Transportation/Childcare Plans


Transportation/Childcare Plans-Notes and Templates

My notes from Dec. 2012 training

Strengthening Childcare and Transportation


Specifics- names and numbers, not just "family and friends"

Use documented back-up plan to hold them accountable-Review Eco-map to identify people who can help

Clients with no Eco map or network or back-up:

Back-up plan could be creating a back-up plan

Joining mommy and me groups, PTA, other daycare parents Stroller groups, google it an Craigslist, Mom's of Pre-schoolers MOP Using Career Club to address Childcare issues

Transportation Plan

What bus at what time to get to work? Use trip planner.

Friend/ family- who? Have they actually talked to the person?

Walking/bike- how long

What's the communication plan for being late? Who do they need to contact in the case of tardiness?

Issues with communication and phone numbers

Require back-up phone numbers and making them sign-up for email prior to intake.

Using community VM

When you do for the client it sends sub-conscious message that they aren't capable.

Sample Template: Transportation

Current Plan:

I will use Metro Tripplanner to identify which bus will get me to work on time. I will take bus (#) at (time).

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Transportation/Childcare Plans-Notes and Templates


I will use my car to get to work. I have provided insurance, registration, and ID to obtain gas assistance.


I will use my car to get to work. I do not have insurance (or ID) and understand the risks of driving without appropriate coverage. I have declined to use public transportation. ( Optional -I will provide documentation to obtain assistance with getting insurance by-date)


My brother/boyfriend/mom (Name) (number) has agreed to take me to work.

Back-Up Plan:

If I miss my assigned bus, I will call my site supervisor and EA to inform them I will be late. I will take next available bus to get to my site for my shift.


If I miss my bus my (mother, brother, friend) will take me to work. Their name and number are (Name) (phone number)


If my car does not work I will take the bus. I will use Metro Tripplanner to identify the appropriate bus and schedule to get to work on time. I will contact my EA for assistance with a bus pass if needed.

In the event that transportation issues cause me to be tardy to work I will contact my site supervisor and EA immediately and get to work as soon as possible with my back up plan.

Post Plan:

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Transportation/Childcare Plans-Notes and Templates

I will continue to use public transportation and budget $90 ($108) per month to buy a bus pass.


I will budget ($?) monthly for gas and insurance to maintain my car


I will arrange to carpool with co-workers

I will make sure to maintain a strong back-up plan for transportation issues and work with my employer to make sure that I understand the appropriate procedures for attendance and punctuality reporting unforeseen issues that may cause me to be late. I will maintain good communication with my employer at all times.

Sample Template: Childcare

Current Plan:

My child is enrolled for daycare with [name/address/number]. The hours that my child can be there are [am-pm]. I must be at the daycare no later than [time] to pick-up my child or I will pay a fee of [$/minute].


My (mother/uncle/sister/friend) watches my child. Their name and number are [].

They have filled out all appropriate forms to be compensated by DSHS and are approved. They understand that they must be available from (am-pm) to watch my child so that I may get to work on time.

Back-Up Plan:

In the event that my childcare falls through, I can contact (name and number) who has agreed to provide me back-up childcare.

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Transportation/Childcare Plans-Notes and Templates


I currently have no one to back-up my childcare. I will research and join a parenting group by [date] and work to network with other mothers to establish back-up options. I will also review my Eco-Map to identify potential back-up and contact them to discuss their willingness to assist me. If I must stay home with my sick child I will notify my site supervisor and EA immediately. I will provide doctor’s notes and official documentation of my absence.

Post Plan:

I will continue to use my current childcare provider and build my network of backups through friends, family, and parents that I have met through parenting groups and PTA/school meetings.

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