Experiential Learning (EXPRL) 191/192/193 Academic Internship Experience LEARNING OBJECTIVES WORKSHEET This assignment will help you devise challenging but manageable objectives. Setting such objectives is vital to your success as an intern. You will bring a rough draft of this worksheet to a meeting with the Internship Coordinator, and the two of you will discuss ways to focus and revise your objectives. You are also required to share and discuss your objectives with your Supervisor and Faculty Mentor. (Check CONNECT for the precise deadlines for the rough and final drafts of this assignment.) You can use this worksheet or type your answers on a separate piece of paper, but you must include responses to all questions (A through D). Be sure to answer the questions in complete and clear sentences. Your goals should not be the result of just showing up. Your objectives should be specific, measurable, challenging, realistic, and rewarding. BEFORE starting this worksheet, be sure to read pages 4-5 of the Internship Handbook for more guidance on developing Learning Objectives, including some examples of well-crafted objectives. Things to consider when writing your Learning Objectives: Why do you want an internship? What specific technical skills do you hope to learn? How does your internship relate to what you’ve learned in your classes? Will you be deploying existing skills in a new setting, honing skills, or developing entirely new skills? What kind of communication/interpersonal skills do you hope to gain? How might your internship help you move from college to career? Don’t just consider new skills; also think about gaining products for your portfolio, a network of professional contacts, and documented accomplishments that your future professional references could discuss. Objective #1 A) What specifically would you like to KNOW or be able to DO by the end of your internship? B) Give TWO specific actions you will take to accomplish this objective. Action #1: Action #2: C) How will you and others know you’ve accomplished this objective? In other words, how will your success be measured? Be specific. D) Describe why this objective is important to you. If it’s not important to you, come up with a different objective. Objective #2 A) What specifically would you like to KNOW or be able to DO by the end of your internship? B) Give TWO specific actions you will take to accomplish this objective. Action #1: Action #2: C) How will you and others know you’ve accomplished this objective? In other words, how will your success be measured? Be specific. D) Describe why this objective is important to you. If it’s not important to you, come up with a different objective. Objective #3 A) What specifically would you like to KNOW or be able to DO by the end of your internship? B) Give TWO specific actions you will take to accomplish this objective. Action #1: Action #2: C) How will you and others know you’ve accomplished this objective? In other words, how will your success be measured? Be specific. D) Describe why this objective is important to you. If it’s not important to you, come up with a different objective. Overall Goal Statement Combine elements from each objective above into a one-paragraph statement of your overall goals. Be sure to discuss your objectives, actions, and assessment methods. This paragraph should give the “big picture” of what you hope to gain from this experience. Final Paper Option You must write a final paper of at least four double-spaced in length at the end of your internship. Please indicate whether you would like to choose: Option A: Reflective Paper You’ll write about how well you met your learning objectives and answer 1-3 other questions (see pages 8-9 of the handbook) OR Option B: Design Your Own Paper Topic (See pages 9-11 of the handbook for info. about creating acceptable & manageable topics) If you chose Option B, describe the question you’d like to answer or topic you’d like to address in your Final Paper: