COURSE SYLLABUS SURVEY OF MANAGEMENT & MARKETING MBA 503 Old Main 323 Leon Chickering Adjunct Professor Mobile number: 360-888-4725 (mobile) Email: Website site: Course Overview This is a survey course encompassing the management activities of planning, organizing, leading and controlling We will also look at various marketing activities including; the value of marketing, marketing research, CRM, consumer behavior, B2B markets, and sales and trade promotion. Overlaying all this content will be an exploration and practice of using social media in marketing activities and management decision-making. We will also have guest speakers with marketing and management experience. Course Outcomes At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Gain an understanding of marketing fundamentals 2. Gain an appreciation for the impact of marketing on decision making 3. Gain awareness of ethical issues in marketing 4. Develop the ability to think and decide as a CMO would 5. Understand challenges facing managers 6. Identify skills required of contemporary managers 7. Appreciate the composition and change in the basic functions of management Textbooks Required textbook: These are the two books we will be using this term; Marketing: Real People, Real Choices 7e, by Michael Solomon, Prentice Hall, 2012 Fundamentals of Management 9e, by Stephen Robbins, David Decenzo and Mary Coulter, Pearson, 2013 Optional book: The following book is the best I have found on creating, developing and using LinkedIn as your primary networking business resource. The author is one of my LinkedIn contacts; LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day, by Viveka von Rosen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2012. Course Schedule Week Module & Title Reading Assignments 1 Welcome to the Chapters World of 1&2 Marketing Marketing book Strategic Marketing Planning Chapter Facilitations (see spreadsheet) 2 Course Overview Marketing Research B2B Markets Course Outcomes 1, 2 Chose your firm TED video Chapters 4&5 Chapter Facilitations (see spreadsheet) Consumer Behavior 3 Online Discussion Forums DF1—in Moodle Chapters 6&7 Chapter Facilitations (See spreadsheet) Target Marketing Strategies and CRM 2 DF2—in Moodle TED talk Rory on consumer behavior DF3—in Moodle Is Mass Marketing Dead? (Frito Lay) 3, 4 4 4 5 Traditional Media Chapter 12 Managers & Management Chapter 1 Management Textbook Decision Making Chapters 4&5 Chapter Facilitations (see spreadsheet) DF4—in Moodle Chapter Facilitations (see spreadsheet) DF5—in Moodle Planning 6 Organizing Chapters 6&8 Chapter Facilitations (see spreadsheet) Change and Innovation 7 Motivating Employees Chapters 11 & 12 Leadership and Trust 8 Final Presentations 3 How To Build Positive Marketing Stories That Work 5, 7 A Sobering Look at the Impact of Bad Management on the Bottom Line DF6—in 6,7 Moodle How to Manage Your Smartest, Strangest Employee Chapter Facilitations (see spreadsheet) DF7—in Moodle Chapter Facilitations (see spreadsheet) No discussion forum this week Final papers due and in class presentations 5 Leadership and Trust 5,6,7 Grading A—90-100% B—80-89 C—70-79 D—60-69 F—<60 Activity Chapter facilitations (in class) Discussion Forums (online) Final paper & Prezi (in class) % of final grade 33.33 33.33 33.33 Course Activities Chapter reviews: Each student will be responsible for facilitating a discussion of several chapters, using Prezi, throughout the term. It is expected that you will cover the basics in the textbook, lead discussion of the main points, as well as giving us examples. I will model this process in Week 1. These will occur every session. These will account for 33.33% of your total grade. Weekly Discussion Forums: You need to participate in all forum discussions that will be posted in Moodle weekly. These will come from various sources. Forums are your best opportunity to demonstrate that you are thinking about the topics covered and relating these topics to one another and to material learned in other classes. Weekly responses to the discussion questions are to be posted no later than Friday by 11:55 p.m. each week. The goal of the discussion forum is to stimulate discussion about the topics being studied for the week. Your discussion question initial post should be between 200-300 words long. Please be sure to provide thorough information utilizing course materials as well as your personal/professional experience. Please include Links from other sources to stimulate further discussion. I will participate randomly in these sessions. In the second phases of the forum you are to respond to (and comment on) all other student posts by Sunday night at midnight. These responses need to be more than one word or line. Comment on the other students content, by giving additional information, links and ideas. This activity will account for 33.33% of your total grade. Final Paper: You are to prepare a paper (and Prezi for class) discussing in detail the marketing challenges or opportunities and management challenges or opportunities 4 for a company in one of the following categories: medical, technology, or automotive. This paper should illustrate your grasp of the concepts you have learned throughout the course and your ability to analyze a situation and recommend solutions. Put yourself in the role of a consultant who is looking at the marketing and management practices of the firm and how you might improve, change or leave them the same. These components are to be in the paper; 1. Title and title page: The title is a concise statement of the subject of the paper. 2. Abstract: The abstract is an "executive overview" of your paper. It should be a 50- to 100-word summary that would be appropriate to give your manager so that he/she would know the essence of your plan without reading the paper in its entirety. 3. Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of your paper with the page number. The list should include: a. Tables and figures, if you included more than two b. Appendices, if included c. Reference section listing sources used 4. Introduction: In this section, state the purpose of your proposal and ideas in succinct, declarative sentences. Convince your reader that the plan will have a practical value and meaning for the reader and the plan will be based upon the concepts studied in the course. 5. Background and Significance: This section should provide further justification of the need for your ideas and conclusion. For example: “This project examines the need to adopt a social media strategy at XYZ organization.” Outline anticipated challenges. Explain the applicable concepts and include examples and references from case studies completed during the course. 6. Discussion, Implications and Recommendations: In this section, you should provide a thorough discussion of specific solutions to challenges outlined in the background section, including specific platforms, strategies, and tools. Provide a recommended plan of action that includes a discussion of best practices and issues that need further research. Be sure that the recommendations are realistic in terms of the appropriate concepts and include examples from your own use of the recommended tools—for example, social media—throughout this course. 5 7. 8. References: You may use your textbook as a primary source of information, but you must also draw on other sources such as websites, business journals, information from an organization, and interviews with individuals. You must also include relevant personal experiences, such as social media participation. Be sure that you support the information presented with appropriate references. It is important that all references and quotes are cited correctly. All sources, including websites must be referenced in the bibliography or references list. You must follow the APA style for format. Appendices: Include a separate sheet and title for each appendix. 9. Length-- The length of the paper is not the primary measure of the quality of the paper. A paper of 40–50 pages is probably too long for the purposes of this course. On the other hand, the purpose of this assignment cannot be properly satisfied in a paper of only 5 pages! As a guideline, you will probably need 10–15 pages to present your marketing plan adequately. 10. Grading rubric—please review this to see how you will be graded. You will follow APA format. Make sure your spelling and grammar is precise. Of course you may use graphics and images to enhance your presentation. 11. Presentation: An in-class Prezi will accompany your paper, which is due the same night (last day of class), posted digitally to Moodle. 12. Grading: This paper will account for 33% of your grade. Please consult the Final Paper grading rubric in Moodle. Make sure your spelling and grammar is precise. Course Policies and other information Instructor Bio: Welcome to MBA 503, Marketing & Management! My name is Leon Chickering and I am honored to be your instructor for this course. Teaching is my passion. Learning and then sharing with others my experiences is of great inspiration to me. Currently, I am teaching graduate and undergraduate, online and face-to-face classes here at Saint Martin’s University in Lacey and at JBLM. More details are available at I have a great interest in eLearning and Social Media. Prior to being a professor, I worked over 40 years in the private sector in various Marketing and Sales positions. The firms that provided rich experiences included Xerox, Gartner and American Optical. I also did some local consulting and training at Xerox Learning Center in Leesburg Virginia. My military service was in the US Army, some at 6 Ft. Lewis. I am a graduate in business from the University of Washington (BBA) and Pacific Lutheran University (MBA). My wife, a Bostonian, and I have lived in Olympia for over 40 years and have two grown daughters and three grandchildren. Besides teaching I love to play golf, read, travel, walk, and spend time with my family. I am looking forward to learning more about you in our introduction session. System Requirements We will be using Moodle for all coursework, grading, assignments, etc. If you have questions related to how to log in or the requirements to interact with the online learning platform, please see “Getting Started with Moodle Student Guide” located on our course home page under “Resources”. Technology in the classroom We will be using the Smart Board for sharing content and presentations. We will also be using Prezi for your Chapter facilitation and book reviews. Laptops and tablets are permissible for taking notes and in supplementing our in class discussions. Our goal is full student participation in all class activities. Expectations: As an instructor, I expect you to participate in all peer presentations and discussion forums. If you have an extenuating circumstance and aren’t able to come to class or participate in the discussion forums, please let me know and we can make arrangements. Communication is truly the key, if I don’t know what you are struggling with, I cannot assist you and that is why I am here! Make sure you check your SMU email regularly. As a student, you can expect that I will respond to your e-mail within 48 hours (at the latest) and will grade assignments within five (5) days of the due date. Please contact me immediately if you have not heard from me within these timelines. Access/Disability Services: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) mandates colleges and universities to provide "reasonable accommodation" to any enrolled student with a disability. The law protects the student's rights to have an equalized opportunity for learning and for participating in campus programs and activities. Students have the right to services and reasonable accommodations providing they meet the basic requirements to perform activities of the program. St. Martin's University Student Services includes a Disability Support Services office, which works with students and potential students. We arrange those accommodations that allow our students to participate in classes and activities and have equal access to a full education here at the university alongside their fellow students, in whatever format the class is offered. Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonest as well as other policies related to attending Saint Martin’s University can be found online using the following link: Saint Martin's University 7 Student Handbook 8