BIO 20 Biology 20 Course Evaluation and Expectations Semester 02 2006 - 07 Period Ms. L. Ng Location Instructor William Aberhart High School 1 2 SCI10 RM 227 BIO20 RM 227 3 BIO20 RM 227 4 PREP Aberhart 289-2551 Voice Mail Box 715 Website e-mail Introduction Biology is the study of life and living systems from the molecular level to the biosphere. Through the study of biology, learners are given an opportunity to explore and understand the natural world and to become aware of the profound influence of biology in their lives. The major science concepts developed in Biology 20 are systems, equilibrium, energy and matter. Biology 20 is a five-credit course that is divided into four units. Prerequisite: Students with less than 60% in Science 10 may experience difficulty in Biology 20. It is recommended that Grade 10 students who take Biology 20 should have a minimum mark of 75% in Science 10. Course Outline Unit Biology Review 1 2 Matter and Energy Exchange by the Human Organism The Biosphere Days 4 41 12 Jan 30 – Feb 2 Feb 5 – Apr 17 April 18 – May 3 Topics Life, Cell, Cellular Activities, Skills Digestive System Respiratory System 12 Circulatory System 10 – 11 Excretory System 13 Biogeochemical Cycles 1 Energy Flow in the Biosphere 2 Human Intervention in Ecosystem Dynamics Distribution of Biomes and Ecosystems Ecosystems and Energy Transfers Population Ecology and Evolution 1–3 Enzyme Action in Metabolism 5–6 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration 3 4 Matter and Energy Exchange in Ecosystems Cellular Matter and Energy Flows Final Review Final Exam 9 May 4 – 16 13 May 17 – June 7 Nelson Chapter Chapter Test(s)/Quizzes 5 Fri, Feb 2 8–9 Tue, April 17 Thu, May 3 3 2 Wed, May 16 4 Thu, June 7 7 June 8, 11-12 – Review package to be handed out at the beginning of June. Or even earlier for you keeners out there! Date and location TBA – bring pencil, eraser, pen, calculator, student ID. Please be prompt with returning your textbook on the day of the exam to the classroom. Assessment Course Work Assignments/Labs/ Quizzes Tests/Exams Course Work Total D:\106758895.doc Unit Test 40% 60% 100% BIO20 Final Mark Course Work 70% Final Exam 30% Final Course Total 100% 1 of 3 BIO 20 Course Expectations 1. Students are expected to attend class regularly and to be on time. After four absences, a discussion about absences will be made with the student, and parent(s)/guardian(s). At 7 – 10 absences, the student will be referred to Administration along with further contact home. The student may risk removal from the course if attendance/lateness continues. 2. Students are expected to complete lab reports and assignments for the day they are due. You will receive a zero for class work and labs unless you provide a note from a DOCTOR/DENTIST. However, all measures should be made to tell the teacher in advance. 3. Quizzes, tests and exams are to be written on the scheduled date. A mark of zero will be assigned for any test for which there is no prior notice for the absence. Prior notification requires the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) to phone the school (289 - 2551, Ext 447, Box 715) and leave a message for the teacher indicating the reason for the absence. Depending on the circumstances, you will write an equivalent quiz/test/exam immediately upon return. 4. Students are normally assigned to a lab group of TWO people. Both members of the group are expected to contribute in meaningful ways to the productivity of their group. Although a student is part of a lab group, each student is expected to write and hand in his or her own original lab report unless otherwise directed. 5. Students are expected to follow all safety procedures and precautions as instructed by the teacher. Failure 6. Students requiring help are encouraged to see the teacher for tutorial and if possible make an appointment to see the teacher out of class time. 7. Success in Biology 20 requires 4 to 6 hours per week to complete the assignments, reading and reviewing. A daily review of all work is necessary for good achievement. 8. You may find it useful to write the name and phone number of two students in your class that you can contact when you are absent to determine what work you have missed. Supplies Students are required to bring the following supplies to class each day: 3 ring binder goggles pencil lined paper pen eraser calculator student ID Nelson Biology Safety in the Laboratory Your personal safety and the safety of those around you depend upon the care with which you follow some general rules for safety in the laboratory. Remember that accidents can be prevented with common sense and attention tot eh experiment at all times. All students will be required to sign a lab safety contract prior to being allowed to participate in labs. Please follow Appendix 1 – 3 for further information and forms. Off-site Activities Disclaimer On occasion, off site activities may be assigned that are unsupervised by the teacher or other CBE employee. For instance, in science assignments or homework projects may encourage students to visit a location such as a public library, theatre, a business etc, that is off school grounds. Due to the nature and scope of such activities the teacher cannot supervise student, nor can any security check or other pre-screening by the CBE of individuals at the site take place. Therefore, parents are encouraged to participate in such activities by discussing the assignment with their child and providing appropriate supervision and/or transportation for their child to and from the activity site. The CBE does not arrange for travel to and from out of school unsupervised activities. If you have any questions about assignments, homework or unsupervised out of school activities in Science, please call your child’s teacher at 289 – 2551. D:\106758895.doc 2 of 3 Monday 29 JANUARY – Organization Day Tuesday 30 2nd Sem Begins, Regular Classes, Final Report Card for Sem 1 Wednesday BIO 20 Friday Thursday 31 1 FEBRUARY 2 5 START UNIT 1 6 7 Grade 9 Tours (No AM classes) 8 9 12 13 14 15 TEACHERS’ CONVENTION 16 TEACHERS’ CONVENTION 19 FAMILY DAY 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 1 MARCH 2 5 6 7 8 9 COMMON PD DAY 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 Sem 2 – Report Card 1, Homerooms Grade 10 & 11 21 22 Student-ParentTeacher Conferences (4 – 7 pm), No Classes, PD 23 26 27 28 29 30 LAST DAY OF CLASSES BEFORE SPRING BREAK 2 APRIL 3 4 5 6 Good Friday 9 NO CLASSES – Term 3 Ends 10 CLASSES RESUME, Term 4 Begins 11 12 13 16 17 UNIT 1 EXAM 18 START UNIT 2 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 1 MAY 2 3 UNIT 2 EXAM 4 START UNIT 3 7 8 Sem 2 – Report Card 2, Homerooms Grade 10 & 11 9 10 11 14 15 16 UNIT 3 EXAM 17 START UNIT 4 18 21 VICTORIA DAY 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 Graduation Ceremonies & Banquet, No Classes 31 4 5 Homeroom Gr 10 & 11 6 7 UNIT 4 EXAM 8 Locker Clean-out 11 Staff Appreciation BBQ 12 Last day of classes 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 Mark Appeals Day 26 27 28 Final Report Card & Refund Day 29 Organizational Day D:\106758895.doc PD Day, No Classes 1 JUNE 3 of 3