tdm350 - Arizona State University

Arizona State University
School of Community Resources and Development
REC: 350 Tourism Marketing
Class Hours:
Office Hours:
3:15 – 4:30 MW SCOB 250
Dr. Deepak Chhabra
602-496-0172; email:
11:00 -1:00 T & 12:00 – 1:00 TH and by appointment
This course is designed to introduce the marketing concepts in
tourism with a practical marketing-management approach. The
contents are supported by research grounded in economics,
behavioral sciences, and current management theory. In addition,
this course examines demand and supply of tourism and
community based assets with a focus on marketing tourism in
Arizona and beyond.
Course Objectives: After completing the course, the students should be able to:
1. Apply the marketing concept and its principles to the travel and
tourism industry.
2. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the generic service
industry characteristics that require particular forms of
marketing responses.
3. Understand the significance of research in the marketing
4. Understand the significance of marketing information to the
travel and tourism industry.
5. Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of marketing strategies
related to travel and tourism organizations.
6. Develop appropriate marketing strategies to promote, advocate,
interpret and articulate the objectives of sustainable tourism
7. Understand the role of tourism marketing within the context of
Arizona tourism.
8. Understand the four main components of the marketing mix
and their practical application
9. Understand the influence of current trends on tourism
Course Requirements and Evaluations
This course is primarily a lecture course with emphasis on the textbook and outside
readings. There will be seven at-random quizzes, one take-home assignment, a mid. term
exam (Part I & Part II), one group project, and the final exam.
Quizzes (15 points each): You will be required to work with a person sitting next
to you. Please submit answers on a sheet of paper. The quiz with the lowest score
will be dropped.
Dates: Random
2. Assignment 1 (50 points): Please see the attached sheet.
3. Mid. term exam (100 points). This will be a cumulative exam. A study guide will
be posted on the Blackboard two weeks prior to the exam.
Dates: October 16-18
4. Final Exam (100 points): This will be a written exam
Date: To be announced
5. Group Project (60 points): Students will be assigned into groups of four. Each
group will evaluate and design the marketing mix of an allocated organization.
The project will have the following requirements:
a. Group discussion
b. PowerPoint presentation on marketing mix.
In order to accomplish the above task, you will need to get in touch with appropriate
destination marketing organizations (DMOs) such as the CVBs to gather information.
You will also need to participate in evaluating work of your other team members. You
will not always find a “perfect” team to work with. Often someone cannot or will not
contribute equally to their group. As part of the learning process and experience,
however, you are expected to serve your own team, best utilize every team member’s
strength, and help your team give the best performance.
Dates: November 29 & December 4
6. Writing style (APA): 30 points
Course Policies
This course will require extensive reading. Students are expected to complete assigned
readings prior to the next class session. Assignments after the due date will result in the
deduction of 3 points everyday. Your attendance will affect your grade. More than two
absences will result in the reduction of 5% points per absence. The students are required
to arrive to class on time. Any student arriving late (after the first five minutes) will be
marked absent and asked to leave.
There are no make ups for quizzes, mid. term exam, group project, and the final exam
except under authorized circumstances. The students are required to use APA writing
style. Every assignment will be checked for grammar and spelling accuracy.
The students can make up for 25 lost points by participating in an extra credit assignment.
This will be discussed in the class.
Lectures will be posted on Blackboard (in the COURSE DOCUMENTS option) by 5:00
p.m. prior to the class session. Blackboard can be accessed through MyASU portal
(http://my For students who have not used Blackboard before, please
check the following website for online assistance:
The students are required to be on their best behavior and respectful of ethnic diversity.
In case of any conduct breach, first a verbal warning will be given and the second time
the student will be asked to leave the class. If the student continues to display
objectionable behavior, action will be taken in compliance with the ASU guidelines.
Required Text
The students are required to purchase the following textbook: Morrison, A. (2002).
Hospitality and Travel Marketing. Delmar: Albany, NY.
375 - 400 = A+
350 – 374 = A
325 – 349 = A300 – 324 = B+
275 – 299 = B
250 – 274 = B225 – 249 = C+
200 - 224 = C
Important Dates
10/16 & 18
11/29 & 12/4
To be announced
Journal article summary
Mid. Term Exam (Part I & Part II)
Group Presentations
Final Exam
Course Content and Calendar
Approx. Date
Readings and Assignments
Introduction and review of course outline
Understanding the marketing concepts
Chapter 1
Marketing Services
Strategic Marketing
Chapters 2 & 5
Labor Day Holiday
Strategic Planning/Video
Chapter 8
The Marketing Environment
Guest Speaker
The role of research in marketing
Assignment 1
Marketing Research Case Study
Organizational Behavior
Consumer Behavior
Chapter 4
Market Segmentation
Chapter 7
The 4 Ps
Assignment 1 due
Distribution/Travel Agents
Mid. Term Exam (take-home and in-class)
Case Study Analysis/Guest Speaker
Chapters 14, 15, 16
Chapters 17 & 18
Synopsis/Final Exam discussion
Guest Speaker
Group Project Discussion
Group Presentations
Group Presentations
Final Exam
Chapter 6
Chapters 10 & 13
Chapter 19
Some Recommended Readings
Inskeep, E. (1991). Tourism Planning. An Integrated and Sustainable Development
Approach. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Cathy, E. & Canine, L. (2002). The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: Differences in
Hotel Performance Following 9/11. Cornell Quarterly, 43(5), 41-52.
Pine, R. (2002). China’s Hotel Industry: Serving a Massive Market. Cornell Quarterly,
43(3), 61-70.
Siguaw, J. & Enz, C. (1999). Best Practices in Marketing. Cornell Quarterly, 40(5): 3143.
Pellinen, J. (2003). Making Price Decisions in Tourism Enterprises. International Journal
of Hospitality Management, 22(2), 217-235.
Chhabra, D. (1998). Roles and Obligations of a Successful Hotel Brand Yesterday and
Today. Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference Proceedings.
Sim, M. & Burritt, C. (1993). Enhancing Resort Profitability with Membership Programs.
Cornell Quarterly, August.
Ritchie, R. & Ritchie, J. (2002). A Framework for an industry supported destination
marketing information system. Tourism Management, 23, 439-454.
Ryan, C. (1991). Tourism and Marketing – A symbiotic relationship. Tourism
Management, June.
Middleton, V. & Clarke, J. (2001). Marketing in Travel and Tourism. ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford, UK.
Holloway, C. (1989). The Business of Tourism. Third Edition. Pitman Publishing,
Leed, E. (1942). The Mind of the Traveler. Basic Books, USA.
Williams, A. & Shaw, G. (Eds.). (1998). Tourism and Economic Development.
Chichester, New York.
Pearce, D. & Butler, R. (1993). Tourism Research: Critiques and Challenges. Routledge.
Pocock, D. (1992). Catherine Cookson Country: Tourist Expectation and Experience. The
Geographical Association.
REC 350
Journal Article Exercise
50 Points
Select two articles related to marketing issues from the following journals and write a 4-5
page (double spaced) paper:
Journal of Travel Research
Journal of Vacation Marketing
Tourism Analysis
Tourism Management
Annals of Tourism Research
Tourism Review International
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Journal of Tourism Marketing
Your paper should include the following:
– Literature review
– Research question - background
– Methodology
– Findings
– Conclusion
– Recommendations and Limitations
Strengths and weaknesses of the article: representativeness of the sample, response rate,
clarity, does it address the research question, any other way to address the research
Use citations and quotations wherever necessary
Include a minimum of five references
Journal Article Review Format
You have to choose two articles that address marketing issues related to tourism. The
following must be followed regarding this assignment:
Attach a full copy of the journal articles to your paper.
At the reference page, list the complete citation/quotation as follows: (APA Style)
Siegenthaler, R. K. (1994). Importance-performance analysis: Application to
senior programs evaluation. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration,
12(3), 57-70.
Article Overview
What is the primary thesis or objective of the articles? Try to succinctly
capture the essence of the articles in one paragraph.
Describe the research approach, methods, etc, or if the papers have an
opinion or descriptive approach, then discuss the underlying rationale used by the
Your Reaction to the Articles
What is the practical value of the articles for you and the practitioners?
Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the article.
How to cite information in your text
Citing authors to back your discussion: Some examples
Given these characteristics, it was reasonable to expect that members of the
sample regularly participated in a variety of recreational activities (Howard &
Crompton, 1984; Simmons, 1988).
Lovingood and Mitchell (1978) reported that services provided by the public and
commercial sectors were reasonably distinct. While there is recent evidence of
support for this position (English & Cordell, 1987), others have argued that
traditional distinctions are eroding.
Same author, two articles from the same year.
Havitz (1989a) argued that although substantial overlap in the delivery of
recreational services occurs, many participants still have distinct perceptions of
the type and quality of services offered by the two sectors. These perceptions are
partially comprised of attitudes regarding the levels of professionalism and
empathy displayed by employees of government agencies and commercial
businesses (Havitz, 1989b).
REC 350 Tourism Marketing
Email Address:
Have you taken a marketing course before? If yes, please provide an overview of the
course structure.
Have you worked in the tourism/hospitality industry? If yes, please give details.
What are your career objectives?
How do you feel this course will help you to accomplish your career objectives?
What other courses are you taking this semester?