Definitions – extra requirement Definitions – extra requirement signal molecules - in a different file! 15 + 16. lectures: Signaling pathways inhibition of JAK/STAT signaling pathway 16. lecture: Main signaling pathways - I Hedgehog signaling pathway 16. lecture: Main signaling pathways - II morphogen concept ZPA (zone of polarizing activity) Delta-Notch signaling pathway apoptosis 16. lecture: Apoptosis autophagy necrosis intrinsic pathway extrinsic pathway caspase initiator caspase effector caspase inhibitors and activators of caspases cytochrome C knockout animal topoisomerase Bcl-2 proteins nucleases in apoptosis IAP (inhibitors of apoptosis proteins) ER stress death receptor TNF receptor signaling The PI 3 kinase/Akt pathway inhibition of apoptosis by survival signals The role of p53 in apoptosis – cytosolic p53 pathway pancreas 16. lecture: Insulin signaling pathway beta cells insulin signaling pathway diabetes retina 16. lecture: Vision guanyl cyclase signaling pathway neuromodulation 17. lecture: Neural communication – communication of neurons neurotransmitter reuptake SSRI (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) enzyme degradation MAO (monoamine oxidase) acetylcholinesterase LTP 17. lecture: Neural communication - LTP Hippocampus NMDA and non-NMDA receptors 2012 spring semester page: 1 Definitions – extra requirement determinism theory 18. lecture: Immunbiology - I stochastic theory complement system coagulation system lactoferrin, transferrin interferon lysozyme phospholipase defensin interleukin macrophage myeloid cells lymphoid cells natural killer cells hematopoetic stem cells (HSCs) myelocytes erythrocyte hematopoietic growth factors hematopoietic transcription factors autoimmune disease receptor editing clonal deletion clonal inactivation clonal supression junctional diversification allelic exclusion antibody genes Rag V(D)J recombinase recombination signal switch sequence antigen-presenting cells 18. lecture: Immunbiology - II T cell receptors (TCRs) I MHC II MHC dendritic cell T cell activation T cell tolerance cytotoxic T cells: perforin-dependent killing cytotoxic T cells: Fas-dependent killing CD4 and CD8 co-receptors ABC transporter interferon- cross-presentation selection of cytotoxic and helper T cells MHC diversity 2012 spring semester page: 2 Definitions – extra requirement 20. lecture: Genes and Behavior Sigmund Freud – psychoanalytic school William James – functionalism Behaviorism cognitive psychology sociology social psychology ethology sociobiology Evolutionary psychology HPA axis 20. lecture: Genes and Behavior amygdala hyppocampus hypothalamus CHRM2 gene – gene of intelligens Drd4 gene (dopamin receptor) – adventure gene VMAT2 gene - religious belief FoxP2 gene -speech HTR2B gene –impulsivity genetics of homosexuality social-darwinism eugenics artificial embryo twinning 21. lecture: Cloning in vitro fertilisation (IVF) benefits of cloning chimeras hybrids asilomar conference 21. lecture: Recombinant gentechnology protest by the society against gentechnology site-specific recombination foreign gene delivery to ES cells regulation of foreign gene expression cell-specific gene expression F plasmid Generation of knockout animals in vivo RNA interference protein engineering recombinant antibody economical protectionism 21. lecture: GMO terminator and traitor technologies Agrobacterium tumefaciens Bt toxin Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) 21. lecture: Cancer Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus Hepatitis B virus (HBV) 2012 spring semester page: 3 Definitions – extra requirement pre-metastatic niche conception c-myc c-Fos c-Jun inflammation and cancer Helicobacter pylori c-onc, v-onc Rous sarcoma virus angiogenesis the mutant-gene paradigm “master” genes increased mutation rate theory early instability theory aneuploidy theory cancer stem cell theory driver and passenger mutations parasite tumor cells antioxidant domains of the p53 MDM2 p53 – upstream factors p53 – downstream effects p53 – decision making Li-Fraumeni syndrome whole-body therapies 22. lecture: Cancer therapy local therapies chemotherapy radiation therapy down-regulation of proto-oncogenes delivery of pro-apoptotic genes suicide therapy delivery of immunomodulatory genes delivery of angiogenesis inhibitor genes recombinant antibody therapy Immunotherapy cancer vaccines oncolytic virotherapy pharmacotherapy prophylactic (preventive) vaccines gleevec 7. lecture: Tumor diagnostic immunotherapy of cancers cancer vaccines prophylactic vaccines therapeutic vaccines oncolytic virotherapy of cancers 2012 spring semester page: 4 Definitions – extra requirement pharmacotherapy of cancers herceptin thalassemia 24. lecture: Monogenic disorders galactosemia Hemophilia Marfan syndrome achondroplasia albinism Tay-Sachs disease obesity - monogenic type color blindness color vision deficiency achromatia monochromacy dichromacy protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia anomalous trichromacy cone rod neuropeptid Y (NPY) 24. lecture: Obesity, Osteoporosis, Mitochondrial diseases melanocortin-4 receptor rank ligand heteroplasmy syntitium 24. lecture: Cardiovascular diseases Purkinje fibres atrioventricular (or AV) node His-bundle EKG gap junction tachycardia bradycardia arrythmic triggering factor ischemia angina pectoris cholesterol hypertony allergy 24. lecture: Immunological disorders histamine gastroenteritis hay fever Type IV hypersensitivity diabetes type 2 25. lecture: Molecular Biology of the Brain and Mind - Introduction psychotherapy types of anxiety 25. lecture: Mental disorders of the mind Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 2012 spring semester page: 5 Definitions – extra requirement types of depression electroconvulsive therapy antidepressant tricyclic antidepressant MAO inhibitors types of schizophrenia genetics of suicid prion 25. lecture: Disorders of the brain Creutzfeld-Jakob disease kuru scrapie trinucleotide repeat disorder polyQ disease – non-polyQ disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) SOD1 gene Parkinson disease - treatment germ line cell 26. lecture: Stem cells mesenchymal (stromal) stem cell skin stem cells neural stem cells Induced pluripotent stem cells ADA gene therapy 26. lecture: Gene therapy cystic fibrosis gene therapy photopigment gene therapy DNA vaccine 26. lecture: Vaccines subunit vaccine toxoid vaccine edible vaccine limitations of predictive medicine 27. lecture: Medical Genomics genetic testing of newborns prenatal testing amniocentesis chordocentesis preimplantation genetic testing preimplantation genetic diagnostic preimplantation genetic screening carrier testing preconception testing linkage disequilibrium common disease-common variant hypothesis Rare Genetic Variant hypothesis tag SNP HapMap Project pharmacogenomics nutrigenomics epigenomics 2012 spring semester page: 6 Definitions – extra requirement HapMap GWA (Genome-wide association studies) genetic distance genetic mapping – parametric method genetic mapping – non parametric method RFLP microsatellite marker Metabolic syndrome Metabolic stress phenotypic biomarkers DNA methylation histone epigenetic modification CpG island epigenetic code: histone code + DNA methylation code epigenetic program genetic imprinting ChIP technic high throughpout mapping technic Human Epigenome Project (HEP) methylation variable positions (MVPs) luciferase 28. lecture: Frontiers of Molecular Biology PET 28. lecture: Frontiers of Molecular Biology electrophysiology fluorescent activity markers Ca2+ sensor FRET optogenetics channel rodopsin cre-loxP system 28. lecture: Frontiers of Molecular Biology conditional knock-out animal brainbow tetracycline system Tet-ON + Tet-OFF system synthetic life 28. lecture: Frontiers of Molecular Biology synthetic genomics X174 bacteriophage Mycoplasma metagenomics TaqMan Probe Practice, Seminar Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR) Pyrosequencing SMRT (Single Molecule Real-Time technology) Nanopore sequencing Please note that the definition list contains terms, that only occurs in the "Definitions" section of the exam paper. To learning just this material are not substitute the meaningful learning of the whole material. 2012 spring semester page: 7