Tuesday 22nd September
Year 10 & 11
Leader: Tid
Assistant: Kane Power
News and Reminders
· Check your group page, the notes are put up from each session for your benefit,
don’t let them go to waste.
· Don’t forget to update the BLOG! You should all have so much to say about the
session you’ve just participated in. This is where you can say it.
· Look out for brochures about other things going on in the Bristol Old Vic. There
are lots of exciting things to see.
In today’s session we were joined by Craig and Stuart; the 2 people behind “The
Nothing Show” being performed in the “Bristol Jam”.
“Bristol is famous for jazz - the purest form of improvised music. In the Bristol Jam it
will become the home of exquisite and wild improvisation in drama, dance, comedy,
blank verse, storytelling, guided tours, tragedy, painting, origami, even musicals. In
all these forms, virtuoso artists will create extraordinary work on the spur of the
moment. From improvised staging’s of classic plays to beatbox jam-ins and a
marathon improvised 24-hour soap opera, artists at the peak of their power will
create and collaborate in an entirely unpredictable manner. You can rely on being
“Some of the events will be announced quite late and others may arise entirely
spontaneously. Join the Bristol Jam network at Bristol to keep up to
date with the latest news and developments.”
For more information and tickets go to:
Worksop / Performance
Stuart and Craig instantly created a workshop / performance feel to the session and
immediately gave the room an idea of “the nothing show” to fun effect. Infectious
sounds of laughter spread through the room, as performer Craig began his
They came in today to work with us, on creating the end of their show; which is
essentially an improvisation including the audience… They came to use us as an
experience to see the initial reaction they would receive from a potential audience
and play around with ideas for the end.
“It was fun watching other people get up and then being allowed to join in” Natalie Davalba
“what was it like being the first one up?” - Craig
“I felt like I was going to be sick” - Astrid
“I think having this participation with the audience at the end means you arre more
likely to reciprocate audience participation as appose to at the beginning” - Katie
I think Anna Jordan brought up a nice point which I feel the 2 can take away with
them from this exercise. “Being performers and entering into a space where we are
anticipated to perform, means we are likely to get involved with the exercise.
However perhaps if I was just an audience member or someone who was not a
performer I don’t feel like I would co-operate within the improvisation.”- Anna Jordan
The exercise was then re-done, but to make it less manufactured we were all given
different personality states: 8 ppl - Don’t Want to get up.
5 Ppl - Don’t make any eye contact with performer.
4 Ppl - Very excited / un-controllable.
2 Ppl - Want to get up and Spoil the Exercise.
Left Over Ppl - Gut Instinct.
“Could You please give a round of Applause for - THE NOTHING SHOW - ”
Enter Performer.
Tinkle on the Piano.
Approaches Immediately the excited members of the audience.
Emma Fredericks and Rebecca Gardener get up in their uncontrollable excited
demeanour and begin an enthralling game of tennis… What is a game of tennis
without an umpire. Sophie Davey reluctantly steps up to the plate, staying with her doesn’t want to get up - characteristic.
What I found interesting as any audience member who wasn’t taking part, was how
the people who had already been given a task and began their action, they were
then more interested in who was coming up next and what it was they were being
instructed to do, as appose to their individual task.
Levi with his incapability to join in and Wills struggle to receive his hat were two
highlights of this attempt to create realistic audience response to the ending.
“As an audience member You enjoy more the things that happen by mistake as
appose to the things you as a performer make happen” - Katie Hope
“Its better to take off someone’s hat than someone’s shoe” - Natalie Davalba
“A hat is an accessory”
“A Shoe is a necessity”
“Yes to Hat”
“No to Shoe” - Alex James
What I really picked up and enjoyed was everyone’s enthusiasm within the
Possible Ideas for the ending:
“Rock band where the audience creates the music” - Alex James
“Do something that is know to all people and can be done on a mass scale eg. The
okie cokie” - Katie Hope
“The idea of a beach and people creating waves /deckchairs etc” - Kathryn Stokes
Just to change it around a bit, Alex and Will Brown took to the stage and did their
own improvised ending getting everyone to create a mass soundscape using some
crazy movements to go with the them… HIGHLY ENJOYABLE EXPERIENCE!!
To end the session we played a game of ‘Killer Tic’ and ‘Targets’
Killer Tic
Just like any normal game of Tig or Tag but with a way of defending yourself!
One person (A) is ‘on it’ and they go to tag someone else (B). Person (B) can either
run away or shout someone elses’ name. That person is then ‘on it’. If person (B)
fails to say someone else’s name quickly enough, is unclear, or shouts the name of
someone already dead, they must die. Everyone else must hum and freeze, whilst
the person dying makes an open ‘Ah’ sound that fills the room and drops to the floor.
The game continues with the same person on it. If, whilst someone else is dying you
move, you must also die.
This is a game of honesty, and quick reactions. Honing skills in spatial awareness,
memory, concentration and energy.
This weeks winners were: LEVI MILES and KANE POWER.
Each person must have a target, place your hand on the small of your back facing
outwards, and a weapon, your index and middle finger of one hand. The aim is to
touch as many peoples targets as possible. You must keep moving at all times. If
you stand against a wall, you die. If you stand still, you die. If you move your target,
you die! This is a game of honesty and agility. Honing skills in spatial awareness,
energy, concentration, and down right speed!
This weeks Winner was again: LEVI MILES.
For next week
Bring developed ideas and research on The Pied Piper. The Pied Piper is possibly
going to be the new Spring Show, so ensure you familiarise yourself with the story.
Bring in some picture, some literature on the story, possible scenes. Be as inventive
and creative as you like.