Class #1: Alphabet & Everyday Words Self Introduction Orientation

Class #1: Alphabet & Everyday
 Self Introduction
 Orientation Information (Review)
 Teach Hello Song Signs
 Sing & Sign Hello Song
 Teach Alphabet
o A-E, A-J, A-S, G-Z (review / quiz)
 Teach New Signs
o Mommy, Daddy, “I Love You”
o Milk, Eat, More, Finished
o Please, Help, “Thank You”
 Teach Goodbye Song Signs
 Sing & Sign Goodbye Song
 Questions
 Go over Home Activity
 Caroline Plank 2011 for Level 1:
My Smart Hands, Sign Language Class for hearing Babies and Toddlers
Class #2: Family Signs
 Review Signs for Hello Song
 Sing Hello Song
 Ask how signing is going at home / any signs you need to
 Review ABC and quiz again
o A-E, A-J, A-S, G-Z (review / quiz)
 Sing ABC Song
 Quiz signs from last week: Play “SIGNO”
 Teach New Signs
o Grandma, Grandpa, Girl, Boy
o Baby, Family, Daughter, Son
o Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle
 Review Signs for Hello Mommy, Hello Daddy
 Sing & Sign Hello Mommy, Hello Daddy
 Waterfall Sign Game or Dice Roll Game
 Go over Home Activity- show example
 Caroline Plank 2011 for Level 1:
My Smart Hands, Sign Language Class for hearing Babies and Toddlers
 Sing & Sign Goodbye Song
Class #3: Food Signs
 Sing Hello Song
 Ask how signing is going at home / any signs you need to
 Quiz signs from last week: Play “SIGNO”
 Sing Hey Mommy, Hey Daddy
 Teach New Signs
o Apple, Banana, Carrot, Cereal
o Cheese, Cookie, Cracker, Drink
o Noodles (pasta), Sweet Potato, Yogurt, Water
 Review Signs for On Top of Spaghetti
o Spaghetti, Cheese, Meatball, Sneeze
o Table, Floor, Door
o Garden, Bush, Mush (Melt)
 Sing & Sign On Top of Spaghetti
 Waterfall Sign Game or Dice Roll Game
 Go over Home Activity- show example
 Caroline Plank 2011 for Level 1:
My Smart Hands, Sign Language Class for hearing Babies and Toddlers
 Sing & Sign Goodbye Song
Class #4: Animal Signs
 Sing Hello Song
 Say Name, finger spell parent / child’s name
 Quiz signs from last week: Play “SIGNO”
 Sing On Top of Spaghetti
 Ask how signing is going at home, share time!
 Teach New Signs
o Animal, Bear, Bird, Bug, Cat, Cow
o Dog, Elephant, Fish, Horse, Monkey, Sheep
 Read & Sign Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?
 Review Signs for Old MacDonald Had a Farm
o Old, Farm, E, I, O
 Sing & Sign Old MacDonald Had a Farm
 Grab Bag Game (Picture / Word Cards in a bag)
 Make a sign- everyone guesses (person that guesses has turn)
 Go over Home Activity- show example
 Caroline Plank 2011 for Level 1:
My Smart Hands, Sign Language Class for hearing Babies and Toddlers
 Sing & Sign Goodbye Song
Class #5: Toys / Objects
 Sing Hello Song
 Quiz signs from last week: Play “SIGNO”
 Sing Old MacDonald Had a Farm
 Ask how signing is going at home, share time!
 Teach New Signs
o Toys, Ball, Blanket, Doll, Pet, Swing
o Plane, Bike, Boat, Car, Train, Truck
 Review Signs for I Love To Ride
o Airplane, Sky, Moon, Boat, Night
o Lights, Bus, Bar, Cars, Train, Mountain
o Clouds, Bike, Summer Day, Fun, Ball game,
 Sing & Sign I Love To Ride
 Grab Bag Game (Picture / Word Cards in a bag)
 Make a sign- everyone guesses (person that guesses has turn)
 Go over Home Activity- show example
 Caroline Plank 2011 for Level 1:
My Smart Hands, Sign Language Class for hearing Babies and Toddlers
 Sing & Sign Goodbye Song
Class #6: Bedtime
 Sing Hello Song
 Quiz signs from last week: Play “SIGNO”
 Sing I Love To Ride
 Ask how signing is going at home, share time!
 Teach New Signs
o Bath, Bed, Book, Change, Diaper, Light
o Moon, Night, Potty, Read, Stop, Tired
 Review Signs for Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
o Twinkle (Shine), Star, Wonder, Up
o World, Diamond, Sky
 Sing & Sign Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
 Grab Bag Game (Picture / Word Cards in a bag)
 Go over Home Activity- show example
 Sing & Sign Goodbye Song
 Caroline Plank 2011 for Level 1:
My Smart Hands, Sign Language Class for hearing Babies and Toddlers
Class #7: Opposites
 Sing Hello Song
 Quiz signs from last week: Play “SIGNO”
 Sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
 Ask how signing is going at home, share time!
 Teach New Signs
o Dirty, Clean, Up, Down, Good, Bad
o No, Yes, Wet, Dry, On, Off
 Review Signs for Itsy Bitsy Spider
o Itsy (Little), Spider, Water, Down, Rain
o Throw, Out, Sun, Dry, Again
 Sing & Sign Itsy Bitsy Spider
 Review Signs for Please Change Me
o Diaper, Dry, Wet, Upset, Cry, “Change me”, Clean, Dirty
o Mom, Up, Down, Full, Dad, “Grow Up”, Potty, Now
 Sing & Sign Please Change Me
 Caroline Plank 2011 for Level 1:
My Smart Hands, Sign Language Class for hearing Babies and Toddlers
 Go over Home Activity- show example
 Sing & Sign Goodbye Song
Class #8: Emotions
 Sing Hello Song
 Quiz signs from last week: Play “SIGNO”
 Sing Please Change Me, or Itsy Bitsy Spider
 Ask how signing is going at home, share time!
 Teach New Signs
o Happy, Great, Like, Cry, Grumpy, Hurt
o Again, Dance, Hide, Music, Shout, Throw
 Review Signs for Play It Again
o Music, dance, Stops, “All Done”, Shout, Play, Again, Swing
o High, Play, Throw, Ball, Brother, Hide, Sleep, Awake
 Sing & Sign Play It Again
 Book Share (Parent’s Choice)
 Grab Bag Game (Picture / Word Cards in a bag)
 Song (Parent’s Choice)
 Caroline Plank 2011 for Level 1:
My Smart Hands, Sign Language Class for hearing Babies and Toddlers
 Go over Home Activity- show example
 Sing & Sign Goodbye Song
 Caroline Plank 2011 for Level 1:
My Smart Hands, Sign Language Class for hearing Babies and Toddlers