit for the
course. Discussion ensued.
District Health Advisory Committee ~ Rhonda Sweetser informed the board that she would be presenting for Kristi
Brown since she was unable to attend. Mrs. Sweetser shared information regarding the proposed District Health
Advisory Committee. She explained that it would be in collaboration with the community for health and wellness
purposes. She noted that one of the major perks of the committee is that it would allow us to apply for health and
wellness grants. Ms. Vader shared an example of one of the grants the District Health Advisory Committee was able
to obtain in Cripple Creek. She said they had a health care clinic on the campus which also included counseling
services. Ms. Vader said the services at the clinic were available to students as well as their families. She noted the
clinic was phenomenal and the district didn’t spend a dime to build it. She said it’s a matter of thinking big and the
power of this committee. Mr. Hoza asked if school nurses could be on the committee. Mrs. Sweetser said they
Change in High School Graduation Credit Requirements ~ Mrs. Zabel shared information on the proposed change
in graduation requirements. She explained that currently students are required to have 25 credits to graduate. They
currently have to have three math credits but colleges are requiring four and only two science credits; however,
colleges are requiring three. Mrs. Zabel said they would like to make the changes effective for current freshman.
Ms. Rau said they will counsel each student on the changes to the Articulation Schedule. Further discussion was
held. Mr. Hoza asked how the change might affect our vocational students. Ms. Rau said that with having eight
periods a day has also opened up the opportunity to take more electives.
2015-2016 Academic Calendar ~ Ms. Vader shared two calendar proposals with the board. She explained that one
is the current calendar schedule and the other is the proposed calendar schedule from the elementary. Mr. Hoza
commented that it’s a matter of staying with the same calendar or having different schedules within one calendar.
He stated that they also need to decide if the district should stay with the same calendar for a certain period of time.
Mr. Hoza asked if any of the board members have received any feedback from staff or community. Mr. Frentress
said he has received some feedback and has talked to some of the teachers regarding the changes. He asked if the
elementary students would still be in school on the additional five PLC days. Mrs. Sweetser said they would not and
shared information on her discussions with Carolyn Gregory of Totally Kids, Steve Carlson the food service director
and Tammie Mader regarding transportation and they were all on board with the change. Mr. Hoza said he has
heard concerns regarding the additional cost. Ms. Vader commented that the proposed change wasn’t unanimous
among the elementary staff. Mrs. Sweetser shared information on how her staff meetings are held. She explained
that they have conversations regarding the issue, get a consensus and move forward. Discussion ensued. Mrs. Bush
asked if the teacher hours would be equitable between the two schools. Mrs. Sweetser replied that they would be
because the elementary teachers would be increasing each school day by 15 minutes. She also noted that they have
increased the student’s day by several minutes. Mr. Frentress stated that through conversations with community
members it seems they want to keep the calendar the way it is and not add any PLC days. He said that it doesn’t
seem that the community supports a split calendar. However, he said that he understands that the teachers at the
elementary find the extra days quite valuable. Mr. Frentress asked if it would be possible to keep our current
calendar but add some enrichment days for the students like they used to. He said they could possibly use substitute
teachers and paraeducators for a half a day so the teachers could use a half a day to do PLC’s to add the extra time
back in. Mr. Frentress commented that it could be a way to work around the issue using some enrichment days. He
shared a few dates that may work for possible enrichment days. Mrs. Sweetser said it’s a good idea, but she only has
two paraprofessionals at the elementary. Mrs. Hornstein said that the biggest problem she could see with the idea
was the organizing and the planning of the enrichment days. She noted that those types of days and activities require
a lot of planning and preparing to come together. Mrs. Mortenson stated that she is one of the para’s at the
elementary school and we ask a lot of our para’s for a minimal amount of compensation. She said she puts her heart
and soul into her job, but they can only do so much. Ms. Vader said that one of the concerns that she has heard is the
Hayden School District
Board of Education Minutes
May 13, 2015
additional expense for childcare. Mr. Hoza said that Mr. Frentress’ ideas are good, but he didn’t feel it was the
board’s job to plan those activities. He also commented that is presses the point for him that one of the challenges of
the district is to try to become more united. He elaborated by stating that we already have a couple of different areas
that were doing some different things, such as the elementary being on trimesters and the secondary on a quarter
system. Mr. Hoza said that he felt like with the change of leadership and perspectives for next year we’re creating a
very confusing format for our community and our parents. He said he’s struggling with the calendar shift happening
now. Mrs. Sweetser said that we’ve only heard from a few parents and that she would hope that the parents would be
supportive of the additional childcare expenses for the education of their children. She said that she felt that there are
a lot of districts that have schools that are on trimesters and quarters. Mrs. Sweetser commented that they are two
different entities and have agreed to do what’s best for their buildings. Mr. Hoza said the agreement seems to agree
to be different. He asked how much are we looking at the whole child; kindergarten through 12th grade through the
processes. Mrs. Mortenson said it seems like we’re trying to embrace the fact that each of the buildings have
different needs even though we’re one district. She said all of the ‘needs’ can’t fit into one box and we need best
manage the needs as best as we can and still be one. Mr. Hoza said he has also heard concerns regarding the longer
school day for the elementary students again. Mrs. Fralick said that when a decision was made last year regarding
the calendar the board decided we weren’t going to change it again for a least a couple of years. She said she
doesn’t feel like we’ve given the calendar enough time. Discussion ensued. Mr. Hoza said that there are other ways
to fix the issues, for example next year we’re not starting school until September 8th; he said he felt it was a perfect
opportunity to start a week early and get people used to the change and incorporate some teaching before Labor
Day. Mrs. Bush asked who is involved in proposing the different calendar options and when those discussions are
held. Mr. Hoza explained that we used to have a calendar committee; however when the committee came with
recommendations they were totally shut down so nobody wants to step up anymore to help determine the calendar
schedules. He also commented that he feels like this is just another Band-Aid for another year. Further discussion
was held on the PLC times. Mr. Wilkie said that heating and cooling can be an issue if we lengthen the calendar as
well as limited time for the custodians to do their summer cleanings. Mrs. Bush said that she feels like we need to
look at possibly having a calendar committee again and have them start looking at calendar recommendations earlier
in the year. Mrs. Deepe shared her perspective on the calendar and the PLC time. She said she likes the longer PLC
time since she has to meet with students from two different grade levels, but also loves the extra planning time on
Fridays. She said that if we do go back to the enrichment days we may have to actually hire someone to organize
those days. Mr. Aiden Morrison stated that he’s torn between the two proposals because next year they are going to
have students in both schools. He said he appreciates the fact that the elementary comprised on the calendar last year
and respects the fact that they’re trying to do what’s best for them and their students. Mr. Morrison commented that
he’s tired of seeing the calendar change all of the time. Mrs. Nereson asked if we started school four days before
Labor Day could those days be used for the extra PLC days. Mrs. Linsacum said that teachers probably wouldn’t
want to work for free and that on an average of $250.00 a day per teacher that could get pretty pricey. However, the
idea is something to consider for future discussions. Mr. Fulton commented that he’s been on the board for six years
and has been hearing every year that the state is going to start mandating longer school years for students, which is
also something we need to keep in mind. Discussion ensued.
2015-2016 Fiscal Year Budget ~ Mrs. Linsacum shared a worksheet with the changes that have already been
discussed with the increases and decreases. She explained that the district didn’t get the one time or the rural monies
that were being proposed at the legislative level. She also noted that the ending fund balance should be up slightly
from what was originally projected. Ms. Vader said she was very disappointed that the additional funding from the
state didn’t come through. Clarifications were made on the dean of students salary as well as the new
superintendent’s salary.
Approve Intergovernmental Agreement ~ On a motion by Fulton, seconded by Fralick, it was resolved to approve
Intergovernmental Agreement as presented.
Hayden School District
Board of Education Minutes
May 13, 2015
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Approve Lease Agreement with Key Government for the 2015 Wireless Upgrade ~ On a motion by Fulton,
seconded by Frentress, it was resolved to approve the Lease Agreement with Key Government for the 2015 Wireless
Upgrade as amended.
Amended: To include the following clarification: Five year lease with a total of no more than $302,393.21.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Approve Education Fund Board Gifts ~ On a motion by Fralick, seconded by Nereson, it was resolved to approve
the Education Fund Board Gifts as presented.
Mr. Hoza said there was conversation after the gifts were awarded that we were $30,000 to $40,000 below
SOROCO. The Education Fund Board said they would entertain an additional request from Hayden for needs that
the district felt was appropriate. The Education Fund Board would push the request through for us. However, they
need to have the request in by May 20th. Ms. Vader said the technology committee will be meeting tomorrow to see
what they feel are the highest needs of the district. Further discussion ensued.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Approve Formation of District Health Advisory Committee ~ On a motion by Fralick, seconded by Nereson, it was
resolved to approve the Formation of the District Health Advisory Committee as presented.
Discussion: Mrs. Sweetser said the details of forming the committee would be handled by Kristi Brown, the
district’s current Health/Wellness Coordinator. She further explained that we have the grant to pay for the
Health/Wellness Coordinator for one more year. With the formation of the committee we will be able to apply for a
grant to pay for another three years for the position.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Approve Change in High School Graduation Credit Requirements – 1st Reading: On a motion by Nereson,
seconded by Fralick, it is hereby resolved to approve the Change in High School Graduation Credit Requirements –
1st Reading as presented.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Approve 2015–2016 Academic Calendar ~ On a motion by Fralick, seconded by Fulton, it was resolved to approve
the 2015–2016 Academic Calendar without the proposed additional five PLC days and stay with the current
calendar structure as presented.
Hayden School District
Board of Education Minutes
May 13, 2015
Discussion: Mrs. Fralick stated that she would like to see the calendar stay the same as it currently is without the
split schedules of the elementary and the secondary school. Mr. Frentress commented that he would like to see a
calendar that works for both schools and to look into the possibility of starting up the enrichment days again. He
reiterated that the feedback he received was against split schedules. Mr. Hoza stated that it’s up to the
administrators to manage the time within the calendar. Mrs. Fralick agreed and said that the calendar discussions
need to happen earlier in the year and is also something that should be worked into the strategic plan.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Adopt the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year Proposed Budget ~ On a motion by Nereson, seconded by Fralick, it was resolved
to adopt the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year Proposed Budget as presented.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Approve Capital Projects for FY15-16 ~ On a motion by Fulton, seconded by Fralick, it was resolved to approve
the following Capital Projects for FY15-16 as presented.
Replace one heater in vocational building:
Restripe parking lots:
Reseal elementary parking lot:
Replace heat pump at elementary:
Paint high school auditorium:
Sidewalk concrete grinding:
On motion by Fulton, seconded by Frentress, it was resolved that the Board of Education go into executive session
at 9:10 p.m. for the purpose of discussions regarding personnel matters as authorized by C.R.S. 24-6-402 (4) (f).
Discussions determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations; developing strategy for
negotiations; and instructing negotiators as authorized by C.R. S. 24-6-402 (4) (e). Those present at the outset of the
executive session shall be members of the Board of Education and the superintendent and that by this motion the
Board announces that such is the purpose of the executive session.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
The Board returned from Executive Session at 12:30 a.m.
Confirmation was made that discussions during the previous executive session did not stray from the matter(s)
stated at the onset of the executive session; or, did the board adopt any proposed policy, resolution, regulation, or
take any formal action.
Approve Request to Participate in Longevity Plan: On a motion by Fulton, seconded by Nereson, it was resolved
to approve the request of Ty Zabel to participate in the longevity plan as presented.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Hayden School District
Board of Education Minutes
May 13, 2015
Approve Resignation of Classified Staff ~ On a motion by Nereson, seconded by Frentress, it was resolved to
accept the resignation of Yonnie Nichols as bus driver and food service server as presented.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Approve Updated Substitute List ~ On a motion by Fulton, seconded by Nereson, it was resolved to approve the
Updated Substitute List as presented.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Hire Elementary Half-Time P.E. Teacher ~ On a motion by Fulton, seconded by Fralick, it was resolved to employ
Elizabeth Meissner as elementary half-time p.e. teacher as presented.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Hire Middle School Head Volleyball Coach: On a motion by Fulton, seconded by Nereson, it was resolved to
employ Anna Davis as middle school head volleyball coach as presented.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Hire Middle School Girls’ Head Basketball Coach: On a motion by Nereson, seconded by Fulton, it was resolved
to employ Kelsey Murchison as middle school girls’ head basketball coach as presented.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Approve Assistant Coaching and Extra-Duty Assignments (Exhibit A) ~ On a motion by Frentress, seconded by
Fulton, it was resolved to approve the Assistant Coaching and Extra-Duty Assignments listed on Exhibit A for the
2015-2016 school year per the appropriate salary schedule as amended.
Amended: Table hiring of Ryan Wilkie as middle school girls assistant basketball coach until the June 17, 2015
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Approve Salary Schedules for the 2015-2016 School Year ~ On a motion by Nereson, seconded by Frentress, it was
resolved to approve the Salary Schedules for the 2015-2016 School Year as presented/amended.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Hayden School District
Board of Education Minutes
May 13, 2015
Approve Superintendent Contract for FY15-16 ~ On a motion by Nereson, seconded by Fulton, it was resolved to
approve the Superintendent Contract for FY15-16 as presented.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Mrs. Nereson expressed concern regarding the amount of the lease agreement with Key Government. Further
discussion ensued. The board asked Ms. Vader to follow up with the board requested conversations. Mr. Hoza
shared the results of the “School Grades” that was recently released. Mrs. Nereson asked if the board had any
additional thoughts on the additional $30,000 in funding from the Education Fund Board. Mrs. Fralick said that she
felt it should go towards technology. Mr. Hoza said there are some other areas of needs as well. Ms. Vader
suggested that we have to proposals ready to present to the EFB. Discussion ensued. Ms. Vader clarified that the
board was also interested in requesting the funding for a counselor position. The board agreed that was correct. Mr.
Frentress asked about the job descriptions for directors. Mrs. Linsacum replied that we have some, but she didn’t
think there was one for the vocational director.
On motion by Nereson, seconded by Fralick, it was resolved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of
Education at 12:53 a.m. on May 14, 2015.
ROLL CALL: Fralick aye, Frentress aye, Fulton aye, Hoza aye, Nereson aye
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Brian F. Hoza, President
Hayden School District
Sharon Nereson, Secretary
Board of Education Minutes
May 13, 2015